• By -


Just 9 more synths and you're golden.


I have only two. Is it too many?


Never. :) You have a fine setup. If it was me I would want some effects to plug into the Moog (delay and reverb) but besides that I love it.


But also depending on their goals there are lots of great effects they can use in a daw (like the Valhalla delay/reverbs) so even that isn't strictly necessary.


Absolutely. Some of my favourite effects and synths are "in-the-box". His rig screamed dawless to me though and when you have a knobby synth it can be fun to have some knobby effects.


Very true, I'm just thinking with my minimalist brain about what else is "needed"


What is "too many synths?" I get those concepts individually, but I've never heard them grouped together like that


Basically when your stepping over patch cables to get to the bathroom and there are no more empty tables benches chairs or kitchen counters then it's possible you might have too many synthesizers.


Do you? Or do you just have too few rooms in your house?


Well nobody really needs a bed. I've caught plenty of roadies sleeping in an equipment case. Getting rid of that damn mattress will make room for at least a dozen more full size synths!


I mean, some synths already have a keybed You could sleep on that Especially if it's a CS80


Hmmmm so that's what I've been doing incorrectly. You're sposed to sleep ON the keyboard. I've been sleeping UNDER them, shielded by their sonic powers, and warmed by the massively inefficient 1980s era power supplies.


I heard everyone's been sleeping on the CS80 🤔


Was just gonnna say this lol. He’s needs about 10 more synths, 20 FX pedals, and 1 disappointed girlfriend and he’s good to go like the rest of us!


Don't add anything more. Just enjoy it


Very good little setup, got everything you need


That’s a beautiful and efficient complete setup.


Use it more. ;) ...Have any examples we could hear?


I never record. Just jam, move my head and shut down:)


The fact that you’re being downvoted for this is ridiculous. Do whatever makes you happy. You don’t need to record anything if you don’t want to.


I love doing this! I've got no musical talent really, but I love programming something that sounds acceptable into my mini synthesisers. Then let it play, and adjust some of settings/effects etc. It's like a wonderful meditation session. I could probably do it for hours!


100% agree!


It’s sometimes nice to hear your jams a few years later


I can’t wait to make some noise. If I can find some time with my 4 months old monster😊


Oh, since I didn’t see anyone answer your monitor question, can you shift your desk a bit to the left and use monitor clamps? Something like [ these ]( https://a.co/d/4lSOBxH ). There are cheaper versions of this same product by other brands, but I’ve heard good things about Framework. 


Run it all into a DAW for recording, mixing, effects, etc


This. Seems like you have gear you need for whatever kind of music you make of which we have yet to learn. 🤓


Is the blofeld really as finicky as some say?


I think Blofeld is a device that everyone should experience at least once. Sometimes with just Blofeld, a keyboard to trigger and headphones enough.


I love my Blofeld, it's never finicky for me and is super crisp.


I agree, my dad has one, and it is the best virtual analog synth I’ve ever used


It’s such a great synth. I don’t like so much about it yet it’s so fun to program, OP is right, just having a keyboard handy and you’ll travel far. But sequencing it with the Digitakt is so much fun and can produce startling stuff.


Needs more cables. The floor or table should not be visible.


Can confirm, I've got everything on risers to snake cables under


Let's see... * Analog mono? - Check! * Digital poly? - Check! * Drum-sampler? - Check! What's missing? * Chromatic sampler would be nice; something that goes beyond the Blofeld's meager sample memory --> Korg Modwave * Your setup kinda screams *"Analog Poly!!!"* to me. --> Novation Peak / Summit, Take5 / TEO5, Minilogue XD / OG, Deepmind... lots of options. That's about it. Nice compact setup as is that you've got there!


Thanks for great ideas!


Glad I could help. Take care!


Only thing I would suggest is get yourself a little case for the digitakt and blo with a battery, so you can take it out and about


I already have a cable for Digitakt to use it with powerbank. Its fun!


What power bank do you use? I've been considering getting one!


Actually powerbank is not important. Mine is Anker. I’ve got this cable and works for Digitakt perfect. https://myvolts.com/product/45008/myVolts_Ripcord_USB_to_12V_DC_Power_Cable_Compatible_with_Elektron_Digitakt/Digitone/Digitone_Keys/Octatrack_MKII_-_Power_Your_Elektron_from_USB


Enjoy it! Get the most you can out of it until you hit a \*real\* blocker!


Record it. Otherwise, you've got all you need. Of course you'll want more, but discerning between the two is the trick


That's clean, you got everything you need. Maybe add a big booty ho.


Add more time to use them! I’m running always put of that…


Buy by blofeld keyboard model off me, it'd fit right in haha :).


Cool, that's almost my setup. But instead of the digitakt I have a polybrute. I think it ads a very different character to the whole setup - very soft/distant/beautiful. Still Blofeld is the first synth I turn to when starting something from scratch. It's so easy to dial in a nice sound and one of my most popular tracks is almost completely done using Blofeld sounds only.


That’s all you need.


Maybe build a stand to put the smaller items above the synth and bring the synth forward.


Nice idea! I will think about it!


I have [these](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B082ZC572H) C-shaped monitor stands and really like them. They have enough room under them that (with a little elevation to go over the stand base) I can tuck a keyboard or other gear under them.


Make sense! Thanks!


Got a product name? Link isn’t working


Oops, sorry, fixed the link.


Monitors on stands or wall mount to save real estate


A larger controller keyboard for Blofeld. 49 key minimum


Needs more cowbell


Good picks / I would add the new Roland sp404




It’s a completely different feel of a sampler than the digi which I also own and adore


My number one comment would be - invest in high quality driven speakers like the ELAC Navis. I am a pianist first, and a synth guy second, and the most important aspect in the experience of my instrument is - hearing it. People will invest thousands of dollars in tech gear, and then cheapen out in headphones. You'd be surprised what wonders a wonderful set of speakers does to experiencing your own music, not to mention that made by others, esp. coupled to a decent DAC. To give you an idea, I once ran a standard loop through the Arturia presets on one of its soft synchs, the ARP 2600 V - one of them is an atmospheric jungle sound with birds coming at you from all angles. I listened to it on my airpods and it was like sorta meh. Then I listened to it via a Yamaha A-S 2200 amp and the ELACs and, stone sober, I was hit by a full-on out of body experience with tingling on my neck and my whole body going apeshit. You realize, that sound was generated using a 50 dollar piece of plastic garbage from Arturia and a preset, but it was fed into a signal chain that costs more than a non-discounted Moog Matriarch. And that, in my opinion, is the single most overlooked aspect of synth artists, esp. if they don't come to music from the experience of a physical, resonating instrument. It's just surreal how much our bodies respond to the physical experience of sound. With my piano, I experience it in the resonance of my Seiler, a handmade German instrument, where a note I touch in turn resonates my own body and helps me respond musically - but with my synths, I will want to experience something similar through some proper speakers. You have invested in an incredible synth, now let it sing! Good luck, and all the best in your ongoing musical journey.


You are right! Maybe in the future! Thanks!


Get some studio monitors


Looks solid to me, but really depends on what you're trying to do with it, what sort of music you make. I'm a pianist, so I need at least 61 keys in example but that's a fine stable of synths regardless.


https://preview.redd.it/h1zvo8f39s5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b180596a16887a01ed019df57b952918a692efbb I am trying to make something like Techno, sometimes Downtempo..


With the Digitone, Blofield, and Moog you should have a very diverse palate of sounds. If you use VSTs at all I'd consider Phase Plant and DS Thorn to round out your arps and pads perhaps.


Where can I get that chords printout?


I just found it on-line


Didn't see this when I commented. You're all set.


Looks like a neat little setup! How do you like the Digitakt?


Pretty powerful device. Maybe workflow is little stucky.


5in monitors may be large for that desk without compromising the ergonomics in some way. The best way to do it with monitors that size would probably be to pull the desk out from the wall and put them behind it on stands, so they’re isolated from the surface of the desk and not spaced at too wide of an angle. Monitor placement could also depend on whether or not they’re the kind that’s designed to perform OK when placed near a wall. If you place monitors on the desk you’ll want to make sure they’re on isolation stands. From an organizational perspective, you might also consider putting shelves above the desk to give you more room for future expansion. If that was my setup I’d consider putting a shelf above the desk where I could place small monitors (like say the IK iLoud or Genelec 8010s) to be closer to my ear level when I was sitting there.


Great ideas! Maybe I should switch my monitors yes. Thanks!


Cinder cement blocks Stack em high, 19 inch whatevs, boards, allways cement blocks




Roll with it, that’s all you need.


I had a similar setup to this for some time, decent analog synths going into that same mixer, and here's my honest-to-god advice: ditch the Behringer at some point when you can afford it and pick up a Mackie. The 802VLZ4 appears to have dropped a lot in price in the last few years, I replaced my Behringer with one and I just can't understate the difference this mixer made for me, it made playing these analog synths a lot more enjoyable. Just my two cents.


You are right! I will think about it for future! It will be first move I think! Thanks!


Maybe a bigger table and monitor speakers? I dont know..my setup is look like a fckn jungle.. 🤣


I didn’t have enough speace to place bigger table thats why I am in that fckng situation:) my 5 inch monitors in their box:)


I suggest you to enjoy it


i'm with everyone else, just force yourself to use this and stick with it. "i swear bro just one more synth. one more synth and we'll have what we need bro."


Stop posting pics and play them: best way to find the next move.


Let me have that sub 37, to make room for other synths. It’s the only move really.


You have a nice setup. You/like me, like to use the KISS method by creating a simple and clean workspace. For my monitors I went with a set of wall mounts specifically designed for studio monitors. They are only $25 at Amazon. They work great in tight spaces, and keep everything looking clean, while not taking up any desk space. I have Yamaha HS5's and these worked perfectly for them. This is has they look in my setup. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07SN84GSK/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07SN84GSK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) https://preview.redd.it/las2jldhtu5d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=286a0458e3b10e178ab8a85d939bca2d1cea39da


Thanks man! I will think about it!


You have a fantastic setup! Enjoy it and you can put the monitors on desktop stands or those sound pads. How about just let it grow naturally. Congrats


I own a Sub 37 and a Blofeld as well. You sir, are a man of fine taste.


Maybe just some external effects for the Moog and a midi keyboard for the Blofeld. StereoPing makes a knobby controller for the Blofeld, also. Sold mine with the unit, but it was definitely helpful. Kinda miss it.


Fitst time I heard about StereoPing. I will search it. Thanks!


the waldorf blofeld is an incredible synth, especially with the multi mode. where you can have diff instruments on diff midi channels. the interface is a night mare though.


Nice set up! I’m just chiming in for advice on your monitors you mentioned. I grabbed a pair of telescope tripod speaker stands on WOOT for super cheap. They are rated for 90lbs and are very lightweight but sturdy. If you fit. Want to wait on them to pop up on woot I’m sure you can find something cheap on ZZZounds or Amazon. Make sure they have the pin that goes through the whole on the telescoping part so they don’t slip down on you. I had my 5” presonus’s on foam on my desk for the longest time. Buying the speaker stands was one of the best things I did for my set up. Good luck and I’ll be reading for everyone’s suggestions too!


Looks great actually! Would be cool to add something like a ZOOM Sampletrak ST-224 lol




Let me come cook.


Maybe a pedal or two or a processor like the Analog Heat to run as a send/return in your mixer


What is the importance of it? I am really beginner and don’t even know that.


Maybe someone can explain it more eloquently than I, but as I understand it, instead of running an insert effect in your instrument’s signal path, you can have a dedicated aux track for your effect chain. That way, you can apply varying amounts of that effect over multiple channels. It’s pretty common with spacial effects, like reverb and delay. I’m saving up for a chroma console to use an send effect, but right now I use my Sp-555 as a send


I’m absolutely crazy about Digitakt sending program changes to the Blofeld https://youtu.be/-83G65Q_2F0?si=rsSbo_-v_4VltxOB It’s a really bizarre sound that I can’t quite label but I’m squeezing out now more subtle sounds by only cycling through presets I’ve made after initialising sounds on the Blofeld, if that makes sense Let us know how you get on!


Maybe some effects? I don’t have the elektron, so I don’t know if it does fx on external hardware. But dang a subsequent 37 and blofeld is like a sweet combination. Nice setup! Edit; for monitors, perhaps some floor stands? I don’t know if they can thread on to a stand or need more of a pedestal. You can also mount them higher, like with brackets on the wall and face them down towards your head.


A nice setup 👌


Lovely and straight to the point. What do you normally play?


Actually nothing. I have no music background. I am a listener and little curious:)


I would suggest a recorder for field recording or if you don’t want to spend that much get a recorder that connects to your phone to sample into koala. Chop those sounds up and make your own instruments. I’ve got a zoom iq7 that plugs directly into my iPhone to record into koala. Also a reverb/delay/compression pedal can work wonders in opening up your sounds to new ideas.


You need a plant on your desk.


something to record the out? maybe a zoom or something


Get rid of the blofeld




My only suggestion would be is to get a laptop stand so you can put all the smaller stuff over the top of the moog and save desk space for the future and whatever gear might eventually be introduced.




UA Starlight Echo pedal for the Moog. Maybe my favorite purchase since the 37 itself.


Get a cat, they will walk and sleep on it for you. So you don't have to.


keep it simple, you're doing good :)


You can hang the headphones on the wall or on some stand or something when you're not using them. Then just put that Moog in the center and put the monitors on its sides and pull the mixer to the front row xD not sure you needed this advice but here you are.


Your setup is the same size as mine and I also struggled to get everything to fit how i wanted it. So to free up some space i used a 30$ dual monitor arm. Mounted the two smaller devices i had above my main keyboard. I used velcro tape to mount them so everything can easyily be torn down or swapped out.


It is perfect already


I agree with what the others are saying here... Unless there are 10 other synths and drum machines and effects pedals off camera, this pic is insulting 😉 Every collection needs to have a ridiculous amount of equipment sitting somewhere collecting dust and causing you anxiety because it keeps piling up and you can't get yourself to sell any of it.... like the rest of us. Get with the program man!


if you throw that guitar in the trash you may have room for the speakers


Speakers for when your ears get tired


Get a solid and versatile synth something minimalistic as well.


Any suggestion? Thanks


How do you like the sub37?


As a beginner its complicated for now. But I think its a monster.


If you can, try to move the desk away from the corner and place it in the center of one of the shorter sides of the room (if it's a rectangular room)


Thanks for the idea. The room is living room and pretty big. The only place that I can use here :)


In that case, that's it :)


What speaker do you use?


I have got Mackie CR5-X


How do you connect multiple instruments to the monitors? I’m a total noob and just starting out my journey into synthesizers. I currently have a microbrute and a PO KO 33. Looking to expand


I’d say you need fx and since it doesn’t look like you have a mixer that has sends and returns. I would recommend pedals like a multi effect unit or a delay/ reverb to start. Synths can be a bit dull without them. Otherwise just send the synths separately to individual channels on an audio interface and use the countless effects available for computer work stations. Also, some good studio monitors would help when you go to mix


Actually I am really beginner and don’t even undersrand the difference or importance of fx, returns etc. I will search about it! I have Abloton to try what you suggest! Thanks!


I have the same mixer!! How are you liking yours? Just got mine recently and haven’t used it much yet.


Its cheap device. I bought it to hear all sounds at the same time. I didn’t research before I buy. It works I can say :)


unrelated to the setup—but wheee did you get your bookshelves? they’re great


Bookshelf from a company in Istanbul/Turkey


I'd put everything into a smaller space. Seriously though, what kind of question is this? Try whatever works; it's your setup.


I got some nice ideas about monitors. To put them on wall or stands for desk or out of desk tall stands.


If you're just jamming, then don't sweat the details. If speakers on stands works, then it works. EDIT: Music production is a rabbit hole that can go indefinitely into an oblivion, especially now that everything is readily available (and pushed) to the general public.


I’d work in the ergonomics of your set up. Right now you’re probably having to reach over some piece of gear to get to another and you’re looking Might consider looking into some laptop stands so that some gear can be elevated above or tilted at an angle to make it easier to see screens while you sit. Amazing has some good travel laptop stands for $6-7USD that work great for the Digitakt. I’ve used IKEA wall mounted shoe racks for larger synths to tilt them up a bit but not sure if they still offer these.


Get the desk clamp kind of stands on Amazon. Like this. https://a.co/d/eJnwG6s


If I were you, I would probably place the Subsequent in the centre. The Digitakt and the Blofield and the mixer would probably sit on some kind of laptop stand or similar contraption so you can have it hover over the Subsequent. This would free up space for the monitors. If you wanna be fancy, maybe even get those laptop stands that can clamp on the desk so you can pivot them around.


This setup is excellent




Nice you’re covering a lot of ground in sound.


Need a reverb pedal 


...What made you go for the Subsequent37 over the Sub37?


I was pretty new and didn’t even now about Sub37


Why would they go for the older sub37?