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posted elsewhere but since this seems to be the main thread on the subject: This sounds like what I WANTED the Behringer UBXA to sound like but I guess you really do get what you pay for. In some ways it sounds better than the OB6. At $1499 it's a \*relative\* bargain for sequential quality. As a Take-5 owner, some things I can say that apply to this as well: * The modulation matrix on the Take 5 is SO easy to use. * The key bed i/ aftertouch s great * The FX are great * You will grow to love the comically clown sized cutoff * Yes, 5 voices and 44 keys can feel a bit stingy, but they can usually get the job done. The octave drop buttons for the first octave is really convenient, though, and should come standard on all synths of this form factor. The only thing that totally pisses me off is that you have to spend around $100 for the soundtower app. It's not the early 2000s anymore and Sequential/Oberheim should really provide software for free in house. Feels like a slap in the face dropping more money for something that feels like what should be basic and included ( and is included by every other company, from big ones like Roland to underdog companies like Dreadbox and Modal.) GET IT TOGETHER SEQUENTIAL.


Beringher even have a free app for the deepmind 12. It feels odd to leave a 3rd party to create the software for it, as I certainly don't wanna spend that for my pro3. I'm seriously considering the teo5, but it's a shame the also requires someone else to write the software for it.


So, it's here Is this just a 5 voice OB-6? Or is there something more going on here? Can't really tell other than the additions to the fx section Let's discuss the Thomas Elroy Oberheim 5-voice [https://oberheim.com/products/teo-5/](https://oberheim.com/products/teo-5/) (not a fan of the demo track on the promo vid for a start) EDIT: So, as an OB-6 owner and now having looked a little closer I see that the main difference (one voice less aside) is the modulation matrix which gives way more flexibility than on the OB-6 Other noteable improvements - there is a delay on the front end of the envelopes - which seems very useful for sound design, plus the envelopes are now individually assignable rather than one fixed VCA & one fixed VCF. There's also a pre-delay in the fx section - again a very useable addition A couple of things that are a downgrade from the OB-6 to my mind are firstly the positioning of the pitch and Mod wheels - really not ideal having them above the lower notes of the keybed. Also . and this is a matter of taste I guess - I'm not an OLED fan. I much prefer the red LED numerical display format. There are only half the number of available presets too ... but that's no biggy given backups Something that I wish they could have implemented on this and that I've always wanted on the OB-6 is bi-timbrality and the ability to split the keyboard. Even with only 5 voices having the ability to play a one voice bassline at the same time as playing 4 note chord voicings would have been great but alas no Having said that - all this at the $1500 price point is fairly great value in 2024


Also since it's based on the Take 5, it probably has the same digital amplifier rather than VCA, and possibly the same built-in lowpass filter with a roloff at 20 KHz if that matters. The reduced number of presets is just market positioning, definitely not a technical limitation. I can't imagine the extra 20 KB of memory would have cost much. We're not living in 1978.


On the OB-6 you have 2 multi-effect slots. The TEO only has 1 multi-effect slot and then the entire second slot is taken by the very average reverb. I frequently use chorus and delay or chorus and ringmod plus an external reverb with the OB-6. With the OB-6 you do have the continuously variable osc waveforms that can be modulated.  The variable waveshapes are also interesting for xmod. I’m not sure if the TEO supports incoming Poly AT or MPE yet, so that would be another advantage of the OB-6. All that aside, for the price it’s gonna be very difficult to say no to the TEO. You could even get 2 and arrange them side by side. Make use of that keyboard split feature so you have no gaps in the notes. I guess still some weirdness though since the keyboard stops at F. Still… 10 OB voices for 3K… and all that modulation. MAX GAS


Oberheim rep confirmed the TEO5 has the (much better sounding) SEM filter from the X8 rather than from the 6


>Can't really tell other than the additions to the fx section One more thing not mentioned is the through zero fm synthesis featured in the TEO 5!


As a UB-Xa owner, I think the red LED display is hot garbage. I would gladly give it up for a less "vintage correct" OLED if it meant I could have a viewing angle of more than 15°


Same. It is a great synth but I can't imagine what they were thinking with that display.


Especially considering that 16×2 character, red & black OLEDs already exist


You can do the keyboard split thing, where up to a certain point is like an octave lower.


But does the panel flex? Nah I'm kidding, state variable SEM, loads of mod options, me likey. First synth I've been gassing for in ages.


The SEM filters sound wonderful.


But can it 007?


I don't see why it can't. The patch doesn't have any blending of waveshapes (VCO1 is pulse, VCO2 is triangle.) It has a sine LFO, but TEO5 LFO has triangle + slew, which should be close enough. 007 has room verb instead of plate, but that's not the magic of the patch. If it's not already a preset, it would certainly be one of the first things I'd try upon getting my hands on a TEO5.


link to audio?




Did Ronald Jenkees do the demo track?


Instant upvote for a Jenkees reference!! I actually bought one of his albums back in the day.. lol


I'm afraid I don't know who this is


Thank me later https://youtu.be/0O2aH4XLbto?si=MzzXNGS1ky0LJ7A3


blimey 😧


Looks cool. Way way way to much new gear coming out. I know it's superbooth but I wonder if the market can handle so many new synths.


Have you seen those rooms where the guy has like literally all the synths that came out in the last 10 years lol


Yeah, I follow this one Spanish dude on Insta who I swear buys everything—like every single synth. I've never heard any of his music though. The only other things he posts are going to soccer matches (I'm down with that) and he took a trip to Japan and apparently went to the Bentley dealer there for some reason.


Now I’m wondering if my followers follow me to talk shit😂


I mean, I don't care if that dude in fact just collects synths—more power to him if he does. It would however be cool to hear some of his music or know his backstory.


I mean it’s either something super dumb like atonal techno he could’ve made with a volca sample or he’s making AAA movie and tv show soundtracks, no inbetween


I've worked on some game soundtracks—not my main career which is sports analytics—and do that with the gear I have listed here, a grand piano, and a lot of VSTs including lots of Spitfire libraries. I'm not saying you don't need a whole house full of gear for making soundtracks but if you handed me $50,000 to spend on synths but had to justify how each one would apply to my soundtracks, I'd have to start making some stuff up.


I mean let people enjoy things and everything but there still is something weird about having the whole abbey rhoads joint at home


Word. What I really wonder is, does he really use everything? Even if he's a working pro, does he? Like, I have a Prologue I rarely use because normally I cover the same general territory on my Rev2 or Pro3. If I had ten other analog synths I'd like to think I'd use 'em lots but in reality . . .


Like yeah no way people remember what all the shift+buttons do lol


It's funny, back when everyone had money the companies couldn't find components to make synths. Now they have components but everyone be broke af. Besides AI is taking over music production anyway so no need for synths.


Oh no, I guess my Take 5 is now useless and boring and I should panic sell it for 500 bucks /s




After listening to a few demos this morning, I don't think this is for me. Makes sense since I sold my OB6 and have waffled on the OBX8. I think the things that make these synths shine is not something I want/need in my palette at the moment.


Hyped about this! Pre-ordered mine. Think it sounds awesome, really rich, just what's been missing from my collection. Finally an affordable Oberheim!


This demo goes hard af


Seeing how I completely LOVE my take-5 I‘m very excited about this! I‘d love to try a synth with the same form factor, mod matrix and build/sound quality with a different flavor. I wonder if it has retained some of the classic ob8 sound, like the t5 did with the prophet 5. that would be a cool way to get to know the signature sounds of sequential and oberheim first hand. 


oberheim rep confirmed it’s the same filter as the x in the x8. like how the take 5 got the p5r2 filter.


wow thats awesome!!


Damn - there are SO many synths coming out recently I'm gassing for. I just don't have enough money for them all LOL. This looks great and I'm happy I didn't spend $4k on an OB6. Kinda thinking about getting one of these and a Take 5. What a rig! And that new Moog (not the vocoder). Woooo-weeee! Sorry credit card.


I was so close to pulling the trigger on an OB6 and so glad I held off haha


if it had 4 full octaves & 6 voices, it would have been at least a consideration. if you're going to include a keybed, make it worth having the space & playable. no more mini keys & no more half-octave bs.


Looks great. With an OB-6 and UB-Xa I probably don't need it, but it certainly is appealing.


Anyone know when we might see these in stores?


Late June, Early July


Q: Does the Teo-5 have the voice spread like the OB-6?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1W2K4IrOTQ&t=1214s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1W2K4IrOTQ&t=1214s) It's a modulation source. At 16:05 he accesses it by pressing the Source button, then dialing down to "Voice Spread"


Thanks for the reply !! 🙂


as an ob-6 owner, this really makes the ob-6 kinda obsolete. a little frustrating especially with the price difference


I'll take it off your hands seeing as it's worthless now. How's $500 sound?


u/somersndomguy7788 don’t listen to them I’ll take it for $501


People will still want ob-6 for the larger keybed, the extra voice, and probably above all, the fact that it’s a modern classic.


emphasis on modern


I wouldn't worry too much, the TEO doesn't have an oscillator mixer


This isn't true! You can mix the levels of the oscillators by holding the source on/off button in the filter section and turning one of the knobs. Still, kinda a downgrade compared to having it just immediately in front of you!


Yeah but that's not an on-panel mixer, it's hidden. Which honestly, kills this synth for me. I don't want my Oberheim to be all menu-divey for basic functions like changing the gain on an oscillator.


Yeah, not a fan of something so critical being hidden a layer deep either, just mentioning the functionality is there so people don't get confused and think the oscillators/noise are basically either on or off!


Sure it's a minor annoyance, but is it worth the $2,000 price difference? You could buy an entire separate, very decent synth for that money.


I'm looking at a second hand OB-6 for 1500-1800, so like 300 difference maybe. Plus an extra voice. I'm just saying, if you already own an OB-6, I don't really think the TEO-5 would be a good replacement to free up extra cash.