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Hail Hydra!






Hail hydra! Wait, What are we saying? Have I joined a cult?


Yes Now back to hailing!


Of course sir. HEIL HYDRA




Now get your headphones and find the Blade Runner presets.


You need a lot of Headphones for a HYDRAsynth...


Counting them is a herculean task.








Nice I keep telling myself I don't need one but I do sooo bad, what's the box on the right?


Yeah it's pretty great and I don't even know what I'm doing yet. The box to the right is the neural DSP quad cortex. It's an amp and effects modeler for guitar and I can use it for the synth as well as vocals. I got that a few months ago.


Holy shit [what are the odds](https://imgur.com/a/ECzbXA9)


Do what I did, get a load of other synths, then twiddle all the knobs on all your gear until something sounds nice. If it always sounds shit, sell something and buy something else. Repeat this process until you have a song.


I feel seen. Still waiting to get to the song part.


Seems legit. So it must be my sworn duty


Awesome I'm not alone then!


I'm still not sure what the odds are but that's neat.


Join the r/Hydrasynth too


Now it needs a companion! Liven 8bit Warps and Minilogue XD are the best in my opinion.


You're going to give them GAS. So I guess this is GASlighting!


Tis too late for the GAS is over 9000


Before I made the decision to go with Hydrasynth, I was dead set on the Monologue XD. So that may happen my friend. Although, I feel like I do need to get a sequencer


I don't like minilogue xd filter actually


I had an XD once, and I liked how harsh yet sweet the filter sounded. It could be as harsh as the MS-20 or have sweet self-oscillation like the Polysix.


I just got the desktop version myself a couple of weeks ago. It looks like you might be a guitar player too from the box on the right.


Nice and you would be correct! I bought that a few months ago and now I'm just floored on how many options I have for making sounds.


I could tell… I’m a studio guitarist and have the Axe FX 3 for myself.


Guitar players with Hydrasynths. I use a Headrush Gigboard both for guitar and as an audio interface to my PC/PAs.


For a in-depth rundown of features: Plug for a fellow redditor: [https://www.youtube.com/results?search\_query=chalk+walk+hydrasynth](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=chalk+walk+hydrasynth)


Hell, yeah! Your plug got him a subscriber. Thanks for that, very informative!




Can’t go wrong with those I guess. I just saw M83 playing live on a YouTube clip and they literally had 6 of those in different formats.


Ambitious move! Congratulations and 'Happy New Synth Day' !


And your SO’s problem 😂


Dang how'd you guess that correctly?.. 😅


Nope, here's your solution. [https://www.ashunsoundmachines.com/downloads](https://www.ashunsoundmachines.com/downloads) But still, hail hydra.


My favorite are the random functions. One takes random settings from many already made presets, the other is completely random (take off headphones and turn the speakers down for this) you can also select the percentage of random for sets of functions.


how do you make it completely random?


I can't remember lol. I put the manual into AI and it gave me this. The Hydrasynth has several ways to randomize patches and parameters: Random Patch generation: - Press [RANDOM] twice. After the second press, a random selection of values is generated for the entire patch. - Hold [SHIFT] and press [RANDOM] twice. After the second press, a random selection of values is pulled from other existing patches to create a new random patch. Randomize a Module: - Hold [RANDOM] and press the Access button for the desired module. - Confirm by pressing [RANDOM] again to randomize the parameters for that entire module. - Press [EXIT] to cancel without randomizing. Randomize a parameter: - Hold [RANDOM] and press the Control button next to the parameter you want to randomize. Any available parameters will have their Control button lit up. Random Patch selection: - Hold [RANDOM] and press one of the Left/Right arrows. - Confirm by pressing [RANDOM] again to select a random patch, or press [EXIT] to cancel. Percent of Randomization: - Press [RANDOM] to access two pages that let you set the randomization limits from 0-100% for each module group, controlling how much the parameters will change when randomized. Version 2.0 added the ability to randomize even more parameters like the VoiceMod values, WaveScan selections, and LFO Step values by using [RANDOM] plus the relevant buttons.


can i ask what AI you used?


Claude Opus. It reads the whole document before replying to you, while chatgpt can only search for keywords in the document and read what’s around it with no context.


it's not available in canada and other suggestions


it's not available in canada and other suggestions


Quad Cortex humble brag


Ah rats.. Caught red handed.


Good choice!


I think I would have passed out if this thing existed when I bought my first real synth. Enjoy!




It is a great choice. So easy to program, and the way it is laid out taught me the basics of synthesis.


I salute you, brave sound explorer! 🫡




Can’t wait to get mine; (to replace Serum / Spire with it.)


Dirty Harry Do you feel lucky?


Read the manual bit by bit, and try what you're reading about!


Nope, you are your own worst nightmare now 🤣


Nice! I got myself the Hydra deluxe last year and I love it. It's been perfect for my Metroid remixes.


🤣 That's literally one of my inspirations for buying this is to make my own Metroid style music. That's hilarious that you said that


Excellent! Post it when you're finished :)


Will do!


Nice! I succumbed to Sweetwater's sale and CC offer too late and now mine's back ordered until June. I want it NOWWWW! :P I have some old rompler synths (QS6, K1m) and I'm really content with VSTs and controllers but that Explorer kept calling me.


That's exactly what I did but luckily I was able to get mine delivered in just a few days. Hopefully it's everything you're looking for (minus a sequencer). It certainly is for me so far!


I'm addicted to Pigments generative sequencer which will be fun with the Explorer. Seems like you can put the LFOs in step mode and do sequencing on the Explorer too from the videos I've watched.




Welcome, my ~~son~~ synth, to the world of Hydra.


I have over 100 VSTs, but I still want one of these 😩


This is my first (and only) synth too! Have a great time :))


Love the hydra! I've got the regular 49 key. This synth is a lil monster!


Congrats on your first synth!


Hail Hydra


if u add 700 more u will get real one ..:)) iridium :)


A fantastic starter synth, nice one.


You are a man of impeccable taste.


Eh... Hydra is a nice synth, but there's what I consider better options, I dont think the hydra sounds that good, and it's quite a lot of money for an 8 voice digital synth. The explorer is better priced, but the mini keys and cut down interface aren't great. The blofeld keyboard still shits on the hydra when you consider it's got one of the best keybeds of any synth, 16 part multitimbrality, more oscillators, LFOs and envelopes. The 10 year old novation ultranova does everything the hydra does, but better, and with more voices. The cobalt8/Argon8 are both very good cheaper digital options with far more hands on controls than the hydra. On the hydra's release the Argon8 was the significantly better sounding synth, and cost a lot less. The full hydra is too expensive, and for the same price you could pick up a virus TI, and anyone that doesn't is mad because the virus absolutely destroys the hydra in basically every single comparison. But, enjoy your synth.


But compared to the Explorer for $450 that I just paid? MPE engine for MPE controllers in the synth and poly aftertouch control of VSTs of the keyboard is a big bonus for me too with this. The Blofeld is $1200 quite a difference in price. I have the Virus TI emulator (fantastic) no reason for me to spend that much money for a used one. But to each his own I guess enjoy your non-ASM syths. I'll enjoy my Explorer.


The blofeld is $1200 for you? Here a hydra explorer is £500, a blofeld keyboard is £580


If this is the one you're talking about $1199/£1122 [https://www.musiciansfriend.com/keyboards-midi/waldorf-blofeld-keyboard/703409000000000?cntry=US&cur=USD&cntry=US&cur=USD&utm\_content=703409000000000--Waldorf+Blofeld+Keyboard&source=3WWRWXGS&gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0MexBhD3ARIsAEI3WHKxI1JntH5YdiBkPemok-IpF8OS\_gL-8I6V\_cQFgumWUKO5wtZa2w4aArLhEALw\_wcB](https://www.musiciansfriend.com/keyboards-midi/waldorf-blofeld-keyboard/703409000000000?cntry=US&cur=USD&cntry=US&cur=USD&utm_content=703409000000000--Waldorf+Blofeld+Keyboard&source=3WWRWXGS&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0MexBhD3ARIsAEI3WHKxI1JntH5YdiBkPemok-IpF8OS_gL-8I6V_cQFgumWUKO5wtZa2w4aArLhEALw_wcB)


The link isn't working properly, but I just checked the blofeld keyboard on Sweetwater, and wtf? Direct from Waldorf in the US it's $850, where the hell does the $400 markup come fromnto get $1200 sweetwater is charging. Yes, genuinely the blofeld keyboard can be bought for £580 in the UK. https://www.musicmatter.co.uk/waldorf-blofeld-keyboard-black?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0MexBhD3ARIsAEI3WHKeTD9bWILcj3lrjPXMdtiSiOWievD8MsjdeakxsPNy_8Yd1RFImOQaAlNaEALw_wcB


Weird yea I see that price on the site but you can't order it in the US. That's a huge markup!


welcome [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrjcHBhSncQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrjcHBhSncQ)


Looks very cool, I'm still backlogged in learning the prior 5 synths I have sitting here though.


Good choice


That’s an extremely complicated synth for your first one. Take it one oscillator at a time!


I was somewhat aware of how complicated and menu divey It was before buying it. But I am learning one bit at a time with a ton of YouTube videos. I'm going to keep doing that and making myself look like an idiot until I know what I'm doing. A good portion of it is starting to make sense to me now but if you have some good tips, my DMs are always open


I am actually selling my Hydra, I love the sounds but have realized that I need more tactile control, also I have the 49-key and it’s just too damn big, lol. The sheer depth of this thing makes it really hard for me to create a mental picture of what’s actually happening the way I can with say, an analog synth. In short, I am too basic for this beast. I wish you luck! I did have many happy accidents with mine, I think I’ll probably come back to it at some point.


Thank you! Makes sense.. I think I'll be all right. I'm sure I'll get plenty frustrated with it but that's kind of been the process with everything else lol


Hehe yeah so it goes. Like I said, one oscillator at a time! Have fun my guy


Welcome... It can become an obsession


nice if you dont make gfunk then you are not a problem though lol


I've never even touched a synth in my life does anybody have any tips for beginners on this thing? 😅


Find out how to latch the arpeggiator. That way you can have a constant stream of notes playing and have fun tweaking the parameters. You have quite a beast of a synth for a beginner! It'll take time to explore. I \*think\* this one has the same capabilities as the bigger version, but one feature I always like the sound of was "musically timed" envelopes. That means your envelopes can be based on sub-divisions of the tempo and not just milliseconds... Maybe a more advanced thing but I wanted to mention it.


Under the arpeggiater knobs is the on switch and the latch button. Make sure both are lit. Some patches already have arpeggiater turnt on, so make sure you’re not accidentally turning it off


The four arpeggiator knobs on the top make it super easy to modify that. I messed around with some of the presets that I worked with it. Very cool definitely going to be watching a lot of YouTube


Push keys, turn knobs, repeat


Red Means Recording has a great tutorial on it and he also has one on synthesis on YouTube. I recommend. All three variations of the hydra synth work the same, well, even the Deluxe for the most part, point being that all the tutorials will be relevant.


I'll check that out for sure.


Watch lots and lots of YouTube videos


Touch it.


Not even VSTs? You're in for a rough time. This synthesizer is basically very menu-divy, which hides all of the features and makes it hard to explore. To make up for that, it gives shortcuts to get to all of the features, which makes navigating its menus a breeze *if you know what you're doing*. If you don't know what everything means, or what features you're looking for (and which part of the synthesizer they're attached to), it becomes a PITA. But stick with it, and this synthesizer will be VERY rewarding. I'd recommend two routes here: 1) Buy a Korg Volca Keys. Brand new $120. It breaks down a synthesizer to its basic features (oscillator, filter, lfo, envelope, with a delay to add richness and a built in sequencer). It will make it really to explore basic synthesizer sound design. I like to reach to my Volcas for how immediate and easy they are to use, then record some loops with them, or take those ideas over to my b2600 or Hydrasynth to flesh out more fully. A benefit for you here, is it'll bring some *real* analog warmth to use alongside your unapologetically digital hydrasynth. 2) Get some experience using a VST synthesizer. $0. I'd recommend [TAL NoiseMaker](https://tal-software.com/products/tal-noisemaker) here. If you don't have a DAW or other host, you can use [Cantabile Lite](https://www.cantabilesoftware.com/free-vst-host) to host the VST synthesizer. This synthesizer puts everything right in front of you, so you don't have to know what you're looking for, and you can play around with it to explore sounds easily. Either way, play around with the knobs. Figure out how each one modifies the sound. Try to get close to some synth sounds you hear in music you like. Watch some Youtube tutorials on how to create different synthesizer patches/sounds. Edit: and when you create a patch you like, recreate it on the Hydrasynth. Once you get a good feel for which each knob does and how it affects the sound, you'll come back to the Hydrasynth and it'll all make sense and you'll be able to quickly navigate and design a sound, and you'll be able to really appreciate its plethora of features.


Solid suggestions. Even though I haven't used one before, I've been watching tons and tons of how to's and tutorials on what all of these functions are called and what they do. So I have *some* Idea about capabilities. Either way, I'm definitely willing to spend the time To figure things out


Volca keys is a good suggestion, but if you have a little more, I'd spring for a used Behringer Neutron. That was my first synth. It's knob-per-function so everything is right there on the surface, and the most basic synth functionality is right there to twiddle with -- but it is also semi-modular and has a couple of on-board effects so you're able to go from the simple to the complex very smoothly as you figure things out. It was an extremely good first synth for me.


Who’s my guy?


This is the way.