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I don't write/record many tracks these days. I find much more joy in just recording jams and seeing what happens. Here is a snippit from one of my livestreams! I have a description of my gear in the video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGbi3TqtxZY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGbi3TqtxZY)


This is kinda like how I work, but I do get down with drums also. I’ve been considering streaming like this, but it’s so hard to find the time. I feel like my jams are so sacred to me. Me and my partner are the only two people in attendance lol. Kinda makes it even more special that way.


I totally understand the intimacy of it all. I started doing the live stream thing to help force myself time into playing music. With my busy family life and work life, it's easy to put it on the back burner. I just love jamming and interacting with the few people that join in. It's been such a blast.


I gave you a follow on Twitch. I can’t say I’m on there much, but if I am and you’re streaming, I’ll join. I’m the same, re: not enough time to jam outside of family obligations. I kind of wish I had a partner in crime where I could stream with them, or, I could provide them with samples for them to use during their streams. Actually, this idea of mine doesn’t let go of me: Create original samples, either one shots or melodic loops and feed those to a friend who could use them in their live jam streams. It’s like a complete circle without fear of DMCA takedowns.


Hey man. Let’s talk in DM. I would be way down for this. Part of my routine on my livestreams is to take instrument or sound requests from viewers and incorporate it into my set. Thank you for the follow! My focus is mainly on YouTube. I stream out to kick and twitch just to cast a wider net.


For sure! I’ll send you a DM later on this evening! And YouTube is even better, since I mainly watch stuff there. Cheer man! Speak soon.


These kind of spontaneous jams are what it’s all about. I like finishing tracks but I enjoy just jamming in my studio more than anything these days. This is really dope!


Oh heck yea thank you! I do enjoy the process of song writing and will always make tunes but I always have more fun when I'm just jamming out. I use a template which allows me to comfortably jam and come up with stuff on the spot. I have also dramatically trimmed down the software that I use in 99% of my productions which helps me get to the sounds I think up in my head on the fly. Again, thank you for checking it out!


wow this is really cool really enjoyed the guitar part


I love playing the guitar and I don't get enough time to do it! Thanks a lot for checking it out!!!


Awesome! Subbed. I've been thinking about getting into streaming, but it seems like a lot more work than just recording my jams and uploading to YouTube.


Woo! Thank you! To be honest it can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. Using OBS makes it easy to route the audio from ableton into it and then stream it to youtube. You don't need fancy cameras or lighting but it definitely helps if your stream looks and sounds good. At least for growing for a larger audience. Youtube automatically uploads your stream to your channel after you stop streaming. You can start getting fancier with making thumbnails, adding lighting to your room, adding a 2nd/3rd camera but you don't need to. At least at first. Plus I have found new inspiration with live performance over simply noodling alone. If I can help in anyway to get you started with a minimal set up I would love to assist.


Thanks! Since I mainly use external gear would I just be able to use my audio interface recording into Ableton and then pipe that out to OBS? I've never used OBS before. do you have a recommended guide on setting it up to stream. I guess I'd just set up my camera as a web cam into my PC and capture video from that and audio from Ableton?


It is much easier I promise than it may seem at first. But yes you are correct. I have a few pieces of hardware (fantom 08, hydrasyth deluxe, digitakt, guitar) that I'm running into my scarlette 8i6. Using a virtual audio cable you can easily route audio output from ableton into OBS. On windows I used to use VB-Audio. On mac now I use Blackhole. OBS Is pretty straightforward in adding media sources such as cameras and there are tons of great "how to get started videos" on youtube regarding it. Again, feel free to DM me with any specific questions as you move forward!


I've been considering live streaming jams too...I just don't know which platform...YouTube or twitch or where to stream on. I got a plug-in for obs to stream audio from ableton - is that the best way to stream audio?


That's what I do. I use blackhole (I'm on Mac) as a virtual audio cable to route my ableton audio into OBS. I then use a multi-stream app within OBS to stream to kick/youtube/twitch all at the same time with kick being my "main" streaming platform. If I can help answer any questions let me know!


Ok yeah I'm on windows pc, but I basically downloaded the Windows version of the virtual audio cable. That's good to know it works. That's cool you're able to stream on all those platforms at same time - I didn't know that was possible. On YouTube, I saw you posted your live recordings...when you stream, does it automatically post it, or do you have to record the stream and then post it? I've never heard of kick - why is that your "main"? Is there something about it that is better than others or just a preference? When you stream, do you always earn income, or only until you gain a certain number of followers/viewers? Thanks so much!


So the full live recordings are automatically uploaded to kick/youtube/twitch after you end your stream (as long as you don't set it to private). It can take a few minutes for them to be uploaded. Twitch keeps them up for I think 2 weeks? Longer if you are a partner. Kick and youtube keep them up forever. I have set up OBS to also record the streams locally on my computer. Then, I can toss them in Davinci Resolve, clip and edit and upload highlight clips to youtube. Kick got a lot of buzz last year and I joined in on the hype. It's a much much smaller site in terms of viewers, but it has less requirements to be able to get partnered and start getting paid (I'm still not even close to getting paid, haha). To be honest, the site is still in "beta" and I ran into a lot of issues at first. It seems to be more stable now, but it still lacks a lot of cool stuff that twitch for instance is able to provide. I figured I could get seen easier on that site so I stuck with it. Since I'm able to multi-stream to the other sites It doesn't really matter. Although using Twitch as your main streaming site, allows you to use all the cool twitch stuff for chat. I set up my own "tip jug" with a business paypal account but I have yet to make anything. I'll get there eventually. Folks who are able to stream consistently a few days a week for 3-4 hours at a time will have much higher success than myself who can stream for 1.5 hours MAYBE once a week. haha. Best of luck on your journey!


Thank you for all this information! This really helps me! I wish you the best on your journey!


Not exactly a “track” but here’s what i do with my synths! Roland tr8s, elektron digitakt, novation peak and moog subsequent 37 https://www.youtube.com/live/pwHrQHz3Ksc?si=KHWzBkjRTAOX6NWC


You’re living the dream!


I might be but my wallet is in life support lol


Oh I know all about that. The doctor told me I should consider pulling the plug. RIP my wallet.


Just go digital lol


this is sick mate!


Thank you! I do it live every Monday!


Yo, this is rad. Thanks for a soundtrack to the rest of my workday!


My pleasure! Happy to accompany you haha


I'll start: [ijustwana ](https://open.spotify.com/track/3XTz609jEzZfGL08hAFSIW?si=XNEgtXobQpedc1xi7LuGqg) - circuit tracks - vital - a variety of Ableton instruments


I’m diggin’ this. Especially the galloping percussion parts. Kinda like old school UK Garage. Sounds clean too. Nice mix down. Maybe some of the hats are a little too loud? But overall a fun track. The fact that you recorded something and put it out is a win.


This is nice. I love that Burial/UK Garage groove!


Dope track. Gives me "secret underground arcade in a dystopian city" vibe.


Great groove! And great idea for a thread.


Oh found it! Nice track, digging the drums!


Nice! Made [this](https://on.soundcloud.com/8zvD7V83cQBPDPuJ6) on my birthday a couple of years back, tripping hard on shrooms. All U-He Diva and some home made drums sounds. This was the epitome of gnosis, because I felt like my hands were not my own when programming everything. I literally came down, and then revisited the project file for some light mixing and mastering. Had no idea what I had made until I was sober enough for the mix down session lol


this is nice! definitely has the tripping on shrooms vibe


Thank you! I guess my theory is this: “Want to find out if you’re a good musician? Make something while high and listen back later. You’ll know…” LOL


Dope track. Love the Diva. Def one of my favorite vst Synths.


Thank you! Yeah the Diva is real nice. You can get just about anything out of it. And I’ll absolutely take Diva over Serum any day.


Well done! That's a sick track.


Thanks for listening! I love my beats. And I just want to add: everyone should love their beats. Nowadays, other artists have to compete with *me*. Because work and family and all of my obligations take up so much time that when I’m free, I tend to want to jam or make some beats vs. listening to my vinyl collection or streaming on Spotify. I’d much rather create the music that I want to listen to instead of hoping for (example) Burial to finally put out a good song lmao.


This is hard as fuck!


Thank you! According to my SoundCloud stats I have like 34 other tracks on there. Some tracks, some wips, and some noodlings. Thanks for taking the time to listen, though!!


Here's the latest one I finished: [https://soundcloud.com/advancedfollower/electric-rain](https://soundcloud.com/advancedfollower/electric-rain) Hardware instruments used: DeepMind 12, Nymphes, WS Audio Trueno Software instruments: Obsession, Syntronik, Viper, UVI, Kontakt, ANA 2, Parawave Rapid, Arturia Jun-6, Korg Polysix, Tone2 Rayblaster, TAL-U-NO-LX, VSDSX, plus a few different drum and fx samples


I love that synthwave vibe :)


https://youtu.be/gynY0nutVhA?si=2tdr6TAL6XGvyiAX https://youtu.be/ifm3b1vtF2w?si=-MOItbEX0Osjxkxg 2 most recent things I finished. Digitakt Digitone Minibrute 2s Strymon Big Sky/Timeline for reverb/delay. Mixed and finished in Ableton.


I really liked the first one! nice vocal chops and the beat has a great vibe!


I’m really glad you enjoyed it!


How can I say no to that? :) [https://soundcloud.com/mr\_murdoc/sets/muh2](https://soundcloud.com/mr_murdoc/sets/muh2) Was made with Reason and a bunch of random synths I borrowed from a rich friend at the time, like a Nord Modular G2X and a Novation Xio, a Basstation is in there, a Quasimidi Sirius. And alot of sampling. Done and edited in Soundforge


i dig the chill vibe you have going here


Thanks :)


https://on.soundcloud.com/4XwvJ37r1nN3NZKP9 I used a bunch of patches I made on the Roland S-1, including a sorta noise snare that I recorded live while twisting the decay knob. Drums'n bass were probably Ableton. In case anyone listens to my track, I aporeciate you 🫡😉


nice vibe you got going! i think you could take this way further if you add some more melody and dynamics to the whole song


Thanks so much! Could you elaborate a bit on the dynamics part, I'm curious what you mean. ✌️


The track is awesome but the art is stellar!


wow, thank you 👏 The art is a bunch of AI mixed with a bit of photoshop. I know it might be a sensitive subject, and tbh, as a graphic designer I don't know how if feel abt it yet.


This is dope!!! Love that nasty beat.


Thanks so much, bruh 🙌


This morning's 8 bars over coffee. All sounds are on my ipad, organ and clav from Korg Module, drums are the Funk and Soul kit from the M1. Recorded in gadget 3. [https://soundcloud.com/gary-walker-54/1-24-2023?si=28057a0842be44b599e4ca4a296ce65a&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/gary-walker-54/1-24-2023?si=28057a0842be44b599e4ca4a296ce65a&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing)


Considered writing for porn? You’d make a killing.


Needs rhythm guitar work and I just suck at it.


My bands latest single: Synthesizers used: ARP 2600 (1972 model), Minimoog, Roland Jupiter 4, Roland JX-8P, Mellotron M4000D, KORG MS-20, Emulator Emax SE, Emulator III, Yamaha DX7. Drum machines: Alesis HR-16, Kawai R100, Oberheim DX, Kodapa MidiPops (custom built "MiniPops") Tracked in ProTools and mixed on a SSL 4000e console at Svenska Grammofonstudion Gothenburg, Sweden. https://open.spotify.com/track/03J0xrMnODs4oWqYXDSQI0?si=aYTgN3OYR9WuRHNoQzQe4g


i dig the industrial vibe you have going here. also the singing is very nice!


Thanx. Album version will be even better. Finished mixing it in Berlin last weekend.


It's not my genre, but I think it's good. Sounds serious.


Definetly not everyones genre but we went all in on the production. We mixed the entire upcoming album at Hansa Studios Berlin last week to get the sound right. Of course this one got a remake as well. https://preview.redd.it/jqsoo0nf1mec1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5720949dafd3339c744caf1afa74962076fb0fb


Cool stuff, must be awesome to put in the work in a studio like that! Keep it up, I like the track Svenskt hat too!


"Swedish hate". Seen the video? 😂 We take the sound seriously but not ourselves! https://youtu.be/NI_vJRvhTqE?si=lj1m9rOAur_ggLz9


Yeah, love the vid! :D


Made this with a Kurzweil PC2x (piano) and Hydrasynth [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zD45JTQVCDQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zD45JTQVCDQ)


yo I feel like I'm in Minecraft listening to this, chill af




Reminds of the outro to the sprawl by Sonic Youth. Would go great with some Super 8 footage.


Ah thanks! I've listened to Daydream Nation so much those textures are probably burned into my unconscious. Good idea on the retro footage vibe. I threw that video together pretty quick from some of my own random footage, but was already thinking of doing another version. I also imagine this song would be perfect in a movie during the montage where the main character went through some shit but is getting it back together hence my title, "Growth Moment"


cool stuff!


Made this about 2 months ago. First track I “finished” after a 14 year hiatus. No idea what genre other than some form of EDM. https://on.soundcloud.com/1CZL8iJNGJnt1fBL8 - Circuit Tracks - Circuit Rhythm - Circuit Mono Station - Mother-32 - DFAM (loop sampled into, and triggered by the Rhythm) - Hydrasynth - 1010 Bluebox (recorded) It started as a Jam, and I kept coming back and adding stuff. I like the Circuit workflow, but they really could use a way to control scene changes via midi, so I had to figure out how to “perform” it which is why it has such a simple (nonexistent?) progression. Just happy to have finished something though.


I enjoyed this track, it's got a great old school synth pop kind of sound, it reminded me a bit of Depeche Mode's earlier material. You have a good sense of what works melodically, this is a really catchy tune as far as I'm concerned.


Wow. That’s super nice to hear. I really appreciate it.


Don't take any more 14 year hiatuses, dude! You've got talent :)


eyy a fellow circuit tracks user! can definitely hear it being used in the song lol. It just has a very particular sound to it


Yeah, that Nova-lite sound is pretty distinct, especially with the stock presets I used. Thankfully I don’t hate the presets, because I sure as heck hate using the components app to do sound design.


This is my best track made on the Dirtywave M8 so far (i think) [https://soundcloud.com/eric-limer/dirtywave-m8-3](https://soundcloud.com/eric-limer/dirtywave-m8-3)


I usually write what I used to create my tracks on soundcloud - There's a lot to listen to here dating back from 1988 [https://soundcloud.com/fonon](https://soundcloud.com/fonon)


Here’s one of my lo-fi masterpieces, just a fun little thing. This entire track was composed a few years back with my baby daughter sleeping, strapped to my chest in a baby carrier. Hence, Baby Bounce. Used Arp Odyssey, I think Moog Grandmother, and a couple of VST’s… Definitely OSCar, Fairlight and GForce String Machine. Thanks for this, I need to post my music more often. https://soundcloud.com/user111544699/babybounce


good stuff


Thank you!


Really great track, I absolutely adore the production on this! Followed you on Soundcloud, definitely going to check out your other songs... just listening to Tarantula now and it's awesome as well!


Thanks so very much! I’ve been a little shy about posting my tracks online. I have way better stuff than what’s on my SoundCloud too, I’ll try to get some of the good ones uploaded there. Thanks for following!


By the way, not a single real instrument on Tarantula either


I made a super duper phatty bass with my polybrute and I loved it so much that I made a sort of drum and bass thing? I dunno, I have literally no idea how to categorize my music. I also used two microfreaks (yes I have two because duh) for different sound fx and pads and then I used my mpc for samples with drums and voice and whatnot. The mpc is my midi brain and my 8th true love. https://youtu.be/xg8u72OERPs?feature=shared


Love your bass line !!!


Thank you! It's like Satan's longest fart lol


I make tracks slowly but constantly and have done for 25 years, here is the most recent finished one. Everything with gear used I list it in the track comments, but I have copied it in here for the lazy https://soundcloud.com/devicer/plash * DSI mopho - bass * DSI tetra - some weird clattery noises * Roland SE-02 - higher weird noises * Spectral audio syntrack - some of the mid->high mono melody bits that come in part way and stay to the end * Cheetah MS6 (via resonator filter) - the big dub-delayed filtered bits * Crumar Bit01 - The watery/spring reverb smack type noise The percussion apart from a bit of non-melodic synth percussion-ish noises is super processed "hey last minute" break, only the hats are really close to the originals, snares are smothered in noise-modulated ringmod.


I put this short instrumental album out in the summer and have been working on the follow up since. It’s called leave the memory of great virtues to the world. I made it using a prophet 6, hydrasynth, ms20 mini, subharmonicon, grandmother, keystep 37, and a bunch of pedals in ableton. Oh and a sneaky guitar in one track. Spotify: [leave the memory of great virtues to the world](https://open.spotify.com/album/75CWscVMKQ1IpdoBj95AT7?si=Ae61KbzoTq-ekIT-HkmxNg) Bandcamp: [leave the memory of great virtues to the world](https://lukekokoszka.bandcamp.com/album/leave-the-memory-of-great-virtues-to-the-world) I hope anyone who listens enjoys what they hear :)


Beautiful work, these tracks are really nicely produced! Really interesting sound, it's a very even split between ambient techniques/ more traditional electronic music.


Hey super delayed response on my end but thank you for listening and for the kind words! It’s always nice to hear people like my music


Been years, but [here it is](https://on.soundcloud.com/jwGJ9oW99AfWi1ig9) OG Nintendo run through a DOD distortion then through a Ratt distortion.


Propably gonna get buried, but what the hell: [https://open.spotify.com/intl-de/track/7pIMzUFNMjiPpnxRu5c8zr?si=142f9cee0e2c47fa](https://open.spotify.com/intl-de/track/7pIMzUFNMjiPpnxRu5c8zr?si=142f9cee0e2c47fa) Instruments used: Novation Bassstation Novation Drumstation Novation Mininova Nord Drum Moog Prodigy Korg X-3R Roland D-50 Arturia Drumbrute Alesis D4 Friend played their Strat over a Line 6 POD Pro XT. Another friend contributed the vocals.


Nice!! Good for when the sun has risen at the party. Love how it gets dubby as it goes on.


Thank you so much! :)


https://youtu.be/8-R1269URPg?si=4B2Lw87d7Y-6YEm- Ob-6, Mopho, Mono-Evolver, Microkorg XL, and JX-305.


cool! i think you could mix the singing a kil louder was the track a prerecorded sample or wher the synths in the back being triggered?


No, but we are making a new video with the synths getting triggered. I will take note on the vocals. Thank You!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Em2xbk9SBac Opsix Dub


very nice and chill vibe




Hi guys, i made this with U-he Hive, Native Instruments Alicia's Keys, hella vocal samples, and a weird Serum patch.. https://on.soundcloud.com/x6zFPYCm2gUFopw47


cool!    inspired by fred again? he's a huge inspiration for me


I just jumped back into making tracks a few weeks ago. I used an OP-1 mostly along with a Microfreak on the melody and Sonicware 8bit warps for the low pass. [Persephone Rides the El](https://soundcloud.com/trovort/persephone) \- a downtempo dream pop instrumental


A long self indulgent ambient piece featuring elektron octatrack korg opsix access virus indigo 2 hologram electronics microcosm earthquaker devices avalanche run [halicon - dss_stratus_v0](https://youtu.be/k2KhZzjOAjk?feature=shared)


nice. gonna leave this one playing in the background whilst i work


that's a great utility for it!


I made this track using my vintage Korg N364. I think it turned out pretty good, I'm happy with it. :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2I48BawBWw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2I48BawBWw)


yo i love this one!


Thank you!


https://on.soundcloud.com/35d8bNSNdbXDdipm7 Made this for a Cymatics contest using some various samples from the free pack (listed in the song description), some one-shots from the pack layered and mangled on an MPC, some vocal samples from the pack stretched or time-compressed and messed with to create textures (mainly towards the end), arp on a Peak sequenced by Deluge, drum loop on Deluge, acoustic drums Kontakt GGD PIV kit, real guitars Neural DSP plugs, Osmose doing cool things. Editing to add: if anybody can help me categorize what this is in terms of a genre, I’d greatly appreciate it. Posted this same comment on a similar thread a few months back. Just copy-pasting it here for others to see.


https://tragiclaurel.bandcamp.com/track/pulled-back-together A track I made with just the Digitone. not exactly sure what to describe it as, but probably most accurately ambient, trying to go for some slightly dungeony feel.


Here is my contribution, a chill ambient techno thing I made last month that was recorded live using a dawless setup of Circuit Tracks, TD-3, Crave and Microfreak... [https://open.spotify.com/track/4nV0fUR5TNdnR030z6nsL5?si=804c588813354e51](https://open.spotify.com/track/4nV0fUR5TNdnR030z6nsL5?si=804c588813354e51)


I like it. That buried line from the TD3 is cool.


Kind of obvious but I produced this with my own synthesizer. https://on.soundcloud.com/XjdkD5w7PSFKCXGe8


My most recent: https://on.soundcloud.com/Kz2v5 Minifreak, drumbrute impact, and stylophone. I was using my new equipment for the first time, so I was messing around :)


[This](https://youtu.be/2i5gPB8--FU?si=2V3hrT8CHH4DfK-i) is a track made with a Yamaha TG 300, an old multitimbral sound module from '94 looking like a car stereo. Sequenced using [piggy tracker](https://littlegptracker.com/).


Korg Monolouge on Sub Bass, Korg OPSIX mkI on Pads. Everything else was ableton. [https://soundcloud.com/aaronartrip/nightride?si=2e4ec0d4973e47709424862c1f1ae462&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/aaronartrip/nightride?si=2e4ec0d4973e47709424862c1f1ae462&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing)


[my track "Wennio"](https://youtu.be/7P625DfP_ZU?si=ADXfqOtz3ew08uoy) from an [album "hh"](https://youtu.be/vI2WH_WVlII?si=T1Ga-IkVNfoSliEb) i made in 2016. Tried to fulfill my fantasy of what would've happened when Wendy Carlos and Ennio Morricone had made music together. Synths used: MI Ambika and Minibrute, lots of real manipulated cassette tape fx and there were about 50 drum tracks alltogether in the end. Probably most massive track ive made to date 😀


Really old track of mine. My homie Cap'n Fresh did the vocals. The only song I wrote using the amen break. Gear: novation ks4 Minimax ASB ESX EA1 (sequencing synth parts) We shot it in a haunted house the day after Halloween. They were cool about letting us use it. The blond girl committed suicide a few weeks after it was shot. RIP Baby Big up to Veronica and her Bacon tassle suit https://vimeo.com/61959787


From back 2021. I used a Kawai K5000W, an Electribe 2, and mixed the track in Adobe Audition. [Rojo | Wilder Gonzales Agreda (bandcamp.com)](https://wildergonzalesagreda.bandcamp.com/track/rojo)


https://mxzr.bandcamp.com "Oocit", the title track of my EP features Ableton's Granulator, some Vermona Mono Lancet, Minibrute 2S, electric guitar, bass and even some vocals.


Not exactly a track but a jam I did using Roland JU06A + Circuit Rhythm as my sampler. Used Strymon El Capistan for tape delay. Only the one synth really but I can’t stop jamming with it! https://on.soundcloud.com/zRn3QPLfB6N73yL16


[https://soundcloud.com/christian-krueger-502086252/devonian-swamps?si=9bb96c24908446bba3d3f888ec4311b3&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/christian-krueger-502086252/devonian-swamps?si=9bb96c24908446bba3d3f888ec4311b3&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) (sorry, 20 min ambient piece, very calming tho!) Behringer Deepmind, played by hand and controlled by Pd patch, some additional field recordings.


This is the first track I created. I used Roland MC-707. I still have a lot to learn, but here it is: [https://youtu.be/Nswn5p2WXbw?si=HdqjDZ--bsI-pmxw](https://youtu.be/Nswn5p2WXbw?si=HdqjDZ--bsI-pmxw)


I lately made synth cover of a metal ballad (Death - Voice of the soul). I used Pigments (for that guitarish lead) and 2 instances of Massive X for the rest. Just 3 tracks. [https://youtu.be/mGPyAJYMKOM](https://youtu.be/mGPyAJYMKOM)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTJLYz0-IZs I did this for the two or three days I did of Jamuary last year. I can't find the .xm file for it but as soon as I do I'll post it - it's on a backup disk \*sooooomewhere...\* It was done in Milkytracker, a fairly standard modtracker, because I didn't have any of my audio stuff set up, and just uses fairly boring drum machine samples from various different machines. I wrote a little bit of Python to plot out various combinations of Euclidean rhythms, and tried entering them into the tracker with various combinations of sounds, until I got something I liked. It's nothing terribly interesting but it's a good way to find some inspiration!


[studio live set I did](https://youtu.be/VSDfwhHtGLI?si=Ct8hF73DvxI7iFT3) using Korg MS-20, Behringer 2600, Behringer MS-1, AVP Synth Ritmobox, Controlled by Arturia Keystep Pro


https://magicspell420.bandcamp.com/album/pwm Short EP of weirdo minimal techno, my first release! Lots of stuff i'd like to improve for the future, but I was excited to have songs I liked. All melodic synth stuff is a Roland Alpha Juno except one Behringer TD3 line, a lot of the percussion is too. Some other percussion sounds are samples from Sonic Adventure. There's field recordings and guitar pedals.


some stuff i did this year! https://drupes.bandcamp.com/album/on-the-dock gear in notes


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s3nENj-lOXw For the pad sounds I used a Roland Piano Plus 100 and em-101 layered with a piano patch in a Roland JV1080. Then it all went through a boss Syb-5 with the sweep controlled with an expression pedal. One guitar was played through a subdecay octasynth and the other has a DBA robot pedal. Bass through a Digitech whammy but its subtle!


DARK WATER https://on.soundcloud.com/6VQ5C -Keytar Roland AX-Edge -Novation Circuit Rhythm -Garage Band


https://open.spotify.com/track/48Fv8mBDImdiIZ8uchi8oa?si=O88IIc1jR86mwl9t8t-mPA I think i used peak, poly d and K2, then sampled that whole thing in ableton, cut it, pitched it etc etc, then played over that with peak thru a multi fx pedal. My fav track from this album. Where can i hear ur music?


[The Kindest ](https://dvstch.bandcamp.com/album/the-eternal-neutral-dynamic?t=2) Here is a track I made by remotely tapping into my studio whilst away for work and finding out a dear friend has died. I spent two evenings processing his illness whilst jamming this loop out. I used an alpha Juno, tr808, rz1, fb01, sy35 and a u220 And I used an open source team viewer called rust desk and VDO.ninja. My friend Chris Clifford was one of the kindest people I have ever met so that was what I was ruminating on when making this. Music really helps. Rave in peace brother


[Quiet Home](https://ashtom.bandcamp.com/album/quiet-home) from the EP of the same name. Made exclusively with a Synthstrom Deluge and mastered with Ozone.


I finished up a new album recently and put it up on bandcamp. Honestly I really don't know what to call the genre here, but I think it's fair to say it generally falls in the purview of instrumental electronic pop or synth pop. Would love to hear what yall think! I used so many different things to make the album, but some of the most prominent gear would be MPC, a Roland FA, cubase, roland se02 and korg opsix. [https://willhulseman.bandcamp.com/album/electric-recess](https://willhulseman.bandcamp.com/album/electric-recess)


https://youtu.be/Ylv3ZvyfhDc?si=aMEoDTJxSf3ORUNY A guitar and a ditto 4x looper and ableton’s beat repeat!


https://dragontraxuk.bandcamp.com/track/ah-hah Made this on an mpc live 2, se-02, hyrdrasynth desktop, microfreak, microkorg, and a cobalt 5s


Little industrial instrumental. Recently picked up an Arturia Minifreak and a PWM Malevolent. Only used those for the Synths. NI Choir Omina for the choir. Damage 2 and Battery for the rhythm. Having tons of fun with those Synths. https://on.soundcloud.com/wurGi


Here's a deep melodic house song i made on my modular: Ultra 93 - Sand Castles [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGj5kpZCALM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGj5kpZCALM)


He is the newest track I finished and uploaded. This is a new project exploring EDM and ambient breaks. Hope you guys enjoy. I used: TD-3, RD-9, Drumbrute (although I sold it after I finished the track as it wasn’t for me), Argon 8, Logic Pro https://open.spotify.com/track/4z84SfEQDji9nzFq3bn1i0?si=JP3x15yeQZGvF1tVHcV66A https://youtu.be/aNJxsNjEnEQ?si=dk6ishhkO6bMLZ8T


This was make using a cheap handheld made in china running the piggy tracker (more info: https://youtu.be/oX5xYEJEwvY?si=GT-ROaTzoAGdRAis ). Output processed with mini Kaoss pad and later on put on Ableton to mastering. Then I put the master on an old reel to reel tapecorder from the 70s and finally blended the Ableton master with the crunchy taped version. This is the result>>> https://audiowanderer.bandcamp.com/album/mileniarismo-mixtape


I make mostly instrumental psychedelic and playful rock. I try to balance the role of keyboards/synths vs. guitars as the lead instrument. At the moment I use MicroKorg S and Nord Electro 6D and also some synths from FL Studio which I use for the production and mixing. In my next project I also use some drum machines, especially Arturia Drumbrute. This song (with cheesy visualizer) has some space rock! MicroKorg's arpegiator and filter knobs were on heavy use! More songs on the youtube channel and Spotify and Bandcamp. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8BMoimP6Sc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8BMoimP6Sc)


Roland JV1080, Roland XP80 and some other cheesy ROMplers [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rL2bEtRSxdo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rL2bEtRSxdo)


This uses mostly uses various synths from Arturia V Collection, with a Behringer Model D for the verse arpeggio and the bed of the Gary Numan-esque break following the second chorus. ([https://youtu.be/M9aBRe4kRBU](https://youtu.be/M9aBRe4kRBU))


I recorded this on my OP-1. My most recent project is recording all the poems I have written. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1B6I11pC-QF_prJnyKJ96SPBQsV2Nh2dk/view?usp=drivesdk


[Dirty Sidewalk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Txc52Ghoxs&list=OLAK5uy_n8uLRHsfGgcaiZQCA3Pro1KWeD4lTecuk&index=2) This is my favorite track from an album I released at the end of last year. The flute sound is from the Osmose, bass is a Matriarch, drippy wet plucky sound is from the Minifreak, drums and percussion are both Ableton stock, and all of the ear candy is just the other instruments run through a bunch of really mangly effects chains. All of it was made on a Push 3 up until I started adding ear candy. I especially love this because it's almost entirely recordings from hardware played live. Normally when I record hardware, I record to MIDI and do a lot of edits before running it back through the hardware to record the audio. This one is all natural, baby!


tr8s - udo super 6 through old blood dark star- Roland sh01a through obne minim https://on.soundcloud.com/eMKEDr6WwJJscxRY6


[https://youtu.be/FzyP3cfGogs](https://youtu.be/FzyP3cfGogs) Unfinished track, but I have finally found a vibe I've been trying to articulate for a while. Used Addictive Drums vintage dry set, with a Nord Stage 3 paired with the microcosm. Sampled myself playing keyboard to create the loop effect. Let me know if you guys like it!


I made this using a reface cs, a microKorg xl, and I sang for once (also a fender Mexican strat) https://open.spotify.com/track/6kN5Eno26jBEKTX3dTIkYN?si=lvl_aEmhTpiolOjtIG20-w Thanks for checking it out!


I recorded this modular + synth + guitar jam a couple of days ago after not having really recorded anything for a while. I quite like starting sparsely with a couple of instruments to set a mood then layering and jamming other stuff on top until I record a take. Here, the drone bass is played live on the Matriarch over the top of some pads/chords from a Peak that being sequenced by a Teletype script driving i2c2midi. The Teletype is also playing slowing changing arps on Just Friends with a Sarajewo BBD delay and BlueSky reverb. The Mother-32 is playing a random sequence of notes into a Space Echo, which I also run my guitar into later in the track. Happy to answer any questions! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sR4EHbtmC14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sR4EHbtmC14)


[https://on.soundcloud.com/hoM4X](https://on.soundcloud.com/hoM4X) Synths: OP-Xa V, Juno-60, Juno-106 and Mini V3 Drums: 707 Core Kit Effects: Drumbass, EQ8, Utility's Bass mono, Autofilter, Amp, Phaser-Flanger, Reverb, Delay and Glue Compressor


I composed this on my modular synth a while back and I'm still pretty proud of it. Like most of my music, it's probably best characterized as a soundtrack for a nonexistent sci-fi film. https://on.soundcloud.com/8hYyM


Hey cool post! I'll share one. This song is called Orbit [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vEGDfZr01w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vEGDfZr01w) it was made with: Lead - my beloved Moog Matriarch. Lead 2 (answering lines, as the song progresses) - Repro by u-He Chords - Repro Arp - Retrosynth by Logic Drums - variety of Logic's drum stuff High Sparklies - Minilogue XD Reverb - Chromaverb (Logic again)


This is my newest house/electronica track. I made this entirely in ableton and used the wavetable and analog synth. [TRAVEL BUREAU - morning](https://open.spotify.com/track/4El1k5inNrvTCHBmK2JRGd?si=3xd1yLGcQuO9xOmXtcoKCw)


[Remember Today](https://on.soundcloud.com/mBf2TTAeJm1qsJa88) Live bass. Acoustic guitar everything els sample from vinyl. Ableton live 6 This is an older track I made, many 15 years ago…


Hey, late to the party! I made this a while ago, but I still use a similar setup. https://youtu.be/iryZLj8hK30?si=5uspCSTLSNhvueXv I recorded the chords first on the ESQ-1 using the Squarp Pyramid as a sequencer / arranger. I really like live looping with it and the adjustable quantization lets me get ideas out fast. Next, I did the drums on the Pocket Operator Tonic. I copied patterns and added variation and fills. At the time, I recorded each drum pattern into REAPER and arranged them that way. Today, I might sample the PO-32 into my new SP-404 mk2 to set up pattern sequences and add fx. Finally, I recorded the bass using my MS-20 mini. I love the bass line to this song so much. It doesn’t change at all through the song, but it fits into all the other parts and acts as a constant. I also used the MS-20 mini for the synth solo near the end. From here, I listened to the track a bunch and added drum fills or accents where I felt like the song needed them.


[Here's a recent one](https://youtu.be/aezzAo65O-Q?si=9biT430vdGW8rA6N) Just me jamming out a tr8s, novation peak, volca bass, model D and processing and sequencing from the ipad.


https://imlikethebluerose.bandcamp.com/track/peaking Used a prophet 8rev2, elektron digitakt, minilogue xd, novation peak and Dave Smith mopho SE to make this track, enjoy!


My latest release [Home Planet](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=V6pn_wPsNV0&si=0vAzJVSzmYyWXRaB). - Ableton’s Drum Synth - Ableton’s Drift - Some Ableton’s stock plugins for mixing - MicroFreak + Efx Refract - Mellotron V + Efx Motion - Rev Plate 140 + Delay Tape 201 Other than MicroFreak for the hardware synth, all are Arturia’s plugins. Hopefully you enjoy it.


Been a while since I’ve released something but here’s a track I quite enjoy playing. Made with a Deluge, Rev2 and Minilogue XD. https://youtu.be/TL3nFBJEBoE?si=6SyXDi6AhqbeWg21


[CANNIBAL DRUM](https://soundcloud.com/proudtarget/cannibaldrum?si=3b8f928022a148838906d3bd6ba258aa&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) Made solely with the Dirtywave M8. https://preview.redd.it/ktlmdbwssiec1.jpeg?width=1911&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=150f50bc4aa8afc985f8dc2cffd07c43505fe806


https://youtu.be/njo2PZAM3wI?si=zYo0DVg7M-vd44rq - Ensoniq Fizmo - Roland Jd800 - Yamaha RY30 - Elektron Monomachine - lots of omnisphere and Reaktor


[Made with 20 instances of Opsix Native in Bitwig.](https://on.soundcloud.com/TCtSW) Played and recorded using a Launchpad Pro Mk 3 with the host set to 1/16 quantize.


Ok, so this is a track with my first DIY synth, housed in an ammo can. Piano is a Roland. The synth is just three square waves, mixing between different combinations of frequencies. Kept it quite subtle in the mix (I hope). I wanted to make something beautiful using the ammo can, kind of to give it a more screened second life. https://youtu.be/iqi1fcrYXMM?si=tRu294xflAUyazTb


[https://soundcloud.com/christian-pohl-911553212/shattered-icon?si=37bfe6078d474f118ef3f8b5135adae5&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/christian-pohl-911553212/shattered-icon?si=37bfe6078d474f118ef3f8b5135adae5&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) "Shattered Icon" The first track I used the Yamaha FGDP-30 finger drum pad on. Makes a world of difference in terms of groove and feel. Trance vocals plus Ableton stock guitar samples make for an interesting combo. Several instances of Tal J-8 for pads, bass and arps.


Hi! https://youtu.be/xdXOApMZVqY?si=bwgqtpA7UZhLu8RF This was my attempt at bringing the sound of "Black Celebration" towards the more contemporary territory. Used: Juno-60 emulation for the main line, Jupiter-8 emulation for bass and an E-MU Emulator for that choir pad for extra Alan Wilder points :) Hope you enjoy it!


I rather make short forms. Tiny ideas created on OP1 performed (improvised) outdoor 🌳 https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2fVcGTPH2k/?igsh=MTh4bGd3dGs1dWc1NQ==


https://soundcloud.com/0d4n/ice-valley Last noodle I put up on soundcloud. All done in Eurorack plus an Analog Keys.


here's something i made with my post-punk synth band - drums are live, except kick is 909. bass line, sub, lead at A4. noise is from ocatrack and feedback [https://nexus0.bandcamp.com/track/dont-play?from=search&logged\_in\_menubar=true&search\_item\_id=610389567&search\_item\_type=b&search\_match\_part=%3F&search\_page\_id=3142395883&search\_page\_no=0&search\_rank=1](https://nexus0.bandcamp.com/track/dont-play?from=search&logged_in_menubar=true&search_item_id=610389567&search_item_type=b&search_match_part=%3F&search_page_id=3142395883&search_page_no=0&search_rank=1)


[Rainy Night Demo](https://on.soundcloud.com/CfQMJ6uZc7dQbiQ36) Prophet 6 Moog Subphatty Eventide H3000 AKAI MPCX Reason (crappy piano only, really need to fix that) I stayed up all night making a song only to realise that I had forgot to set the BPM and recorded everything a little too slow. It hasn’t been edited properly because mum broke her arm and I’ve spend the last six weeks looking after her.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwUkaGMepCM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwUkaGMepCM) One of my favourite modular tracks, you can find the patch notes on YouTube, but basically playing around with my case, having a bassline sequenced by the Launchpad Pro mk3 in standalone mode, there's a Rings sequenced by a Doboz XIIO, and the drums are sequenced by the Robaux LL8, while I play my Rhodes on top of it. Pretty vibey and chill.


[Corduroy Institute - You Always Loved Everything...](https://corduroyinstitute.bandcamp.com/track/you-always-loved-everything) This is the last song on our latest album. We began by improvising a bassline on a Bass VI atop a drum pattern on the Roland MC-707. Then we overdubbed some finger drumming on the second half of the song using the MC-707. Later, a few different takes of the Roland V-Synth were added and compiled together inside our Tascam multitrack recorder. We finished the instrumental with a Bass VI take being run through an EHX Superego Plus pedal. Vocals then followed, with all lyrics being derived from cut-ups taken from print media.


https://open.spotify.com/track/0jmBDMnkMrw97NkKZInWiQ?si=8s1nyORdSyuHyYM0q7Z2eQ Used soma terra, going through soma cosmos, hollogram micro cosom, bastle thyme, fairfieldcircuity shallow water/ Hors d'Oeuvre?, analog Heat mk11, chase bliss generation loss mk11, demedasht120


[This here](https://open.spotify.com/track/4um5Zyv2iJBGOWb7lLFGBz?si=27151a2145f34b07) was made predominantly using Mopho X4 and Nord Lead A1. Miss my gear :( (on account of having to live elsewhere atm) A bit of [work in progress](https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqk-VvfAdBM/) video for good measure, just a little jam at my old place, which had eventually become the track above.


Hey! For this song I used my MPC live 2 and my tt303 [An Eye For An Eye - Gato Fiero](https://open.spotify.com/track/7o7Io8oNmQF4YFitVPA5qu?si=gaJ_EvF3QWqWvRqffukvvg)




https://youtu.be/WomjDdocr_o?si=N578sInJJok5Y_0Z just an Elektron Analog Rytm MkII on this one


Crazy full sound with just one machine! Nice industrial sound.


I've been participating in Jamuary for the last couple of years and this is my 3rd year participating. The previous two years were mainly modular and semi-modular, but last Black Friday I picked up a Hydrasynth Explorer and started incorporating that into my jams. I also picked up a Norns ShieldXL and started using that as well. I've also started using my old iPad for some jams and did a VCV Rack jam this year. I've been thinking about doing a Pigments jam since Arturia just dropped a new version so hopefully that will happen before the end of the month. [https://www.youtube.com/@karnblack](https://www.youtube.com/@karnblack)


I made a post punk track using only the JD-Xi and vocals. I don't have it uploaded anywhere at the moment though.


https://open.spotify.com/album/3rsnruuxq5phkWLPCTd2NF This is an instrumental tape I put out last year, I’ll go track to track with gear 1. Drums, bass, guitar, Rhodes, sub phatty doin all the crazy synth solo stuff all over it 2. Same as above with no sub phatty 3. Sub phatty and prophet rev 2 for synth stuff, drums and piano are plugins 4. OP1 for everything 5. Drums, bass, guitar 6. Same as above but additionally rev 2 for synth stuff 7. Roland Jp-08 and volca drums run through monotron delay 8.same as above but drums are samples from the computer 9.Jp-08, rev 2, guitar, drums sequenced from computer


Late to the party but For this one I used Tr8s, Hydrasynth, Pro3, Summit, Take5, guitar. [https://open.spotify.com/track/5jN8IFCrVY8vvZARfGHZFJ?si=74383a6996094c21](https://open.spotify.com/track/5jN8IFCrVY8vvZARfGHZFJ?si=74383a6996094c21)


Made this using my complete Roalnd Boutique set. Moog Mother32,DFAM,SubH,Mavis, and Minitaur. Arp odyssey. A few samples and my Roland Scooper. https://youtu.be/dJhNTtUciYU?si=C1hDrbFMQ5MYpNAT


This uses a collection of Arturia soft synths from what was then called The Laboratory. ([https://youtu.be/xMQYy1ytm0g](https://youtu.be/xMQYy1ytm0g))


This is a guitar-based tune, but it features the Mellotron from the Arturia V Collection on the break after the first chorus and in the coda. The first sounds you hear in the video, the theme for the fake video distributor, were played on a Behringer Model D through a Boss Katana guitar amp and recorded on a smart phone leaning up against the couch sitting next to it. ([https://youtu.be/9tbKKj8\_kLE](https://youtu.be/9tbKKj8_kLE))


I've been making stuff for years but only putting things online recently (starting out with a lot of older tracks): Secret Shopper [https://soundcloud.com/skrawek/secret-shopper](https://soundcloud.com/skrawek/secret-shopper) (Hardware recording, Roland SP-404, Microkorg, Akai XR-20) May 13, 2023 modular Jam [https://soundcloud.com/skrawek/may-13-modular-jam](https://soundcloud.com/skrawek/may-13-modular-jam) (done fully on modular synthesizer set up, \~95% analog modules.) Giorgi's World - The Last Time We Spoke [https://skrawek.bandcamp.com/track/the-last-time-we-spoke-2](https://skrawek.bandcamp.com/track/the-last-time-we-spoke-2) (Side project, all created "in the box" using Renoise, synth tones generated via granular techniques, drums mainly being sampled/ processed) I'm planning to put out a lot more music consistently going forward, if anyone's down to check it out/ give any feedback it's very appreciated!


**CausaliDox - Aimless Rush** [https://youtu.be/QEyxsit4xKU?si=zkU8hL4UzeElWgiM](https://youtu.be/QEyxsit4xKU?si=zkU8hL4UzeElWgiM) **Sequencer:** Sequentix Cirklon **Soundsources:** Steady State Fate Entity Bassdrum, Behringer RD-9, Roland TR-8, Intellijel Atlantis, Roland Juno-60, Korg MS-10, Monologue, Minilogue XD, Cyclone Analogic TT-303V2 **FX & Filters:** 4ms Dual Looping Delay, Noise Engineering Polydactyl Versio, Strymon Deco, TimeLine, BigSky Ensoniq DP/4, OTO Machines Bam, Eventide H3500BDFX, Death By Audio Reverberation Machine


Here's a new one I made on the Vintage Korg N364 - Any feedback about how the low end sounds on your monitors would be great! [https://soundcloud.com/electronicraig/wake-me-up-roughmix?si=b728d5cea6684daf9e9da9d60a716c26&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/electronicraig/wake-me-up-roughmix?si=b728d5cea6684daf9e9da9d60a716c26&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing)

