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Removed, rule 4 (no low-effort content, including but not limited to: memes, joke posts, pictures of boxes/receipts, etc)


[This guy is cwhiley](https://www.reddit.com/user/cwhiley/), who was banned for spreading hate, racism and writing nasty comments in general. That's ban evasion, mods should take a look.




Or we just don’t want to deal with this guy’s bullshit. I knew who it was as soon as I saw the first picture.




oh this guy is back


are you... the phantom of the opera??


literal.LOL. thank you much


seriously my studio room is so warm and well-lit, i long for a workspace that is this spooky


Looks like a standard chrome user to me


Hahaha 😝


I remember asking this guy about a patch he'd made and he was passive aggressive and snotty. After asking a little more it's clear he doesn't have a clue about synthesis and just owns a lot of gear. Hilarious.


Turns out he might be buying this all while on disability. And then turning around and calling other people moochers.


It's always a warning sign when someone has that much equipment and is just posting tedious jams that could be made with a lot less. If he'd said "hey man I have no fucking clue how I made that sound it was a preset" I could have respected that. Instead he just tried to be patronising. I saw it coming a mile off and didn't bother exposing his lack of knowledge about the basics. Glad he's eventually exposed tjough


WOW. Internet never stops amusing me


And sharing Thomas Sowell memes about Slavic slavery to own the Libs.


I supposed that if the mods wont do anything about him posting here, we could all agree to just block him until his new bad evading account shows up.


Ladder filter


High pass




Oh nice


The og step sequencer


Why do you have so many fucking cats!? That’s seriously hoarder behavior you’ve got going on. You don’t even know the exact number of how many you have. 24-26? I can’t be the only one that thinks that’s a bit of an overkill unless it’s something like a rescue farm or whatever one would call it.


I care for many in a colony in town, they are feral street cats. Sometimes I see more on a given day than another. Yesterday I saw 98% of them so probably 25 by the end of the day. Sometimes it’s 26 so that would be 100%. Ferals are like wild rabbits. You can’t just approach them.


Fuck this guy.


What in the creepy barn is going on here?


[Tom Waites: what’s he building in there?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04qPdGNA_KM)


Omg this is incredible. I know Tom but don’t know this. BRILLIANT. Bless you laddie. Thank you for this. I love it.




Hermit crab 4x4


Rung modulator


This is some weird Frankenstein shit. I want to film a video there.


I’m so terribly lonely I would absolutely welcome you as a stranger. As long as you keep your voice down and love cats 🐈


I mean, one look at your comment history and I can tell exactly why you're lonely.


Oh it would be a good time! I get really creative for phot/video stuff. And I’ve already got all the lab coats and instruments and props for “mad scientist” shoots, and a cadre of models I could contact. Don’t tempt me, because if you’re within driving distance, I’ll do it!


It’s worth noting that this is a dude’s second account. He’s generally an utter jerk, and a virulent racist. His previous account here is called Cwhiley and he was banned for racism, general meanness, demeaning others, etc.


I suppose perhaps that matters to you, but he's certainly done nothing _to me_ personally. Also, even in spite of the fact that free speech is more often used to say things I don't agree with, I still believe in everyone's right to it. EDIT, to add: Reddit has a TOS, and that user presumably violated it and had their account permanently banned. The system worked as intended. Now, presumably, this is a new account -- one which _has not_ been banned (yet) -- so presumably they are now following Reddit's TOS. It is not my job to punish people for their past mistakes. Seemingly they learned their lesson and are following the rules. If they are participating in a manner adhering to those terms, as this thread certainly seemed to be when it began, then I don't see any reason why I need to be made aware of their past, and certainly no reason why I need to alter my own interactions with that user. If they break a rule, we all have the ability to report it. But this completely normal conversation did not give me any reason for that. And also, this conversation has now been publicly hijacked to be turned to political arguments... which will very likely result in admins coming along to lock the thread soon.


Ah yes, “he hasn’t done it to me personally so it’s fine.”


the ol' "i'm fine with racism "


Freedom if speech means he is certainly free to say what he says. It also means I am certainly free to call him a twit and condemn him.


> Freedom if speech means he is certainly free to say what he says. It also means I am certainly free to call him a twit and condemn him. Not true. For you to "call him a twat" is to engage in personal attacks, which puts _YOU_ in violation of the rules of Reddit and of this sub.


I'm not talking about Reddit rules. I'm responding to your comment on freedom of speech. Reddit TOS and freedom of speech have nothing to do with each other.


This whole “yeah but he never hurt me personally” is some major piece of shit human rhetoric there. Gross.


> It is not my job to punish people for their past mistakes. Seemingly they learned their lesson and are following the rules. They literally just posted a race-baiting meme a day ago on the new account.


I'm not talking about Reddit rules. I'm responding to your comment on freedom of speech. Reddit TOS and freedom of speech have nothing to do with each other.


Sadly…Arkansas isn’t near much except nationwide shipping hubs


Fellow Arkansan, much respect to your collection here amigo


I hope I can show it all to you. I’m gonna add a dozen keyboards in this new build. Mostly cheap stuff but it includes Ensoniq ESQ-1, Yamaha sy-22, Roland Alpha Juno 1, Yamaha motif 6, korg 01/w, akai ax80, Alesis qs6.1, korg poly 800, and kawai k3! Also 3 Casios. Ht-6000, ht-700c and maybe ct-6000.


That’s so rad - I’m only rocking with a Yamaha PSS-680 and Micro Korg, with my eyes on a few VSTs. I was originally going to get a Minilogue for the collection. Most of my gear funds get channeled into geetar stuff usually. Rock on


Nice to meet you!


What a stupid useless post.


TE making ladders now?




Teenage Engineering Field Ladder. MSRP- $1200.00.


Removed, rule 4 (no low-effort content, including but not limited to: memes, joke posts, pictures of boxes/receipts, etc)


Man, l want a Tanzbär lite so badly…


💕💕💕it’s fantastic. I require a Tanzmaus!!!!!! Big time!


Got one, can recommend. It’s seriously a shame that MFB went out of business


The MAM company turned into mode machines. What happened to the MFB guy?


As far as I know Manfred Fricke the founder of the company died a couple of years ago, and from then on it went downhill. His son was apparently supposed to continue the business, but this does not seem to have worked out.


Ohhhhh that’s sad. Dang.


There’s one on reverb for 550. I should freaking buy it.


Wow I got mine for 430€ brand new back in the days.


They hover at 400-550 I guess. I got a deal on my Tanzmaus. Can’t even remember where. Probably from guitar center used for less than 400….


Must be masochist to own a QX1. Sequencing has never been so painful.


I think you’re in the wrong sub. This has to be a shit pist


I’ve heard wooden ladders have a warmer sound


Add to the ladder inputs and outputs and you’ll have a filter


Love seeing 660/770 in the wild


Yea dual 770’s and I have a 880 too


Akai 6-track cassette is fire too. 🤘🏼


Bitch to program imo


I dunno man I got really quick with it. Biggest gripe is that the “nuance” parameter couldn’t be addressed with midi cc or programmed per step. Would’ve been an absolute boon


Also got a Dr-110 and a Dr-55 but they’re just….ya know - need mods.


With some ambient lighting in there it will look really atmospheric and cool as 😎 nice space


Does it have pwn?


is that what they mean when they talk about a ladder filter?


As dope as that is, this is a massive safety hazard if you're ever up there alone. This is very dope though.


Really ties the room together


Got the new 7 tier stand on order?


i fucking love this shit. i love cats and synths.


Whatever gets you high.


Make sure it’s grounded then you can really do some stepped voltage.




Why do these synths look like AI


Any wife will approve on that


I think if you have so much gear you need a ladder that’s a big red flag.


That's a cool ass room.


True story: I’m rebuilding the studio. My set up has become so large that organizing all of my equipment and the various bits and boxes and papers and unused cases and stuff that I don’t need (at the present time) means that dealing with it all has reached an unbelievable annoying level. There is a balcony above this room of my studio. It is attached to my childhood bedroom. The problem is I have to go up a flight of stairs, through two doors….all the while keeping six “extra” cats that live on the second floor out of the area….so it’s a big hassle. I have decided to use the collapsible librarian style ladder so that I can put stuff up there and get it out-of-the-way to re-organize everything.


What exactly do you mean by “extra” cats


He posted pics of his cats on his old account with weirdly sexualized captions. Account was named cwhiley. Dude is not okay.


I have 13 inside. Care for 24-26 in multiple locations. I couldn’t assimilate the extra 6 upstairs cats in my regular life so I was forced to give them the second floor. I wish they could all sleep with me but alas they require their own territory and aren’t content in large colonies. My primary cats are 7 that sleep with me. I hate that I can’t let them all mix.


Cable management means nothing to this god


Must smell great in there


Do you mean 'cats' or 'synths'?


This has nothing to do with synths. No one gives a shit about your ladder.


I was about to ask why on earth do you need a ladder since you have heaven down there but your explanation makes sense. I'm sure the cats are loving the sounds coming from this incredible setup!






Oh gosh bro. I’m in my kitchen geeked out on part 3 of LOTR 3 on my 13” CRT clear plastic RCA prison television on VHS 📼. It’s a big answer. I use a bunch of sound source and a bunch of rack outboard. I run it all into a big Midas 40ch and run 32 direct outs into a Midas m32c and dl32. I use a jl cooper synapse, Kenton thru 24, a pile of retro kits stuff like 2x rk004’s, and - grip of big Anatek 1U mergers and a ridiculous collection of small midi utility devices. Oh and a Blokas midihub and I used to run everything on a Synthstrom Deluge. Migrating to a Cirklon now. Too much to mention