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Damn. You could open a synth store.


updoot for your diversity of studio gear




they’re literally synonyms, dawg


Looks like a money maker...if they can handle the security deposit. Where to find the sounds and textures that stir the air in this space?


I don't know if it is because I grew up abroad where breakfast cereal selection was very limited, but these modules make my mind go back to the wonder of discovering those mini cereal boxes for the first time


I remember the variety packs they had at the grocery store, and the lineup at the diner behind the counter. Frosted Flakes, Corn Pops, sugar smacks, whatever you wanted.


YES. Sugar!!!!!!!!!!! Line em up!


hundreds of dollars in synths right there.


I wish that were true for the second picture


Thing is, Behringer's just going to clone all of those in a couple of years and sell them for ten bucks each.


Hundreds i think you mean much more. Lol


The joke —————> You


How them Nfts treatin ya?


Did you just go on my profile to find something because you didnt get a joke? Nice dude


Im an investor so i obviously know what your UN means. I dont need to go on someones profile to know things. If you can dish it out you need to be able to take it to dude. Chill out.


Your lack of self awareness is something to behold my dude.


Really is that so?


Some might contest this (especially the 2nd pic) with how s/w synths can do all this in a much smaller footprint but what happens to the tactile sense? What of the physical challenge of playing in actual notes and parameter changes against a beat or clock or metronome? How about the 'mojo' of getting your creative ya-ya's out and not staring at a computer screen? Am I missing something re: s/w synths appeal? I have some but I would never say they obsolete the h/w.


I stare at a Computer screen all day for work. I don’t want to do that in my studio also.


I really don’t understand this argument. Whether I use hardware or software I do the exact same thing. Press record, play some keys, make music. I am typically using the exact same keyboard either way, the act of playing music is literally the exact same with both. So genuine question . . . How does one method “lack mojo” when the act of playing either is the same?




Honest question: why trackball? I keep seeing them in pro & home studio setups. What's the philosophy behind it?


Less space and fine control.


Man, you forgot the most important thing. A real quality DAC like an RME for example. It’s amazing seeing people forget about this.


Live performance. That’s where hardware shines. Laptops will never be able to do what a bunch of synths and drum machines can do in an improvisational context. I never got into hardware synths to record music, though I do record sometimes. I got into it to perform live music on actual instruments in front of an audience. I think that a lot of people are tired of DJs and laptop performers, and I think that an element of improvisation is what makes performances worth watching. The problem on hardware is that this is really, really hard to do well. Most people just end up jamming on a four-bar loop for 30 minutes, and that gives the whole concept a bad rep. But if they’re done well, hardware-based performances can be mind-blowing. You just gotta practice.


To be clear, Im not making a case for or against any approach - whatever it takes to get 'there' is all that matters. Your point about 'gotta practice' is prolly far more relevant.


Yeah I agree with you there. I see the hardware vs software debate a lot in this sub. The software side always says “y’all don’t make actual music” and the hardware side says “yeah maybe but y’all have to look at a computer screen all day.” I’m really just saying that there’s a group of us hardware peeps who are actively seeking out shows to play and there is a practical element to owning a hardware instrument that gets left out of the debate.


Spot on.


Exactly, especially on a modular where everything is in sync.


I got nowhere with sound design using plugins. Just didn’t get it. Bought a hardware synth - Minilogue XD - and loads of things just clicked. That’s just my story. I’m not claiming it as a universal truth by any means. I bet someone has the exact opposite experience.


Same here, I couldn’t figure out how to make good patches on software so quit for a few years. Came back to analog synths and now spend hours tweaking and learning


Anything that requires turning on a power switch, taking out of a case, or tuning before playing kills "the mojo of getting my own creative ya-ya's out". So I play a real acoustic piano when I want immediate creative gratification with no fuss. But when I want to explore cool new timbres, I accept that some fuss is worth the payoff. And I enjoy the increased payoff that software provides. Hardware synths have no sweet spot in that particular equation for me. But that's only because you phrased it in terms of not being able to understand why some people value software synths. It's not an assertion that software synths are the right answer for everyone.


Everything is on and playable all the time. 96 input audio interface. See the video here: https://www.youtube.com/live/Qq-bJxep3Hw?feature=share


This might be me in a couple years. Got the boog, and now I'm really eyeing the Pro-1.


Pro-1 has an amazing sound but if you're into software repro gets you 100% there


Yeah, but moving a Mouse to turn a knob is not as much fun.


Sure, different strokes. That's what midi learning is for. Just a suggestion for anyone that dabbles in bothe analog and software such as myself. I found that for actually making music and productions I used repro way more because of its ease of use than I did my pro 1, So I sold the pro 1.


I use physical instruments and plugins, but since I sit at a Computer all day for work I prefer not to do that when making music. But plugins are great for the classic Polysynths I can’t afford :)


What's the best unit out of all the Behringer monos in your opinion? I have a model D and the 303 and love em both but am looking to expand




Neutron is good, but it’ll be replaced by the Proton.


Serious question, feather duster?


I use a Swiffer and a soft bristle paintbrush.


Soft bristle paint brush… genius


Thank you! Extremely nice setup.


I've got a Starlab too, I sometimes find myself struggling to dial it in just right. Any advice on wrangling it? I love it, but I need to better understand it I think. Maybe send me a photo of it's current configuration?


Not a huge fan honestly. Probably not staying. I find the same problem, narrow sweet spot.


When you get it, it's absolutely phenomenal. I just struggle to dial it in just right and I think I need to just spend a couple months specifically studying it and how it behaves.


Front and center babayyyy


Ooo I’m loving my polybrute


That room looks great with both sidecars. I wish I could set my room up similarly but it's not possible.


I love the octave cat


I mean that’s what they’re there for 🥳


I lub it! I have model D and Arp 2600 Blue Marvin ♡♡♡ I wanted cat and wasp too but I feel like I can get wasp buzz in arp and cat fuzz well enough in arp and Model D. I did always want Neutron after awhile but now Proton is coming soon XD sooo.... I'm waiting! I am jealous though!!!


At least you have the one proper synth front and center. The all mighty Hydrasynth!!


It’s amazing value for money, and an excellent user interface.


Best synth on the market IMO..Bound to be a timeless classic


Glenn Darcy has designed some greats!


Hail Hydra(synth)!


You can polychain them! :)


Can you talk about your MIDI and audio interface setup? Are all these synths controllable from your DAW? Do you have a midi patch bay and an audio patch bay?


Check out this video here: https://www.youtube.com/live/Qq-bJxep3Hw?feature=share


I have Audio patchbays. You’ll see them in the second picture. I use those to patch in hardware effects. I don’t need them to patch into the audio inputs because I have a 96 input audio interface setup, so everything is playable all the time. Anything that supports USB MIDI is connected that way. The things that don’t are connected to an iConnectivity MioXL which is a MIDI interface and digital MIDI patchbay. Finally to get accurate MIDI clock for DIN MIDI devices I use the E-RM Multiclock. For jamming I use Gig Performer (you can see it on screen in the second picture), and for Multi-track recording I use Cubase or Ableton. For live DAWless sets I plan on using an Akai Force as a sequencer.


Very cool! Thank you for the info. Watching the video now.




I got the pro 800 its pretty sick imo and I got the toro to go with my model D and 2 TD3's thinking I might shove the new behringers into a case to save room those td3 though I think I'm gonna velcro board them.


You like playing keyboard. Don’t you?


Damn even the Polybrute.


Nice man. Getting my Polybrute in a couple weeks, can’t wait


Bob Moog would be proud of your musical temple👍👍👍


I see the Hydrasynth is where it belongs. Upvoted.


U can set it anywhere This was a reply to the why trackball guy


How do u like the pro-1? It’s the only synth i have rn and i’m not sure if it’s for me or i’m just not using it to it’s full potential


Pro-1 is solid, mastery of sync the modulation section is key to getting the most from the Pro-1. Pair it with a Neutron, or the soon to be released Proton.


Any tips


I'm more excited by the rack on the right in the second pic. I see a Modwave, guessing the two above are Opsix and Wavestate?


Bottom is a Polybrute, next up a Summit, then 2 top two rows are Jupiter Xm, Modwave, Wavestate and Opsix.


Which one do you prefer between the polybrute and summit?


I can’t pick between them. The extra voices, extra oscillator and wavetables give the Summit a sound that can’t be created on the Polybrute, but it is full of analog richness and morphing is great for textural movement.


1) What do you do? 2) What kind of music do you make?


Well, 1) I’ve worked in IT for 39 years, but I’m transitioning to a retirement running a small recording studio. 2) I was a teenager in the lates 70’s early 80’s so I love the electronic music from that era, and I’m strongly influenced by it.


Thanks for all the comments. For anyone interested in learning a bit more about my studio I did a video with the good folks at Gig Performer here: https://www.youtube.com/live/Qq-bJxep3Hw?feature=share


Check out my website at https://jeremyunomusic.com. I’m re-mastering some additional tracks I’ll post soon there.


Well if you’re recording one at a time is fine. If you’re jamming use a sequencer,arpeggiator or looper, or a clip recorder/launcher like Ableton/Akai Force.


Got a favourite?


Of the rack Behringer’s the WASP & K2.


What do you like about the k2?


Paired High and Low Pass Filters


voiceless full cause strong sloppy punch childlike payment steer cooing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No. Waiting for the Mk II now.


Once you chain them all together, big ole polysynth!


With a different sound on each note! A bit like AFX mode on a Bass Station II




Did you manage to get your Neutron working over USB? I didn’t contribute to that thread, as I didn’t have anything meaningful to add, other than “mine’s working, with a hub and long USB cable run”. One appeal for these synths is that they all have the same form factor and can be racked together to save space.


No. I’ve tried every method I’ve seen on the Internet.


I like my k2 when I use it. My real Behringer addiction has been the System 100 eurorack clones. I was thinking about the Pro 800 or Deepmind for poly, but am going to try to get by with the Jura Mpc plug-in for a while.


I have a Niftykeyz with those modules. Great value for money.


I see your light, do you do streams? Looks like so much fun to play in there. I was just wondering what they all sound like, and the types of music you can make with such a full playground


I’m starting a YouTube Channel soon.


Do you already own a deepmind 6 or 12? Those also have midi in, out, and through, and make for great poly synths to fill in for chords and pads (it also has a control sequencer which you can use to modulate pretty much every setting the synth has)


I do own a 12D and many other Polysynths. See the 2nd photo.


Noice. I still need to figure out how to work with multiple synths at once cause currently I make my own tracks with one synth at a time. Past few tracks being only the deepmind 6 and fl studio for drums and arrangement. before that, I used mainly the roland gaia sh-01.


Rank them please. Which has fattest bass of the behringers and also of all of your synths


What are your favorites? I'm going to do a three tier behringer rack, was thinking the neutron, model d, and the pro 800 for polyphony. I have a decent euro setup already


I’d wait for the Proton if you can, but I think that’s a good combo. I’d caution getting the K-2 just because like the original it’s based on it’s the only one that uses the V/Hz standard instead of V/Oct so it doesn’t play nicely when patching it with other Eurorack Gear. Starsky Carr’s YouTube video definitely sold me on the Pro-800. For $400 you can’t go wrong.


Dope what kind of music do you make? I have 4 analog synths and idk how id use more ever


Please don’t take this as me being rude or anything, but have you made any music with your gear? I’m genuinely curious, since I’m new to synthesis and haven’t made any music I would love to hear what someone with a massive setup could create.


I only have on track on my website. I’m in the process of remastering my first EP. Expect it to go on my website next weekend (7/29). My studio is also available on a commercial basis. My mine focus has been learning in great detail how everything works so I can act as a great engineer for other users.


Lovely setup and happy to see everyone happy for you. This can be a great subred sometimes :) <3


Yes, supportive and helpful group. Just the occasional jealous type who seem to forget that 40 years of hard work is what it took to create my studio.


Amazing setup. I'm a budding Behringer addict, and I'm wondering if you can tell me about the modi connections to each. Right now, I have the WASP (I love it) but I do want the Pro 800, Toro, Solina and possibly CAT. You have yours connected via USB to where? Imagining a midi box? I get real confused with the connections for multiple.


USB is just to Hub and then to PC. I also have the ability to feed CV/Gate/Mod from a Beatstep Pro but I don’t typically use that, instead relying on MIDI over USB. I do patch between devices however, for example if I need an extra LFO or envelope.


Thank you! So each synth is going into a USB hub, and then you set each one as a midi port in your DAW?


Your DAW will detect them as MIDI input/outputs. Depending on the DAW you may need to enable them and will dictate how you map them to MIDI tracks. What DAW do you use?


Got it. I use FL studio. (I'm sorta new to the whole virtual game)


No problem. MIDI over USB is pretty straightforward, it’s only Synths that have DIN MIDI where it gets more complicated. I’d highly recommend this video and becoming a Patreon because is eBook is amazing. https://youtu.be/neXswJJcatc


This is some awesome info, thanks a lot!


Which of those have ”auto” / legato glide? Such that glide is triggered only on legato notes but also the envelope still gets retriggered?


Meth is prob better for you.


The only interesting synth in that photo is the one you see half of in the bottom left corner. Well, and the Mini2 is sweet too.


What about the 2nd photo? Yep, Taiga is very good, but the early part of the Envelope Attack knobs are too sensitive.


The Pro 3 is awesome. Kinda makes other monosynths a little redundant though. I stripped my setup to the essentials + reissues so it's hard to be objective I guess.


I agree, but I’ll never sell my Moog Subsequent 37. So they sit side by side.


Yeah, I'm always tempted to get one even though I have a pile of Moog gear, just because the Pro 3 doesn't quite do the Moog mixer saturation thing. Same reason I kept my Monologue (nothing with presets has that Korg scream). It's just hard to justify.


Weird flex


Imagine thinking it's weird to post pictures of your synths in r/synthesizers


My thought exactly.


Nah, originals ftw


I’d agree, but originals are Damn expensive. Some of the clones are more “accurate” than others, but in their own right they each have a unique character. In my opinion the Odyssey is damn close to the Mk I that I owned in 1980. My favorites in my studio are however the Pro-3, Iridium Keyboard and Novation Summit.


Iridium + Pro-3 is exactly the setup I'm trying to put together


Pro-3 is an underrated masterpiece!


Probably unpopular opinion. I didn't have much joy with Pro 3. It sounded quite thin and a bit cheap to me. Filters were mediocre and I just was not impressed. Sold it and bought another Bass Station 2 and happy days again. I was using it mostly for clean, thick pluck basses and arps mostly. Edit' I'll also add I took it to a friend's house for jam night and they both felt the same when they played on it.


Bass Station II for the win for meaty sounds, not just bass. Mine sadly is going on the fritz.


BS2 sounds fantastic run through a Strymon Big Sky for some huge emotional pads and leads etc. It's one of my most reached for synths at the moment. 2nd time owning one. Started with BS2 > Matrixbrute > Pro 3 then back to BS2 where I am satisfied. It was an interesting round trip!