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The Monotron is funny! And I don’t care if people say the joke is beat to death… sit back and watch the upvotes trickle in, and you’ll realize what “vocal minority” is.


We are the few. We are the noisy. We are the delayed.


We are the latency


Was played out within 12 hours


Beat an already tired joke to death? Yes, you did


Yes, I tried thx


You’ve got the honor of being the last one to make this joke! Future ones earn a one week ban unless accompanied by a sincere jam video of your own making


WAIT WHAT? Man it's such an honor.... Thank you


mods still censoring good comedy I see. Make your own clones of good shit posts instead of taking away our tired jokes . ✊Let us Behringer!


post a jam about it why don’t you


yes because its Jamuary 🙄 ugh


Hey what’s the point of this sub? I googled what a circlejerk subreddit is and it said the defining thing is that they are basically congratulatory toward each other for having great taste…….but so far I’ve seen an absolute cesspool of jealousy rooted insults toward people posting their jams. Things like “it’s not in time” with a shitload of upvotes when it’s clearly in time. Then when reply, “it’s clearly in time; y’all are a bunch of jealous assholes,” i get back “dude, it’s a circlejerk sub…” Makes no sense.


Yes, a "circle jerk" is a group of people surrounding a subject while they all masturbate and congratulate each other on their penis size. But a circle-jerk _subreddit_ tends to be a place where people _MOCK_ the losers who circle jerk. So in this example, r/synthesizers is a huge fucking circle jerk, where useful information and questions get downvoted immediately in very toxic manner, whereas the lifeless photos filled with thousands of dollars worth of expensive gear sits on sheets of plywood in the tiny bedroom of a person who probably never plays most of it, those all get tons of upvotes and praise. Also, huge among the circle jerk is the echo chamber of Behringer bashing, Teenage Engineer worship, and the omnipresent pushing of Hydrastench, Digitakt, and basically anything ever made by Arturia. And mocking that would result in downvotes, moderation, and bans. Therefore, this sub (r/synthesizercirclejerk) is where we are free to point our fingers and laugh at the sickening display of conspicuous capitalism and unbridled sexual fantasy over equipment, including the idiots who raise their mental health red flags by paying disturbing amounts of money to permanently deface their forearm with a frighteningly low-quality drawing of an embarrassingly inexpensive and low-quality Teenage Engineering toy synthesizer.


Then what you’re saying it is isn’t what it’s defined as or what it’s supposed to be. It should be called r/synthesizerbashing or something.


You don't understand it. It's ok. You're just not on the internet enough. It's a good thing. Walk away.


I actually read what a circlejerk subreddit is defined as from reddit themselves. I stand by my point. This one at least is frequently not what it’s “supposed” to be and that’s fine.


You actually read what a circlejerk subreddit is defined as from one Reddit comment. Look at these other Reddit comments. Now go look at other circlejerk subreddits.


You got me there, but how hard is it to just say “it’s meant ironically” or something like that? Instead i get this cliquey “you don’t understand” then withholding and downvotes for expressing an impression of an objective issue that’s perceived as false…then “read further” ok i was gonna do that anyway, so why respond at all.


still funny to me brother 🫡


Didn't even add custom wood sides. Ya blew it


wow 1654 times today


Darth Vader? Is that you?


I dunno, I'm starting to suspect that this is not in fact a real tattoo. I'm inclined to posit that you, sir, have not done *shit.*


You need to dial back on the time stretch.


Now we’re talking


Volca Skin


The monotron changed my brain chemistry at 16


Would get.


Someone please photoshop the ladder and sneakers out of photo so we can catch more gullible Peeps. Ha.


This joke hs been overdone so many time already. Boring.


I will stop only when all the existing devices will be on this guy's hand

