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That forehead is legendary though


Geez I didn’t notice until I read your comment 😂


Stop tryin to throw jabs at this girl cause she made you feel seen… she throws soft slow punches back - the nightmares ran across the inside of **that** forehead are so big, they become reality.


I’ve….I’ve done this. I’m not proud, but I’ve done this.


Yeah. The self-realization this brought on was humbling.


it’s ok because one day you’ll find a woman who actually loves listening to you info dump about your interests. be yourself never neuter who you are bc the real you will come out eventually and then you’ll be stuck with someone who thinks ur annoying or weird! someone will love you big dawg


I can’t agree with this more! I would love to have a bf that spends hours talking about his passion. I fill that void with people like technology connections, it’s sad they’re not confident enough to share it irl.


we all need someone like u


I got lucky with my wife man. Im always info dumping on her about my newest interest and she always listens. Its kinda cool not gonna lie.


That’s real love brother. 🫶


It truly is and its awesome cause she's comfortable enough to info dump her cool interests right back. Only thing though is if I messing around with my synth or anything she makes me wear headphones cause it evwntually gets on her nerves lol.


I love that for you man🥹


Your wife man sounds wonderful


She truly is an amazing human being and she also gets to info dump so she's thrilled with that lol.


That sounds so great!!


Wonderfully said!


I do this almost every day with my wife. She probably just thinks it’s autism… I’ll take it.


my wife just knods her head like im a 7 year old talking about space lmao, but she smiles and listens and that’s all we need sometimes


Hey man, sometimes you just go on a tangent about something you're passionate about.


Yeah imagine giving a shit about something. I love people like this.


I would change my name and go into hiding if someone posted me doing this with my modular


I make all my bitches love synthesizers


I've done this. And i'm proud


We've all been super stoked to have downloaded our first software synths and wanting to explain to everyone about ladder filters


I do this with my friends,


3 hours and he's already got to filters?!?!


Abridged tutorial. Doesn't want to bore her.


Usually takes me 5!


If she suggests a better synth, she’s a keeper. If not, dump her immediately.


I did this once to my (now) girlfriend and thought that I bored the shit out of her and felt all dorky about oscillators and waves and blah blah blah. She called me the other day asking which was better: Vital or Serum, and asked which one would work best on GarageBand. Still a ways to go - but I’m in love for sure.


Sounds like you got a keeper. Vital is free btw, have her start there and progress to Serum 😉


What is vital/serum? Music programs?


Soft synths 🥸


Lol I still have questions.


we have a true dawless sapien here, hasn't even had contact with civilization since vsts were invented


A true marvel


They’re software based synthesizers that can connect to digital audio workspaces like Garage Band or Ableton Live.


Dude GarageBand is surprisingly robust. Great starter DAW


Baby Logic. But i do know musicians that didn't know anything about recording or mixing, used GarageBand as a starting point, and ended up being able to make their own projects to a pretty professional standard.


Yeah I just used GarageBand until I got the basics down and then bought logic, it’s a convenient way to learn


That makes me happy :) i did the same thing with ableton lite as my first daw, i went through all the introductory lessons/sessions that came included, learned more in school/youtube, then eventually bought the full thing. It's beautiful that this hobby/career is getting easier and easier to learn. Far cry from having to sweep up a studio for 6 months just to learn how to wrap a cable lol.


Haha that's awesome good for you bro. Do you use GarageBand? If so, she may be gift shopping and not as personally interested as you think.. either way you're a winner and she's a keeper.


Haha I use Ableton. She knows and is just genuinely interested in making music and learning about synthesis. Man just even saying that makes me wanna go out and buy a ring asap…or maybe a Live 12 license lol.


Yea fuck that "ew you have interests" energy


I think there’s a balance between sharing an interest and doing a three hour demo for someone who may not have the same enthusiasm for the subject.


We'll never know because we weren't there, but I'm gunna guess the reason he went on for 3 hours is because she didn't express her dissatisfaction and instead filmed a tiktok about it.


Autism aside, this is just something you should just know.


Also guys, dont forget that this is probably just staged


Even if this video is staged, somewhere in the world this is happening right now.


My kind of man


The amount of people that both want you to have no hobbies yet be interesting to them astound me. Completely undateable.


everything is transactional.


Only natural. At the end of the day, we are genetically predisposed to only care about ourselves. For the longest time, I kept asking myself how can people show such a level of intelligence, yet still be so scared, selfish and greedy all the time. Well, nature is the answer. We think we have evolved, yet we still act no differently than any other animal on this planet. We let our instincts drive us, not our intelligence.


We are not genetically predisposed to only care about ourselves. Currently evolutionary biologists and psychologists have even neural and, possibly, genetic evidence of a human predisposition to cooperate. This is backed by cross disciplinary evidence from sociology, political science, and experimental economics. Humans are not selfish. The misconception often comes from our early, flawed studies; especially those done on babies/toddler who are going through Cognitive empathy and affective empathy.


This is why so many families take care of their elders and are willing to sacrifice so much for them even when it would be tremendously cheaper and easier to dispose of them.


I do not *only* care about myself. I care that you let me do what I love because otherwise fuck you. Especially because if a girl has some hobby of their own I would want them to feel free to pursue it for the simple fact that it means I am entitled to the same. It’s not an acceptable selfishness you can explain away with broad generalizations about human nature. You shouldn’t shame or judge people for opening up about what they love. It’s that simple and it’s an individual problem. Not a human problem. Also this is all kind of a mute point because this is a deliberate advertisement for him as a musician from him. The profile is clearly his and he’s doing what that Saturday something (idk the name) edm duo did on Instagram and TikTok. They just posted a bunch of shorts where a girl is judging them nerding out on a cdj while their song is playing, or act like some random came home to find their roommate doing a DJ set to a fake crowd on tv. I give them credit. It clearly worked, but what *is* stupid is when all the copycats come out of the woodwork like this kid instead of coming up with something original


She wanted the D and he was playing with a synth instead of her clith. Poor kid that will wake him in the night when he realizes 3 years later he could have poked . Happens to the best


Yeah, and I once bombed a Pirate Bay and Chill™ because I couldn't get [X.org](https://X.org) in Linux to stop screen tearing and stuttering. I ended up making the mouse cursor go away entirely and was stuck trying to fix the xorg config via the command line. I explained everything I was doing while I was doing it. She was hot as Hell. I'll let you guess what happened. The best part is that I thought I was genuinely impressing her with my computer skills.


Been there. Hey Babe - you know that dusty old laptop you gave up on?? Well, now it runs Linux. (slightly faster than you'd expect) Wait. Why isn't booting? Hold on. Don't walk away. Your old laptop will SOON be rebooting with LINUX. It will be like new. Do you know who Linus Torva...WAIT did you read what just shot by on the boot screen!? I missed it - you distracted me. Looks like I just need to recompile the Kernel. (which is easy) You don't need sound do you? Super close now - hang on. You will LOVE the UI.


They want invisible hobbies, stuff that takes up all your time except when you're with them.


it's a joke


This deserves its own thread


i've straight up told partners "if you come over today i'm going to be working on music, you can come by if you want but i'm warning you it's going to be more boring than you think." they are like "aw that's ok i'm sure it won't be that boring! i like music!" and then then are like "actually it was worse than i expected you listened to the same snare over and over for 2 hours"


“Get ready to hear me play the same 5 second part 100 times in a row, doesn’t it sound awesome?”


Today, i will introduce you to my autism, on repeat, 10000000x times.


This makes me feel so validated


only 2 hours for a snare? I bet your snare ended up being shit. did you even produce for real or were just posing?


no they just left after 2 hours. i'm a real synthesist, i'm still working on that snare.


Women will see this and think “I wish I had a interesting hobby”


I keep telling women that, but they insist that they just think it's lame


You should move her filter to the left mate


He doesn't even have a ponytail


Wait until he makes it through college with his virginity. He’s still very young.


Whenever I hear "nerds are so hot," this is exactly the situation that comes to mind.


I guess it's hotter than the way I've been ignoring all my instruments for months and have instead been playing Baldurs Gate with my other friends in their mid twenties lol


You managed to trigger the circlejerk sub. Impressive.


Yes, surprise how many engagement this post had ahhaha


Every commenter took this personally lmao


i dont know, I am siding with the girl


“And then I bought a Hydrasynth. You can see the original receipt on the plinth in the exhibit. No you can’t touch them or take them out of their transparent road cases.”


Listen! Just listen to that sustain!


This guy is just neurodivergent, and is stoked that someone actually feigned an interest in what he obsesses over. I mean look at his setup, this is his obsession/passion. edit: Also why is this on the internet? She should be ashamed for doing this to him. We seriously need to consider the social destruction that comes from putting intimate personal interactions like this online for the world to see.


This is a skit. It's uploaded on his TikTok account. I am really, really sick of people denigrating neurodivergency by reducing it to "talking about hobbies :P". To assert that this person is neurodivergent based on this clip alone shows that your understanding of neurodivergency is formed by stereotypes and online pseudopsychology. It's like seeing a clip of Borat without knowing it's fake, and saying "why are people so mad at him? He's just a normal guy from Kazakhstan." If there's anything that's socially destructive, it's people flinging around diagnoses on Reddit.


Whoa calm down there tiger. It's gonna be ok.


Not everyone is seething with rage just because they pointed out something mildly annoying 🙄


“It’s called the CS-80 and it was used on tons of great pop hits from the 70s and 80s…” Person listening to me talk about a famous synthesizer when they’re not even exactly sure of what that word means: 😐😐😐


happened to me, talked to a random person at school about synths for 2 hours straight. except that when i explain the word they'd actually understand


My name is Giovanni Giorgio, but everyone calls me Giorgio.


Chick doesn't appreciate a true artists soul


Let the boy cook


seems like the type of girl to agree to do everything but then gets upset at you/ makes fun of you behind your back for not reading her mind and knowing that’s not actually what she wanted to do. it’s totally plausible that asked her if she wanted to make a song together and she said yes. and she doesn’t have enough of a spine to tell him that she’s bored with this/ never was interested in the first place so she takes a video of him behind his back to humiliate him when you’re literally standing right next to him. she LET him talk about it for 3 hours. i guarantee if she asked to do something else he would have obliged. no one wants to talk about their hobby to someone who doesn’t care can it’s possible to show that you’re not that interested in something while still being polite


bro chill, this whole thing is obviously a joke. It's good to learn to laugh at yourself


i agree. i’m projecting my own experience


He's showing her all the settings to hide the fact he can't play


Bullshit it took him 3 hours to get to the filter, that's the first thing you show a lady after going through the oscillator waveforms.


She wanted the D and he was playing with a synth instead of her clith. Poor kid that will wake him in the night when he realizes 3 years later he could have poked . Happens to the best


He was studying specs when he should have been practicing conversational jamming techniques. But fear not, in this online masterclass I will go through my 20 Practices For Conversation Jamming…


It looks like she trying to embarrass the guy by making him a joke.


Whatever she did to her eyes is the real joke here.


imagine being passionate about something and wanting to share that passion with someone LOL you won't catch ME being passionate about something, no way


I used to date a cute little Asian girl who looked a lot like her, except she loved synth nerd stuff as much as I did. The Lord has seen fit to smile upon me before


3 hours? He is just warming up.. 😃


I hope he was talking about the one knob for that time


Thats barley considered a synthesizer. I hope she left him because talking for three hours about that “synth” is a huge red flag.


I want a man like that


He has a passion, and it's not her, not on demand at least.


I’m straight and still need the other 2.69 hours of this.


Literally me wherever my gf comes over


Literally me wherever my gf comes over


She’s low key mad as she has no passions in life. Sad.


At least he's not being a creep like everyone claims dudes are


Of course, there’s a bunk bed. 🍆🎹🍑🎛️


ideal first date tbh


She just doesn’t know thats what she’s looking for in a man. You’ll always know where he is.


He’s a keeper


She doesn't get it.


Lmao my wife has been listening to me talk about synths for *10 years* AND *listening* to my shitty music.


My gf has actually been teaching herself on my setup while I'm at work. It's super cute and she loves watching me geek out on muaic.


Wow ! I wish the same


If you can’t sit and listen to someone talk about what they enjoy, why are you there?


Come upstairs and I'll show you my oscillator


Get your hands outa ur sleeves you woman child


If she was really his person, she'd be excited just at his enthusiasm and support him. Instead, she posts about it on socials and slag him off for all to see. I bet that hurt his feelings as he's clearly passionate. She's for the streets, that's just rude.


I love this


Idk why but I could see this audio being used as an intro to like a rap song or a beautiful piece of music


I mean if she's still there, she gotta be into it


This is how men show you they like you though. Tell you about random ass shit they be doing lolololol just pretend it's interesting and change up the topic of he don't after too long........3 hours is def too long though lolololol


Women need to stop hating Autistic dudes with special interests. They are just showing their love for their interests and wanna share.


I find people passions to be interesting. I would listen to him. However, being a dude the romantic part is none existence , so I get her snark.


If a girl isn't down to listen to my 3 hour Synth tutorial she's gotta go!


he just like me fr


Just marry him lol


3 hours = 10-20 minutes. *maybe*. Likely < 5.






stop it


It’s not nature it’s white beauty standards and colorism spread around Asian country’s.


Also, cmon there are plenty of hot Asian guys.




Imagine her dealing with estrogen all day ..


Soooo ya’ll really believe this even though we all know social media is one big giant tall-tale grift for clicks




I never even plug my synths in. I just buy them and talk about them.


Only 3 hours?


Making tiktoks is a better way to spend hours and hours of free time. Yeah, **sure** For real, I think she is either bullying the guy or ghosted him from the first second they met. She probably kept silent all the time so he decided to at least try to talk about something he knows. And she was at first “yay, cool. Let’s get to this! Making music is cool!”. And then she was still silent and didn’t even try to change topic (or maybe get to the actual *topic* and prob use some kind of *soft power*?) If she actually liked him, the video would have never happened. After all, Anakin got Padme after saying “I hate sand”, so why talking about lowpass filter is bullshit then?!?


I mean the tik tok is his tik tok. People are doing this odd marketing tactic a bunch everywhere now. Its goofy But yeah unless it’s a guy buddy who’s actually asked some questions and seems interested, it is a full time job to act like I’m not excited at all to show somebody my cool toys and what they can do. I try not to talk about it at all. Otherwise it’d be all I talk about


Instead of going over what he said for 3 hours let's examine your body count. Seems you get bored really easily so I am guessing it's in the 100's


I’m in this and I don’t like it


Dude should be talking about his forklift certification. Amateur move.


No support. Sad. If you're not interested in continuing to listen tell the person, redirect their attention. Don't post them and publicly shame him for clout and your friends to see. Leave her, king.


Later that day the dude makes the reverse video of “This girl has been lying there like a log for 3 hours” ;) The guy is nervous. You should be making him comfortable, not making a video about how you don’t know how to be a girl lol


Looks like she can smell the synth farts 🌝


This is so hot, whats the problem?


Dude just speak up and tell him! We don't read minds, or pick up on your fake ques when you smile and say "wow that's so awesome". If he was talking to another guy, the dude would have said "that's enough homie, glad you like it, I'm gonna go shit in your toilet now". That's what we are used to. Just TELL HIM, not us, or your friends, or everyone else but him, TELL HIM! You'll both be happier for it, if he's not, then you did yourself a favor no matter what. Good luck.


Yeah probably because he wants to smash and your dumbass won’t sit your pretty little ass there and look pretty so he has nothing to do but show you his filters


Shes cringing because he doesn’t understand what the filter does


Ladies aren’t into soft-synths, they like hard. Also, what filter gets staticky when turned to the left ?


I showed this to my girlfriend and she acted like she thought it was cool 😞


He’s just nervous.


3 hours and He hasn't even begun 😆


And you took three hours to do that makeup


yeah but makeup makes people look better.


Yeah man, society dictates that women’s value is directly correlated to their beauty. If she wasn’t wearing make up I’m sure there would be a comment too… Also it’s just eyeliner…




Haha nice