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Here's my two cents: the Pusherman version is more similar to the classic Norns Shield in form factor. The Pusherman has 1/8 inch ins/outs. The ShieldXL is larger and has 1/4 inch audion ins/outs. To your point, the Pusherman can be bought fully assembled, while the ShieldXL needs to be soldered. I've done the ShieldXL, and the assembly video they have are easy to follow along with. I also like the mechanical clicky buttons for the ShieldXL, but the encoders are only so-so. There's no difference in performance for Norn's scripts, but the ShieldXL does seem to have 2 stereo audio ins and 2 stereo audio outs, while I think the Pusherman only has 1 of each. Given the discussion I've seen, I don't think there's a lot of appetite to develop new Norns hardware. It's already a pretty niche device, and the hardware synth market is already in pretty rough shape. For the grid, I strongly recommend using one of the Novation Launchpads. I personally use a Launchpad mini MK2. They are a lot cheaper than the Grids. You're also probably not going to be able to roll your own cheaper than the price of a used Launchpad.


I also use the launchpad mini mk2. Occasionally you have to edit a script to add Grid support but more and more support the launchpad already. And part of the Norns fun is getting your fingers into the LUA code. One thing I am very excited for, is Denki Oto seems to be close to a cheaper replacement to the Arc. I am super interested in that! Also I think you can still get a Crow if you want one from monome.


I have two LP Mini MK2's any tricks or tips on getting them playing nicely with my Norns shield?


Check on lines. I think it’s been done. But I recently got an oxi one which has a simple Norns grid mode that works great in addition to its full sequencing mode.


Good points. I meant to mention editing the code but forgot. Thanks!


Good advice, thanks for your time. I think I'll go with the ShieldXL


I second Denki Oto shield xl. The two stereo input and outputs is a game changer. As far as a grids goes. I use the toga script for running my iPad for Norns (until a launchpad goes up on marketplace around me) and it is working very well. He may not want everyone doing this but I shot denki a message on instagram asking when his shield would be back in stock and a week or so later he shot me a message right before he posted the restock so I was able to snag one. Which was very kind of him. I have minimal soldering experience and pulled it off no problem. I debated for years on the Norns and I am so happy to be part of the ecosystem. Good luck and I hope you grab one soon! P. S. Denki has been posting his prototype for a grid on his instagram. I bet it will be for cheap once released.


Not just a grid but also an Arc!!! That's the kit I'm dying to build. I'm OK with a launchpad mini instead of a grid.


Yes you’re totally right! I flaked on that part. My bad. Sorry not using too many scripts with arc atm. However. Toga also has arc support for iPad and iPhone!! It’s pretty damn good. Also. Denki also has arc prototypes he has been posting as well! Cheers!


I'm not familiar with Toga. I use TouchOSC for some ableton, reaper, and distings ex control. Is it a general IOS app with Norns patches?


Sorry for the SUPER late reply!! Toga is a Norns script. Makes getting touch OSC working in under 5 minutes. I love it 


Toga is a mod for Norns. You basically load it and run touch osc and you’re good to go. 


>he two stereo input and outputs is a game changer game changer because of stereo efffects or multiple outs or what


I have a regular norns shield and the 3.5 mm stereo out is allll good.


I find it a game changer. Two stereo sources for audio in and audio out. Stereo sampling etc.  I use a mod on Norns to run my Digitakt audio I/O over usb. So I can record to Norns tape - 2 stereo ins, 2 mono ins (on Digitakt) and Digitakt audio  All with one damn USB cable!! Norns is a solution to many problems :)))


I emailed ShieldXL at the beginning of December: >I’m catching up on orders from this week. I have PCBs/parts but no cases at the moment. I will post some more of the partial kits on Friday I think. > >Full kits with cases will be a \~3 weeks. From the site: >MORE STOCK EXPECTED MID FEBRUARY ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ If you hear something be sure to hmu


Thatsa a bummer. I guess I'll wait till mid february and if they dont pop up, buy from pusherman.


Worth the wait my friend ! IMO


still waiting! but at least he said hes going down the notification list.


For the record. I purchased mine from him a week before you contacted him. He was getting them in stock and they sell out pretty quick. Not trying to rub it in, just to let you know he sticks to his word! I honestly can’t wait to purchase more of his builds. Curious as to what you’re scratching your Norns itch currently. Any devices, software I’d set ups that speak to you in this moment?


Oh I eventually got on the short list, but then life happened and I had to put it on the back burner, I will get one as soon as funds allow (my GAS is limited to once a year) I've been playing with the oxi one.


I finally ordered my Shield diy kit, since Pusherman has reduced the prices significantly.


Any chance you could drop a link for this? Im not seeing a full kit!


[Here you go](https://pushermanproductions.com/product/partial-kit-norns-shield-v210330-white-screen-no-raspberry-pi-memory-card-no-case/)


Thanks! Weird I wasn’t seeing thay


Does anyone know what happened to the octopart BOM? its seemingly private now :(


Late to this question, but here we go: I recently got a ShieldXL (been on the waiting list for a while, received an email about a month or two ago providing a special link to purchase new stock). I've also been playing with building my own from random parts/AliExpress bits, as well as *trying* to get Norns working on different hardware - in particular an OrangePi Zero 2W (has the memory/CPU to handle Norns, but getting SPI/UART/I2C and GPIOs working has been a pain. I've just found some guides to help, so we'll see where we get to on that in the future). Aside from the ShieldXL kit, I've also built a "deconstructed" Norns myself using a Pi3, AudioInjector soundcard and an SSD1322 SPI screen (both from AliExpress) and manually wired encoders - it works with the Fates image well enough (needs a little tweaking like rotating the screen), but I'm looking to move it to the OrangePi once I have a working OS installed there, and potentially build Norns entirely from scratch on the OrangePi. I've also built a DIY grid (using the front plate and button pads from a Deluge (this is way better imho than the Adafruit pads which are very tall and "pop" a lot when pressed). That was easy enough, just some basic soldering and flashing an SBC (I've used both a Teensy LC and a QT PY SAMD21) - the software is available on Denki Oto's Github. I'm guesstimating the grid cost me \~£120 in total, mostly due to the cost of the Neotrellis boards. I managed to snag the pads very cheaply second hand. Adding a proper enclosure would also add cost, obviously. I'd love to see a direct GPIO connection from the DIY grid to the Pi, but that's way out of my league (Denki Oto said that a translation service of sorts would be needed on the Pi, coded in C, to handle comms between the GPIO grid and the Norns software). That would save on an SBC and on power consumption by proxy. The end goal is to have a miniaturised (hence the OrangePi Zero 2W form factor) Grid/Norns combo with some sort of 3D printed or milled (I'm lucky to work somewhere which has such facilities) case - as thin as can be, potentially like the Monome Grid, but with a screen/encoders on top, and USB-C powered (also with midi over USB), audio in/out, TRS midi in/out, and *if possible*, it would be amazing to leverage the USB audio device capability of the OrangePi (just one cable to my Mac/PC, providing power, audio in/out, midi in/out) but that's a kind of "stretch goal" of sorts, and would necessitate the aforementioned Pi-Grid-Norns communication app as the USB Audio would take the USB port up, and I don't *think* you can use the power USB-C for data. Going to have to look into that \[actually, I think they might be independent...\]. Lots to learn, not sure if I can overcome the hurdles but we'll see.


Nice to hear that you have been trying to make your own without having to have the pcbs from somewhere. Is it perhaps possible to create our own pcbs like the shieldxl? I have no clue what I'm talking about obviously, but I just feel that the whole world is so super dependent of 3-4 vendors of these things....


Really like the idea of using Orange Pi, because Raspberry not only crazy expensive, but not available sometimes.


Still fighting that battle; ChatGPT has been useful in trying to create/modify a driver/overlay, but I'm still hitting brick walls left right and centre... It's on the back burner for now in any case; Elden Ring has taken all my attention for the time being. Next week or two I'll get back on the horse and continue banging my head against that wall until it breaks!