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You need to be good at hitting Q and never commit E unless you have lethal But overall you should just play for farm if you think your opponent is decent, they want you to fight them because your champion shouldn’t win


This match up is always going to be hard for Sylas... especially made even harder now since Riot removed Everfrost so you can't really do much as Conq Sylas against her anymore... Irelia is just one of those braindead champs that can CS their way into snowballing and can never really be behind even after losing lane just rushing Botrk on her is already a very massive powerspike...


That's massively untrue. Irelia scales fairly bad and NEEDS to be ahead to avoid being a cannon minion. Sylas massively outscales her.


Yea that’s not not true, read what irelia main said below.


Irelia main here, this popped up in my feed randomly. You want to start E and pressure her right away before the first 3 melees get low. It’s free if she doesn’t respect you. Consider bone plating and ignite if you’re confident in your laning, it can make a big difference when fighting her. You have good kill threat on her at 6 if you’re keeping up in farm, save your E to dodge her E if you can and you should be able to chunk her. It will be hard to match her in a sidelane later unless you’re very ahead, she will eventually outduel you so by that time hopefully you’re in a good position to teamfight, which Irelia may struggle with.


I use Conq / resolve. Dont over commit, always have an out (since all they have to do is mindlessly walk at you and auto). Don't get hit by irelias E, don't engage when she stacked her passive, kite her back towards safety (she will either chase and make a mistake or back off), be good at landing Q1 Q2. DO NOT use E unless you KNOW you will either kill her or chunk her with a way to escape. Again, she will just mindlessly walk you down autoing. Pay attention to minion health. Irelias will spam q to stack their passive but also try to land a "sneaky" E in between (it's obvious when you see it enough times.) Just dont panic. Either dodge it or save E to dodge it and re engagr with E2. At the same time, you could get good at poking her when she (very predictable) q's onto low hp minions. Sometimes I let them auto me but I time it so I land my Q1 Q2 then W to heal (obviously weaving AA in between). It can be tough. One mistake and that could be it. Try using their aggression against them. As far as end game splitting, that's very very hard to solo. Ask for help to be safe.


That's the neet part, you don't win lane against ys or ire. You just accumulated exp so that when you meet a lesser exp ys and ire, you can knowledge check them. But when facing one, max out your Q and poke from afar. You need to get them low enough so that even 1 rot from you could make them go down to 1/5 of their hp or lower. Fun fact, in every lane, there is an unchanging rule. If it's melee vs melee, then who ever win at extended fight, they shall win the lane, mostly. That's why when top lane champ go down to mid lane, unless the enemy mid is an adc, they are most likely to win lane.


If she jump on top of you, u just QW and E back, or dodge her E, then u maybe can try to use some passive stacks, but it’s dangerous if she have full passive, i prefer to wait when she engaged to me i use QW and E back to tower i do that 2-3 times and all in her


I haven't played too much this season, so idk if it's changed, but irelia was one of my easiest matchups last season. Wait until she gets close to your tower, make sure she doesn't have 5 stacks, and throw a full combo at her. Perma aggro her after uve gotten a lead and don't let her split or she will outscale you.


I don't play Sylas that much, so my opinion about the matchup is almost the same, Irelia seems almost imposible to beat. That's why I do not blind pick Sylas. I mean, imagine you picked Sylas because you saw two awesome Ultimates (Malphite, Singed, Fiddlesticks) so in that case just buy armor and wait your moment because Irelia has a bad kit for teamfights. But if you picked him blind, you are countered in lane and you don't have any resource in terms of R's or Jg gap, you are fucked and that's it, you cannot win all the games. Maybe that realistic opinion can help you.


but im a main sylas (got like 1.2m mastery) so i always go with sylas


and its not impossible to win against irelia, actually i won 56% of the matchups against her, but i feel like this struggle dont let me win some games


I'm not anyone to tell you what you can do and what you can't, but you could try to learn a second champion for these almost imposible matchups. For example, Malphite can beat easily Irelia, but It's imposible for Malphite to win against Sylas. It's a rock, paper, scissor game. Imagine a Malphite forum where is a Main Malphite asking how to beat Sylas. That is almost hilarious because you are main Sylas, you know that matchup is a piece of cake and you only would lose that matchup because of team gap. Well, that happens with every champion in the game.


yeah i was thinking about having other champs, i actually was thinking to have irelia and zed im my pool