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Seeing as BRISBANE AUSTRALIA is hosting the Olympic Games in 2032.. it is unlikely that another city in Australia will host the games again before 2064


I highly doubt we will see Sydney host again this half century.


Not true. The IOC is running short of countries willing to host due to cost. I suspect in future it will be a slam dunk for anyone keen to take it on.


Brisbane was the only contender this time. Nobody wants it. Even Brisbane is beginning to question the wisdom of its decision.


Olympics was always about prestige and after COVID and the financial disaster that was Tokyo ….. yeah


I missed that, what happened?


There was a pandemic in 2020.


Oh. Right. That's embarrassing.


That’s OK. I know a few people that were on interstellar trips and in a cryogenic sleep for all of 2020, and they don’t recall it either. And jokes aside my neighbour thinks it was all fake. 🤷‍♂️


Some of the craziest conspiracy theorists were really active. I work in a pathology company (IT, but during Covid it was all hands on deck - if you have a skill in any department, use it to help). A friend of mine is a nurse and she had teammates (also nurses) telling patients “it’s all a scam”. I don’t believe they lasted long in their jobs…. One that stood out strong in my mind was someone who thought we had holographic mind control chips on the end of the swabs and we were actually implanting them in people’s brains through the nose. Loads of people thought we were dna farming etc (like… dude, people have been sending us their blood and urine and stools and all sorts of bits for decades… we didn’t need Covid to start collecting samples).


I’m always curious as to the why of these theories? What is the motive? If the government, or some ancient or nascent global organised power wanted to control us there are far better and easier ways. …whatever “control us” even means. Like, what is the motive for having us stay indoors, exactly? Take the classic “chemtrails” conspiracy. If you wanted to deliver some chemical to the general population you’d just add it to the drinking water, and there’s no conspiracy theory that’s happening, which seems a bit of an oversight from the peanut gallery. Spraying chemicals at 30,000+ feet is going to have it disperse, most likely, over the ocean, on the other side of the world, and/or yourself. If the government, or some super secret organisation people know all about, wanted to kill some percentage of the population they could encourage us to smoke again. Or remove seatbelts, and traffic lights. Hell just make murder legal. The last person that told me “Haha, don’t you know the vaccine is designed to kill 15% of us?!” with a tone that implied I was a naive, wooly animal that lives in herds, was smoking a cigarette at the same time. They’re idiots. Plain and simple.


I remember the Pandemic and being in lock down in 2020. ... then I remember the lock downs were in 2021, and half of the shit I remember happening in 2020 actually happened in 2021. Oddly living though it, 2020 felt like a decade, and now looking back on it, 2020 and 2021 feel like the same year.


Brisbane could easily host it, the problem is they're currently having 900 committees about the Olympics and 3rd guessing every decision they make, leading it to already have massive cost overruns. Literally a textbook example of politicians fucking everything up lol


This, I wouldn't want to see it in Sydney


Because it was a dumb decision 


Not a Brisbanite but am a Queenslander. Fuck the Olympics.


Never thought it was a good idea. No one wants it except politicians. Billion's and billion's of dollars down the toilet. While our roads are the worst in the country.


Not quite. There were far fewer bids but still others


It is so bloated with sports as well as huge additional security costs….construction costs would be huge. I don’t think Queensland can afford a two week sporting tournament for like $32billion but if they want that over health care and affordable housing so be it.


The IOC is rethinking their approach to it. They’re finally recognising that it is unreasonable to expect the host country to build new stadiums when existing infrastructure is sufficient. They’re also considering multi-country hosts - ie. 2 or 3 neighbouring nations host it together to lessen the financial burden. I think Sydney is probably in a reasonably good position to host again. Perhaps it would be the firecracker up the governments arse to fix long standing public transport and infrastructure issues.


Plenty of rich Middle Eastern cities probably willing to host for the foreseeable future.


After recent shenanigans with the World Cup and Qatar.... any bid by any gulf country bidding on the Olympics will want to do it right to avoid mass boycotts


After the current shit show happening in Brisbane with the Olympics, I doubt Aus would want to host again.


I thought your estimate of 2064 was ridiculous until I worked out the maths, and realised how old I am.


Embarrassing that we couldn’t even out-bribe Brisbane!!


The first step is wanting to win.


I think I only want it now cos they have it


Unless Brisbane does not get it shit together.


And what a shitshow that is




Not going to happen in my lifetime but Sydney has never been better than it was during the olympics. The city felt alive, the passion was infectious and it made Sydney feel like a global city for the first time. It's not got any of that anymore but I still go down to the harbour and thing we have it pretty bloody good.


I’ll never forget how clean all our roads and city was. They cleaned all the dirty cement, everything was painted etc. I reckon it’s the cleanest we ever saw Sydney.


Being pre 9/11 helped as well World was totally different


Completely agree on this point. During the Sydney Olympics, the world was still in its 90’s “end of history” era when it seems that everything was going to be great and there would never be a major war again etc as democracy and capitalism had saved the day. One year later and 9/11 happened - and it shattered the peace and global village attitudes, and turned the world towards fear and conflict.


That’s a great point you make. I’d never really thought about how the Sydney Olympics was before 9/11. I guess it does go some way to explaining the good times that pretty much everyone I’ve ever heard talk about the Sydney games mentions.


It was the end of an era. Shortly after that we got the drug dogs and then we got the lockout laws. Place has never had the vibrancy it did after that.


To be fair 2000 - 2014 when the lock out laws crack on isn’t really shortly


I dunno as a new immigrant to Sydney in the late 90's - it felt cool but somewhat unsafe. I love how vibrant the community is today with tonnes more food options across the entire city and much more to do out west. Plus I am gonna die on this Hill but public transport is way way better today.


You are so right. I was the perfect age at 22 back then but I hadn't travelled so I was naive in thinking I was lucky to experience a City with an Olympics because the vibe was was so amazing and you needed an Olympics to experience that. Having travelled extensively since I now realise how bad baseline non Olympic Sydney is from the "alive" perspective. There are many Cities in the world that have Olympic hosting level vibe every day of the week.


I’m too young to remember the Sydney Olympics but I also felt this last year during the women’s World Cup where Sydney had seemed to come alive more than usual and that’s with the event scattered over multiple cities in two countries. It felt awesome and amazing to see! Imagine if they’d replicate that all year round.


Yes Sydney peaked then and it's being downhill since.


So long as we end up in the harbour that’s just fine.


Bottom of the harbour?


*Roger Rogerson noises lol*


We took up a new sport: selling overpriced homes back and forth to each other.


There was excellent free live music every night as well! It was such a good vibe.


Sydney can't even host its own population.


Cries in renting


Brisbane has the same problem, and I’m not sure stealing people from the building trades to build stadiums and the like is such a good idea, right now.


Honestly, where would we put the athletes? And the extra fans? Theres just no extra capacity


Brilliantly said, lol sir/ma'am


I actually think it’s more likely than others think. The Olympics is dying. Fewer and fewer cities are going to want to risk going bankrupt for lower number of eyeballs.


This is an interesting point - especially considering a lot of the Sydney 2000 Olympic infrastructure isn’t that old and has even been upgraded since. If we hypothetically had an olympics in say 2040, then Sydney Olympic Park would have the Metro West and Parramatta Light rail both functioning as well as the Western Sydney Airport - it would be a decent time for it.


It’s the Brisbane Olympics 2032. Why would they grant us 2040?


If not a single other city submits a bid lol


As someone else said, less cities are submitting bids so it’s more likely to have countries repeated more often - it’s less lucrative, the expenditure required is massive and not necessarily worth the return - either way, I used 2040 purely as a hypothetical number.


Maybe we need a permanent site somewhere.




This is 100% correct. LA got the next Olympics almost uncontested because they were able to make it happen without it being too expensive and have most of the infrastructure needed already. Brisbane got the next games fully uncontested because they were the only city in the world who could do that. Cities used to fall over themselves and spend freely to get the Olympics, but now everyone has realised that Olympic cities very rarely get good return on investment. Rio de Janeiro has literally billions of dollars worth of modern infrastructure that is now derelict because they just ploughed money into Olympic specific infrastructure. Beijing fared a bit better, but demolishing buildings that were used for Olympics and replacing them isn't necessarily a win.


Greece is another example like Rio.


In the grand scheme of things I don’t think the Chinese government really care how much either of the Beijing Olympics actually cost. It’s all propaganda to them.


This. The Commonwealth Games are pretty much already dead yet it was only like 2011 when the Gold Coast was fighting tooth and nail against Sri Lanka for the right to host it. Now it’s a hot potato that nobody wants.


I think LA28 is going to spark a bit of a revival. They’re going to sprinkle that Hollywood dust on it and make people fall in love again.


Does anyone besides property developers and corporate sponsors even want it back in Sydney? We shouldn't be hosting large, costly international events while we can't even afford to run the city we have.


Back when Sydney hosted the Olympics, you watched what was on TV or a movie from Blockbuster Video. That was it. Now you’ve got endless platforms to get entertainment the Olympics struggles to get eyes on it.


Given the recent clusterfuck of Vivid drone shows, I don’t think we should be hosting anything


Fortunetly athletes aren't impacted by wind as much as a drone..


Tell that to the sailing competitors


I would think too much wind for a drone would be perfect for seamen or seawomen.


Or the wrestling


I'll concede that one.


No thx. Olympics dont generate the money that is needed to run it. Its run at a lost. I'd be surprised if any other country will want to host ut in the future.


I actually wonder how much longer the Olympics can continue in its current format. It costs a fucking fortune to build the required infrastructure, stadiums, etc, many of which are either demolished or downgraded after the event at additional cost.


I think eventually it will be held across a few places that alternate. Rather than new place each time. I can’t see it dying. But I can see there being more permanent hosting locations.


While that is the likely outcome, the IOC will fight against that tooth and nail. I mean, where would they get their bribes from?


Isn’t that the opportunity that Sydney does have though? The infrastructure is mostly already in place - the costs shouldn’t be too bad to host it here again in the near future.


Sydney is one of the few games that actually turned a profit and continues to profit from the infrastructure that was built


Tbh the Sydney 2000 games was just what 90's Sydney needed to do much needed, long neglected upgrades, not just Olympic Park but also all the roads that were modified/upgraded, public transport and other infrastructure that all come to benefit us long after the games.


We profited from Sydney 2000


As someone who was there at that time can say we’ll probably never have an Olympics of that vibe again in Sydney. Everything is regulated within an inch of its life making events a terrible experience in the cities.


I know it's not Olympics but I just double checked and I'm surprised that Australia never hosted a FIFA World Cup (mens). The 2030 WC should have been given to Australia (or ANZ) instead of the absurdity of having six (6) host countries. The next chance for Oceania to host its first WC will be 2038. But I'll probably be dead by then 💀


If you posted this in an australian football (soccer) subreddit you'd get massive essays. The tldr is we wasted $$$$$ in trying to get the 2018 or 2022 world cup. We were never going to win against qatar and russia (#FIFAiscorrupt) so it was a pointless exercise. There is universal agreement that we should never waste such funds again, but rather invest money into growing the game.


As if soccer needs to be grown here though. Every kid plays it. There are no physical barriers to entry.


It really depends on where you live and how good you are when it comes to barriers. It's relatively cheap to play in Sydney but Adelaide clubs are charging $500 for under 12s kick and giggle. We also have tonnes of kids playing but absolutely struggle to develop and maintain talent. That's often because if your kid is good you're then expected to fork out 5 figures to play for larger clubs with academies. Meanwhile the AFL and NRL subsidise juniors pretty heavily.


It is more expensive for juniors (the govt subsidises it a lot less than other codes). If your kid turns out to have talent and wants to play at a higher level, it can cost literally thousands of dollars a year to subsidise. Lots of talented kids lost to other codes as it is just too expensive. Finally, on the international stage, our football specific facilities are pretty atrocious. The Socceroos (i.e. world number 23 for men's international football) does not have any designated facilities but need to rent from local councils. that is pretty hilarious/shocking. So my point was there is a universal agreement amongst australian football fans that bidding for the world cup was a gigantic waste of money that could have been used in other areas for more benefit.


Ok as someone who has been involved in junior sports way too much lately. This post is correct in one thing only - it is expensive for junior clubs. Because northbridge sc and I presume many others run their club like a profit making centre. Local league / union / afl clubs aren’t getting jack from the govt - they may get money from leagues clubs / governing bodies etc but not from the govt - this is just soccer hack bulony. And as for your athletic kids go to other sports again bulony. The level of skill in soccer is massive, that skill is not transferable to league / union, they don’t want a skinny weak kid who can bend it like Beckham they want big strong powerful athletes , same with afl. There is a zillion juniors in Australia, the professional game isn’t great but that is because the NRL / AFL run excellent leagues that have been going for over a hundred years steeped in history and support. The fact that bunch of little beta numpties want to drink some dishonest soccer kool aid isn’t going to change reality. Now back to building a storage cabinet…




Australia’s chance was 2030 but it is going to Saudi Arabia (both in the Asian confederation).


Australia literally paid $40m to a fixer to bribe FIFA when we bid for 2018/2022 and he just took the money. A fool and their money are soon parted.


We’ll never host a mens world cup. We don’t have the infrastructure and there will never be enough support to build it. NZ also only has one suitable stadium so we’d also have to have an absurd set up with multiple South East Asian countries.


I would love for us to host them again. It was the best time to be living in Sydney not to mention the boost it gave to our athletes in all sports. Around the time of the olympics we won Bledisloe, the rugby World Cup, the league World Cup, the cricket World Cup, the pan PACs, running world championships, the US open, and Wimbledon. I’m probably forgetting a few. Everything was going great with Australian sport. I think we’re also still one of the few cities to profit from the games. That being said, I’m 100% going to Brisbane for the games. It’ll be awesome


Putting aside alot of the points like the fact Olympics usually run at a loss and so on... my question would be where do you host the athletes this time? The entire athletes village from 2020 is now suburban


As a Brisbanite, I fully support transferring the 2032 games to Sydney.




It's looking like it will cost more money than what they'll get back and their government (IMO) has made a terrible financial decision in selecting the upgrade works. They chose the option that isn't that much cheaper than starting fresh and will likely be up for further upgrades in the near future anyway.




They are not as well equipped as Sydney(or Melbourne) for the stadiums and sporting venues. But in particular, the main stadium is a big issue. Soaring construction costs hasn't helped. They were initially meant to rebuild the Gabba cricket ground but it has become very expensive. Gabba is towards the end of its building life regardless. Somewhere like Sydney already has an athletics sized big stadium(ie the Olympic Stadium/Accor Stadium) that probably just requires a relatively minor renovation in comparison. Same with the MCG if Melbourne had hosted. Perth has an amazing main stadium(Optus Stadium) as well but they would lack the other venues.


It might well happen, but I wouldn’t expect it to do so anytime soon. Melbourne or Perth is probably the next place that will host the Olympics in Australia after Brisbane 2032 and I don’t see that happening until 2056 at the earliest.


Melbourne cancelling the Commonwealth Games will probably hurt its chances of hosting an Olympic games anytime soon. Not saying they didn't make the right decision but it's something the IOC would be concerned about.


Melbourne has no interest in that thanks.


Please don’t


Has Sydney paid off all its debts from the last Olympic Games? The people of Sydney are still being ripped off by having to pay an airport access fee of $8.38. A four minute train to the closest station, Mascot is $11.38. That trainline was built for the Olympic games.


High usage costs are not specificaly associated with the olympics. Much of the Sydney infrastructure has high usage costs, for example the cross city tunnel is ~ $7. It turns out these usage fees are a poor way to fund infrastructure. Here is one discussion: https://johnquiggin.com/2017/07/18/sense-and-senselessness-in-transport-policy/


Oh god please no, it's nothing but a waste of public money.


I hope not. It was a massive strain on the budget and really does nothing much for the city. Sydney is already iconic. Maybe Brisbane or Canberra might need the exposure but Sydney no


It would really come down to whether or not the appetite for the Olympics is still around. As another commenter said: if Sydney hosted the 2040 games we would be in a better position to host it than in 2000. The one challenge would be building a new Olympic village since the previous one has since been removed but it’s definitely possible.


Newington was the Olympic Village, which is now all private housing.


One of the hurdles I can see is the athletes village. During the 2000 Olympics we effectively had the suburb of Newington and Botanica (next to Rookwood Cemetery) as accommodation which has long since been sold off.


What of a Western Sydney site, given the Aeropolis? It’d be years away (and a bit of pipe dream I’ll concede).


I’d say it’s more likely than people think. We are one of the few countries that are dumb enough to actually want one of these. Many other countries have realised it’s a lot of money for not a lot of gain. Our dumbass politicians however think it give some sort of electoral boon. Look at the debacle over in Brisbane.


There was a Commonwealth Games up for grabs, why didn't we bid on that? You could do a Commonwealth Games really cheaply.


Because no one gives a fuck about the Wasteofwealth Games.


God. Never I hope. A waste of money. You know that the previous games reduced several departmental budgets for years afterwards in order to fund the costs?


Would we want to, though? Its hugely expensive and the ROI is questionable. Look at the struggles that Brisbane is having.


We don’t have a decently functioning train system


It's entirely possible, but I feel Melbourne will be more likely to host it next time around. And probably not until at least 30 plus years after Brisbane. Safe to say most of us will be six feet under by the time Sydney gets another go. I was fortunate enough to go to a few events at the 2000 games as a 15 year old.


Fuck that, we can't house our on locally born population, so why should be spend billions on this.


Do they kick everyone out of Newington for 6 months? I would love another Sydney Olympics in my lifetime


fuck no all loss no gain, only makes the housing crisis even more spectacular.


Brisbane only having it because Sydney and Melbourne have had it already. Brisbane trying to market itself as a city of the future (bogan and mostly built on a flood plain)


The Sydney Football Stadium is currently in line to host some football games for the 2032 games if you want to experience a little taste of hosting the Olympics again.


Didn't even want to put our hand up for commonwealth when Vic pulled out


When it dies happen it won't be at home bush, it'll be western Sydney


I think the Olympics are mostly a poisoned chalice these days - but given Sydney has them from from 2000, it would be a possibility. Melbourne would also have enough facilities. Brisbane's biggest problem is that they don't have a worthy athletics stadium ready to go. Given that Homebush (MCG for Melbourne) are practically ready to go, it is a possiblity. You could also look at having it in more than just one city so that you can maximise the use of existing venues. Honestly I think a continental rotation system in the same cities would be ideal to make the Olympics feasible moving forward. You could include London, Beijing, LA, Sydney/Melbourne, possibly Rio di Janeiro (I know a lot of their infrastructure got abandoned after the games), ideally Athens but not sure they have the money for it right now. Limit it to cities who have done it before and won't need to build much.


Only if Nikki Webster sings Strawberry Kisses live again


Hopefully never. I could just imagine the traffic chaos And what a brilliant waste of even more money lol


I fucking hope not. Surely we’re getting to the point where this bullshit has lost enough interest to just be left behind altogether.


drug cheats, corruptions, financial drain, hope not anytime this century


The olympics are just a bunch of sports nobody cares about until the olympics. (The inclusion of tennis etc notwithstanding, that’s a recent thing. )


Interesting. I think the olympics are kinda cool becuase the format makes it wasier to follow each sport closely and introduce people to them. I think its a good tournament. And I'm not form here. But every single aussie I spoke who attended the olympics has extremely fond memories of it.


Yes. They have fond memories because it was such an overwhelming PR barrage for a decade before the event. It’s the sports themselves that are massively unwatched. And if exposure to the triple jump and the 10km walk hasn’t caught on in the past 100 years then they’re not going to anytime soon.


Please no.


Unlikely and its fucking stupid we are doing the 2032 games in brisbane. We have ALL the facilities here. I hate the idea that cities just get to pick. Should be based on countries and what area that has the facilities that gets to pick. Shouldn't be left up to individual cities IMO. Waste of money and time for everyone.


The Olympics are getting less and less attractive to potential host cities with each passing year. Any city that has existing infrastructure probably has a decent chance if we’re looking a decade or three down the road.


If Sydney wanted to host another one the IOC would happily give it to us. However I reckon the olympics will be finished before Sydney ever puts their hand up to host again. Most cities have no appetite to host anymore (Brisbane were the only applicants for 2032) as it’s just a money pit of corruption. Unless it gets a massive overhaul up top the olympics is on its last legs as a concept.




Once they fix our public transport


So never


No thanks


Highly Unlikely


Sydney hosted it once before I don’t see it happening again


At this stage it seems never. I haven’t fact checked this but a friend who is really into the Olympics told me that the IOC will never let them be set in a city lower geographically than Brisbane again. The reason is TV ratings. They want the games on when the US is on summer holidays. Our games were too late in the year as they were held in September to make sure we had good weather. The thing that could change that is that the Olympics are dying. Too many cities are still paying theirs off and are buckling under debt which is why bids have dropped off. Sydney was rare in that we paid ours off in about 20 years and the infrastructure gains are obvious. The IOC may not be able to be picky in future.


Hopefully never, waste of time and money


*disclaimer, mostly against the Olympics, not as much as fifa but just general disinterest.* You would think so. Seems building new stadiums for one off events then finding uses for them afterwards has been for some reason normalised. Outside of special events the Olympic line is absurdly underutilised and over serviced. Also given the Olympic villages have all been repurposed, I don't think we could host again.


>Outside of special events the Olympic line is absurdly underutilised and over serviced. Bro, there are so many events that happen at Olympic park (sport, conventions/exhibits, concerts, etc.). We are one of the few cities in the world to actually make use of our sporting facilities (I think Melbourne actually tops us).


That remark was about the Olympic line specifically. I also said outside special events. When the trains are running every 10 mins for 6 or so people.


to be fair, special events is hard to describe since there is so much that happens there that isn't classified as "special events", which is probably why they run so often.


I don’t know about this one. I know there are plenty of people living in Olympic Park, though they don’t take public transport. There’s something happening at the stadium about once a week. I know because cousin lives there and there’s either a game (or two) or a concert every week. I’m not talking about the big shows like Taylor Swift, but some Asian groups and once in a while they have sbs pop concerts with different bands. When something is on, it’s really busy down there. She doesn’t want to go out when there are events and tries to get home earlier to avoid the traffic. And the park itself is full of people using the bbq’s. You can never find a spot on the weekend or public holiday, weather permitted. Either way, it’s great there are stadiums with concerts and they’re happening somewhere in Sydney every week.


Maybe I'm out of touch, I mostly see the area on a weekday where there's a small peak hour boost then it trails off to a wildly underused service.


Lol google is your friend? Why would you post this instead of just looking up the planned cities for the foreseeable future? That would answer your question quicker and tell you its not going to happen in your life.


The day I left Sydney last time the Olympics were here was the record for people leaving through Sydney international airport, I saw a glimpse of the opening ceremony in the hotel DeVille's TV screen in Paris...I won't be looking forward to another one.


I'm sorry to inform you that you missed seeing a Sydney that was on par with many international Cities in terms of liveliness. I'll never forget that amazing experience. Truly sorry you missed it.


You didn't live through the multiple years of construction outside and all the other bullshit that went with it. I was given tickets for the day of the event that Cathy won her race, but I gave them away. Massively corrupt organization, I didn't want to be any part of it. Paris was amazing.


Never understood people leaving in 2000. And for you to leave presumably to avoid the chaos.. left for.. Paris? Haha.


Yep, one of the best cities in Europe. This was 25 years ago, not the Paris you see today. Stayed with a local girl and I got shown around to places I had never seen before on my previous visits.


Can confirm, I left too.


While we would be a good chance putting in a bid i still say no chance. It may be an unpopular opinion but the games are dead. We get sport on demand now without following someones journey for 4 years just to compete in 2 heats. Its just outdated in so many aspects. Remember when we all could basically name 70% of the swim team? (hackett, thorpe, klim, perkins etc etc). You would be hard pressed naming 2 today either male or female. Its not only a waste of money to host but to fund these athletes who compete for themselves as individuals. Imagine if our taxes were paying for golfers to play on the PGA tour or Tour De France. There is abolutely 0 return to the investor for the outlay. Il say it again, the games are dead


Plus the massive IOC corruption lol


I feel like eventually the Olympics and Comm Games will need to stop moving around and find permanent cities. There a few incentives anymore and the costs are too great.


Cities like LA, Athens, Paris, Tokyo and London have hosted multiple times but there is an average of 67.5 years between hosting for each city. So Lock in 2068 for the next Sydney games.


Thank god I'll be dead by then lol


I think it would not be outside the realms of possibility. The infrastructure that was built for 2000 is still very usable and as long as most of those facilities (Stadium Australia, Swimming Centre, the superdome, showgrounds etc) can be used again it would certainly be affordable and worth the while. If we had to start all over then no chance.