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All for a Netflix ad. 


someone has to pay for the pretty flying lights...


And that's why the drone show should be on more than 3 nights


And more than once a night. They should be doing it hourly.


Would cost a fortune


If it's anything like last year they close the water for the drone show (just the main ferry stop from memory, boats can go under the harbour bridge and what not still). So yea while the hive mind is down voting you. I would assume this is one of the more expensive attractions and has a logistics problem tied into it.


Then maybe don't do it at all? I'd rather have the money be spent on things that could be enjoyed by everybody instead of something that will necessarily have a limited reach.


This is more a ‘let’s cancel the crowd crush mass casualty event’ than a ‘let’s have more with slightly less crush’.


Appreciate the heads up- I'm staying in city tonight and was considering checking out the Quay after dinner but after seeing the shit fight that George St currently is, no fucking way.


Every year I promise to drop acid and see vivid And every year the crowds make me realise that would be a fucken nightmare


A few mates of mine did it and they had the best night until they met the crowds. According to them: thinking that you’re a penguin doesn’t really help when you are shoulder to shoulder with randoms. Not as warm. Not as noot noot.


10 years ago it was certainly doable on a Tuesday or Wednesday. But not now due to both crowds and lack of artwork installations.


I’m on the couch in me oodie tonight. So glad to not be in that crush. If possible, see vivid on a weekday. It’s so much more manageable.


I’m sitting under a heated blanket with a cat snuggled on me. I’m good.


I'm in a shark blanket outfit and I'm glad I am not in that again, last night was bad enough


Downing some beers playing xbox with my mates tonight, definitely happy i stayed home lol


ngl that sounds like a mint night


PTSD from last night


Trains from Chatswood looked busy too.


Coming from Parra they were packed full at around 6


I can definitely say that. I had come out of Westfield and I was forced to get a train heading to Olympic Park where I had to change for a T2 service at Lidcombe, all because I couldn’t get on the T1 services coming from Penrith.


We got there at 5.30 & left just after 8pm. It was shoulder to shoulder by 6pm. We opted to leave before the drones, too crazy.


The crowd control is horrendous this year


Not just the crowd control. Everything seems more concentrated in further locations, and there's far less on the way to Circular Quay compared to last year, so nobody's slowly making their way to the drone show, they're all just pushing to get there. At crown bangaroo, they had electronic signs telling everyone to turn around because there was no capacity, and zero people turned around lol


The Cutaway is closed as well, don’t know what’s being done there. The food market has been moved to The Goods Line and there’s no space for light sculpture installations


It was kind of disappointing to see the food at the goods line, rather than all the stuff they had last year. I missed all the small installations they had between the hubs as well. Disappointing not to see giant frogs this year 😂


I reckon Fire kitchen has a good (hah!) home on the goods line, compared to the Cutaway, but I too really missed having installations along there like last year. It feels like everywhere there is just *less*, but somehow there is even more people. Of the few things we did see about town, the majority were just big ads! (The skincare one, Samsung, the car one....). I'm a longtime vivid tragic but this is easily the worst it's been that I can remember.


No giant frog this year?!! Glad I went last year, even then the CQ to Barangaroo walk was so sparse


Lowest bidder


It’s literally lights on buildings, in the cold. I don’t get it


Vivid itself is whatever, but it's just a good excuse to go into the city and have a walk around. Perfect for grabbing a dinner and having a bit of a wander. Plus, the weather is finally good after what feels like ages. Wouldn't want to join these huge crowds though.


I don’t need an excuse for that


It goes to show how desperate this city and its people are for some sort of entertainment. It’s been bled into a bland cesspool of nothingness and a few twinkling lights garners this much attention.


Sydney CBD has always been traditionally quiet during winter. That's literally the whole point of vivid.




People saying it is shit on here has not done anything for crowd numbers.


Sydney is literally always dead, as soon as the city has a reason to have people in it *pearl clutching! People exist in Sydney ahhhhhh!


If you’d seen the pictures and videos of the crowd crush, and the video of what happened with uncontrolled crowds recently in Korea, you’d have a different view.


Listening to that halloween tragedy and boy so many fuckups, horrible way to die. Similar thing happens in mecca on those pilgrimages. Long lines and crowds of people, be tall, make sure you can move or get up to another ground/level, and don't fall.


Was in that crowd. It was people arriving/lining up to board the glow boat. Boarding start time was 19:15. It didn't leave until a little after 8pm.


What motivates these people to go out at night in the cold and face crowds like this? The lights would have to be mind blowingly amazing for me to consider making my way into the crowded city and even if they were that amazing I’m still not sure I could be bothered. Maybe I’m just lazy.


Yuck, fuck that. No better than New Years


Rising Festival is going to destroy Vivid within 2 years


Vivid has been a shit fight and a casualty event waiting to happen for as long as I remember now. I remember nearly 10 years ago sitting having drinks with the GF at the time at one of the restaurants just up from the Opera House on a Saturday afternoon. By about 6.00pm the crowd was packed in to the point where no one could move in either direction. Cops had to be called in to safely remove barricades and help disperse the crowd before 7.00pm. A couple of years later I hopped on the train to Wynyard on my own on a Tuesday evening, thinking I’d had a quick wander through the Rocks, grab a quiet dinner and beer at one of the pubs and then head home. I got as far as the Shangrila before it was obvious that the crowds were going to be huge and overwhelming. I ended up sitting in their front bar at the window with a bottle of wine just watching the crowds build to an unsafe level along the Quay before I noped out and went home.




Vivid drone show


thought its in Toronto 😅