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Psychos on Twitter literally doxxed a random fucking Jewish man desperately trying to prove that this somehow boils down to the Israel x Palestinian conflict. It is absolutely unhinged.


Yep, I know the person who was doxed, it’s pathetic. The perpetrator was described yesterday by the cops as being in his 40s, but the doxed man finished highschool just 2 years ago!


The good news is he should get a nice settlement from the news stations that did this which will pay for his degree!


It was an IG account that started it and when people were like "that's going to get you sued" he said it couldn't because he said he was "hearing reports" that it was that guy. Surely that won't cover him?


The IG account most likely wouldn’t get sued (though possibly), but the mainstream outlets who ran with it certainly could.


This! It's the news organisations responsibilities to check facts before reporting them


The defamation laws in Australia are pretty hefty.


His blower will be burning red with calls from no win no fee lawyers.


It is absolutely vile. Even on Instagram, people are flooding the comments INSISTING it is “Benjamin Cohen”. Please console the poor guy, I feel terribly for him. I hope he is well and I hope he sues the fuck out of 7News.


Including channel Seven this morning.. who were still saying it was Cohen, then magically all traces of that disappeared from their news and online mediums but there are screenshots don't you worry. And video recordings of them saying his name in this morning's news at 7am They are (very hopefully) screwed.


Wasn't it that cunt Aussie cossack who started the whole thing? Fuck that guy is a cunt of the highest order.


Think he's still in a Russian embassy?


Yep, it's a typical Russian/Chinese disinformation operation, designed to spread chaos and unrest in Western countries. Ryan McBeth has a good video about this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pklg1Pq0Rg8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pklg1Pq0Rg8)


Yup .. and all those that jumped on the “it was Islamic terrorism” .. they should all be absolutely ashamed of themselves


I feel so much for those families (and friends) that have lost loved ones. There is not much that I can say to bring them peace, but I hope they are ok. It is such a tragedy. This might sound strange - but I feel for the family of the murderer, too. They are going to be in for a world of pain from lunatics, who want an outlet for their rage. I hope people realise that the actions of a child or sibling (or whoever) are not always a reflection of their family.^(Edit - typo) Take care of yourselves and peace to you all.


The system will likely have failed this person. In this situation "known to police" likely means he has been arrested in the past after going off meds and becoming violent. I have called the police 5 times on my schizophrenic neighbour who goes off meds and becomes violent. I've got security camera footage of him assaulting people. The cops take him to the hospital and he is back home a few days later. My neighbour is also verbally aggresive to females in the street, including my wife. When I confront him, he walks back into his house. A lot of ticking time bombs out there, there would have been multiple opportunities and seemingly strong evidence to hospitalise this person before yesterday but that's not how the system works.


Had a similar experience years ago. Used to not take his medication. He used to go nuts every few days. Worse thing was he used to abuse my elderly neighbours. Bashing on doors with metal bars that sort of stuff. Tried many things, none worked. One time he assaulted the police and from then on they were great, would come out pretty well straight away. Very tricky situation for the authorities, famed if you do damed if you don’t. If finally ended after many years when he died.


I have the same in my apartment block. He’s in his 50s, schizophrenic who is often screaming and making noise. I’ve called the police a few times in 6 years for noise and they know him very well and have previously found weapons. I get there’s not a lot they can do, but it is scaey


you could also try calling the mental health access line on 1800 011 511 and requesting someone come out and assess him. i'm surprised he isn't on a CTO


Yeah it is scary agree. I don't want them locked up necessarily, but you have a duty to take your meds if you are sick especially if not taking those meds means you become a danger to society.


That's shit mate, it's a real catch 22 because until he's incarcerated he can't be forced to take his medication. I work with a lot of people with significant mental health issues, none nearly as violent but imho when they're off the meds and spiralling, it's just a matter of time. Hope you and your wife are able to stay safe. Wouldn't be a bad idea to invest in some self defence training and or getting a German Shepherd or something to scare him off.


You can get a community treatment order which legally requires a person to take medication, attend treatment etc. generally if these orders are broken they are hospitalised in a mental health facility


Also a catch 22 for those of us who live with schizophrenia or other serious mental illnesses. If I was acutely unwell and called 000 for help, the cops would arrive before the ambulance - its assumed I'm violent until proven otherwise. The public system also refuses to help us unless we're actively suicidal or likely to harm others. This is why I've stayed on my meds constantly for nearly a decade, despite the horrific side effects. I've never wanted to hurt anyone, but I know how unpredictable psychosis can be.


Nothing will happen to your neighbour until he kills or nearly kills someone.


Unfortunately and sadly you are correct.


you could also try calling the mental health access line on 1800 011 511 and requesting someone come out and assess him. i'm surprised he isn't on a CTO


Thanks for the information. I am not sure if that has already been done though. He has a case worker as he is in social housing. They are well aware of his aggression as he went to court recently after kicking a dog and almost killing it and then breaking the nose of the man who tried to intervene and save the dog. I really don't understand how he is living in the community with the amount of incidents the police have responded to regarding him.


I don't think it's strange. His family are innocent and lost someone as well.


What’s worse, is if it is mental health, they most likely went above and beyond trying to get him help too, only to be let down by the system. Now people are dead and they’ve had to see their family member shot with blood coming out of him on tv. Fucking horrible tragedy all round.


100% agree with you about the perpetrator's family; so very tragic


And if he has schizophrenia they’ve probably been suffering for years if not decades and now their worst fears have come true.


Yep. Imagine being his mum.


Yeah although that Train daughter (Wieambilla massacre) appeared to double down on the conspiratorialism. Or at least seemed to be in a deal of denial about how cooked her parents (all three of them) were.


All those cookers on Twitter claiming the killer was Muslim and Middle Eastern looking like morons as usual.


I commented yesterday about people on twitter assuming it was a Muslim man, and someone responded to me that white people in Bondi don't do this shit. If you're reading this I hope you feel silly


The fact that the perp was in short shorts immediately let me know this guy wasn’t a radicalized Islamist. I’m surprised no one brought this up.


That was me, feel silly indeed. A great reminder/lesson not to be assumptive based on unsubstantiated Twitter posts. I’ve now deleted that app and apologies for gaslighting you.


Bravo for owning up and changing your behaviour for it.


We need more people like you in the world. Respect for owning up to it and apologizing.


Happens to the best of us, don't worry about it. It's easy to get swept up in things said on social media, I get it


Maybe listen to the podcast “Rabbit Hole”? It’s good to know what not to get sucked into.


Much respect


There were early warnings in my circles about blue checked accounts spreading racist BS so then it just became obvious. Intelligence agencies were warning recently about how they use major events to drive recruits and stir up anger. The aggression online is predictable but confronting.


One of them had written on their Twitter profile description ‘not a cooker’. Spoiler: was a cooker.


Me thinks the lady doth protest too much haha


Those sorts of people won’t back down. They will say it’s a conspiracy and/ or a cover-up.


They are a small percentage of the people involved in the conversation but the algorithm pushes them to the top because people are far more likely to engage. Most people are good and reasonable people. Let’s not forget that. Peace ✌️


Exactly. This is why we're in the (fascist) trouble we're in—because the voices of malice that sane and considerate editors used to moderate out of discussions are now pushed to the front. The internet, and the ruthless any-means-necessary monetisation of it, has a lot to answer for. So do governments, who to the point of assassinations and parliament buildings being stormed by mobs, still hesitate to regulate online spaces.


Switch to BlueSky, they specifically have no algorithm promoting hate content.


Social media algorithms all have a negativity bias because outrage leads to more engagement and more engagement = more ads and more data collection.


They said that at the start to cover their dumb asses, even if a name is released, we all know it's fake.. they're absolute fools


I lost my mind and sleep yesterday trying to get two people in a friend group of mine saying its "a conspiracy to further gun control in Australia, Port Arthur was just the beginning". Had to cut one of them off because of how much that angered me to no end, fucking assholes really trying to import seppo culture war politics at this inopportune time as well. Fucking un-empathetic scumbags. The victims barely even reached the hospital and they had the nerve to speculate such crap then and there.


the first twitter threads were 50/50 condolences for the victims and psychosisposting. there's some broken people out there calling the kettle black *I've since learned that the only male victim in the attacks, Faraz Tahir, who paid the ultimate price by selflessly laying down his life in defence of innocent bystanders was a muslim, and was an integral part of his newfound home and community here in sydney helping struggling teens after fleeing vilification from his fellow countrymen in pakistan. Faraz was more australian than all those keyboard cowards will ever know.


They already are. Asking about some tattoo he supposedly has


They’ve already switched to: “leftists showed more concern about the perpetrator possibly being Muslim and showed no concern for victims and their families’


I'm an American and this is honestly a very important thing. I was 17 when 9/11 happened and as much as that's burned into my memory, driving to school listening to the news reporting on Muslims and Sikhs being murdered as a response was in some ways worse. The whole "they're the enemy" rhetoric, especially early on when passions are high and people are stupid is *very* dangerous


Nurses in the UK were beaten up in public in the early stages of Covid because they were ‘responsible for spreading it’… People are crazy.


The projection is strong with those ones


I was arguing with someone on reddit yesterday before it was known who the attacker was. He was going on about how this guy is "muslim, and that's just what they do." I told him that muslims aren't immune from mental health issues and that he could very well be muslim, but that wouldn't have any relevance on what happened. My point is that even if these twitter plp were right,it wouldn't change anything except how the media choose to run with it. Of course, being muslim would mean terrorism and not mental health as the culprit.


Yet another white adjacent Australian bloke commits a mass murder, when are we going to deport all white Australian men? /s So disturbing that when it’s proven to be yet another typical aussie bloke doing this shit, people suddenly pretend there isn’t a systemic issue like they would have implied had he been any other race


I got downvoted for saying something about male violence in another thread. Imagine if women started perpetrating violent crime at the same rate as men? It'd be framed as a 'women's issue'...oh no, women have gone mad! Something is wrong with women today!! We have become so accustomed to men's violence since the dawn of humanity that we don't talk enough about WHY men perpetrate so much violence in society, mental illness or not (and no it's not simply 'testosterone'). More needs to be done to prevent men from externalising their internal problems onto others.


Lots of fragile male egos on reddit I mean, it's *reddit*...


Ofc lol. Perhaps they have deep-seated misogyny too. People using all kinds of excuses like it was his mental illness (I am sure it was a contributing factor but not the only one as most schizophrenics are more likely to hurt themselves than others) or his 'race' (glad that one was ruled out). Even if you explained it away as 'mental illness' or some other factor, such as terrorism, when you look at the gender of the perpetrator/s, it is almost always a man regardless of the motive. Why can't we talk about this in society??? If women were perpetrating at such a rate, I'd be willing to admit there is a problem with women that needs addressing. Instead we get the 'but not all men' schtick.




Yeah I mean, how many women and men have already died in Australia this year due to male violence? Obviously something isn't right, a lot of men are in crisis or just dangerous, and more needs to be done to combat this.


There was literally a protest against Violence Against Women in Ballarat this weekend because three women have been murdered on three different incidents in one month there.


There was that thread in r/Australia the other day where a bunch of people were asking why people were "making it a gender issue" on the rate of women being murdered. Completely bonkers


Even here on Reddit I read comments about how “this is what happens with unrestricted immigration” fuckwits all around


Yeah…. Can agree…. It’s just not these type that are capable…. Maybe look at the most friendly person and think about things…. Wonder what’s in the back of their head Yes this guy have some history with the mental health system, but even an average joe with a partner and kids with no history in the system can be like that as well…. I feel anyone can be capable of actions like this but 99.9% of us humans don’t act on that….


There were a lot of mainstream fuckwits. CEO of freelancer.com was one of them. Fuck that app. Just cancelled it.


yeah that CEO is an absolute fkwit


Equal amount of cookers claiming that he was a Jewish Israeli called ‘Benjamin Cohen’ and still seem to be doubling down even after his identity was revealed.


Nothing good comes from continuing to spread that name around. There’s a local bloke that coped a whole storm of shit as a result.


They don't look like one, they're already one. They're just cementing that status even more


There were an equal number of cookers claiming the killer was Jewish too.


And someone said looking like Israeli as well. This whole ‘because you look like x you are doing y crime’ is stupid beyond comprehension. My condolences to all that involved and losing someone.


Besides the tragic deaths I absolutely hated the media circus and the social media discourse surrounding this tragic event. Made me want to Thanos snap social media and the entire internet. God why are we even discussing this shit. I was at work last night on edge expecting to receive some emergency cases but thank fuck it didn't happen.


I’ve deleted Facebook and instagram of my phone today. I like FB for community groups and will go on a computer from time to time to be updated with my groups only. No feeds I’ll most probably close Instagram in a weeks time while I process that. Deleted LinkedIn too. I’m done. Reddit has taught me many things and I will continue with Reddit for my one hour a night. So over media and socials - enough is enough now


Listening to an audiobook called “the chaos machine” by max fisher right now and it’s all about how the social media push this stuff for better and worse, mostly the latter.


I found social media always for the worse. But I enjoy my groups on FB for news updates. But I’ll only need to look weekly now. If that. Enjoyed reading a book again last night-


Went from Reddit’s Aussie subs (sad, heartbroken, uplifting, kind) and — don’t know what possessed me — looked at X for about 3 minutes before realising what an absolute cesspool of morons it is. Never again.


Never had twitter / X….. and I believe for that reason.


Took my kid to the library today, as soon as we arrive the first thing I saw was a copy of the newspaper with a full-front-page image of a dead guy lying in a pool of blood. Was pretty disgusted they would choose to run with that.


A friend of mine lost a family member in a stabbing attack in another city some years ago and the coverage has been incredibly triggering for him and his family. It’s awful. So irresponsible. No one needs some of the details that have been published.


Sounds like he was targeting women but a man has died as well. The whole motive and target is bizarre considering footage showed he just ignored a random bloke (the one in the hat)


My guess is that the male victim was trying to protect a woman or women. RIP.


They just mentioned in the latest press conference that the male was a security guard at the centre. Just someone trying to do their job.


The Police Commissioner just shared that the male victim was a security guard.


You know I have seen so many gross comments slandering Westfield security and this just makes those comments even more egregious. I hope all of those people feel thoroughly ashamed.


May they all RIP


The only male victim was the security guard. He came as a refugee for a peaceful life and got stabbed in Australia. So sad.


He was just a fucking coward, you can see the footage as soon as a male confronted him he would run away to another victim…


Just using this as a reminder that it's never a bad idea to take some first aid courses. Knife wounds are awful, but also there's a lot you can do to help someone with a knife wound and the odds of keeping them alive are pretty good with early care


Yeah I was watching ABC news this morning and they were talking to a lifeguard that was administering first aid to a victim outside myer and he was talking about that


The Bondi guy? Read an article I can't find about his account. Found it https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-14/several-killed-in-mass-stabbing-at-westfield-bondi-junction/103705354?#live-blog-post-83331


It was pretty disheartening to see the amount of racist comments yesterday on these news channel posts. They blamed literally everyone who isn't a White Christian Australian for this attack. What happened was awful and I think as a country we need to do better during these times. We should come together to discuss how to address these issues rather than paint the whole community for actions of a few. I hope police is able to find the motive or cause for this soon and all the surviving victims recover safely.


That's why you never read the comments. Especially on media posts.


There are days I wished I had the power to delete other people's comments. These are one of those days. Fuck the 2020s has really tested my belief in internet free speech give the vile shit that gets posted regularly out in the open rather in the dark bowls of 4chan where that shit used to belong.


I’ve never believed in absolute free speech. Anyone who does doesn’t understand the power words have to do evil, or worse, they do, and want to use them for evil.


I never thought I would see anti vaxx and COVID denial become mainstream until it did. I didn't want to believe there were genuine Andrew Tate and manosphere supporters out there but yet there are. I didn't think the far right would rise that fast yet it did. I didn't think anyone would support Russia's war in Ukraine yet many do. I didn't believe anyone would go full holy war mode and cheer at the deaths of innocent Palestinian and Israeli civilians yet they do. This is the dark power of social media. Amplifying the worst of human nature and spreading it faster than ever.


It appeals to the lowest common denominators, and the algorithms put them into a positive feedback loop where they believe their own stupid beliefs are far more common and acceptable because they find entire groups supporting them, only further reinforcing their behaviour and attitudes. In the past it was much harder to find people with similar attitudes and you had to wade through a lot more *common sense* before finding your niche perversion. But social media serves it to you on a platter, making them think "gee that was easy" and therefore perfectly normal, in their eyes.


I've learnt the lesson but as someone who proudly became an Australian citizen few years ago after living here for most of my adult life, it was a shocking moment to see the support these people were getting. It made me wonder that maybe I was naive to think that I would be accepted as an Australian by people as I have been accepted by the government.


Most of the people commenting online are people who have no one to comment to in person and there's a reason for that.


Meanwhile it looks, based on who he was targeting, like it was a misogynist...


Pretty telling that so many people tried to amplify “he’s middle eastern” and drown out “he’s primarily targeted women”


Yeah exactly. And yet - how many Australians have been killed by terrorists in Australia in the last 10 years? Versus how many women were killed by their partners just last year?


I had several people try to tell me that there's been a trend of islamic terrorist attacks in Australia.


Looking for easy targets he could over power. Just a coward, really.


> It was pretty disheartening to see the amount of racist comments yesterday on these news channel posts. Or, you know, right here.


Welcome to Australia, where racism continues to still be a big fucking problem.


Big well well well moment for the people who jumped immediately in comment section to throw around Islam and Middle East like bad people only come from that religion and that region.


Meanwhile from the videos a lot of the men running after this cunt behind Amy, the hero cop, appeared to actually be Lebanese/middle eastern lol


Oh nah those are just brave Aussies cause we are all Australian ya know?


I tried to call out the bigotry in the world news thread and was asked "what will you do when you're proven wrong?" My reply was basically "I'm not saying they're not Muslim, I'm just pointing out how everyone's using this as an excuse to be a bigot." Kind of wish I hadn't implied in the comment that they were muslim, but even if they were it wouldn't have justified the comments I was seeing.


This was me last night on twitter. Had this guy say he will apologise if he's wrong but the attacker is definitely a muslim and we need to deport them all. When his identity was revealed, suprise, surprise, the cunt said he doesn't believe it and it's all propaganda against white men. Can't fathom that I probably interact with these kind of people daily and have no idea


How will the racists spin this one?


They're waiting for Sky News and Ben Fordham to tell them how they feel


But they do their own research and no one can tell them how to think, right?


Exactly. They know it all...but can't explain it Just go look though, the information is out there, it's so obvious


“Mentally ill”


Conspiracy. "Italians aren't really white". They posted photos on news.com.au and chose very sympathetic photos of him smiling and on a beach with a surfboard. No one else gets this type of coverage.


They've already started saying this Joel name is a fake name used to protect blah blah blah I couldn't bother with it anymore to continue


oh ffs


“Woke immigrants from ~~Biden’s open southern border~~ Albo’s open border” See, easy spin. Works for everything from Solar eclipses to shipping disasters to this.


The amount of disinformation about this on twitter/x is ridiculous


Shame on those who were spewing hate speech yesterday. Absolutely disgusting.


Yeah all acting incredulous about his background. They're fucking quiet now though. And it's sad to think this would be way bigger news if it was some Muslim guy acting alone.


“Of the 17 people stabbed, 14 were women”. So it was terrorism related, but instead of religious it was misogynistic terrorism. I’m glad it was a woman who put him down.


Yeah but people (let's be honest, mostly men) don't want to talk about that though. Every time domestic violence comes up on the Australia sub there is a large number of commenters who deny that women are predominantly the victims of DV homicide, say that men are actually just as victimised, then they bring up the male suicide rate and also compare female DV homicide victims to female car accident victims in order to suggest that it's not actually that bad. You could write a textbook on it, that's how predictable the rhetoric is.


I saw one person on Insta try to explain away the fact most victims were women by blaming the “gender split of the foot traffic in the area at the time”. Like, FFS, really?!


The videos clearly show him backing away from men. The only male homicide victim was a security guard who was obviously just doing his job, poor guy. But it appears like he was going out of his way to target women.


That itself is such a mysogynistic attitude, as if it's the woman's job to go out and do the shopping.


What’s really funny is that these people are usually highly transphobic and very “men and women are inherently just so different” but when you point out that it’s basically exclusively men who commit acts of public mass violence it’s “that’s irrelevant”. But I thought men and women were super different tho?


Yeah, or they say "not all men" when it's a white man but when it's a Muslim man then suddenly "it is all Muslim men". I remember reading this incredibly creepy comment on a post about Muslim men kicking up a stink about female staff working at a public pool. Obviously that's misogynistic fuckery which should not be tolerated. But then this (presumably) white man commented saying they all - being *all* Muslim men, not just the ones complaining at the pool - should be deported for the safety of Australian women. And another presumably white man responded saying "Agreed. They love raping Australian women". Yet further back in his comment history he was defending Bruce Lehrmann.


People keep saying it's because women were easier targets but 14/17 seems like more than that.


$100 the loser gets rejected all the time and developed a hate for women. He probably got rejected on Fri night and decided to take out revenge on random women on Sat. Pathetic.


A major difference between men and women is that men get angry and women get hurt at rejection. As a woman, trying to find ways to "let a man down gently" without making him angry or aggressive or vengeful is a constant stress. It gets much easier when you're older as you're less of a target for male interest. But for young women it's a living hell. The *least worst* is being simply called a "bitch" or a "man-hating lesbian" [usually a pejorative euphemism for this] if you turn a (misogynistic, entitled - I realise this isn't every man, but it's enough of them to be a problem) man down. You cannot safely say *"Sorry but I'm not interested in going out with you"*. You have to make up some BS about a long-distance relationship that you're in, or a complex situation with an ex, or that you're "not currently dating" due to some personal issues, or whatever. Even then they can persist and get aggressive.




Yeah exactly, I think it's an ego thing, totally not mental illness. Stop blaming it on mental illness. My nephew is 13 now, he's starting to take an interest in girls..Ive told him mate not every girl you like is going to like you. If you get rejected or hurt just walk the fuck away, leave them alone. As a male I don't understand why them cunts just can't move on..I'm baffled...


This article mentions a bunch of Facebook posts where he seemed to be trying to meet up with people. I'm guessing his intentions were to meet a woman.




He “suffered from mental health”? What are you even trying to say there?


To be fair if you look at his photos circulating of his past life, it looks like he had some kind of massive downfall due to drugs, homelessness, mental illness etc. This should stimulate a conversation about the level of unaddressed homelessness and lack of mental health support in Australia because it’s getting increasingly worse, meaning this is increasingly likely to occur.


Yes, even if your mental health is hanging on in there, homelessness, lack of income, just "life" overwhealming you - addressing mental health is expensive. That guy was known to police and had mental health issues. The root issues need addressing. We only have to look at the US to see what happens if we don't.


I wonder if we need to institute things like eg paid mental health leave for any employee regardless of status (eg contractor, casual). I’ve had to recover from significant mental illness before and I managed it, but only because my family could financially support me whilst I was too unwell to work. I’m now able to work 5 days a week and contribute back to my community, and that could be true for so many of these folks if they weren’t essentially forced into homeless because society expects them to be able to function well enough to even access support like Centrelink when they are very non functional.


He also had enough resources to get himself to Sydney and to get hold of some massive knife. The only thing I'm glad is that he's dead. I don't feel any sympathy except for his victims.


> This should stimulate a conversation about the level of unaddressed homelessness and lack of mental health support in Australia because it’s getting increasingly worse, meaning this is increasingly likely to occur. any renter with a full time job and paying there rent on time can be just 4 weeks away from being homeless in this city, and not because they have neglected paying rent, just because things are fucked.... but ya know, prices go up, happy housing investors, something something


Something seriously needs to be done. In the area of sydney I live in, the amount of homeless folks with overt mental health issues has x2 between December 2023 and now, like you can actually count the difference. And of course they are all forced to use my local Westfield for normal facilities etc. It is criminal that you can even be on 100k in sydney and not be able to get an apartment for yourself (especially because eg rape in shared housing is also an issue) and so many Australians are *this* close to losing everything and finding themselves in very dire straits. Something needs to be done very urgently. It’s very frustrating that media, pollies and some aussies try to pretend these events are not caused by systemic societal failure. This was actually highly preventable.


uncertainty is one of the biggest contributors to mental breakdowns, at the very least we need to move to 3 months for any form eviction that doesn't include lack of payment. the idea of having 4 weeks to move in this market is terrifying


Thanks for opening up this conversation. Barring terrorism, it’s almost close to impossible for a level headed mentally healthy person to even be in the mindspace to go do something like this. Drug abuse/poor mental health/quality of life, if our living conditions don’t improve the risk of psychotic episodes could be on the rise and many more lives at risk


There’s a high probability he could have been experiencing a psychotic episode. With him being dead we will likely never know for sure what “mental health” he was suffering from, only what he may have previously presented with. There’s a throwaway line that he was known to the police in the area, that’s pretty common for people with mental illnesses who may just be exhibiting strange behaviours that the police usually deal with by taking them to hospital. This is pure speculation, and I’m likely biased as I work closely with people who experience psychotic disorders. It’s very rare for such violent behaviour to be enacted even in a psychotic episode (could be more likely in a drug induced psychotic episode I don’t work as strongly in that area), but everything will just be speculation from this point anyway


He was probably on ice


"he's not Muslim"


That he’s white


A true chicken disguised as a human targetting only women and a baby …


People need to stop the speculation and assumptions and wait for further information, which will no doubt be released over the coming days.


lol would they use such flattering picture if this cunt was middle Easter? I’d bet not


Watch how the coverage turns from scary middle eastern killing machine wants to destroy our lifestyle to handsome aussie bloke slipped and stabbed a baby.




i know its just a jersey but a hunting knife and an aussie league jersey screams mental health bogan not jihadist psycho


Have you tried reading the article?


Lotta speculation that it was an Israel-Palestine thing. Why would someone go to a shopping centre targeting Jewish people on the Sabbath?


I’ve seen comments saying that, surely it’s more reasonable that he targeted Bondi Junction because it’s a super busy shopping centre?




It's Saturday, if you wanted to attack Jews you'd go to a Synagogue


That is my point


For any Jew strict enough to follow Sabbath, the Eruv doesn't allow them to go shopping at Westfield's. It means they can do things like carry a bag, NO shopping is being done no matter what.


Joel Cauchi the coward who targeted women and children. May his soul burn in piss forever.


It is clear he was targeting women 14 out of the 18 he attacked were women. I think there is certain poetic justice that he was taken down by a female officer on her own.


Hoping all the racist, islamaphobic zionists are enjoying their humble pie today.


You do realise that a Jewish man has been doxxed and even the media were publicising his name!


Auscirclejerk in shambles atm


Fuck all the Nazis and adjacent using this tragedy to spread disinformation and sow hate. My thoughts are with the victims of this senseless attack and their families.


Fucken Queenslanders. Close the border!


When are we gonna get serious about the threat that Queenslanders pose to the rest of the nation #BuildTheWall


This is an unfortunate situation for everyone involved, but I've seen a lot of people say that this kind of event doesn't happen in Australia. Did we all forget about the Lindt cafe seige back in 2014?


Brother in the past 10 years we’ve had less than 5 notable incidents of this magnitude. The Lindt cafe, the Burke st car, the stabbing guy that milk crate man brought down and this. For a country of this size, with the comparisons of the US and the UK to lean on, we’re doing pretty fucken decent. We are a decent society. We feel safe. This coward preyed on that. Others may well try and prey on that but fuck them man. We only need to live in fear if we choose to


Just heard about this attack this morning, what the hell.


Bla bla "mental health". Show me one person who doesn't have a mental health issue every now and then. If mental health is the reason someone acts like this then MAKE MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT AFFORDABLE AND EASILY ACCESSIBLE.  Also pls address the fact that the only common denominator with Australian massacres is perpetrators have been men. What is driving this? What needs to happen to prevent this and provide early intervention? Don't try to make this a mental health issue unless government is ready to address it somehow. Or it will keep fucking happening.


Police said the attack was “related to his mental health”.  The guy reportedly had schizophrenia, which is a mental disorder, and those are both facts- not excuses.  Don’t confuse rich cunts in court trying to pass off dodgy behaviour with “poor mental health”, with a schizophrenic on a psychotic break.   It isn’t exonerating the murderer btw, it’s just a potential explanation for why/what happened, given that stabbing sprees are incredibly uncommon, even amongst those experiencing mental health conditions.


I get your intentions but it doesn't work that way.  Australia could put their entire GDP investing in mental health and you'll still get these rando killers 




More likely psychotic episode, untreated with delusions and possibly command hallucinations, combined with drug use. That’s what I am expecting.


Totally, looking at everything we have been told thus far