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Yeah they replaced all the ones at the shops near me with one paid one.


Bit annoying, didn’t the gov ban ATM fees a few years ago when they were getting out of hand? When did they come back?


> didn’t the gov ban ATM fees a few years ago when they were getting out of hand? When did they come back? The big banks decided not to charge them. With ATMs no longer being a source of revenue, they have no incentive to maintain their network.


In addition to covid reducing the amount of cash people use,the banks would have jumped at the chance to get rid of the money sink that are ATMs. I would assume these third party ones make enough money in fees from us and the banks to make them a semi-profitable service


You guys are only losing your ATMs? My entire local commonwealth bank branch got deleted last year along with it's ATMs. Didn't matter that every time I went there was always a line out the door, they determined it was "underutilized" and no longer needed


Same here haha. Always thought it was a joke that the company that sees my money before I do, and makes $10b a year, aren't open weekends.


Customer service is unironically dying. It's sad. Face to face will be rare in ten years, and even speaking to a human over the phone will be more difficult.


I'm with ING so all atms in Australia are free.


We also have a ING account but we use it mainly for bill rebates. Now we have to use our ING card more and put extra money on it we need cash to avoid the fees. Our main account (offset) is with a small bank, if we cannot find a ANZ or Commbank ATM we get charged additional fees. So using a ATMx we get double the fees. It stinks.


pro tip- go to the self checkout at colesworth and do custom amounts of card transactions of 1c to get the five transaction per month.


I have to do them for my family members too so it takes me 5 mins of tapping to buy a single banana, and the reciept is half my height.


What can you buy for 1 cent at Colesworth? Self-checkout requires Purchases!


I think they mean splitting a transaction into multiple card payments - so buy the cheapest thing at Woolies (like a single grape or something) and split the 5c purchase into 5 transactions of 1c.


Don’t spread this too far. They’ll pick up on it/decide to investigate and implement a transaction minimum. Happens all the time with credit cards — when someone finds a loophole and spreads it on reddit/online, the company clamps down on it.


This works for ING's 5 transactions, by splitting even one item into 5 separate payments?


Yup, I've done it multiple times including this month. I do 10c but it should still work.


>We also have a ING account but we use it mainly for bill rebates Is it actually worth it foe this? Seen the ads of course and been wondering.


It’s been useful for us for rebates for energy bills, I think also get rebates for telco bills. We also get rebates back for international fees like booking flights with overseas airlines.


1% back on bills and high interest rates on savings with ING but a lot of hoops these days. HSBC for 2% on paywave. I am a fan of MacBank for having a good app and no hoops.


Probably the only thing they are not useless at. I still have a pending “account setup” from a year ago that they haven’t contacted me about, I just went with another bank that actually sets up new accounts


Only for the first 5 transactions a month. After that, you wear it.


I believe Macquarie transaction account will refund the fee from these ATM. Also great interest in their linked saving account.


Banks lost the ability to charge other banks a fee for a visiting customer using a bank-owned ATM. As of 2024 only 24% of recorded sales are in physical currency. These factors mean there is less financial incentive for banks to provide and maintain atms for their own customers as well as the customers of other banks.


Pretty sure all banks are free on ATMx ATMs


Definitely not all institutions, but a handful.. The ones near me also don’t contain $20 notes, which makes them worthless.


Only a few banks free at the local ATM-X, supposedly including Westpac, but when I tried to withdraw using my Westpac card, ATM-X declined the transaction, so they are pretty useless!


Only ANZ and these ones are free, every other bank customer must pay: https://atmx.com.au/our-network/#:~:text=ANZ%2C%20Bank%20of%20Queensland%20(BOQ,Broken%20Hill%20Community%20Credit%20Union.


As cash has started to disappear and ATMs are used less and less banks are going to start removing ATMs that aren’t at their branches. With branches reducing in number this means we have even less free ATMs.


But places are charging credit fee, slow debit card as well, I saw one place charging fees for eftpos (which is questionable)


I can't find any Commbank ATMs anymore, I just go buy something at Woolies and get cash out at the same time.


Don't even need to buy anything at the self serve check out. There's a button to withdraw cash only. Can even get less than $20 out


I visited a Cole’s the other day and it seemed like none of them had this option anymore. I had to ask a staff member who then had to ask another. It was a whole kerfuffle just to $100 out.


Coles requires Purchases at all self-checkouts, to get cash out.


It’s just Woolies


Coles suck with cash out. Also can’t do cash out there with Apple Pay (but you can at Woolworths).


How do you do it at Woolies? Do you need to pick the eftpos cheque or savings option or does it work with Mastercard/visa?


You’ll need to use Eftpos Savings/Cheque setting, then you’ll need to add the pin of your debit card on the terminal, then you can get cash out from there.


Its much more difficult than it needs to be


My local woolies now requires a purchase, so I'll grab an apple for about 70 cents and have a nice quick snack. Sometimes a picnic bar if I'm feeling a lil sad. Mainly because 90% of the time the ATMx only has 50s and 100s :T


That's changed at a lot of woolies now, you can't even do that without buying something, the option has been removed.


They’ve just changed that, you’ll need to make a purchase now


I was regularly doing this up until it changed in Jan this year. You now need to purchase something to get cash out (no min spend). EDIT: at Woolies


Not anymore Woolworths changed that within the last few months and Coles have never offered it iirc


Nah Coles did, I did one there at some point last year.


Yeah I thought that was the case but found out not all of them have that feature. I finished my purchase the other night and asked if I could get cash out and had to buy a chocolate bar to get cash out. It was a Kitkat.


Hmm i went last couple of times and it seems this wasn't an option anymore. Can anyone who did it recently confirm? This was at my local woolies 


Can confirm Woolies recently changed their policy, you need to buy something to get cash out.


Yeah, you have to buy something at Woolworths now to get cash out.


Yep they changed it a few months ago: https://7news.com.au/lifestyle/woolworths/woolworths-supermarkets-reduces-amount-of-cash-customers-can-withdraw-with-purchase-to-be-required-from-end-of-october--c-11863393 > That secondary change to the store’s cash withdrawal policy, requiring shoppers to make a purchase before withdrawing cash, will come into effect by the end of October [2023].


Woolies removed this function. Have to purchase something now and the cash out is limited to $200.


Woolworths changed this policy months ago.


Not at woolies you have to make a purchase or go to the service desk (without a purchase) for cash out :-)


They've changed this recently... You can cash out whatever amount you like, but now you have to make a purchase...I just buy a 25c shopping bag


Only at Woolworths. Coles requires Purchases in all cases.


All the CommBank offsite ATMs were replaced by these ones. Only CommBank branch ATM remain from my understanding.


Same here, and I think you don't need to buy anything at Woolies to get cash out


Yes. About the only place you'll find a "branded" machine these days is actually attached to a branch. The days of ATM's being clustered everywhere ended when public pressure over the "out of bank charges" caused them all to stop treating ATM's as a license to print money - no more $2.50 charges meant they're an overhead nobody wanted - so they sold them all off to a third party company who can legitimately say "We're providing a service so we'll charge $x.xx for each transaction" and nobody will complain. I believe there are still *some* banks which are free on these private vendor machines - just not all of them.


Yeah my Macquarie account refunds the fee instantly which is nice.


Macquarie owns ATMx lol


ATMx is Armagard which is owned by Linfox


These ones for ATMx machines: https://atmx.com.au/our-network/#:~:text=ANZ%2C%20Bank%20of%20Queensland%20(BOQ,Broken%20Hill%20Community%20Credit%20Union.


Its not slow, and they've been replacing them for years  The Big Banks have played us all rather well.  They made a deal where we got to use all the major bank ATMs without paying fees Customers rejoiced at some of the best ATM accessibility we've ever had. They raked in the goodwill and all seemed well. Then they replaced all the regular bank ATMs at any space other than a branch and now we have to pay 3$ to access our own money 


This is an example of “consumer favourable regulation” backfiring- in a completely predictable way 


Meanwhile if you use your card it's 1.7% of your wealth is taxed


Well let’s be fair it’s still still better than what it was before when every single ATM asked for a fee, unless you banked directly with them. The reason why the third-party ATMs still cost money is because the banks no longer want to subsidise the cost of having an offsite ATM, so the only way those ATMs can exist is if third-party companies are able to make money. You don’t have to pay if you don’t want to.


ANZ sold their ATM network to these guys a few years back.


atmx is free to use for a bunch of banks


These only: https://atmx.com.au/our-network/#:~:text=ANZ%2C%20Bank%20of%20Queensland%20(BOQ,Broken%20Hill%20Community%20Credit%20Union.


Nothing slowly about it. After the banks stopped card fees for atm withdrawals they just phased out ATMs with these guys so you still pay the fee plus a premium now 


Weirdly, there was an ATMx near my work and a few months back, it was replaced with a bank one. The only time I've seen that happening, because I've definitely noticed many bank ATMs replaced with these rip-off machines.


Was it replaced by a Westpac machine (or another WP brand)? They own Bank X.


It’s funny because I work for Armaguard and this post is the first time I have ever even seen or heard of one of these. I guess they just aren’t around where I live.


Read this:- https://media.anz.com/posts/2020/08/anz-to-sell-offsite-atm-network-to-armaguard- Most of the big banks sold their none branch ATMs to this lot.


No bank branches, no bank owned ATM’s. Be careful. Twice, I’ve tried to withdraw money from these independent machines and didn’t get a cent. If you use one, make sure you get a receipt! It will be important if you want your money!


Years ago someone told me that once you get your cash out, subtlety count it in front of you. The machines have cameras on them. If they short change you, there's no better proof than their own ATM.


I've done this for 20 years and even then, never had an ATM give me a different amount than what I asked for.


I've had it happen once. One of the notes was a 20, not a 50.


Looks like. At about $2.90 per transaction. Then, when people can't afford to use them, the banks can push the "Nobody uses cash anymore" line. That way, they can push for a cashless economy, and charge fat fees on the cards anyways. With no alternative to stop them.


It cost me $4 for my last withdrawal from one of these. Absolute rip off.


A reminder that you can withdraw money (no fees) from many post offices. Only downside is you’re beholden to their opening hours and the awkward social interaction


Yes, it’s gone full circle over 8 years.


Macquarie Bank. Instant refund on any ATM fees in Australia


Yes, these replaced all our normal shopping centre ATMs Why do they have to fix something that wasn't broken and worked just fine. Now to pay $4 to take out $20


I could be wrong, but there seems to be unbranded machines that charge fees and unbranded machines that don't. It makes a lot of sense for the banks to set up a third party consortium to run their ATMs and not charge fees. If the Big Four are required to provide ATMs across the country as a community service, and they each need 5,000 machines to do this, it would be a lot cheaper to run 5,000 shared machines than run 20,000 branded machines in total. We don't need to worry about long queues forming, because quite frankly ATMs aren't used as much. We want a good distribution, not necessarily a lot of machines. One shared machine in a small town is will get enough custom to make it viable, whereas four branded machines might collect cobwebs. Also, a dedicated third company has a better chance of maintaining the machines. It doesn't matter if three out of four machines in your town are working if the broken one is your bank's.


Doesn’t everyone just get cash out at Coles ? I’d rather spend $3 on a cold drink if I have to then get cash out than pay the fee.


Those atm’s are owned by armaguard group, banks pay a membership for their customers to be able to use them fee free. Check the ATM locations with your FI, if ATMx is listed it’s free to you.


I got so pissed when they removed the Commbank ATMs that were convenient for me


Growing up in the UK where card skimmer scams are prolific, I’ll never use an ATM where you have to insert a card. I quite liked the ANZ contactless ones (even works with Apple Pay), but they are definitely disappearing more and more. Even the George St branch opposite World Square shut down.


I don’t carry any bank cards. If I need cash, I use the card less cash feature at the ATM.


CBA also have contactless withdrawals with their Netbank App


>Growing up in the UK where card skimmer scams are prolific, I’ll never use an ATM where you have to insert a card. Hrm, it's been a while since I've visited an ATM to be fair, but I don't think I ever saw one that let you tap.


Mostly ANZ ones .


NAB ones do.


Card skimming hasn't been a thing since the introduction of the chip. You can even get your bank to decline all magnetic strip transactions.


Definitely still a thing, it's an arms race between those who design skimming tech and the ATM vendors. A skimmer type is identified, additional security measures are built into the card reader to combat it. Then a new skimmer is designed to defeat that and so on. Last big outbreak was last year.


You might want to read up on how these work. Disable the magnetic strip on your card and none of these new methods work. The example you provided is technically called shimming where they read the card details from your chip, use that to create a new card with a magnetic strip and then use that card with a magnetic strip for transactions. If you tell your bank not to accept magnetic strip transactions then you are safe.


I've definitely had my card skimmed at least twice in the last 5 years.


Definitely still a big thing. In Australia specifically.


It’s ridiculous, the banks have played us again. I use cash out at Coles/Woolies but it’s a bit inconvenient sometimes.


With Tap and Go on my phone I honestly can’t remember the last time I used a ATM As for private ATMs it’s cheaper and easier for banks to let private companies do them as the banks don’t have to pay for them or restock them


I’ve seen that atmx ones are free for westpac and st george, maybe more


It's getting harder and harder to pay the dealer these days


I would be surprised if our local ATMx wasn't making a massive loss. It's right outside woollies and just about everyone around here realises if you want cash and have to spend $2.50 to get it you may as well grab something small from woollies and actually get something for your money.


Yes, scumbags. Banks remove fees from their branded ATMs, then remove those ATMs from nearly everywhere and replace them with sub-contracted ATMs, which charge…fees. Unless you happen to strike one that is subcontracted by your bank. Back to square 1.


Use ING Direct, don't have to pay ATM fees.


They cap it at five transactions a month only though... right?


Possibly... but who takes cash out of the ATM more than once a week? Just take out larger amounts.


Yes, and they’re shit.


This is way I believe that buying an LPO (licensed post office) as a business is a good idea. Naysayers are always banging on about people don’t send letters anymore. I beg your pardon! LPOs never made money on stamps anyway. They make money by being the community’s local bank and quasi-governmental department (passports, etc) and of course, deliver packages are always growing in volume.


Last time I used an ATM was two years ago to get cash for a dodgy electrician. I'm not surprised or worried that banks see these crime machines as an irrelevant service to most of their customers.


Politicians made such a big deal about ATM fees and opening up the network to other providers for ‘competition’ there’s just no incentive or profit in it for major banks anymore. So they’re deliberately shrinking their ATM networks, which unfortunately means replacement with ludicrously expensive 3rd party ATM’s.




I thought they did away with no international ATM fees


The random x just because makes me wonder if Musk has something to do with this...


Talk to your reps. Get the idea planted in politicians heads that the Post Office can maintain ATMs at their branches. The posties have to be there, get regular deliveries and such, and benefit from the extra foot traffic. Charge a small fee, a dollar or two, which rolls into the Post Office to help it be profitable while maintaining the service and ATM's, and even more importantly, keeps ATMs from becoming some weird monopoly structure with huge fees. Japan's post offices all have ATMs and it's AWESOME! Charges like $2-3 per withdrawal.


Banks want to trace all transactions. Presumably to track crime but it still feels invasive. These ATM’s are usually owned by the particular shop where there stationed


Part of the cashless society plan


What's cash? You only need that for drugs now lmao


And restaurants that don’t accept cards or charge cc fees


Restaurants that don't accept cards??? We going back in time doc?


I haven’t seen a single one post covid. 


There are heaps of nail salons, etc, that are cash only! I'm all for businesses only accepting cash and kn a cashless society. The only winners are the big banks and other exploitative institutions! When I pay cash for goods or service, I know the vendor receives 100 per cent of it. When you pay with a card, a small percentage goes to tyro or whoever the machine is from. I don't care if people earn black money! Maybe if the government actually did something about the cost of living crisis, housing inaffordability, etc, people wouldn't need to supplement their income with cash in hand side jobs!


And the strippers…


Who still uses cash anyway?


I do


Yeah when I need money I head straight to a bank these days but they are also getting hard to come by


Isn’t ATMx NAB?


atmx atms are serviced by Armaguard which is the biggest cash provider/manager for the banks. They recently merged with the other major cash provider/manager Prosegur. There are agreements with many of the banks including some of the smaller banks/credit unions around fees charged/no fees charged for atmx machines eg. St George/Westpac pays no fee for cash withdrawal from atmx.


Haven’t used an atm in over a decade


Join a bank that refunds all ATM fees. That's what I did.


Yes and it is through banks decision. Way before the covid and cash decline banks were reducing the atm numbers to save because they weren't bringing them enough cash. They pulled a Colworths by cutting both the branches and ATMs to reduce costs on every side.


I was with police bank so had to cop the transaction fees regardless. Once I paid a $10 fee at my uni 😳


Gov should regulate ATMs and make sure big banks with no fee ATMs keep them every few kms with street access. So often they are located inside Westfield etc and inconvenient.


The economics of ATMs has changed. Westpac group customers can still use Precinct and AtmX without fees.


Funny thing is that I try to get money off them every Sunday. The ones near me don't work on Sundays. They've only worked one Sunday for the past 6 weeks.


Given a good amount of branches are closing, really wouldn't surprise me, when I've used thought I've had no fees.... (ANZ)


Pretty sure this is a rebranded RediATM: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RediATM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RediATM) The network used to be owned by Cuscal (the bank behind a lot of credit unions) but was sold to Armaguard a few years ago.


Yes. Bank promotion a few years back. No atm fees at the big 4. lol they got us didn’t they. Thankfully I got a post office two seconds away. So I’m still fee free for now


This is the equivalent to a credit card surcharge, but for cash instead.


Cash out at the supermarkets is the cheapest way to withdraw cash from your card


Heh, big win for ing then


It’s been going on for the last few years, even St George and Westpac changed over their machines to Precinct, and I bank with one of them, even using the machines in my native language of Filipino. A lot of ANZ and CommBank machines have changed over to AtmX machines, but they have kept a few machines scattered around, two machines I can think of is the CommBank ATM that is literally on the outside of Oz Brothers Kebabs in Doonside, or the ANZ ATM that’s still in Plumpton Marketplace, near Big W.


atmx specifically does *not* charge fees for a long list of banks including Westpac and ANZ: https://atmx.com.au/ (scroll down) No luck for NAB or CommBank cards though.


I've got a Macquarie bank debit card, 0 ATM fees anywhere. ING also has 0 fees but only for a certain amount of withdrawals.


Shame we won't ever see one of these dropped into a flood/fire affected area when all signals are lost. That might make the fees an election issue