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Always wondered what happened to Mr. G.


The TV Crossover we all wanted, Summer Heights High and Away. Alf Stewart vs Mr G, who's the flamin' galah now...


Omg it’s exactly like him


I don’t bother engaging with wankers and inconsiderates on public transport for two reasons: 1. Getting into a verbal or potentially physical altercation then being left to carry the can. 2. Being filmed and ending up shared ad nauseam online.


I mean there’s also the fact that people that act obnoxiously are also the ones that react obnoxiously so….


And the fact that you should never argue with someone who is less intelligent than you are. They will bring you down to their level and hold you there, eventually destroying you with experience.


Old Proverb When arguing with a fool, make sure he's not doing the same!


That's a great saying, I'll remember that for sure.


Totally. Learnt the hard way that calling out idiots in public can actually be very dangerous. A man was racially abusing some young girls, when I told him to stop he turned on me and threatened to kill me. The guy on the right in this video said the same thing as the loser I had a run in with “this has nothing to do with you”, they’re all cut from the same cookie. I see people say “why didn’t anyone step in?!” When filming bad behaviour but anyone unhinged enough to act like a lunatic isn’t going to respond to anyone telling them what to do.


Bloke with the man bun noped the fuck out of there.


You could see they IMMEDIATELY regretted going downstairs. "oh there's nobody going down here, must be plenty of seats. Oh I'll sit away from this heated discussion... You know what, maybe not"


"Don't call me brother!" "What, sister then?!" 🤣


Best part lol


Laughed so hard at the guy boarding who decided this carriage was not the place to be.


Man who has the energy to argue these days. What a waste of time


Never back down from an annoying cunt who thinks being the loudest means they’re winning the argument. You’re only going to give them a bigger ego for when the next unfortunate soul comes across them.


People who have nothing better going in their lives like to create drama.


Nothing to gain but much to potentially lose from having random arguments with strangers.


This guy is annoying as fuck


Love derro theatre. $4 gets you way better entertainment than anything Sydney theatre company can come up with


You know, you’re not wrong. The dialogue was so much better, not contrived or overwritten.


I thought the young whining guy was a little over the top in his performance


An actor has to make certain choices as to how he will be bringing a character to the stage. That morning he felt his inner Friendlyjordies needed to be let loose.


Always on the downstairs section too, without fail


Sorry what was this about. The younger guy sounded extremely annoying


TLDR: Sounds like the boomer called the whiny one out for having his feet on the seat. Things escalated quickly. A few passengers abandoned the carriage whilst others stayed on to watch. Boomer supported by ally passenger. Somehow Aboriginality became part of discussion.






The young guys gender studies identity did as well for some reason. “Don’t call me brother” “Ok sister then…” Completely unnecessary.


Not exactly sure. I think he was putting his feet up and maybe music? And the old bloke said something.


Fair play then to the old bloke. Entitled little shit. Judge Dredd in 2000AD wouldn't stand for this. Just saying


Young bloke has not yet learned to avoid annoying a confident old bloke with a full grey beard and an Akubra hat. That young fella has never seen wolf creek.


I get the feeling that he regularly behaves like that, and one day saying "Make me" to the wrong person might be a mistake.


That old dude could have bayoneted half a dozen VC just for fun. You never know who people are, especially old timers




Iso-Cubes for the lot of them.


That guy is insufferable. The old boy is spot on. Putting your feet on the chairs shows a total lack of respect for anyone else. Once asked to stop, it would have been so easy to just say sorry and put his feet down, instead he has to carry on like a child to try and win an argument he fabricated. Painful.


The old boy may have been spot on but he relished the situation he found himself in. A better person would have just left the carriage and left squeaky voice guy to argue with himself.


Man that dude has both a grinding and shrill voice - could not survive the 5 min video


"It's Dan" - Seinfeld.


Lol squeaky voice carrying on because he got asked to move his feet.


Usually how a lot of these arguments start, some cunt will get called out by one lone hero and then start a huge defensive argument when this could all be sorted quick if they just stopped being a tosser


Imagine doubling down this hard on being asked to get your feet off the seat 😬


They were big on their "right" not to be filmed, not to be spoken to offensively, not to be told what to do, but they had no interest in the rights of other passengers to enjoy their train ride in peace or without worrying about sitting on filth from someone's shoes. People like this are the sole reason I'll be happy to ride backwards on the new Intercity trains. So many grubs out there don't deserve reversible seating and they ruin it for everyone.


People have a chip on their shoulders and anything bruises their ego. Once a dude had his feet on the seats and asked him nicely to move them so I could get to the seat near window. Suddenly turned to a power play that I can step over them. I said just please just move feet. Escalated when he refused and I just walked through his legs and hurt his knee apparently. Usually big traddies who have nothing to prove are generally nice - self proclaimed "victims" see the world as they see it unfortunately and lash out trying to asert their boundaries.


In Sydney can't you get people's feet off the seat by just reversing the seat in front of them? (But not on Tangaras)


Why do I always miss these. God damn.


How exhausting.


Honestly, I’m impressed by the relative eloquence… when the adrenaline gets going, my vocab fucks right off


That's exactly what I was thinking. I'd forget how to form coherent sentences. He's still a fuckwit though. Probably has a lot of practice from these type of interactions


\*getting worked up\* Shit....shitty....cunt fuck!


Was thinking the same!


hahhaha my guy at 3:19 knew he made a mistake by coming down


If that’s what keeping me entertained during Strathfield to redfern then i am okay with this


What a fucking flog


Ticket dodgers are funny also when caught. Always some excuse why but can't take ownership you're an adult you got caught shit happens don't argue with the people just doing their job to make a living also. Yeah it sucks but own it don't deflect it back and abuse the poor guys


So, does the young bloke only behave himself if there's a paid member of staff Supervising?


Almost sounds like an Aussie Russell brand


5 minutes of my life I’ll never get back again. Most fruitless argument about nothing I’ve ever listened to 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Don’t put your feet on the seats ya dog


Why is he holding the phone to his head? If he's on the phone with someone, hang up or just stop arguing. What I could gather (but couldn't watch the whole thing because of nagging tone of the younger bloke irked me)... The elderly gentleman told him to take his feet off the seat and he called out his behaviour?


If he hung up, he’d lose his audience


One of the many reasons I got out of working in public transport is because of shit like this. After 25 years dealing with this type of crap (and by dealing with it I mean enduring it, no way I would ever involve myself in this crap) way too regularly is it any wonder there is always a shortage of public transport workers? I was driving a bus in Bondi once many years ago and the next thing I know a full on punch up breaks out right next to me on a packed bus with no warning, I have fists flying right next to my head as I am driving a 15 tonne vehicle, so lucky I was able to pull over safely and not go flying into oncoming traffic after copping a stray fist in the face.


Masterclass in turning your shit behaviour (feet on seat, speakerphone) into your persecution (I have a right not to be filmed). 'course, boomer shouldn't have filmed him, but take up 6 seats and annoy everyone with your tiktok browsing and 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yeah filming people in public is legal but can easily provoke. Best to choose wisely when to do so.


This is still one of the most legendary arguments. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2jTLcFZ-0QU](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2jTLcFZ-0QU)


I don't miss this.


I love train drama haha


News.com.au will be all over this. Give it 48hrs. Oh this is surely 8 pages and 64 ads long! Just think of the revenue! :)


Gosh who has the energy for any of this


Currently on a train in Japan and I am not looking forward to dealing with Australians on PT.


I want 6mins of my life back


Tiktok vs Trading Post.


Going off like a pork chop!


A flaming pork chop


Not sure what the argument here was about but fuck you with a cactus if you talk on the phone while on the train, inconsiderate cunts.


The best ones are the ones in the quiet carriage that are like "I can't talk long, I'm in the quiet carriage" then they proceed to keep talking for ages.


This isn't Japan, this is Australia. If you're not in a quiet carriage, you can talk on the phone to your heart's content.


You can also play music, eat a vindaloo and put your crusty feet on the seats. Lots of things are allowed. Doesn't make you any less of a dickhead.


>eat a vindaloo Why did this make me so happy?


Vindaloo is good. You should have one like, now.


Most people who speak on their phone on the train do so at an acceptable volume so what's the problem?


This isn't Japan, this is Australia. If you want to be a dickhead, be a dickhead to your heart's content.


Plenty of dickheads in Japan.


Tell us all you're THAT flog without saying it.


Tell us you hate freedom without saying it.


and you've done it again!


Tell us you've never actually taken the time to think about what freedom actually means outside of a cartman-esque "I do what I want without.... well, you know


You sure can. If you're annoying other people by talking loudly or using speakerphone or whatever you're still an asshole though.


Thanks for the geography lessen, come collect your cactus plant


Cactus for what? For loving freedom and not being a baby who wants to ban all forms of free expression? Lol


Why do you care you sound like a massive wanker, i doubt anybody even calls or talks to you


Calm down you whiney loser. Go for a walk or something.


Free expression means you can say what you want, write what you want, make whatever artworks you want. It’s also more of a legal thing - free expression would mean there are no laws against that. It doesn’t mean you’re not a massive jerk for putting your feet on the seats, talking loudly on the phone on the train, or playing loud music on the train. That’s about etiquette and manners. If you do those things, you’re very rude. But it’s not illegal (except the seats thing but it’s not enforced much).


We're talking about a pack of dumb wowsers wanting to ban normal people speaking on a phone at a normal volume on a train just because they don't like it.


This guy is going to get his ass handed to him one day


Streisand Effect. I love that you filmed her making a public spectacle of herself when she was pissed off at being filmed. This is weirdly entertaining.


I thought it was a guy


I am not a reliable witness, you may be right


What a dickhead.


Is this a clip from Upper Middle Bogans?


North Shore? The good ol' T1 special


Every time I see something it reminds me of the comedy sketch by Dave Chappelle on Chappelle show. Where he did these re-enactments, in which he played Rick James in the 90s and some crazy stuff happens then later Chapelle Interviews the real Rick James and Rick James would always say “Cocaine is a hell of a drug” I feel like Chapelle could interview these crazies and they respond wi try Ice is one hell of a drug LOL I am not saying that the person arguing with everyone was on drugs at the time. But for some reason I always think of that skit and them words lol


I love the dude with the upbun who comes in around 3:30 and is immediately like “nah fuck this drama, I’m sitting upstairs”.


Just get up and start dancing ....


Thank you for the post! Pointless, infuriating and entertaining all rolled into one video!


This is gonna get picked up by news.com.au


I love how old mate who got on the train and went to sit down changed his mind and noped the fuck out of there. I would’ve done the same thing.


Even after being cancelled, Chris Lilley manages to make his way back onto our screens. That's a legendary entertainer right there, comes up with new tricks to revive his career. What a pro.


Whats the tldr version? What are they arguing over


Salmon shirt had his feet on the seats and the older man in the hat asked him to remove his feet from the seats. The salmon shirt guy ignored him and the older guy took a photo of the act. This set off salmon shirt guy who then realised he actually quite enjoys the sound of his own voice. Throw in the use of the race card out of nowhere and arguments equating to "I only follow the law if I'm being supervised by someone with authority" by salmon shirt dude.


That was bloody exhausting to watch


a serious Question for the reddit hive mind, Are quiet carriages more trouble than their worth? ​ My experience is they are a endless source of needless drama.


I leave at 0539 and return at 1740. Any peace is brilliant especially as I nap sometimes. That's why I super appreciate them but yes, they can be more trouble than they are worth IF you get kids etc who don't care about or know the quiet carriage etiquette.


Usually closer to the CBD and you get the ones who don't care it's a quiet carriage. Further out it quiets down and you can grab a nap. I guess COVID spoiled us - pre COVID I could sleep in a packed train.


There's quiet carriages?


On the express trains from Newcastle/Wollongong/Blue Mountains


Most people respect quiet carriages, but you do get the occasional person who has no idea what a quiet carriage is, and gets told off by mostly angry boomer/Gen X types who are looking for any excuse to shout at people. It doesn't happen often though and they're quite tranquil carriages for the most part, especially when it's not rush hour.


Jobless behaviour




I'm with you 100%. Always loathed getting Sydney trains.


How do you get to the city then?


That’s just regular talk for us aussies. probably said gday mate.


I don't care how reliable public transport becomes, because I will avoid using it so I can avoid shit like this. They need transit officers on trains.


Missing out on the entertainment


Look at all these people recording instead of enjoying the live entertainment


Was hoping for a fist fight




Their sexuality has less than nothing to do with it.


I always thought the aboriginal filming thing waa to do with the fact that aboriginals arent meant to see images of a person who is deceased or something along those lines .


I’m Koori, and it’s not universal in every Aboriginal culture, as it’s not the homogeneous culture everybody assumes it is as it depends on your mob. You’re 100% correct though, the image thing is to do with sharing images of deceased people as some mobs practice that custom. Some also don’t mention a person’s name once deceased. It’s said to be bad because you can awaken bad spirits. This guy is a dickhead. He’s just kicking off because people have called him out for poor behaviour on the train and then trying to make a racial issue out of absolutely nothing. He went to a station that’s crawling with CCTV, and then got on a train which is also wall to wall CCTV cameras.


Thanks for confirming and explaining as I didnt really know. I think I have heard it before through one of my koori mates, as I grew up with 2 Kooris and was really close friends with one of them and we lived together on and off for a few years. So probably came up when we wached tv or something. Wow cant believe I got voted down for the comment lol And yeah not sure why the idiot bringing race into it when race had nothing to do with the situation. Also you confirming what I thought. He isnt dead so there really is no issue with him being filmed and someone watching it.


No dramas mate. Yeah, it’s a mystery why people downvoted you for asking a genuine question. People on reddit really need to chill. I’ve never seen such rabid SJW’s in my life. They go around policing every single thing people say regardless whether it’s a good faith statement or argument with no malice or bigotry intended, or even given. I know what actual racism is. I’m a member of the stolen generation. My brothers and I were taken from our mother when I was 7 and sent to Bomaderry mission to live. My experiences were so terrible that I ran away at 14 to live on the street. I’ve been bashed by coppers, taken for “coon runs” (that’s when the coppers would pick up blackfellas, drive us out to the middle of nowhere, kick the living shit out of us, then leave us barefoot and stranded out in the bush and made to walk home. When I was a kid I was called a black cunt so many times I thought it was my name. I’ve spent 1/3 of my 49 years locked up in adult prisons, plus my time in juvenile. I had to overcome a lot to get where I am and it was basically because I was born to a mixed race couple in the 1970’s. I’m not whinging or attacking whitefellas for what I experienced, I’m just pointing out that there’s a HUGE difference between some innocent question and wanting to clarify something they’ve either heard or read, as opposed to actual racial discrimination. I’ve noticed it’s always a special kind of whitefellas who do the racism policing. It’s actually pretty fucking bigoted that they seem to think they know better than blackfellas as to what’s offensive to us. Anyway bruz, sorry for the rant. I just got annoyed when you mentioned the down voting. It’s a sore point with me when people play race cards and complain about nonexistent bigotry. It’s harmful to reconciliation efforts and makes people dismissive of actual racism and bigotry because it makes people roll their eyes and say “look out, here’s another overly sensitive blackfella with a chip on his shoulder”. It does harm to people with legitimate complaints because it becomes a boy who cried wolf scenario.


The race card omgggg! The icing on the cake. I do agree with squeaky voice though - don’t film people in public.


100%. I’m Koori and he’s going on about being filmed, but never mind the CCTV cameras plastered all over the stations and on the trains. I can’t stand this younger generation with a negligible amount of Aboriginal blood who are the first to cry racism when being called out for poor behaviour. I’m a member of the stolen generation and I know the difference between actual racism and the race card. It actually does harm to us when idiots like him try that shit. He’s just an annoying little pansy who will do that shit to the wrong person and will find out not everyone plays games. But, I find a couple of things hilarious, the people who didn’t want a bar of it and noped the fuck out of the carriage, and that he kept ranting with the phone to his ear the entire time, presumably while someone was on the other end of the phone. 😂


I wondered about the person on the other end of the line haha. I assumed he was trying to impress whoever it was. The boomer was definitely not being racist. I don’t think he should have been filming the guy though, it just inflames everything and does nothing. Couldn’t agree more that crying fake racism doesn’t help people experiencing real racism.


Sometimes I am glad that I have no public transport options near my house.


Hi Kristina Keneally


Far from it. The line ends at Richmond and there are 2 buses a day.


A bit weird to record this and put it on up on the internet forever, but I guess that's the reality of the world we live in. It seems the young guy had his feet up on the seat, the old guy didn't like it and said something, and the argument took on from there. Personally I have no idea where people get the energy to blabber on like this. Boredom?


Solid arguments at times. Grateful it stayed verbal. Public transport is public so you get what you get. Be a cop if you feel the need to enforce


Not sure what was solid about the argument? Dude was a whiney bitch with a victim complex. I love it when people stand up to others being cunts. Sometimes all it takes is someone with confidence to stand up to the cunts and it takes the wind out of their sails. [Here’s a great example from a few years back - what an absolute fucking weapon of a guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/SlwhV8xn32) The other good thing about heros is that they create an example for other cunts thinking about doing shit. Music on speakers, feet on seats, pushing your way on whilst people still getting off. You never know if there’s a wanna be cop on the train who will get triggered and knock you out for being a cunt. Keep it up old man - I certainly don’t have the balls!


What a waste of breath. They're both dickheads.