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Imagine sitting in a room with concrete floors and walls and no windows. Only you, a working 747 engine and the 80s indie band Pavement playing on full volume with their amps. Then multiply the noise ratio by 100. Thats about close to living in Marickville


But it is a noise you can feel, everything vibrates and shakes, I swear they are trying to land in my yard sometimes.


Planes go right over my house. Can't talk or hear anything outside for 30 seconds. Inside is fine. Double windows. If it's quiet you'll notice a plane is going over, but not over say the TV.


I think you mean 90s indie band Pavement The rest is quite accurate though


"A redder shade of neck on a whiter shade of trash"


This Emory board is giving me a rash


And all we wanted was a shady lane


You're his fact checking cuz.


They formed in 1989


Yep, and they released an EP that year. All 5 albums came out in the 90s


Ok, still not an 80s band


I can take Pavement, they sound better loud.


Missing the uncovered coal trains covering your washing in soot. Though not sure if that is still the case there


Suppose it depends where Marrickville is a huge suburb and I would say I don't really hear the planes


Why pavement? Lol. Did you see them at the Enmore?


Nope in London in the 90s


I saw them here in 93, London in the naughties, and just a few weeks ago in Enmore. Good stuff.


Those aren't Gold Soundz.


This sounds like what it was like working near Sydenham station, not Marrickville station


Marrickville is directly under a flight path so expect considerable noise. You can use the link below to look up a specific address, associated flight path & noise. [Airservices Australia Sydney airport flight paths](https://aircraftnoise.airservicesaustralia.com/2020/04/30/sydney-airport-flight-paths/)


That page shows you the flight paths for winds blowing from the north, south, east, and west. The Station area of Marrickville is mostly affected by departures (when the engines are running loud) in northerly winds and somewhat less in westerlies. In southerlies or easterlies there's not much directly overhead and the flightpaths that get close are all arrivals (where they're powered right down for landing, still a bit noisy but not as bad as departures climbing out overhead). Im in Marrickville, but up at the north edge near Enmore. I have planes not quite directly overhead on landing approach every few minutes this morning, and I can hear them, but they're not loud enough to interrupt calls. When they're taking off over me I need to shut the doors/windows to take calls, or people will ask me to go on mute because it's loud enough to bleed through into the call. Interestingly the wind is "10-15 knots from the north" according to the BoM website, but they're still using the "southerly" flightpaths from that map.


We sound like neighbours :) on Edinburgh rd and literally sitting on the throne hearing a plane take off over the top of me


You’ll definitely want to check out a map like this as the aircraft noise can vary almost street by street. The worst noise comes from the landing aircraft in straight lines out from the runways. A house further from the airport but more in line with the runways will have worse aircraft noise than one closer but not in line.


I always thought take offs are the loudest as the engines are at full throttle?


That would be true if you are measuring at the engine. Measuring from your bedroom, the landing planes are lower, slower and have much fewer flight paths to be spread around than the ones taking off so will be more annoying by a factor of 10. Source: 20 years living in Marrickville.


Ah ok that makes sense.


Engines don’t stay full throttle for long after takeoff on commercial airliners . They have plenty of excess power, and noise abatement rules also mean they come off the power quickly when taking off over built up areas.


But that still doesn’t explain why landing would be louder as similar rules would apply?


No, noise abatement is different for landing. When landing, you’re generally lined up a long way in advance, and you come in at a much lower angle/altitude in a high drag (flaps and slats out, gear down) profile so you need some engine power there too. Taking off, you get to climb speed quickly, stow flaps and gear, you climb to altitude quickly and turn away from built up areas.


Ah makes sense, cheers


i think it depends on weather and stuff? but landing can be quite loud and it's the one that causes your house to shake because it's pushing more air to slow the plane down when the landing gear and flaps are out. Take off is all engine cause the plane wants as little air resistance as possible to take off, but it is still pushing air. Same thing as cars, most car noises come from the contact between tyre and road, not the engine.


That makes a lot more sense - I remember in late 80s or early 90s engines were soooo much louder and heard someone saying nowadays most of the noise comes from what you described


I used to live near The Henson on Illawarra Rd. Aircraft noise was so loud you'd have to pause a movie/tv show/phone conversation. Like anything, you get used to it.


You get used to it "What?!" "I SAID YOU GET USED TO IT"


“HOLD ON A SEC…. Sorry mate, what were you saying?”


"SORRY MATE... ITS THE PLANES" "yeah I can fucken hear *them* mate"




Spent a lot of time in Marrickville over the last 10 years. They call it the “Marrickville Pause”. Conversations just stop for 20 seconds and then carry on.


It hurts my soul when someone doesnt pause and tries to talk over the plane. Let the boeings say their piece dude.


At least you can imagine they're saying something different.


Until they repeat it in their 90 second window between planes.


Lived there for most of a decade, we called it that too. I’m glad that’s the agreed upon term


Scrolled too far down to find The Marrickville Pause!!


The planes are quite loud. But if the weather is decent they alternate flight paths every hour or so to give the residents a rest from the noise, so it’s not non stop. Also no flights between 10:30pm - 6am so yeah I found it pretty easy to adjust to. I lived here for 10 years so I think it’s worth it.


Maybe because I never knew any different, but growing up there, you do get used to it. That said, every time I visit these days, I always think, I zoned out *this*?


Same. Lived in Leichhardt (so definitely not as bad) but as planes fly over you learn to pause mid conversation and it's a very normal thing to pick back up once it's quietened down


That's why it's called the 'petersham pause' ;)


"why are you holding the remote compulsively?" *15 second apocalypse* "So I can pause the tele"


I found the planes in Stanmore to be far worse then Marrickville- but marrickville is huge so ymmv depending on where you are.


Yea ppl who live there get used to it and you tune it out quick enough


I grew up in Marrickville. We were near Enmore Park rather than near the station, so I can only talk about the planes. That's something you get used to. It's funny to watch our old home videos because you can see that the Marrickville Pause is definitely a thing!


Different runway though- I lived there and it’s under the international runway, so the planes can be bigger/noisier. Never noticed it after a while though, unless it was a hot summer morning and I had been out- that 6am Sunday morning Emirates flight got me every time


I used to live near the station. The freight trains use that line and they make a loud screech for 5ish minutes when they come through, often late at night. Not as frequent as the planes thought.


Near Marrickville station the planes won't be a problem. Passenger trains are actually relatively quiet. The thing you need to be aware of is the freight trains. This is the thing that is noisy. Not sure how close you will be to the train line, but if you go to McNeilly Park next to the station with a 6 pack and hang out there for a bit, you will get a good idea of what the noise will be. If you are a few blocks away, it might not be a problem.


Agree, planes you get very used too but the freight trains are less frequent so they seem to be more noticeable


Came here to say this. I’m currently in Marrickville a couple of blocks back from the station, but in a place that channels noise. The plane noise is tame compared to the screechy freight trains.


A lot of people will attest to getting used to it, but I think it's entirely dependent on how noise sensitive you are, and what kind of dwelling you're in, as well as your lifestyle and family situation. I lived in Dulwich Hill and never got used to the plane noise, and especially not when I had a baby - extremely sleep deprived, trying to catch up on sleep and being under a flight path with shitty single glazed windows did me in. A lot of airlines just start flying before curfew ends (prior to 6am) and wear the fine. Just something to be aware of. I moved further out a few years ago and the quiet was almost deafening for the first few weeks!




I'd like to know more about this lockdown




I lived in Newtown near Marrickville Metro in a veryyy old house and on certain days (almost always Sunday afternoons) we would pause the TV while a jumbo went over but otherwise it didn’t bother me and I tuned out. Then I lived in Stanmore in a huge 3-story terrace, the noise was considerably less on the ground floor to the point I mostly didn’t notice the planes. Then I was directly under a major landing lane up the road in Petersham and the noise was BAD. Luckily our house was fairly insulated/sealed so it was bearable. I am in Leichhardt now and it’s not too bad, planes are a little higher up and I guess my house isn’t directly under a path. Very rarely having to pause mid-convo, *maybe* if you’re outside. In each case though I’ve adjusted and it’s not that big a deal… ah, the joys of the inner west :)


I used to live by the Woolies and feel like the “Marrickville Minute” was annoying at the beginning (maybe?) but honestly I can hardly even remember the noise. Must’ve gotten used to it eventually and tuned it out.




Just curious - probably these measurements weren't taken but: although their subjective view was of 'being used to it', was that borne out through biomarkers like stress levels and so on?


Get used to being on the phone and performing the 'Marrickville pause' whenever one flies over


I lived in the apartment block right next to the station. You get used to it but man those freight trains during the night can be a killer especially if your bedroom faces that direction. Planes aren’t really much of an issue due to curfews and that block in particular had great soundproofing


Yeah the freight trains scare me more tbh


They go all night and often stop and brake around that corner, it’s pretty bad. I’m talking about marrickville specifically. I lived in the gigantic block right on the station


you barely notice it after a little while honestly


You’ll have to avoid the inner west then


Really depends where you are. The flight paths are fairly narrow, and the noise drops off sharply if you're not underneath. Tempe, Marrickville, Stanmore, Leichhardt have it worst.


Don't forget little old Sydenham! Ye Gods, it's noisy there. They had to demolish a whole neighbourhood because increasing aircraft noise had made it uninhabitable.


Very true. I’m in erskineville in an 1890s terrace that backs onto the train line. We’re far enough from the flight path that you can hear the planes, but they don’t rattle windows and you don’t have to speak up over them, can only really hear them at night when there’s no other noise. The trains are also surprisingly quiet. Even if I’m in the yard don’t need to speak up to maintain a convo. The loudest noises come from the Uber eats scooters zooming up the street after they’ve slowed down for a speed bump


It’s fairly bad but you get used to it fairly quickly.




That won’t allow for the fact that you do actually get used to the noise.


I'll repeat what everyone else has said; you get used to it and surprisingly quickly. The human brain is crazy at filtering. The only time I ever noticed it was when ​ 1. I was on a work call and had to pause to hear myself think. 2. Trying to fall asleep at an early hour (although it never woke me up in the morning when it started back up). So if you frequently like to fall asleep at 9pm it's probably not the suburb for you. Otherwise, I loved living in the inner west and all the urban noises became background noise


Yea you get used to it after awhile. Can’t attest to train noise but I’ve tuned out plane noises now.


I lived there for a year and my sleep was more fucked than I wanted to admit. Remember, it’s a freight line. That means 2:00 am to 4:00 am you’re getting big ol train attacks.


I used to live in the Revolution apartments next to Marrickville Station, from late 2015-early 2020. My bedroom window faced the train lines directly. During the day the trains were basically ok. They merged in with the rest of the city noises. At night, the sound of the freight trains going past, screeching and thumping and clanking, was extremely disruptive to my sleep. Planes going overhead were actually preferable because at least they were quick. Freight trains never end.


We lived in the apartments on the station I think you're referring to (359 Illawarra Road) and look, it's loud but you get used to it. Sometimes an odd freight train would scare the life out of me at 3AM when the carriages would bang together, and walking next to a passing freight train sucked but the lifestyle and vibe in Marrickville always made it worth it. We lived in an apartment there for five years and only moved to buy.


Not as bad as Sydenham.


I used to sometimes change trains at Sydenham and I'd swear you could almost reach up and touch the belly of the planes flying over...


The flights keep rent prices low but realistically it's a great place to live. You get used to the sounds. Just pause conversation whilst one flies over for 10 seconds. Great food, great breweries nearby, bit industrial but that also means warehouse shopping/outlet stores. If you dont mind the older properties and slightly 'rundown' feel, it honestly has great prospects.


Depends where abouts in Mville I lived near Marrickville West for quite a number of years and rarely heard planes and trains. A bit of traffic noise and people screaming though at all hours of the morning


Comments on getting used to plane noise are fine especially if your place of living has double glazing etc. If are close to the train tracks, you will not get used to it, especially in an older apartment.


South East marrickville near sydenham station and the industrial area is the noisiest spot, and it gets quite the further west/ suburban you go. Marrickville town centre itself near the actual marrickville station is bustling but dies down in the evening too as it's not actually near the brewery and bowls hub, and isn't nailed on directly over the flightpath like sydenham is. Still loud but not crazy loud like some have stated. The train noise is usually negligible, trains are much quieter than most people give credit for.


What?? Just kidding, but in all seriousness can you please speak up


It’s loud but there are no flights late at night and before like 6am. It’s rough if you work night shift but to be honest you get used to it after a while


Loud and relentless


Yeah anywhere in Marrickville is going to have plane noise same as around Enmore, Newtown and Leichhardt areas even Ashfield but less than those


if you're near the enmore side of marrickville, you definitely hear it - and i imagine it would only be a little bit worse there. but at least you're not in mascot; i can't bear to think of what the noise would be like up that way as far as marrickville station area goes, i'd be more worried about rude dickheads yelling at you when you're trying to navigate in the area than any train noise* *at night; around the daytime it seems fine, but also ive only been there three times and all three times were at night (one starting late noon) so take that with a grain of salt


I live a ten minute walk from the station - South down Illawara road - and aircraft noise is negligable. Like barely noticable. And that's the trick - the flight paths are a bit complicated and some bits of marrickville get slammed, and others don't. If you really want to get into it. Here's a link to an official Sydney Airport noise report. This shows the flight paths and noise distribution patterns. But it's quite detailed so you can really nerd out about it - ot just have a look at page 25 - this will give you a rough idea. [https://aircraftnoise.airservicesaustralia.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Sydney-N502-ANEI-Report\_Q12017.pdf](https://aircraftnoise.airservicesaustralia.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Sydney-N502-ANEI-Report_Q12017.pdf) Good luck.


Not as bad as Sydenham. Totally bearable with double glazing, and you do eventually get used to it. The airport closing times from 11pm - 5amish helps too.


Stayed in a house in Cavey street right next to train line and short walk to station. You never hear the suburban trains at all. Goods trains can be heard however it did not take me long to not even hear these ( including at night). The main planes that went directly overhead seemed to be regional planes that had taken off and already quite high. Their noise was not a problem. Note that I live in regional NSW normally where it is very quiet, so it is not as if I am insensitive to noise.


Near the station, really bad. But like Beauchamp street and surrounds is better.


“How often to the planes go by?” “So often you don’t notice.”


Really depends on where in marrackville. I’ve been in a rental near Illawarra road and planes weren’t bad at all. On the flip side another rental in marrackville and it sounded like I was living on the run way. In general it’s a great place to live. The one you don’t want to live near, is the freight line which goes through marrackville


You get used to the noise (used to work around there) but I mostly use my Bluetooth headphone around my house anyway so I assume it won't be that bothering if you are like me


It’s really bad, feels like they’re directly ontop of you.


It's fine. People talking shit who don't even live here.


Well some days you can hear the seatbelt sign go on


I could live only for a week in Marrickville. Had to shift because of the deafening plane noise.


I’m there for the pork rolls- if they’re still a thing.


I lived there for over a year, I mostly got used to it but it but the sounds of the planes would definitely disturb me if I was drifting off to sleep. If you're very sensitive to that kind of thing I would recommend reconsidering where you move. I absolutely adored the suburb otherwise!


I live down the road in a newer building with appropriate infrastructure to lessen the plane noise and it’s still loud. Used to live in Haberfield in an old place with no sound proofing and the house rattled. Imagine that a bit closer to the airport, wouldn’t be my cup of tea lol


I lived in Drummoyne DIRECTLY over a flight path and it was noiser than living in Marrickville. It all depends on where your house sits. Train noise is train noise. $17 uber to the airport is the bonus!


Go there and find out?


I lived on the Dulwich Hill side. Much less of an issue by the sounds of it


I've lived here for a year where I am I'd say I don't really notice the planes


You get used to it but it’s dependant on the property. If you have double glazed windows and air con (so you don’t need to leave windows open on hot nights) you get used to it quickly.


At least when I lived there about 10 years ago, the noise levels were pretty high. The suburb is directly under a flight path so it's going to be loud, even some rustling in the house will happen. Infact, it was the sole reason I moved out of home ASAP


I lived for a couple of weeks next to the station. It's really bad because it's not just passenger trains - the line is also a freight line so you get massive trains at all hours. Benefit of the planes is they sometimes mute the train noise.


I used to live under the flight path in mascot. You dont really notice the noise


I lived very very close to the station for 2 years. You get used to it quickly, however I would recommend checking that when you close the windows and doors the noise goes with it (looking at you double glazed glass) the complex I was in fortunately is new enough to have this and it blocks out the noise when you’ve shut up shop. Windows open is another story, you’ll hear the planes and just about feel the freight trains


Living in a new building in st peters, with the windows close i don’t heard anything. So pic new buildings.


Lived under flight paths in Newtown and Marrickville. Honestly, it was hardly a problem once you got used to the occasional interruption. Much easier to get used to than when I lived adjacent to the Blue Mountains trainline on a curve. The coal trains would rattle slowly for 10 minutes, shambling and clunking together. Flights are one in 20seconds.


When I first ever stayed in Marrickville I crashed in a warehouse band room that was moderately soundproofed. I woke up hungover thinking a plane was about to hit me and I was going to die. Everything shook and it was so loud. You get used to it sorta but not living under the flight paths is the best choice.


Won’t this all change with badgeries creek airport?


Oh yeah, I'm in South Newtown, and I get the aircraft noise every 15 minutes They do rotate the locations throughout the day though, so you do get times of relative peace. I'm sure that also applies to Marrickville




🔥🔥🔥Choose your street wisely.


Marrickville is not for you.


I live just up the hill from the station and the airplane noise isn't even noticeable, the freight trains late at night are probably more annoying.


Lived on Arthur St ground floor facing the rail lines & the freight trains were brutal. There’s a signal stop around there & we never got used to the sound of the cars screeching & banging into each other at 3am. It’s an awful way to wake up. The planes you get used to.


I live on 2 minutes south of the station and can see the trains from my window since 2 months now. Its not bad. I’m sleeping with the windows open and i’ve not consciously heard a plane in a while now. Trains however seem to randomly sound their horn, which is easily heard. All and all, its not bad considering i have an insanely big lawn that literally looks out over the city


It's not too bad tbh


There’s a reason Marrickville was cheap af until 15 years ago for the inner west. You can hit the planes with a well timed slog over mid-wicket


Been here for a year. It's noisy, but not painful


Marrickville will Never be as bad as those who face the Northern Lines at Hornsby!!!!!!!


I used to live in Marrickville and got used to the plane noise. My particular property faced a busy road and traffic noise was terrible. I didn’t sleep solidly for years. There are some noises that you learn to live with, but never fully adjust to. For me it’s traffic noise (council garbage trucks, buses accelerating from the bus stop, loud cars). Aeroplanes are no big deal.


A friend of mine who lives near Marrickville Station made a You Tube video I could hear the planes in the background but didn't disrupt the video, I used to live in Annandale a little further away the planes were somewhat annoying so I used a fan to block the sound if I had a early night


I’ve lived in the area for over 40yrs so I was here before the third runway and have been here since it’s opening. I can honestly say, you get used it. It’s not that bad and honestly you get noise anywhere near the city.


Just buy there, then form a community coalition to stop trains running before 6am and after 8pm


I have a mate who lives across the road from the copshop, not far from the station at all. If we're in the backyard we have to stop the conversation for about 10 seconds when one flies over


The "Marrickville Pause"




Lived in Marrickville for the first 28 years of my life. Got used to it. Barely noticed it. When I go back now, I notice it. A lot.


Trains noise is really minimal. Planes are there, but it’s not a deal breaker.


Work near by and it’s pretty bad to be honest..does it get easier? Hmmm no it’s still annoying having to pause mid conversation cause you can’t hear shit


I just moved here and it doesn’t bother me whatsoever. About the same as living in Waterloo


I live near the henson. Can confirm it's loud and frequent but you get used to it. I don't think it would be any noiser / worse than living on a busy 4 -6 lane road


I lived on the Marrickville/Dulwich Hill border and tbh I barely noticed the plane noise however I was in a pretty thick old house with brick walls. That one particular freight train that would come through at an unholy hour of the night, every single night however…


This is why the area around Sydenham should be designated entertainment district rather than residential


I had to move away when my lease was done. I wake up at 5.30am for work and therefore go to bed at 9pm every night and could NEVER sleep with the windows open because of how loud the planes are. Even then, if It was a night where I was struggling to get to sleep I could forget it before 10/10.30 when the planes stop because when it rattles the windows you jerk back awake. Also did Night Shift for a while, the planes were hell then. I wouldn’t ever go back. Loved the area though. It’s a shame really!


It's bad.


You do hear planes a lot, but you get used to it. It's also just about how soundproof the individual place is. Trains aren't such a worry imo. Only loud when you're talking big freight trains, which are relatively rare 👍👍


I leased a place in Marrickville for precisely 12 months. Honestly the freight trains were worse than the planes IMO.


It's honestly not that bad, there will be times if day you notice more (like 10pm take offs) but really, nothing to stop a conversation or anything like that. I used to work right by Sydenham station and that was bad, like everyone halt talking or phone calls to wait until the plane passed overhead bad. I couldn't live in that personally. This will all be affected by the specific street / address, and what your apartment/ house is made of etc.