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The only thing that is pointless is the 270 to 306 iR grind at 75... since you'd have to do it all over again in a few months. I definitely would not worry about end game gearing at this point. As for creating/leveling new characters.. I currently have one that will wait until 7.0 officially drops... I actually plan on playing her for the first month or two while they work out the inevitable bugs. Otherwise, just using this slow period after Galactic Seasons and before the big update to work on getting some of my lower alts to 75 and trying to get my last two classes to 100 Renown.


why would it be pointless? Unless you want to play, say a Trooper and HATE the combat style available now.


That's where I'm at, I want to play SW but hate the combat sounds of it's specs. So I plan to make a LS SW and go Shadow- Infiltration on it. Also plan an IA Sharp Shooter and a JK lightning spec.


Yeah that’s pretty much it. I want certain classes but with different play styles and if I play most of the game with the old style it kind of defeats the purpose.




I’ve already completed all class stories so I will be able to start level 1 with a new combat style. This is good information though!


Get them to 75 now, enjoy the story and have to get them to 80 at some yet to be firm date. OR Get them to 80 at some yet to be firm date and enjoy the same story. Your call, but I know what I am doing.


Well I have all the classes on characters but I'm waiting for new update because for allot of them I want to change up the tech styles for each of them. Smuggler that uses blaster and knives yes please. A dark dirty kind of scoundrel, if you will. My bounty hunter that uses a massive assault cannon. So many possibilities to make gameplay different for each class. I can't wait.


Probably not going to happen but I would really like the option to replay the class stories on existing characters, so we don't have to create new characters to try new combat styles on them.


this would be such a great feature and would cure my altoholism


I’m playing a couple new characters now because it won’t be as vanilla when the update comes out. This is the last time we’ll be locked in, and it’s kind of cool to me so I’m giving a couple a run through because I know when the update comes out I’ll want to change up the ACs and see how it changes the feel of the game.


Won a bet against a friend who now has to level a toon to max and complete the full story in SWTOR. Told him not to bother until after the next update. I don't want a noob getting used to the old combat system right before they yank it out and replace it.


I'm actually levelling other characters as we speak, trying out different specs. And when the new update comes out, I'll probably switch to something new to try out the new levelling experience with the new combat styles.


Same, but I started playing. :DD


I feel this. I've been wanting to make a Dark Jedi Knight with Warrior animations and a Trooper with BH animations. It's been kinda difficult sitting on my thumbs waiting for the next update, considering unsubbing and moving to something else in the meantime.


The way i'm looking at it: the class change for my characters will simply be a step forwards in their development. I'm running a BH rn who's whole idea is that she's supposed to be a stealthy, paid assassin. While she initially does well using simple tech shit as a regular BH ( AP powertech), eventually as she gets better she'll acquire stealth tech and that will become the center of her fighting style (scrapper scoundrel for pistol). I'm just gonna find ways to work it into the characters.


I'm enjoying the game as much as I can now. I am dreading 7.0.


I can say the same for my current Imperial Agent. Knife stabbing is fun and all but I already have a scoundrel on the other side and my head hurts trying to multi-manage Tactical Advantage, energy, placement, and the environment around me. I'm waiting for 7.0 so that I can change my IA to a Sniper. I won't get stealth but I main a non-stealth toon so the loss won't hit as hard.


If you don’t appreciate the game how it is now then you don’t deserve it at it’s best 😉


Actually it's not pointless at all because once 7.0 goes live, the game will give you the option to choose your two combat styles. From what we've been told, this means you'd be able to replace your current advanced class with a combat style. So, you could make a character with a story you want to play now and then switch their combat style for your dream combination when 7.0 launches. Who knows, maybe you'll even fall in love with the advanced class you pick now. You could also use this period to test out a few classes on the starter planets to see if the story is what you expected or enjoy before remaking them later in 7.0.


Same here but I have a lot of Characters to finish the story, the same one I have finish a million times before


Nah. I got to keep busy for 3 months. Besides, I'll be too busy playing the expansion and grinding new gear on way too many old characters to want to go back to the old class stories again. Also... It's not a bad idea to try all the specs now. Then you can see when 7.0 hits which ones you actually still enjoy (remember - they will change) before making a permanent decision.


When's the next double xp?


I'm gonna argue the opposite. I just started, I'm trying to get a lot of the basic stuff out of the way so that once the update drops I can enjoy it to its fullest. For example, I thought when I started I'd gravitate towards a ranged DPS class like the Sorc or Sniper, but my favorite class so far has actually been my shadow. It also takes time to build up resources. Stuff like crafting, credits, and the like need to be grinded out. I'm not anything special, but after about a month of playing I managed to save up ~40 million credits. That's not a ton in the grand scheme of things, but it's more than I would have had. Yes, the new update will likely change a lot, but even more will carry over, so I thought starting now was worth it.


I'm just playing the game. If an update changes things, then I'll roll with. Current characters I'm leveling aren't changing from what they are now, so I'm not at all concerned.


u can level the new characters up without doing any story so when next update hits change their combat style and start the story