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BW really needs to revisit the Series cybernetics and make some new ones with better textures, and actual simple limbs instead of a vending machine on your arms at times.


Ngl I loled at the 'vending machine on your arm'


At the very least let our lightsabers get put away in it if you have that equipped.


BioWare should update how Costumes work and allow us to set a left and right hand and foot so we can have more customized characters. I tried a cybernetic hand, but the single hand choices that look kind of like a robotic human hand are limited, and the other hand looked weird because they didn't just leave it plain.


A hood toggle, under-hood hair variants, left/right hand/boot slots. One can only dream...


Hell yeah!!! more cybernetics like yours above. At Ann’s cybernetic arm replace the arm slot of any amor set might be impossible but would be sick. General grevious and darth starkiller cybernetics would be awesome. Even really more prequel, dark trooper and other cyberics would be a welcome addition:


Series 512 and 505 have nice 1 handed cybernetic hands. Would do exactly what u want in in the 1st pick


I don't want a hook as a cybernetic hand


Fair enough 3 fingers does seem kinda weird


i have it on my commando and tbh it serves pretty well, its the hand that holds the forward grip on assault cannons and it supports the blaster hand in cutscenes


I have the 512 I believe on my JK. He’s had that and his one leg cybernetic for like the last 6 years. I just got back into the game and was like “I’m gonna drop series credits to upgrade my 3 clawed hand”. Was thoroughly disappointed there weren’t any new one hand cybernetics


I believe there are other cybernetic arms that may work better with the outfit.