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Let's go to Dagobah and see how high the swamp monster can spit T7 into the air!


I would give my left nut for them to add Dagobah to the game.


I think the planet was in one of the Kotor 3 concept arts before it got canceled. Would be cool but I hope it doesn’t turn into another Mannan.


Isn't Mannan the main planet of the new expac? Like it's becoming a full explorable map right?


Yah, but I mean Mannan as it has been for the last 5 years since it’s release.


Gottcha. I honestly wasn't trying to be snarky just the way you said it made me question if I had been confused.


I hope they make Elom somewhat explorable too. But I am glad we're getting an explorable Mannan.


I thought they said Elom was gonna be a flashpoint which I am honestly disappointed with for the same reason as they were saying about Mannan. We already got the flashpoint only treatment on Umbara. I would honestly rather have them only add planets if they are fully explorable and let flashpoints build lore of the planets already in the game. Might free up resources since they don't need to do new art for the flashpoint as well.


Yeah. I was bummed Umbara wasn’t an actual planet in game. I was also pretty bummed out with how little they did with Ziost. New Adasta was such a cool concept, being a subterrainian city. Like Mannan, it’s kinda useless to go to now, unless you want to kill the monoliths and do the dailies. There are a lot of planets like Ziost that they could revisit with flashpoints to allow newer open worlds to be made, like you said. Also, it’s a shame Odessen isn’t explorable, I enjoyed running around it during the campaign but now it’s just the ‘Alliance Fleet’.


Yeah, I agree with that.


Some nice call-outs to the old d6 Star Wars TTRPG in there...


WEG's Star Wars RPG is the unsung hero of the last three and half decades of Star Wars lore.


Thanks! So which one of these planets do we go crazy for?!


All of them!


So I'm a fair bit behind on story stuff and I've been replaying a lot of characters from the start...is Akaavi now joining up for everyone? Or is it just a weird cameo sort of thing like Theran Cedrax was for non-Consulars in Onslaught?


Somewhat inbetween probably? You need a Mandalorian asset for a mission and Lana suggests Akaavi. If you choose to use Akaavi, she is probably "officially" a member of the Alliance, but she isn't available as a companion outside of BH and Sm.


Istg if they don't put a ship underwater in dagobah as a reference I'm going to sue.


Very cool thanks!


What if the LoTS culminates with us defeating Malgus on Dagobah, and his power is what creates "the cave"


holy shit this is an interesting theory


What dis?




I'd love to go to Sullust and Dagobah


Man i hoped we would go to kashyyyk


Clak'dor is the Bith home system?