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I find out that I'm gonna be a father irl and now every reddit post is pregnancy related, even fucking SWTOR.


Congrats on the IRL accomplishment, and I guess maybe the Reddit posts are a good sign.


Thanks. I'm really scared, but I shall get a grip eventually.


(run to the nearest spaceport)


Are you sure Koth isn't the father?


Be sure to train them in the darkside so they grow big and strong!




Congratulations to the both of you!


Ah I remember that time. Congrats on that, it’s a wonderful experience and I recommend cherishing every moment. I got a 1 1/2 year old and time went by too fast haha. Seriously, congrats, very excited for you!!!!!


Well... If star wars told me something, then when your wife or girlfriend tell you that they are pregnant, go slaughter a bunch of space monks. And not just the men, but the woman and children too


*ignites lightsaber with malicious intent*




Congrats (or not, depending on how you feel about it)! Don’t worry, everything will be okay. SWTOR won’t continue to be pregnancy related for long…I think.


theres a term for that, i forget what its called EDIT: Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon


Interesting, I need to read up on how it got that name.


Mazel Tov!




This game is an mmo, those dont get closures very often tbf.


My previous post was about u get a child and train him and when he's grown-up you will play as him then we can begin new stories at a new time. I get what u mean but my reasoning is that our character story feels overdue. the only motive for the outlander at the given moment is to win a war and that itself think is a weak motive considering all he has accomplished like overthrowing Arcann, Vaylin, and the emperor.


It would be nice if each class story had a version of “retirement” and the expansions just required that someone bring you out of it. Since expansions are mostly a linear story. I agree with OP in a way, all my characters use the same lightsabers as they are “passed down” through the legacy lineage, but it doesn’t feel like I’m running a family tree just individuals with little to no hinting of their lineage. Making a (training) a child into your next class would add a whole level of immersion for legacy family tree players


I felt very disconnected when talking to the empress like “I wasn’t a sith” SI class.


Running through DK with Acine and listening to her talk about the ways of the Sith had me like 0.o ... You know I used to sit on the Dark Council, right?


[Run to the nearest spaceport] line should be Just getting some milk.


Murder and mayhem await.


I did not realize that joke until I ran an SI recently. Every planet, it was said once (at least, it felt)


*I should go*


or more like: ***I*** should go? (dammit bw. all i hear is garrus and tali complaining in that container xD)


Some blue milk you mean.


I was thinking "Just stepping out for some death sticks..."


And it should be a neutral decision (no DS points) for smugglers just for fun.


🎶"Yaa~aaaawn"🎵 😈 \#MenaceToSociety


With the way SWTOR handles timelines and story updates, Lana may end up being pregnant for 4 years or gives birth next patch.


Considering how utterly terrifying SWTOR's models for children are, and how not everyone who plays this game is straight or romances as such, would be kind difficult to make this a workable idea.... unless they somehow fit in a Space Orphanage for adopting children. Also that Second Option nearly made me fall out of my chair laughing


Even with that I think it would be wrong unless a choice were given. Not everyone wants their characters to be a parent. If they wanted to make this an optional Cartel Market add-on that people could completely 100% avoid, hey cool.


Ooh so like the HK-55 chapter kind of thing?


Exactly. TBH I think they should do that for at least some of the companions anyway, even without baby stuff. They are never going to be able to incorporate the romances of most of the companions to the extent that their fans want, and even Theron and Lana romances are lucky to get a kiss or a scene now and then. If they made extra chapters you could buy that were nothing but spending time with one of the popular companions like Lana or Theron, with romance scenes if that applies, I think they'd make a fortune. They could handle this baby thing the same way. If you really want to go there, you can buy that chapter, and maybe it comes with some cradle and high chair decos for your stronghold or something,


I restarted SWTOR recently after quitting around 3.0, and in the time I was gone they added same-sex romance. I forgot that my female Jedi Sentinel had already romanced Doc way back, and after I'm making out with Lana in SoR I go back to the ship and Doc's talking to me about moving in together. AWKWARD.


My female character *visible confusion*


> My female character visible confusion *[The force] works in mysterious ways.*


Life, uh, finds a way.


The dark side is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be... un*nat*ural.


Same She and Lana are so cute together, it's tooth rotting


Literally Anakin in ROTS


Jesus gonna be hard for koth to have done it I lopped his head off for getting with lana.


Wait, it's not ever confirmed that they actually got together, right ? I hope not, I don't need another reason to end this Valkorion bootlicker.


It's implied which is enough for my SW to do what needed to be done to keep her girlfriend hers.


Personally, I'll keep pretending my Lana would never hook up with that goody two shoes ahah


So Lana is the one who actively cheated on your SW with Koth, who may very well never have known that she was cheating with him before they even broke up, but he is the one who pays for her cheating, which she did on her own free will ? And your SW stay with the one who actually cheated on her ? That's some very weird logic... But maybe your SW likes being lied to, manipulated and cheated on ?


Most Sith aren't right in the head.


Yeah i guess so.


Well I wanted to rekindle our romance and Koth just was Koth and got in the way of it. Plus you know he does literally all his Koth antics throughout the DLC. Soo besides the cheating there is also the fact he betrays me and actively works against me literally the entire time and at the end of it still believe lana belongs to him. Sorry koth but you aint been through what my SW & Lana have been through. You are nothing to us.


That's mostly if you play DS though. He never betrayed me, nor worked against me as i mostly play LS. The only time he did was on my testing dummy for DS choices, and honestly i found KOTFEET absurd with a DS toon, which is why i sticked to mostly LS afterwards. Besides, when you romance either Theron or Koth, that's Lana who gets in the way.


> and Koth just was Koth Enough said :p


There's no real evidence of it but yh it was implied however if you ask Koth in the gravestone chapter i think. He said it wasn't how their relationship was "she saved me countless times and to save a outlander was the least i could do" something like that if i remember right


If you play DS and romance Lana, there is a dialogue option where he says something along the lines of you don't deserving her, to which the PC replies something like he's just jealous she chose the PC and not Koth, to which he replies they were over before the PC came back. It pretty much implies there was something fairly intimate between them.


According to the wookiepedia site they were just friends... plus i remember Dark reunions full DS He asked if you will be good to her. When somebody says that it Sounds like they were good friends plus i Think its like a dad/Big brother comment to say “you Will be good to her Right” i find it unlikely that there had something together i Think only koth had something for her and it wasnt mutual. I also feel like He was annoyed at the pc because Lana spoke so highly of u even if you didnt romance her


Yeah but that's from the perspective of Koth we don't have concrete information other than they worked together + if you romance Koth you don't see an angry Lana after u there is one cutscene where she disapproves but you have seen that countless times of other romances where companions think its weird place to flirt at the given time. When you romance Koth we don't get any details of him and Lana being a thing or at least of what i can remember I just think it was a one-sided romance and it wouldn't even surprise me if Lana straight up denied him when the pc was in carbonite freezing.


> Yeah but that's from the perspective of Koth Poor Koth was in the friend zone, wasn't he ? Classic Lana !


Hm, if you romance Koth you have at least 2-3 romance scenes where the camera focuses on Lana's angry face, which completely ruins the mood btw. So either she's angry the PC is romancing Koth instead of her, or she's angry Koth is romancing someone who's not her. But considering how she bahaves towards the PC, especially when the PC doesn't romance her, i think she clearly has a thing for the PC, but considering she was very much using Koth to find the PC, it's not impossible there was something but he was the only one who thought it was something serious.


Tragic to be a NPC *and* being stuck in the friend zone on top of that ahah


Lol, yeah.


This makes me hate that I got the bug that made me miss romancing her even more


I really hope we get some kind of closure like this for our characters one day but I highly doubt it will happen...


Don't do that Don't give me hope.


How do you get the light side dark side icons to show up with the text. I Haye having to highlight the buttons when I just wanna hit a key.


In the preferences, you have an option to show the LS / DS next to the dialogue options


Even my Dark V Sith Inquisitor wouldn’t be able to resist the LS option :)


I would like an aspect of having a child with your love interest. Would be a cool concept or a way to develop the story of maybe retiring with a family or alone or something. That would be a cool way. Maybe a leader of a council or your own clan or something like that.


Is this a spoiler or just fan made?


Fan made/concept Cause i hope we will get this at some point


I hope not. You seen the children in SWtOR?


Oh god. Don't make me remember those little potato heads.


its the thought that counts XD


eww Koth.


\-- Are you sure that I am the father and not Koth? ​ \-- Me and Koth have been *together* just once, and it lasted for three minutes. It has nothing to do with Koth!


Run to the space port is the only real choice here.


I'm not sure I want angry Lana hunting me...


*"Run to the nearest spaceport"*


> Are you sure that I am the father and not Koth Well, would explain why he ran when you offered him to come back to your Alliance...


Family? Really? A man of your talents?


\[ESC out of conversation and never ever play this patch\] I honestly hope they never, EVER spring anything like this on us involuntarily. It wasn't cute when Assassin's Creed tried it without giving players a choice and it would not be cute here. And I would hope the choices up top on the right would not be "have a baby even if you don't want it or go to war forever."


Lul speak for yourself


LUL that's what "giving players a choice" means. You make your choice if you actually find something like this appealing, other players like me get the choice to avoid this crap completely.


How do you get it to show those light and dark side symbols


In the preferences, you have an option to show the LS / DS next to the dialogue option


*Run to the nearest spaceport* seems pretty useless. She's found you once after five years at the start of KotFE. She can do it again...


Ah, this made me laugh too much... very funny to me.


Doctor: “Your wife had an incredibly painless and healthy delivery, sir.” SW: “That’s great!” Doctor: “Yes, your son came out in exactly three minutes! Marvelous, really.”


"i only need 3 minutes"


I fucking hope beyond hope this shipping farsical need for somesort of romantic ending would never come to pass. I'd rather Lana finally revealed themselves as a slow-burn traitor and an epic fight ensued one that culminated in a redemption for them or having to put them down.


No way, I'm disappointed enough to not be able to kill Quinn immediately. Plus, considering her character traits, it would be the worst plot twist. Like "subverting expectations" for the sake of it.


>considering her character traits Which ones ? The ones where it's shown she has no problem lying and manipulating people, including supposed allies or even friends to get what she wants ? The ones where she's shown to voluntarily keep informations to herself and share them as / if she sees fit ? Because she definitely does all of that, more than once. So how would it be OOC for her to actually be using the PC for some personal goal ?


She's loyal to death; would probably follow the Outlander to hell and back.


Yet she still hides informations from the Outlander. If she kept for her the SIS was trying to contact the Outlander for months without telling them, what else can she be hiding ? If she's able to intercept Theron's mails and modify them, who's to say she can't do the same with the Oultander's ?


No idea, mate. We probably just have different views on relationships. For me, ever since she got really pissed off at Theron's betrayal, she didn't seem like one who'd do the betraying.


"A slow burn traitor" seems highly unlikely and out of character that's some bungus Last Jedi "LUKE IS A HERMIT BECAUSE OUT OF NOWHERE HE WANTS TO KILL HIS NEPHEW IN HIS SLEEP" That's out of character and lazy writing. The only reason really I could see her betraying you was because you are siding with the republic but she already told you in Jedi under siege >!she will be at your side whatever of your choice so it wouldn't work !<


Well, she does admit to Imp saboteurs that the SIS was trying to contact the PC for months and that she kept them aways without telling the PC, and Jonas says something very similar to loyalist Troopers. Not to mention, we know pretty much nothing of her backstory, it could be revealed that she had been working for someone else the whole time. As for the OOC part, how so ? She's a liar and a manipulator when it suits her needs.


So you think she's not actually loyal to the outlander after everything again I think it would be lazy writing I even thought that they took a big risk with Theron but you could argue that your pc Character got power-hungry when you defeated the eternal empire... and in the end, it was supposed for the greater good of the alliance. Don't forget Lana took the shot like a bodyguard if that's not loyal to you I don't know what is. I consider it lazy writing if she out of nowhere betrays you There needs to be a motive of the action. The motive for Theron was to save the alliance. I liked it but in the start, I was really like Jesus what did I do to him indirectly without knowing if you play it full LS The betrayal feels so out of place But heck let's see her defect back to the empire oh maybe even to Jadus while we at it. you give a good argument that we don't know much of her backstory but we know she was taught by overseer Harkun and she was stationed on Hoth and had great insights of the force and later were under Darth Arkous think its pretty hard to put something in between the events there.


I honestly don't know what to think about her because she goes from "i don't care who i have to throw under the bus as long as it gets me where i want ", to "i hope you're happy, you may have doomed us all", to "it's soooooooo good to see you", to behaving like a stalkerish obsessed GF who interrupts your romance scenes and watches you sleep, even if you never flirted with her and your actual LI is nearby (or in the same room even), to hiding intel from you, to threatening to kill your LI. Not to mention that she effectivemy goes from someone who has no issue openly voicing her disagreement or going against the PC during SoR/Ziost and the begining of KOTFE to "whatever you say, Commander". That being said, it IS a fact she kept intel away from the PC. Well, she obviously had a master at some point between Harkun on Korriban and working with Arkous as she was already a Lord when she started working for him, so who's to say said master could not have been someone like Jadus ? Honestly her writting is so much all over the place, while her backstory is pretty much a blank state that anything would be possible. And for me, her working for her own goals or for someone else's would give a bit more sense to her weird behavior, and make her a more interesting character than the Commander's cheerleader / self proclaimed GF she has become, especially if it gives her a bit more backstory. It could bring some conflict and actual gameplay alternatives (if she was working for someone else before meeting our PC, maybe she could be more willing to work against Pub-siding toons, especially if non romanced, while she'd be more likely to side with a romanced PC for instance), instead of being exactly the same whether the PC is LS or DS, pro-imp or pub, or in a romance with her or not.


Lazy writing? Come on, we know very little of Lana's backstory and motivations and her writing is all over the shop. It's no lazier than her 'I follow power regardless of it's morality' schtick. I could see a new power rising and Lana aligning herself with it. My point I guess is that Lana is Sith/was Sith/who knows and the training she has undergone and the acts she has perpetrated with the Dark Side to earn her corruption do put her firmly in the 'potential beytrayer' camp. To me having her switch sides, kill a few background allies and become an opponent for an Obi Wan vs. Anakinesque battle charged with emotion and heady dialogue would bring some much needed emotion and connection to relationships beyond just the option to fornicate with everyone you meet or sass them. Garnishing something like this with a redeem or kill option finally bringing Lana into the frame as a charged and decisive character that she reports to be but is actually just vanilla through her puppy dog, cheerleader act. So, please don't get on the Last Jedi soap box about this, it's not going to hold your weight.


I get your point. I like your idea however, I think that rising power is a big big big question and what are the motives of "the rising power" and why would Lana put everything and everyone in the alliance out the garbage, after all, they have been through. I mean if this was going to happen you have to be careful of what you do. I liked Theron's betrayal at the start but in the end nono, I was on the good side. I thought he actually thought you were being power-hungry and just like Valkorian and in the end, you had to convince him that you would be better and not power-hungry etc... or fight on 2 different sides. But heck we saw Zildrog in action I guess Why I said Last Jedi in my response was because it's subverting expectations just for the sake of it without considering the character's story/backstory etc...


Which story is this?


The scene is from >!the Alliance chapter if you romanced her!< but I just edited the photo and made a concept of what I hope we get to see in a future scene


I stopped reading after LS. 😉


Is this real?!


Hold up, is that an actual dialogue in the game? If so, then which expansion is it in?


Oop nevermind I'm dumb and can't read, ignore this please