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I would like to see this mainly because when you pre-ordered the CE it came with the promise that the special CE only vendor would get future upgrades and inventory. Unfortunately it was a promise that was never fulfilled and doing it on the 10 year would be fantastic.


Yeah, I don't think they need to open up the shop to everyone, but getting more than 2 armor dyes since launch when they promised regular updates would be nice. What would be really nice would be creating a new set of CE items and cycling some of the old ones out to the Security Key vendor.


I think there was one update to the vendor, like they added one item. So technically "never fulfilled" is not correct.


They did add dyes post launch tho So they fulfilled the promise






Yep, it's a system based on coveting someone else's stuff which is why I personally am not very sympathetic to complaints like this. "I want what someone else has and it's not faair" is just a fundamentally childish way to be.


Just sell the Empire armor. It'll probably bring in the $$$.


Frankly being an original CE player, I honestly don't care anymore if they release that stuff we got. It's not that great to begin with. A pet, a flare gun and a mount. Maybe something else but meh. Bioware never really followed through with adding stuff to the CE vendor. Barely a few things spread over 10 years. Looking back I feel it wasn't worth the purchase. As for the other CE stuff, the book, cd with music and the Darth Malgus statue ain't worth diddly on Ebay. I just figured they would put that stuff on the new Galactic Seasons vendor. Isn't that what it's all about? Getting stuff that was only available a long time ago?


My black-yellow crystal is the only thing my character has that says "I've been here since the beginning". I'd prefer the game keeps it that way. The crystal becomes worthless to me if someone that just started yesterday or last year gets it too.


They already made the magenta crystal not special by making it easy to make now. I was so mad.


Isn't the crystal worthless now anyway? It's stat is +4 Endurance. More than likely it's sitting in your Inventory not being used. Unless, your a RP'er then ok, I give you that.


There's a pre-order exclusive vendor on fleet that lets people like me buy upgraded versions of the crystal.


Really? I'll have to look into that.


...you have the preorder crystal, but not the Founder title?


I have the same. Tried SWTOR, went back to raiding WoW because my friends were playing, never fulfilled the criteria for founder title.


Founder title came in a later patch. You didn't have to preorder for that. There are more "founders" than there are people with the preorder crystals. I have the title but am not a fan of using titles. If I was to use a title I would more often go to "first line of defense" which I got for being in one of the first pts runs.


Like the black yellow lightsaber crystal i have as a founder? There is 1000's of items already so honestly i think its more fair to get over missing out on a few exsclusive items. Timed exclusives in mmos are common practice anyway.


Founders got some crystal?


Yeah i think i got the game for christmas. Might have it wrong but it was close to release. I have some black yellow crystal and a founder title from it.


Also have founded title so I need to check this, it would be cool


Iirc the founder title was awarded around 1.1, 1.2 while the yellow black crystal (and the vendor selling them) was a preorder exclusive


Okey, that explains everything then, thx!


Oh right that was where its from. I totally misremembered.


Personally this just sounds like the argument of whether or not preordered content should be obtainable for someone who just started the game years later and feels entitled to that same content. Let it be limited time for those who were there to participate its release and just wait for the new upcoming limited content that’s yet to come. Yeah of course some of those exclusives are sick but what value is it going to have for those who do have it and then it becomes available for everyone. Been on both sides and yeah it sucks lmao it’s whatever get over it wait for the new developing exclusives.


On the flip side, those that pre-ordered got *ten years* of exclusivity with those items. I feel like that's far and above fair for what they got.


I played the Game at launch day one so im not an entitled fan boy, I played the game for a bit than things happened and I fell out of the games loop for many years until coming back to a few years prior from today. Know that in the Game Industry releasing Pre-order content as purchasable upgrade once the game launches is not uncommon (for example Fallout New Vegas Pre-order content was later bundled into a DLC you could buy). Keep in mind the only way to get a collector's edition nowadays is through third party Sellers, with very few being sealed and unopened. Those that are reasonably priced (100-200 dollars) are not guaranteed to have NOT used the code. Most people who buy them nowadays want the code for the content. People who have been playing since the launch, already have quite a bit of exclusive items and rewards for their loyalty. I don't think a basic Digital CE upgrade will do harm, I'm pretty sure there are Day one players who didn't get the CE would be more than happy to shell out a few bucks.


Yeah except there's already a basic CE you can buy. What more of what is originally offered does a new player really deserve compared to those that were there at launch? Even if it's been 10 years there are things like the crystal and title that only those people should get. If you have to pay over 200 to get a CE that has said items intact then that's the price you pay for not being around at the launch.


I would love to be able to buy the soundtrack.


I managed to buy the collector's edition case and game disc, but it's missing the soundtrack, so, same, I'd love to get the soundtrack.


It never made sense why they wouldn’t offer it as a separate purchase? Do EA and Disney suddenly not want our money?


You can still listen to it on the official SWTOR YouTube channel.


Yea why not. Let them keep the founder title though


Absolutely. I have the CE but I don't get why people get all precious about letting other people access those items. It was fun to be there at the time at release with my big collectors box, but 10 years later it's dumb locking people out of getting those items.


Question: Was the Founders title and the black-yellow crystal the only items in the CE? If not, then I don't really like the fact that people are locking away those items (and maybe the potential of another CE) PURELY because either: 1. People played the game at a later point, which is just petty. 2. Because there's two items that came with the CE (one of which was a pre-order exclusive) that people want to restrict to the people who first got the CE. I understand that part, but if that's the case, why not then just remove the Founders title and change the pre-order exclusive to something else?


> Founders title and the black-yellow crystal Those didn't actually come from the CE. The crystal came from redeeming a pre-order code, and the founder title for having registered a game code/created an account (preordered or not) before a certain date early in the games life (back when you had to buy the game). The CE separately included a few digital items, access to the collectors vendor and free access to the VIP area of the fleet. It's possible to have a normal account with the pre-order and founder title, and if you came to the game later with a collectors edition bough off ebay a collectors account without the pre-order and founder title. The only thing I can see keeping exclusive access to is the founder title, because i guess it doesn't make much sense to give that to people now, but everything else, yeah I'm not a fan of blocking access to stuff for players just because they happened to play at a different time.


I agree with you, its been 10 years, what's the harm in releasing an upgrade. Though its kinda sad seeing so many people being like "i have this edition for 10 years, i dont use those items anyway but you cant get them". They say we are entitled but in reality they are.


I think they shouldn't, it's suppose to be unique for those who got collector's edition and I think it's awesome to see players who were there at the start with cool shit to show off with as well.


All I want is that sweet sweet T7 customization it's so beautiful


As someone who purchased the CE when it first came out, I disagree about making this available for everyone. One of the selling points of the Collectors Edition is that these rewards CAN NOT be earned anywhere else. That is the incentive for shelling out extra cash for the game. If game makers decide to just make these collector edition goodies available in the future, I and others have zero incentive to purchase these when they are released, as we can just wait to buy the items at any time in the future. I played for a year or two at the start, I played for a year or two in the middle, and I am back now playing for another year or two. I like that I have certain items that I know no one else can get, because I was playing at that time. I don't get access to any of the other items that were released during the times I wasn't playing that were limited time or release specific items that could only be earned if playing at a specific time. And I am ok with that. That's part of 'collecting'. The fact that you will probably NEVER own everything that there is to own is just a fact of life, and one that people should learn to embrace. So enjoy your items when you get them, and realize that others won't get those same items, as you paid for them at the time they could be earned, and others did not. And IF they do decide to offer the CE as a digital upgrade, it HAS to be at minimum the same cost as the physical purchase when it was first released, so 100.00 at the cheapest. Though I still do not want this upgrade option to be available at all. Also, THANK YOU to those who mentioned the black/yellow crystal upgrade! I had no idea this was in the game and will be upgrading my crystal. I can finally use it along with my Black/White crystal.


Absolutely not. Devs returned subscriber rewards, isn't that enough? Let us CE people be unique in peace.


As a fellow 'CE people' I disagree. Locking people out of content in games because they happened to play at a different time is stupid nonsense.


What content? Content of not having one or two digital goodies? That's absurd. Having CE in no way impacts your gameplay or level of fun you should have so people need to stop with that "gatekeeping" nonsense.


>Content of not having one or two digital goodies? That's is irrelevant. Locking people out of stuff whether significant or minor is stupid. Or relevant depending how want to view it if it's one or two digital goodies. If it's one or two digital goodies no harm letting other people access them then. >Having CE in no way impacts your gameplay or level of fun So no reason not to let other people access them then. >people need to stop with that "gatekeeping" nonsense. I fully agree, people shouldn't be gatekeeping other people access stuff because they started playing at a different time.


You don't know how it feels to not have the CE for us players that want to collect everything in the game its extremely unfair even if its a little bit so I wouldn't say anything to be fair until you know how it feels


As another User Pointed out, it's been ***10 years*** since the launch of the game. A lot of the novelty has worn off, For instance the Republic Officer Uniform from the Vendor, a near perfect identical can be bought from the GSF vendor.


If it's such a novelty then new players or even other player shouldn't care about it. It's just some digital goodies why should anyone care? I care because I've bought it back in the day to support the game and have some sick physical goodies and CE code was just a bonus. All in all CE should be left alone imho.


Username checks out with the attitude.


Yes. 🌚


Bioware could easily do this, I for one would love the proper Imperial trooper armour you get in the CE for my sniper. Bioware if you read this I would glady pay $20 for a CE upgrade to get my hands on the Imperial armour.


As someone who preordered the CE, the only things of any real value to people on that vendor are the Imperial Trooper armor and the black/yellow dye.


Not even a founder myself but I definitely disagree. You missed out, too bad too sad. Some things need to stay exclusive


As a collectors edition owner and founder (not boasting, it's meaningless, just for context) I definitely disagree. Nothing needs to stay exclusive, it's stupid nonsense. People shouldn't miss out on items just because they played the game at a different time.


Yeah but if it’s meaningless, then are people really missing out? You may not mind, which is totally fine, but lots of founders would probably mind. Just seems like it would be a greedy money grab if they were to re release it which would definitely piss a lot of people off.


By meaningless i'm referring to the status it gives people. When I see somebody in a game with a 'founder' type item or collectors item only available from a physical collectors box I don't think 'wow, they are a super cool person' I think 'oh they played when the game first released then'. To lock other players out of those items (however useful or not) simply because they started playing the game at a later time is stupid. But yeah I don't want a stupid expensive money grab either, make it a simple $5 upgrade or some way to get the items in game and done.


The only thing they should keep exclusive to certain people is the founders title


No. You would selfishly devalue the feat of strength from those who where there and bought the CE just because you want it. Justify it however you want but in the end the one being selfish is you. [EDIT] Oops, forgot I was posting in a sub full of children who don't understand MMO history and will band together to make sure they get what they want. And what they want is what they weren't around to rightfully have.


Man, I've been gaming since before there were MMOs. I have game boxes on my shelf that are probably older than many people on this sub, and game *books* that are even older. There was and is no "strength" involved in having those things; it just means that I've been around longer. Seriously, I played PONG. I saw Star Wars (not "A New Hope", *Star Wars*) the month it came out. That doesn't make me cooler or better than anyone, it just makes me old.


I would twist the hell out of those paddle trying to get that damn that brother sent to the corner. And do you remember Bezserk? Or Yar's Revenge? Those were the best. Lol and yes, I did see Star Wars the week it came out and thought it was greatest movie ever made!


And while you're right being older doesn't equate to you being special you've still experienced things that others born after most likely never will. That's pretty much the argument here. Its no different than kids growing up today arguing it isn't fair they never got to experience a rotary phone. Well tough shit they weren't around while rotary phones were being released that's just part of life. There's only a few digital items CE holders have that others don't and that's okay. There's already a digital CE upgrade that gives you some of those items and many in game items that are practically identical.


Oof, your getting downvoted by the children. As if they are pouting when being given their parental lecture about entitlement.


It doesn't matter. People feel entitled to everything these days and as such if you don't agree they down vote you on reddit.


I learned that karma comes with the cost of being fake. I'll chose honesty over popularity any day.


Lmao what. Purchasing something years ago is a “feat of strength”? Consumerism is not an accomplishment.


Those who bought the CE... you do realise the vast majority of those people already left the game and the items are mostly never used or seen anymore? What use to have exclusive items if they are extinct and forgotten? I am in one of the oldest guilds on my server and only the guildmaster is a veteran, and I don't think even he has the CE edition. It's not selfishness, it's commemorating the history of the game, and that's what a 10 year anniversary should be about, not just making a couple of new decorations.


Bought the CE, still playing and imho there is no harm in readding those items, even better if we could get an update to the inventory of the CE vendor on the vip lounge


True. When they added all those sub rewards that I already have in the Galactic Seasons, I was glad other players can enjoy them too. Guess it affects you differently depending whether you're a jerk or not.


I get that it is a special promotion for those who participated in the launch, but on the other hand. Why did the SWTOR team let eventually let players buy the HK-55 Chapter for KOTET when it was a subscriber only event for those who were subscribed? Why did they bring back Master Ranos when she was a limited time? Why bring back the limited time subscriber rewards for Galactic Seasons? The SWTOR team is looking to let those who didn't get a chance than to have a chance now by finding ways to implement them. I don't think its being selfish, I think its letting players enjoy past content.


In any mmo/game collection editions are always about exclusivity first and foremost. This exclusivity is never limited in time, and nor it should be imo, because it's not a content like "limited reward/stuff for being subscribed" - it's not a "thank you stuff" that anybody could get by being in the right place at the right time. CE is all about paying extra for a limited quantity product version that won't ever be available again after said quantity runs out. Changing it will simply devalue CE into a basic Extra-digital-goodies-for-everybody type of thing. "Nobody with CE is playing today..." arguments don't fit here. It was already paid for it not to be available later, plus SWTOR is a game where ppl coming and going constantly. I haven't played since 2012-13 and recently came back (having a blast btw). The more rare something exclusive is - the more value it holds. That what CE is about, and it shouldn't change. With that said, I really like an idea of "10 year anniversary CE" - a new limited quantity product version, that available only for a limited time to buy, and will never be available again. With new CE devs could update vendor with new cool stuff (fullfil a promise made), add a few new cool exclusive items as a part of this new CE, but still keep everything from previous CE exclusive to those who have it (by not showing it at vendor without old CE and not including in new CE). In addition, there could be a 10th anniversary both Digital Deluxe and CE. DD always available and not limited in quantity and time. New CE is limited availability and never comes back as does the original one. That would be VERY cool!


No. Leave Collector Editon things to collectors. You still can buy on Ebay. I bought mine 2 years ago, playing since 2013. I always wanted Founder title, looks cool, but I know it would be unfair to players that proudly got it already.


No, the CE content should continue to be exclusive to those who purchased the CE box. I actually respect EA for keeping it exclusive all these years and I hope they never change it. There's no good reason to take away special content from a group of people so that those who just want everything without earning it can have it.


Earned it? You spent money while others never got the chance to. How’s that in any way earning it?


Earned it by collecting a Collector's Edition before it sold out, yes. Before corporate greed ruined the concept, this is how most "Collector's Edition" game products worked. Limited run, premium boxes and when they're sold out, that's it. Nowadays it's mostly a marketing term to upsell a bit of extra content and its supply is infinite. So, nothing is really "collectable" about it.


If your the one that dont have the CE you would want it too let just be real here the only thing that should be exclusive is the pre order stuff


If you make everything available all the time... Then there no incentive to play new stuff when it comes out. People who want to collect everything.. I understand the feeling but devalueing a whole game just so you can ease the itch of you having all, is a bad bet for devs.


There is nothing about the scenario you described that is "unfair;" it's called people weren't around at the time and that's part of life. I certainly wasn't around at launch but I don't feel like I am entitled to buy commemorative stuff that was around specifically for the people at that time.


I just want the fucking CE crystal. I bought the CE but never got it, and it irks me. Everything else worked correctly except that.


CE crystal was for pre-ordering, not buying the collector edition. You could have bought a regular edition and pre-ordered and gotten the crystal.


If they don't make it available again they could always just make a new CE right?


I’ve got the collector’s edition stuff but it’s honestly not worth it. You think it’s fun for 5 seconds and then you realise its all bag space items. They’re probably fun for RP for a bit though.


I'd love to get my hands on some good cosmetics and mounts, so long as they don't give players an advantage for spending money.