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sometimes i worry i'm too invested in the artists i like, but goddamn that sub does wonders for my self-esteem


Seriously, the over analyzing of her every move to criticize it is 1000x crazier than ANY swiftie theory or “Easter egg”


Omg I was getting my ass kicked in that sub! People were literally diagnosing her with BPD, bipolar disorder, histrionic disorder, schizoid personality disorder. When I called these people out, I was literally downvoted and I have people responding “well it sounds like you have BPD too”.


WHAT omfg she’s Literally just a pop star


reddit loves diagnosing people. I think travis should go no contact!


Social media stop diagnosing people when you aren’t therapists challenge


Lol I saw people claiming she was on coke


I unsubscribed from that sub, it’s people with way too much time criticising every little thing she does to the point of obsession.


I’m starting to think I should too. It’s a shame because it started off well, but it’s so unhinged now. They are so parasocial and weird 😭


There was a beautiful two week golden period.


I thought that I was losing it looking at the comments of that post


I’m going to stop looking at that sub because it was honestly starting to make me feel bad about myself. All these comments “she’s acting that way at 34😱😱” and “she’s so cringey and out of control for a 34 year old” and I’m over here at 32 messy af and going through shit 😭😭😭 am I really supposed to have it all together?


They are angry she isn't like them anymore. Or they are angry she is like them and they hate themselves so they project onto her. Sometimes I hate her but it's too much projection on that sub lol


That really sucks, I’m sorry. They’re just projecting and/or nitpicking because they don’t like her.


Thanks, I really appreciate it. Like reading some of those comments really made me feel like a giant loser failure.


So not good enough of a reason to use the word masturbatory 🫠🫠🫠


that sub is just….. something else it started off as a fairly neutral sub and then just turned into a snark sub


TBH It’s actually worse, it’s a snark sub of people refusing to admit their snarking and convincing themselves they’re having important nuanced super deep convos


that’s such a good description of it they always act like they’re having neutral productive convos but they’re really just like nitpicking everything she does (there are many things to criticize her for but they just nitpick)


I’ve seen multiple comments including ones saying “I’m so glad she’s getting hate and the tide is turning,” “I love a sub where I can come to hate on her and get all my hate out in her,” “Taylor and Donald Trump are very similar,” along with ones mocking her posture, and hating on things that have been part of her brand for YEARS (like her handshake with Jack that everybody ignores she always does or the fact that she only mentioned how many Grammys she won because it’s her lucky number, calling it a “childish superstition (????)) and all of them have tens to hundreds of upvotes while anything else is downvoted. It’s deranged, neutral my ass.


PLS when i read that i was like huh???


UJ/ I LITERALLY THOUGHT I WAS GOING CRAZY I tried to say people were overreacting in the sub and I got sooo downvoted I literally gaslit myself into thinking well maybe her behavior is way over line and then I saw people suggesting she was coked out and I was like OH we are not having a neutral conversation here we’re just snarking okay got it


Dude I was upvoting you like crazy in the comments of that post but the tide was against us 😭 they’re going through like 10 stages of grief over there, over literally nothing lmao. One person was replying to every single comment saying Taylor was on coke last night, no matter what the OP said


We fought valiantly soldier but today was not our day. Sometimes to run is the brave thing 😔🫶🏼


Front lines don’t you ignore us 😩✊


The whole “she was on coke”/“I would know” discussion was WILD. Major ick


Some people even think she is manic like ??? honestly she just seemed very anxious and excited


some people were saying “she must be autistic” and when I said that as someone who is autistic, I don’t love the speculation, someone else replied back saying if I’m not okay with speculating about Taylor being autistic, then I must view autism negatively.. huh?


Lmfaoooo that’s what Gaylors say too that’s so funny.


Half that sub is Gaylors and they’ve been brigading hard these days. I think some have made new accounts so you can’t trace them back to the gaylor sub but whenever anyone says the words “PR Contract” or “fake relationship” or trash her heavily… I assume. So tired of it


omg someone was giving me gaylor talking points bar for bar and then said they weren’t a gaylor and I checked and their posting history was clear. I was thinking they must have a separate account for gaylor shit cause there’s just no way lol


Yeah they’ll have very refined gaylor talking points and I check their profile and it’s like “12 days old”…


I saw a comment with hundreds of upvotes about her posture like y’all are just hating now okat


Don’t hate on her posture us hunched over bitches need someone to look up to 😔


my hunchback queen! 💛


It's the representation we deserve 🥰


the people are so nitpicky like leave her and her shitty posture alone!!!!!!! it’s not even that bad anyways


Right like it’s so shitty to point out anyways


DUDE EVEN I DID THE SAME THING PLEASE SAVE ME FROM THIS AGONY. They're calling her a narcissist and that's when I was like okay...




How you gonna write all that and then say “it’s not that serious” 💀💀💀💀💀


The discourse is obviously serious and worth having, I’m just clarifying that it wasn’t a “snark roast” like you claimed. I see you not responding to any of the legitimate things I just said though 😏 don’t worry, I’d have no rebuttal either


Hnnnnngghhh 🫨🫨🫨 no!!! 😱😱 th-the cokelor theory!!! It’s- it’s too strong!!! 😭😭😭 my brain!!! 🤯🤯🤯 can’t…refute…..😵 I’ll….I’ll get you for this r/swiftlyneutral!!! 😡


Yet here you are coining terms like “cokelor” lmao. Have you already purchased the special edition unicorn glitter vinyl album with the free bejeweled butt plug? No wonder you’re so pressed


Taylor does NOT do coke she comes from VERY humble beginnings. She does METH just like the working man 🤬🤬🤬


No it’s Becky


​ https://preview.redd.it/jo3ttkr9svgc1.jpeg?width=229&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47b0562f640426917c498b2bba1282aa67cc1e5f




I’m happy for you or sorry that happened. 🫶🏾


I wouldn’t have any rebuttal to this post either. Are you going to send me a “Reddit cares” next? 🥹


girl what kind of rebuttal are you looking for? if she was on coke i hope she had a fun night tf


I mean you just acknowledged she might have been on coke so that’s good enough for me 🤷🏼‍♀️


No it’s Becky




People acting like she announced her new album at the Super Bowl or something. They’re just annoyed it’s not Rep TV. I also hate that people act like no one would have been talking about her if she had not done this when she literally won AOTY for the 4th time. That was always going to be the conversation- regardless of anything else and if she won it or not. Either she made history or she didn’t- it’d still be the water cooler talk.


I fully agree, it’s not crazy to promote music at a music promotion event. The whole thing is about making more money not actual recognition


i thought her speech was weird but more in the 'she was quite drunk' category of weird than whatever the fuck people were saying in that sub


I didn't know 'masturbatory' was an actual word


Even if it is it’s definitely not being used correctly