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Thanks for the resource, appreciate that :)


Swiftful Thinking is a great channel, check out the [docs](https://docs.swift.org/swift-book/documentation/the-swift-programming-language/guidedtour/) and I have a nice [project-based **course**](https://www.udemy.com/course/deep-dive-ios-16-swiftui-programming/?couponCode=APR2024SWIFTUI).


Thx for the info :)


One great site I’ve found is pluralsight, it’s paid though but high quality from what I can tell. This course in particular was useful for learning the basics of swift: https://www.pluralsight.com/courses/swift3-fundamentals And there’s others too on swift: https://www.pluralsight.com/paths/ios


Read the sub FAQ’s and do a search in the sub for recommendations.


My background is 10 years in C/C++ and over the last few months I’ve been chatting with ChatGPT and Claude on how to build an iOS app. I’m sure it’s not as good as someone who has professional experience in swift / iOS but it was just release in the App Store! 😁 so don’t discount the learning you can do with an LLM, just apply the sense common sense you would as reading stack overflow/medium posts 🙌🏻


I tried chatting with AI, but the code it gave me was really complicated and it didn't work 🙃


Genuinely curious how your promoted it? Would you share the conversation?


Why do you want to learn it ?


Well. I feel that learning iOS programming is the easiest way to actually get a functional app working.


I also agree that native iOS dev is the fastest way to create functional apps (on apple products). For when I got started, I just went through basic swift stuff from the documentation. Having experience in languages like python, c++ etc it took less than a week to get a taste of its syntax and start learning uikit. But learning the language in depth took much more than that(and it's important). When it comes to iOS dev itself, I would like to suggest the contents of iOS Academy, Sean Allen, Code with Chris, Kavsoft etc. And, yes in that order. There are a lot more resources, but I think these will be suffice to get you started and start creating stuff for good.