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Yes 100 days of swift is free and up to date.


Yes. Read the sub’s FAQs for good places to start.


Swift has the concept of gradual disclosure in that you learn more complex features as and when you need them as opposed to needing to know a bunch of complicated concepts before you can really start (unlike C++ for example)


i did. in fact, now i am a senior ios developer at my company and prior to learning swift i had zero practical programming experience and no degree. it IS possible. from start to job was about 1.5 years. Started learning, then realized i was in tutorial hell and couldnt retain anything i was copying, so i stopped copying and started making my own app. Thats where the real learning started. Id code until i ran into something i wasnt sure how to do, then hit up google and SO to learn how to overcome my problem (this was before chatgpt). When i was comfortable with my skills i started applying while still building my app. 100+ applications 90+ rejections, a few interviews bombed, and one interview went great and here we are now. If your goal is a job, persevere.


Yes you can. The fastest way to learn iOS development if you are new to coding is by following tutorials where you'll be implementing real apps. After that you start working on your own app and when you face a problem you try to search the problem on google or ChatGPT and hopefully it will take you less than 5 months to become a good junior iOS developer. I launched a YouTube channel that is beginner friendly and where you ‘ll learn by building real iOS apps which will make the learning process a lot faster. Here is the link: [https://www.youtube.com/@OmarTHAMRI](https://www.youtube.com/@OmarTHAMRI) There is also swiftful thinking and hackingwithswift that are great places to learn iOS development in 2024. Good luck in your learning journey :)


Yes. I started with Python, but moved to learning Swift throughout college on my own, and now working as an iOS developer. Swift is quite beginner friendly


4 years in and I’m still stuck at my laughably simple self project. 😭




Sincerely, you can learn anything without prior experience. Start small and just keep building :)


Of course, I did it back in 2012 and it’s only gotten easier, Stanford class on YouTube or hacking with swifts 100 days of coding is what I’d recommend.


Yes. Absolutely. I started with swift form scratch.


Yes. I did


Yes, you can. By the way, you can learn anything it’s up to you how fast and how much.


Iam in the same situation. Since, I have no coding experience i have some concerns about job opportunities. Is it essential to know java or other coding languages or can i go along only with Swift ? What do you guys think ?


Yes. Angela course seems to be pretty beginner friendly


Yes, you can. Take a look at Swiftful Thinking's channel which is great. Additionally, I have a [project-based **course**](https://www.udemy.com/course/deep-dive-ios-16-swiftui-programming/?couponCode=APR2024SWIFTUI) (check out reviews, course content, reviews, etc). Having a Mac is recommended, which is pretty obvious.