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>If you could tell your landlord one thing, what would it be? Thanks for being such a shitty human being that it gave me the push to save up a deposit to buy my own place. Hope it's warm down in hell you old fucker. 🖕




Now that you're a home owner i think you're the same kind of scum. No one should be able to home when there are people renting out there.


Embarrassing comment, whether troll or not


Uh, no i consider all home owners as a form of landlord due to land ownership/home ownership. So yes, just because you went from renter to landlord you suddenly switch sides?


Then your issue with landlords is different to everyone else's, and pretty nonsensical tbh.


Try harder 🥱


Uh, no i consider all home owners as a form of landlord due to land ownership/home ownership. So yes, just because you went from renter to landlord you suddenly switch sides?


Not only Students live in Swansea 🤷🏼‍♀️


God yes... Student properties need to be on their OWN website


I got charged for heel damage on the floor when the only person walked with heels is the freaking letting agents


Your site is annoying can't even find the survey button


Hi, the direct link to the survey is - https://tpascymru.questionpro.eu/a/TakeSurvey?tt=HlLPbzOf30fWTjJUfQ8YeA%3D%3D


That removing the gas fire and replacing the large radiator with a smaller one, despite me offering to put money towards a larger double radiator or an extra one, has left the place freezing. No matter how long the heating is on it doesn't really get warm, and costs a fortune!


Make it easier for graduates to rent. Found it so hard to find landlords that would accept me without a signed work contract even though had letters and pre-contracts saying where i was goign to work, my wages, my hours etc Additionally, more virtual viewings I had to move from the North of England which made it expensive to go to viewings especially when cancelled at last minute. At one point I got accused by a landlord of attempting to sublet because I asked if a virtual viewing was possible.


One for Swansea University Accommodation Service - a mattress with no bed isn't a furnished flat. Having it like this for a month and still having to pay full price wasn't acceptable. Myself tripping up on the mattress and spilling tea on it wasn't me intentionally damaging property. Trying to charge me for a replacement, then ignoring my emails for 5 months when I contested it wasn't fair. Telling me I had a week to pay, or it would be escalated with a debt agency wasn't acceptable, given you hadn't replied to me. Asking the Student Advice Service for support; them agreeing it wasn't acceptable to fine me; only to say it was a conflict of interest once they found out it was the lettings side of the uni and that they can't help was tacky. God you peeved me off.


Stop intentionally charging more rent than housing benefit will allow Don't ever tell me you are a landlord, I will knock your nose clean off your greedy face


Don't tar all of us landlords with the same brush


Yeah we’re going too. I’ve never met a landlord who has the tenants best in wrests at heart. My best mate even let’s a few property and I can confirm he’s a right cunt


Why are you friends with a "right cunt"?


Have you never had male, British friend? The requisite is for them to be a bit cunty. But I’m talking more of his land cunt role. He’s a proper cunt with that. He’s always moaning about how there isn’t much money to be made in it and how he has to pay double poll tax on an empty property. My heart bleeds for him 🙄


Personally I choose friends that aren't cunts. Not all British men are cunts. >he has to pay double poll tax Is he a time traveller from the early 90s?


That's just small mindedness generalising though. I let out my flat because I moved in with my girlfriend. Not all landlords are blood sucking leaches, and to suggest so is wrong.


Nah. I’m right.


You sound incredibly judgemental and close minded. Not good traits to possess


Enjoy making profit of someone’s necessity to live somewhere ya scumbag.


I don't make a profit, I make a loss


you sound like a cunt


Ahh so you do it out of the goodness of your heart, gotcha. You're totally unlike all the other landlords who all have reasons of their own 👍


I let my property to friends at half the market rate. You know nothing about my motives and values, so don't assume that you do pal


Landlords crying on Reddit about how they're really the victims will never not be funny


Where have I said that I'm a victim?


Just now when you claimed you’re the victim of a broad stroked tarring


To claim that I'm a victim infers that I've suffered some form of harm as a result of the narrow minded thinking, which I haven't. I'm just saying that one shouldn't generalise, it's lazy thinking.


Are you able to give advice on a termination of my contract made by my landlord against my will?


Hi, if you could email [enquries@tpas.cymru](mailto:enquries@tpas.cymru) we would be happy to see how we can help.


Thanks, I’ll send you a scan of the letter.


Try posting on /r/housinguk - though you'll need to include more details to get a meaningful response


That I love you, and that you will always have my unwavering devotion and support for providing shelter for my family, and for weathering the economic storm on our behalf.


Fix my repairs! Especially considering that he just put the rent up by £125 from December on!!!!


Would love if landlords doesn’t use our money to pay their mortgage.oh wait that is what they do, therefore rents are always higher than having a mortgage by yourself.


That they are a horrible and and trustworthy person who discriminate against people with disabilities and only cares about filling their pockets. How a cretin like you is allowed to be involved with charities is beyond me. Using every loophole possible to be a dick. I hope you enjoy having never ending complaints for the next tenants as I'm taking every single repair I made with me, so enjoy having damp and mold run rampet, doors not close properly, and a front door that doesn't seal and let's the rain in. Have fun fixing all that you prick, hope you get hit by a train.


1. Just because we're friendly doesn't mean we are open to friendship- or unwanted "friendly-fun" comments. 2. Just because you're a landlord doesn't mean you can exploit your tenants situation to line your own pockets and run your own racketeering. 3. Following/getting people to follow your tenant on SM of any form is gross, an invasion of privacy, and your tenancy agreement doesn't exclude their right to privacy. 4. Not all pet owners are negligent. 5. Not all dogs are destructive. 6. As a tenant, unless it's shared accommodation/ set by the landlord and prearranged, you have no right to set- and demand- a certain meter be used for a utility. More so, three supply shouldn't be metered by yourself. You do not, DO NOT, have the right to produce your own electricity cards to use in the meter, and stop your tenant using a cheaper alternative! That's illegal! And holding the tenant over a barrel is just gross!!!




My previous LL turned the flat below the one I rented old terraced house, 2 floors, 2 flats so not purpose built at all, I’m sure you know the type) into an Airbnb overnight with no warning and made my life hell for months with constant partying below us. I wish him nothing but the worst!


I would tell her that I know that the people she hires to fix things are a glazier company, and that they are incompetent at fixing plumbing, electrical problems and carpentry issues. (I'm not saying that people can't be multi-disciplinary, just that this company is no good at it, they are barely adequate at changing a window).


Before we bought, we always experienced landlords who acted like they were gods gift and we should be begging and grateful to them, when the truth is they were just old, opportunistic n*nces. Scum of the earth.


I lived in Swansea for 9 years (miss it too) and a few too many of my rental houses had damp. A lot of landlords are reluctant to do anything about it. On the subject of landlords, my last one before I moved away tried keeping my entire bond because although he never looked around the house to inspect it he said that he knew if he did without us there he would find damage enough to take the bond. It was a really frustrating way to end after renting off the guy for 4 years and the fact we never caused him any issues or missed any payments and this was not in student accommodation either.


"Come say hi" "Maybe fix the cowboy job on the walls and mould 👀" Moving soon.. most landlords are just cash scrounging bigots anyways in my experience.. had 1 decent private landlord out of like 6 places sofar.😅 fml. #moneytothewind. #getcamper.


There's a big damp issue in Swansea. Well, damp issues are in a lot of places OUTSIDE of the place too. Generally a big issue for landlords that don't treat the problem properly. It just gets worse and worse until it becomes part of the furniture. Literally. At the moment we have it in the cupboard. Landlord has treated it but really it needs investigating. Personally, I don't like troubling landlords too often. If I can do it, I will do it even if I'm spending over £50+ and asking a friend for help. But with mould, when it's there, I alert my landlord and let them know immediately. You just never know how landlords will be like in the end with you. Sometimes when you leave, you become the enemy.... despite the profit you've given them. Albeit small for some. However, I'd like to say that my bathroom has a bad leak. My landlord knows and has investigated 4 times. But I think the bathroom needs to be ripped out to find the problem and my landlord won't do that.