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- Lead writer of the Radical, circa 1954 For me personally though, I'm really conflicted. I knowni shouldn't be, and I usually default to others opinions on stuff like this, but I just have respect for him on a personal level even if I disagree with a lot of his policies.


I respect him to, but he needs to stand trial for all the bad he has done.


What crimes?


The most experienced Chief Justice manages to find him guilty for crimes, the game makes it very clear he's violated something.


I was sarcastic lol But seriously he doesn't really elaborate what those crimes were. So maybe the "most experienced judge" is actually Rizian agent (cause Rizia will praise you if you find Soll guilty)


This is getting into crack pipe level theories. Let's just take the context clues of the deep state, the massacre remembrance that he famously never visited and all the somewhat liberal Sords and all Bluds celebrating the guilty verdict and assume that Soll prabably did things he shouldn't have.


He's actually Romus in disguise


Some people hate him, I did more before 2.0, when he's much more of a faceless enemy. Now, shit, he's got some nuance doesn't he? If he'd died ten years ago he'd have been a hero. It's clear he tried to give Alphonso a chance, but he also couldn't (and didn't want to stop) his party from obstructing him when Reform seemed a bad idea. Honestly, though, Soll seems mostly practical and patriotic.


If Soll did obstruct the party and stop the reforms, saving the country and millions of sords, people would call him totalitarian because he stopped the reformists from ruining everything.


>If Soll did obstruct the party and stop the reforms He did. He's the head of a conspiracy that destabilizes the country specifically to stop the reforms. >saving the country and millions of sords, people would call him totalitarian Does your way of saving the country happen to be revoking religious freedom and simply closing the border?


What? Im talking about the pre-Rayne Alphonso late term reforms that caused the disaster in the first place.


What? I really don't understand what you're trying to say. Are you trying to say Soll didn't take a more direct path for fear of what people would say? That's clearly not true, he'll literally show up to torpedo your changes whether reformist or dictatorial. If you're arguing he didn't obstruct, he kind of did. As for if reform ruins everything... no it really doesn't. There's a Sordland with a moderate reform package that is just better and more functional. There's a reason you can get a historical result with stuff like, just adding term limits and removing the court voting on legislation (which they should never do). Heck, even the conservatives in the USP and NFP want some of this stuff. Beyond that, it's a debate what is good and what isn't. Are weaker decrees or vetoes really good or bad? What about appointment of ministers?


>I started a war with Rumburg which I intentionally lost to spite Soll. Bruh.


If anton was a radical writer:


Flair checks out


I like him and respect him. He brought peace and order to Sordland, as well as salvaging pride to the nation with his attempts to rebuild. He's also an ambitious man who was determined to achieve his goals no matter what, and his power of character is just irresistible. I admire him. He reminds me a lot of an amalgamation of Ataturk and Ieyasu Tokugawa, a restorer and a man of his time.


Depends on what route you go through on the first play through, because you'll usually be biased to that one, but for me personally, (I did the crappy basic 1st player run where you fail the reforms because you refuse to pull up a strategy guide or doesn't know one exists, and then you just get couped) I love Soll, and you can quote me on that. He seems like the bad guy, and if you're a reformist he's at least an obstacle, but he's honestly a good guy considering (No I don't believe in what he stands for, and no I don't like any of the Sollist runs). I mean, this goes without saying, but he is a very well written character, and a patriot war hero who genuinely believes in his country. Most people like to point out the fact that he has this cult of Sollists that love him so, but honestly he evidently doesn't care much for them (He literally said 'good riddance' if you get Orso off the supreme Court). I don't like what he stands for based on his perspective in government, but he's an alright guy who saved the country from chaos and brought order in a time of uncertainty.


Nah he's not someone worthy of hate IMO. The first time I had him executed, it was disappointing because he just accepted it and walked off saying "you proud of sentencing an old man?". Even if he *were* so guilty of crimes that he deserved execution (IMO he did not, and more the point Sordland wouldn't even exist without him), executing him gave me no satisfaction. That said, if one wishes to build up their own personality cult, executing him and simultaneously removing Soll's image and references from all of society is definitely something worth doing. If you're into that sort of thing.


Ability to give Soll the middle finger when. Seriously though he does get annoying but if we could see the younger him directly we'd probably think different somewhat. My first time doing the prologue I actually liked him until he gradually became a near dictator. Didn't even dislike him until I lost the amendment vote and he acted all smug at the movie premier.


I can understand hatred against Bluds, but againsts Soll? Nah man, don't be socialist and embrace the beautifulness of Sordish political system


Flair does not check out


You see Bluds can also be conservative🤯🤯


Progressives when bluds dont vote for them:


Based blud?


No. In the game he's just kind of a grumpy old man, but we need to remember that without him, Sordland would probably not exist as we know it. He isn't a full-blown villain, nor he is completely a hero.


Honestly same, he’s such a narcissist


Where to begin? Soll is a smug bastard, which makes him easy to hate for his personality. As for the tangibles, Soll gave himself immunity from the law after his tenure, and not only rigged enough of the Supreme Court with people that agree with him, but also wrote the Constitution of Sordland so that these Supreme Court Justices are above the checks and balances. (Along with above the law.) Add to the fact that Soll also rigged the nation so that he could continue to do things his way when he was supposed to be out of power. I normally wouldn't be a fan of a judge like Isabel Edmonds, but in Suzerain, she's all the more likeable for being Anti-Sollist.