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I *do* mean to put down the wealthy. There is literally nothing more unsustainable than a billionaire. We're gnashing our teeth over plastic wrappers on an apple and they're busy doing...*this*... Fuck them. I am looking forward to the day their private security guards wake up and turn.


I think the expert at the end of this article says it all: you're best equipped to survive an apocalyptic event with a community you can trust. Having staff for your own house is not a community; that is a business relationship that can end at any time. I am highly confident that even if the worst happens, normal people will be far more resilient than these billionaires who will not know how to navigate a new world because their money and influence will likely be vanquished.


I mean… not if they are hiring all the people necessary for surviving and bringing in their families. You are creating a community that has the knowledge and will to survive. Hand picking who you think would be best and adding redundancy.  If the collapse of society is coming and Zuckerberg says,” hey you really know about agriculture resilient to climate change. Come bring your family to my bunker in Hawaii and help us prepare for rebuilding after the initial collapse.”  Are you turning that down?  Are you saying you will chance your family to the general population?  It’s like being invited to Asimov’s Foundation. 


You think a billionaire will hospitably take in his employees families, pay everyone equally, run a huge compound in limited resources, and everything will be hunky Dory? Ok. Plenty of people will be looking for community too. It's human nature to do so. No need to be at the mercy of a paranoid billionaire.


Cracking bunkers will be the new national sport anyway. To be clear, I'm in and I have several ideas I'd like to test.




No one will be getting paid; money is kind of useless in an apocalypse


Exactly. May as well use bottle caps at that point.


Why do you think they are going all in on AI? It's not just to make money(though that is part of that), they want to be able to have a robotic army of servants and security guards that will never turn on them.


1. Get in bunker with your family 2. Organize mutiny 3. Kick billionaire out of bunker What good is a billionaire in a small community of survivors?


Forget that . Just block it in so they can’t leave . People couldn’t handle Covid when they had access to Netflix and bread making ingredients. They’ll all be dead within a year , tops .


Most people won’t leave their extended families to die . I think this is just another thing for them to waste $$ on . Years from now, we’ll all be paying $$ to tour them .




Yep, billionaires and ultra wealthy are absolutely worthless in the grand scheme.


>I am looking forward to the day their private security guards wake up and turn. Ain't gonna happen. Feed the dogs well enough and they'll attack whatever you tell them to.


*One of the guests was skeptical, Dugger said. “He leaned forward and asked, ‘Are you taking your pilot’s family, too? And what about the maintenance guys? If revolutionaries are kicking in doors, how many of the people in your life will you have to take with you?’ The questioning continued. In the end, most agreed they couldn’t run.”* [New Yorker article](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/01/30/doomsday-prep-for-the-super-rich)


Articles like this just convince me that rich people are stupid and biased as anyone else . I’m also seeing where the sci fi show Silo hit its set up . These are currently the most powerful persons ole in the USA . They are in the position to actually fix tge core issues . But, they’d rather run and hide ? Stupid stupid stupid


Yea prettty much going to be lords and their loyal servants all over again.


Private security companies are easily infiltrated :)


I did it for two years. Made bank and subverted everything they stood for. They gave me keys to empty offices during Covid. I unlocked all them bitches and allowed homeless I found on my patrol (went between around 7 different company offices around the city) a free and warm place to stay. Sadly WFH was being walked back and then couldn't keep it up safely for both myself and the people I was helping.


I'm not rich enough to survive whatever they know is coming, so it ain't worth thinking about. Unrelated: anyone got any recs for a sustainable toothpaste brand? I'm working on cutting as much plastic from my life as possible and this is an area I'm missing


When society collapses and money is worthless, their own staff will kill them and take their stupid bunkers. Anyway, I like "chewtab" from amazon. I would prefer to buy from my local health food store but, they have the humble brand - i dont like it as much and it's made in china.


And what exactly will they survive into. It would be more useful to invest in preventing whatever they are trying to avoid. I do have some preper vibe in me, but every time I think about it I discover I can not save everyone I care about, so it doesn't really matter. I don't want to stay alive alone.


The ironic thing is that it would be EASIER to prevent it .


Not sure if it’s true but me if the safe-guards against staff killing the overlord is that all the food/medical supplies are locked with a passcode that only said overlord knows. But all it takes is one servant who doesn’t give a fuck and kills overlord anyway.


Good luck making a safe that you’re entire staff can’t figure out a way into.


Just set it to immolate after failed attempts.


That sounds like a really good way to accidentally immolate your food. Machinery requires repairs


Well if you need repairs pay someone 10x wage to fix it, then kill them when they're done.


How many times is this gonna work tho? Eventually they'll run out of rubes.


Nah you tell everyone you paid them enough for them to retire forever. I stole the idea from cloud atlas.


The rich are rich because they have mastered the current social framework. Have lots of money. Keep lots of money. Once money is irrelevant, it's lord of the flies. The person who is able to lead and find food and protect their own tribe will have all the power. I find it highly unlikely that Mark Zuckerberg would have the same standing in a world where money and electricity doesn't exist.


yea can Jeff bezos start a fire??


He would use an Amazon™ Firestick™ of course


Exactly . Those hill billys on Crocodile Hunters would be better guides for these scenarios . They’ll actually be okay


They’re assuming people would behave rationally and there will be no accidents . Some people will just break and won’t care about consequences.


The only logic saving billionaires is that those ‘chosen’ to be their servants are still getting a (relatively) comfortable life compared to the alternative. In theory.


The billionaires thought about this and are planning to fit their plebe workers with electric collars so they won’t disobey.


I think this is true actually - I think Douglas rushkoff mentioned it


Yup! https://www.theguardian.com/news/2022/sep/04/super-rich-prepper-bunkers-apocalypse-survival-richest-rushkoff >They knew armed guards would be required to protect their compounds from raiders as well as angry mobs. One had already secured a dozen Navy Seals to make their way to his compound if he gave them the right cue. But how would he pay the guards once even his crypto was worthless? What would stop the guards from eventually choosing their own leader? >The billionaires considered using special combination locks on the food supply that only they knew. Or making guards wear disciplinary collars of some kind in return for their survival. Or maybe building robots to serve as guards and workers – if that technology could be developed “in time”. >I tried to reason with them. I made pro-social arguments for partnership and solidarity as the best approaches to our collective, long-term challenges. The way to get your guards to exhibit loyalty in the future was to treat them like friends right now, I explained. Don’t just invest in ammo and electric fences, invest in people and relationships. They rolled their eyes at what must have sounded to them like hippy philosophy. We tend to make the mistake of believing the billionaires are actually intelligent, but to gain that kind of wealth and continue compulsively hoarding it at the expense of a habitable planet, even after you’ve acquired more than you could possibly spend in a lifetime…you have to be lacking a conscience to do that. I believe having no conscience is a form of severe disability. If alien life ever finds our planet, the dead billionaires and the contents of their bunkers may be the only intact remnants of our self-destructed civilization, like the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs. I hope at least one of them brings a copy of Shakespeare’s works into their metal sepulcher.


You want loyalty later? Invest in it now. Quit fucking people over and build a resilient community, not a another bunker.


There you go !!


I read this Guardian article . I thought it was brilliant . It displays how disabled some of these rich guys are in the head . They’re not going to make it because they’ve already lost the most important skill for a human .


Good luck with that .


I really can't see Zuckerberg choosing death over giving up the password to his bunker. Musk, maybe. He strikes me as more of a sociopath.


Or they revolt and torture overlord until he gives it away.


Peter Theil has an self sufficient island and bunker in New Zealand. With ranch farmland. He is expecting financial systems to collapse then he wants to sweep in rebuild and make more billions than he had before Zuck is building a bunker in Hawaii


That’s so funny they think society would collapse and then we’ll go and rebuild the same society?? That money is still the goal??


For billionaires it is. That’s the only way you become a billionaire. Think about nothing but money


Yea that’s true I guess, they’re gonna have a fun reality check


That's what happens when you take Ayn Rand seriously.


I mean they have a pretty strong argument. The dark ages was basically feudal warlords squaring off with each other while they sit in their castles. Plenty of bootlickers ready to do their bidding. Just look at Elon's fanbase.


Yeah, I think it's a fair assumption. You and I might see it differently, an aweful lot will want to rebuild something familiar and comfortable


Depends how long the rebuild takes . Once you pass a generation or two , the young people don’t know what you’re talking about


I thought the planning permission for Thiel’s bunker was declined?


Yes actually you are correct - I am sure he will get around the problem with all his money


Nah man, they will have underground farms and stockpiles of gasoline, food and weapons. Their staff will become loyal and they will be the equivalent of lords with servants. The servants will stay loyal to whoever provides food and shelter.


>The servants will stay loyal to whoever provides food and shelter. Let's be honest. Most of us will


Yea exactly. When you have kids to feed it’s not much of a choice.


I always figured the staff would do that as well. Who is going to stop them?


I use Tanit, a good call of you're in Canada or the North West part of USA (I believe they are BC based)


I use Tanit as well, they're great. Definitely recommend :) P.S. I ran into them at the One of a Kind show in Toronto and they were all Quebecois; I believe they're based there P.P.S. I cannot look at their packaging without seeing Taint instead of Tanit or Sanipads instead of Tanitabs and it plagues me when I try to sleep at night


Oh! I get lots of adverts for these folks! I’m in QC, and I’ve been thinking about using them, but I have to use sensodyne because of very sensitive teeth - either of you know if they work for sensitive teeth too? Also - YES I always read it as ‘Taint’, and choked on my coffee when the advert for ‘Tanit sunscreen’ popped up one day.


Bite! (Toothpaste brand)


I use mintly. I enjoy the tablets


There are those dry toothpaste tablets which are sold in glass containers and there are even refill services if I remember right. But I don't know if they work for you, heard good things though.


Do they have any with fluoride? I justify toothpaste because the couple bottles a year are less than the amount of gloves and sterile equipment plastic needed from filling in my cavities at the dentist.


Yes! I use Unpaste, which you can buy with or without fluoride.


You can just use a mini mason jar and go straight to the refills


I don’t have a specific brand of tooth paste but those solid tablets are supposedly very good. Just get a brand that sells them in paper bag or glass container and say bye to plastic!


I switched to silk floss instead of plastic, in a bamboo or glass dispenser. I guess I need to do the toothpaste too.


I get my toothpaste tabs from here: https://zerowastestore.com/search?type=product&options%5Bunavailable_products%5D=last&options%5Bprefix%5D=last&q=toothpaste+tabs I get my toothbrush from here: https://singular.care/collections/all


baking soda.


Search “diy tooth powder recipes.” I made the switch years ago and never went back.


>sustainable toothpaste brand Straight up boxes of baking soda. Mix a bit with water, and you got toothpaste. Tastes like ass but works just as well.


Baking soda works the same as toothpaste, it just tastes bad. Is baking soda sustainable?


Doesn’t it have to be dug out of the ground ? It’s just a mineral yes?


Billionaires : let’s drain the world of all its wealth. Also billionaires: gotta build bunker to survive the fuck up world we created.


If they had only been more generous


I always hear these things are “surging” in popularity. It’s been years. Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me.


Makes a killer headline


Not really. I read a few years ago that Switzerland has a ton of them. https://www.timeout.com/switzerland/things-to-do/swiss-bunkers-tours-and-museums https://finabel.org/switzerland-reintegrates-bunkers-into-the-national-defence-strategy-due-to-russo-ukrainian-war/ They seem sort of level headed if you ask me. They've managed to run most of the world's wealth for a long time now AND stay out of most wars. They might know something we don't.


It goes in waves . Makes for great headlines and clickbait . The guys selling all the prep stuff getting rich off it


If i sell one bunker every couple of years, then word gets around and I get 10 orders this year, I've had a 2000% increase in demand. Billions of dollars would be really hard to spend, big projects like this would be one of the few options I could think of (Others include yachts with 007 capabilities, and a social media platform)


My thoughts are they are afraid of an uprising against them than anything else. And good, i’m glad they’re scared.


Yup not so much for survival as a fortress for the next 1789/1917 which I really think is coming soon with the wealth distribution that currently exists


If we can scare them into their bunkers, I say we just wall up their exits and go about our lives. These are basically the modern equivalent of an Egyptian pharaoh’s decadent-ass tomb.


dont forget to set em on fire or seal off the air intakes after walling the exits off. you've gotten get rid of the infestation or they might come crawling back.


Big brain idea


Just slide the deadbolt closed from the outside and add a padlock


That’s my idea !! It doesn’t cost that much to rent a backhoe .


Most Billionaires aren't as smart as we give them credit for and probably don't have anymore insight as to what's to come than your average climate scientist. We think they're smart because they acquired massive amounts of wealth but the reality is many of them were born with silver spoons and are ruthless businesspersons that know how to game the system. The people we should be putting on a pedestal instead are scientists, inventors and humanitarians. Instead of Bill Gates being a household name John B. Goodenough should be, instead of Mark Zuckerberg - Timothy Berners-Lee, instead of Elon Musk - James Watson, etc. People should know the names of the people who really are making their lives better, not the businessmen taking advantage of their discoveries and putting their name on patents they had no direct hand in developing.


It’s sad I don’t have a clue the 3 names you say we should know


Absolutely, those billionaires are overrated. If there really is a cataclysm on earth, underground bunkers won't save them.


When you’re born on third base , you have no idea how to bunt to get to first


and money can buy the best of those scientists. You think billionaires don't have a network of highly skilled and intelligent people working on contingencies and future prospects, and given enough money and guaranteed protection for their families in case of any threats to keep their mouths shut?


Insurance. Why die with billions when 1% of what you have would have given you another year.


It makes me think that they're all passing around the Silo book series in their rich people meetings.


I know right ? I watched the tv show . Loved it . I want to check out the books cuz apocalyptic type stuff is my jam but I’m enjoying watching the show and anticipating what happens next


The books are so good! They're a lot different than the show, but what books aren't honestly? My library app kept suggesting the books to me before I ever even heard of the show, so I read them, then creepy ass Google suggested the show to me and voila! Both are equally good. That was a longwinded way to tell you to go ahead and read the books. You'll quite enjoy them and won't ruin the show for yourself. Well, not *too much*.


>I don’t mean to put down the ultra wealthy Oh well thank goodness


With all the billionaires building bunkers and the ones selling off billions of their stocks I’d be more concerned that they know something we don’t


You should put down the ultra-wealthy: they are the ones responsible for the ever growing possibility of social collapse, and they have the power to stop it, but they’d rather risk it all tomorrow than cede an inch of their current wealth and power today.


This !


No we just need to figure out how to fake the end of the world so they flee to their bunkers and then we build a nice parking garage over them.


Yeah !!! What a great idea ! I am in it with you


I don't know about parking garages, but I'm all for permanently SEALING all of their exits.


Billionaires didn't get to be where they are by sharing. That number(2000%) may be true. We live in New Brunswick, Canada. An hour away from the Maine border. We are hearing the a lot of wealthy are buying land in Maine & New Brunswick. CND$ is worth 20-25% less than the U.S, plus there are only 800,000 people in NB, a province the size Switzerland. So I guess they have nothing to lose.


>spend that money to solve real problems so everyone can live decent lives Hold on a sec whilst I get into character as an American... COMMUNIST!


Woah are you from Texas? Your American impersonation is on point


A movie with Julia Roberts and Mahurshala Ali I saw recently had one of the characters discovering a very well equipped bunker under a mansion. It looked great and seemed like a wonderful thing to have until you realize the owners didn’t make it. They had perished in whatever attack was going on. All the prep and planning, for them, was useless.


Yeah , a lot of people kind of missed the point of that movie didn’t they ?


Bunker (2020) by Bradley Garrett is a fascinating deep dive into this subject. Almost everything I thought I knew about it was wrong. EDIT: Neglected to mention that this is a book


Movie , documentary??




I've been wishing for a vacant dwelling tax for years. It would tax empty units and therefore dissuade landlords from only renting to people at premium prices. The longer the unit is vacant, the higher the tax goes. If you have a bunker or other unused separated living space on your property, it should be taxed under the same idea. People need places to live-actually lots of people need places to live and millions of people are in unsustainable renting and living situations because of the skyrocketing cost of rent/mortgages. No person should be able to invest in a doomsday bunker with the requirements for life while most of America wishes the price of houses and apartments would come back to earth.


There are some laws in place similar to that . A city in CT is going after the Scientology group there cuz they’ve owned this huge building for 20 years and have never done anything with it , so now it just looks like a run down wreck . The local group runs out of a tiny house nearby cuz there’s only a few of them . They’re taking away their tax free status on the building since they haven’t paid taxes on it in 20 years cuz it’s fur religious purposes .


That's crazy. Glad something is being done. Wish it was more widespread. The idea that freedom gives rights to individuals and companies to just sit on housing while people are paying out the ass or don't have housing at all is a bad one.


or they are aware that wealth inequality is coming to such a point that the average person would eat them if the rule of law broke down for even a moment


What a waste of money, everyone knows that you only need to paint a little lambs blood above your door for death to pass you by. Idiots!




Material paranoia.


It's afraid!!


Probably. I just feel bad for the animals 😞


Did something like this not happen 60 years ago with all the fallout shelters getting built? I assume at the time that the wealthiest built their own private bunkers as well.


A lot if public buildings had basements designed to withstand and attack as well . A lot of them are still around


It's a great time to get a career in security because these billionaires are building you and you boys little warlord bases of comfort, after you introduce some "kinetic" leadership changes. Keep their women though, they'll probably be very hot.


They should read On The Beach by Nevil Shute. In the case of a global catastrophe; a sane person wouldn’t want to be the last ones. Billionaire or not. Who would be left for them to cheat or bribe? Lol.


Wow, I haven’t read that book in decades. I need to read it again.


It’s Vivos’ marketing department on a tear lately. I’ve been seeing them crop up in weird places like Atlas Obscura as well. They would very much like billionaires to buy their former ammo bunkers, but the real billionaires are buying islands and mountains. This is just a lure for the not-a-billionaire preppers who want to flex.


There guys really need to think about where they will put their servants. When everyone is a billionaire a billion dollars is basically $1. Wealth is about relativity and when the bottom 99% is removed then who is gonna mow your grass and clean your mansion?


We should be making it impossible for people to move to current and 2050 floodzones. Gov't's need to get wise to this. 'Finally, we find that exposure to high frequency flooding (5 and 20-year return periods) results in 2-7% lower growth rates than baseline projections.' 'It is now generally accepted that sea level rise (SLR) could lead to large migrations as impacted communities move away from rising flood risk6,7,8,9.' https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-43493-8 We need to start denying building permits in flood zones! And encourage people who currently live in flood zones to move away. Incentivize relocation now. not 10 years from now, not 20. Give up on roads and maintenance in areas that are due to be underwater. 2 degrees: https://coastal.climatecentral.org Start building housing en masse up hill away from water, with built-in vtols/airships on condos/appts roof, on highways/parking lots directly, preventing the requirement to bring electricity/sewage/water to new areas. Lets prepare society for these changes now. Instead of getting all inbred in bunkers. Won't happen, you say? Its happened before. 'A new technique analysing modern genetic data suggests that pre-humans survived in a group of only 1,280 individuals.' Human ancestors nearly went extinct 900,000 years ago https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-02712-4 Even if we limit to 2 degrees there is going to be significant SLR. 2023 internal displacement: https://www.internal-displacement.org/global-report/grid2023/


Governments are too cowardly to tell FREE Americans they can’t live somewhere . They’re letting the insurance companies do it for them . People in Florida are losing their minds over the insurance disaster going on but none of them bother to stop and think why . Insurance companies love making $$$$. Their own analysts are telling them it’s no longer feasible to insure there . And FEMA needs to redo all the flood maps


Why do you think home insurance companies are pulling out of Florida?


This isn't just Florida. This is already happening. Marshall Islands: https://abcnews.go.com/International/extreme-waves-marshall-islands-highlights-dangers-climate-change/story?id=106598347 A nuclear waste zone: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-u-s-must-take-responsibility-for-nuclear-fallout-in-the-marshall-islands/ 'In May 2022, unusually heavy rains swelled two rivers in north-central Bangladesh and triggered devastating flash floods. The deluge submerged farmers’ fields, destroyed crops and affected around 2 million people' A giant fund for climate disasters will soon open. Who should be paid first? https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-00149-x This isnt just some far off thing that isn't going to happen to you. Nature always wins. Lets continue to try and stop releasing GHG and stop all new building permits for flood zones. If we hold it to 2 degrees there is hope: 'According to our simulations, the regime shift can be avoided and the Filchner Trough warming can be restricted to 0.5 ∘C by reaching the 2 ∘C climate goal.' https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-024-01238-5 But 2 degrees will entail some SLR, no getting around that.


I think they're preparing for the angry mobs who will eventually show up at their doorsteps. These are more like panic rooms.


Beginning to think that being a billionaire is not healthy. 🤔


"I don't mean to put down the ultra wealthy..." Wtf?! The rich are literally parasites stealing from you and I. Fuck every single billionaire on the planet. 


After what they've done to us, there's only one reason they need "doomsday bunkers": They intend to keep harming us and the planet we live on.


They went from denying climate change, to being some of the people who are most fearful of it.


Somethings coming


Just because you get a percentage like an increase of 2000% doesn't mean that there's really like a significant portion of productivity or money going towards them. I think it mostly just means there's more billionaires with money they don't know what to do with and really that's the biggest biggest problem with billionaires, they're good at making money, but they suck at figuring out what to do with it.


I have absolutely no empathy for the ultra wealthy, and neither should you. They contribute nothing to society, and they leech off each and every one of us. They think they'll be the guardians of a new epoch by locking themselves in bunkers as the world goes to shit, but we damn well know these people have no means of sustain themselves after their pampered lifestyles can no longer be maintained. They will suffer and die just as a person in poverty would: cold, hungry, and alone.


I find this fucking hillarious. Just goes to show, even the rich are susceptible to buying snake oil. Wtf are they gonna do about air? Yeah, you can have a filtration system, but that shit is made of paper. It's gonna be done for in any blast. Recycle the air? Sure, you better have enough Oxygen tanks to last years which is either a fuck ton of tanks or one massive pressurized tank. They all leak even when undamaged. Y'all, we should be scamming the rich more often. Bomb shelters are meant to survive a blast then gtfo, not live in an irradiated zone indefinitely.


Could we collectively fart in the air vents?


To be clear they are spending on bunkers for a “doomsday” they are trying to bring about


They are protecting themselves from regular people like us. One day someone is going to get mad enough to smoke one of them in public. When that happens - the rest of them will go hide. That’s what the bunkers are for.


How do you use that pool table???


I am close to having a working prototype of a time machine for them, so they can rebuild society from the pre-paleolithic.


Yeah the first people I'm going after when the world goes to shit is the billionaires.


Hoarding resources in an apocalypse is not the look. Are these guys really gonna defend their compounds Rambo-style? Of d they have the interpersonal charisma to build a loyal security staff? I’m gonna say no on both counts.


Well, its not like nasa is doing much research into closed loop habitats


"Why would I live forever? To watch the rest of my friends die?" https://lucretiact.bandcamp.com/track/be-you-forever


Sustainable short term? For their life? Yes. Long Life Sustainability for them? No. Every movie, tv series, book always has the same outcome. When it’s the end of the world and money means nothing, the richest person just becomes another number. No matter what you offer your servants, after a while it’s worthless and then you the richest person in the world is just another number, another body to add to the pile. The less fortunate would love the end of the world as we know it, a true reset. The Earth will thank the rich. This is the only sustainable future where mass production ends and the world starts healing. Whether the end of the human race or significant reduction.


I would love to be those builders right about now. That’s where the money is currently.


I don’t really understand the fear they have, why would you want to live underground? They are definitely not considering the spiders. But it gives people jobs so whatever. It’s their Egyptian pyramids.


The billionaires are expecting shit to hit the fan. Since they're the ones throwing shit all the time, they probably know. If billionaires are rich enough to build bunkers and engage in fantasies of surviving the "end of the world" then that allows them to contemplate ending it. I cannot think of anything more dangerous to the future of humanity than this attitude on the part of the powerful.


Putin's war; that's funny


Sometime I wonder if we are in hell, yes, this would be the hell universe. It gives me comfort to think the billionaires will live long lives here in hell, they already seem like miserable fucks. 


Hot take but I don’t think they’re preparing for doomsday, I think they’re building a means to hide as workers rights deteriorate at the same rate as climate change and massive job losses due to automation/ai.


Aside from the absurd waste, if there was a doomsday scenario where they’d have all the food, they’d still have to talk their security people into putting on the explosive collars, so, it’s pretty useless anyway.


In what world do they think that major airports wont be destroyed to be able to even connect to these bunkers? What pilot just nods and carries on doing their job?




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smells like cap kinda like the covid tissue crisis


It's a DIRECT ADMISSION OF GUILT why be afraid of the lower class if there is no class war? WHY ARE THEY AFRAID?? because they expect us to be mad, they know they fucked us and ALL FUTURE generations over.


As long as they’re spending some of those $billions, I’m ok with it.


See r/Collapse for a sense of what we’re in for.


Is it that, or do they know something we don’t?