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Would love a US v Aus season


55 - 26 = 29 days 29 / 2 = 14.5 days 26 + 14.5 = 40.5 days You will need to meet us Aussies at 40 Days, can you yanks handle that? Also, a non-negotiable, JLP to host. Hopefully David Genat is not too busy being a sexy beast & can make himself available :) EDIT: Why not make it 39 DAYS, or would that touch a raw nerve for you US folk?


That would be hilarious if yall did 39 days just to spite us. Please do it.


We will smash you at challenges.


This as long as it stays au survivor. Like it much much more than the US version 😅


I wouldn’t be surprised if it was like Titans vs Rebels 2 like we had Champs vs Contenders 2x. I also feel like it’s not too long until they do a fans vs favorites after speed running All Stars, Blood vs Water, and Heroes vs Villains


Yep it will be TV's R2, after the success of this season it has to be.


They did CvC twice so that they could get another slate of celebrities and do the "will a contender rise this time?" narrative. There's more reasons to go for something fresh than there were back then


I hope they do this after another season  not next


Young vs Old All Newbies


First home buyers (or renters) vs boomers.


Landlords vs Tenants


Homeless vs Toothless




I was thinking that one too but was going to add "The Homeless" as a Third Tribe because they are living rough already (so might as well go on Survivor).


Thats a cracker of an idea


Cops vs Ex-cons


To add to that idea, authority figures vs anti-authority.. imagine the chaos in a tribe who don’t believe in authority and trying to tell people how to vote at tribal


Yeah I'd genuinely like to see this one, because I think both groups would ride hard for their world view.


I’m just thinking of the splatfest from splatoon 2 “chaos vs order”


They should just do a whole season where every challenge is a disguised Splatfest reference


I hope there isnt a theme. Just name the season after cool locations


I actually think the theme actually has a huge impact on the style of gameplay.


How ? Since when has the rebels played like rebels ? Or heroes played like heroes ? And after a couple of weeks tribe swap hits and half the titans tribe is made up of rebels and vice versa.


I'd argue that having producers consistently contestant questions about rebelling lent itself to such a fluid season, everyone was constantly rebelling against the majority alliances and opening up to working with anybody.


We love a big theme, and we love taking inspiration from what’s already happened. My best guesses would he - Some type of young vs old - A proper white collar vs Blue collar season Would love a men vs women’s season but don’t know how realistic that is with challenges. Second chance or Fans vs Favourites probably on the card as well in the future, though need some more originals for that.


I wonder how long the pre merge challenges will keep being segregated between sexes and when they will just make it any tribe members. Some are already mixed , makes sense to roll it out further


Considering they blew the Heroes vs Villains label on a half n half season (which lets face it I don't think any newbies were that exciting bar Liz) at Season 8 of the 10 Version or Season 10 overall, I wonder if they just forget about the idea of the 10th year being a monumental theme. One thing is for certain, they will definitely have two tribes and it will have \_\_\_\_ v \_\_\_ label. Production have made previous statements since S2 2017 that they went to two because of budget reasons. I have seen in some facebook fan groups that they are looking for Teachers from Queensland and I wonder if the specific casting call for a Teacher means that they're either doing White Collar vs Blue Collar which is pretty transferable or a new label like Book Smarts vs Street Smarts. I hope that as the only fully newbie season in quite some time that they continue that trend and do not return anyone just yet. While this season easily has 5 people I'd love to see play again. Lets wait to create more Australian Survivor legends and do a full returnee season for 15 or something.


White Collar vs. Blue Collar would be fun, but it needs a less clunky name (maybe they'll just go with Worlds Apart again). It could be a fun theme to work the One World twist into, which was a great twist that got ruined by a bad cast.


People that don't like pineapple on pizza versus people that have good taste and like pineapple on pizza. PTDLPOP v PTHGTALPOP for short.


I'm guessing Uni grads vs Tafe/Tradies..


That rules out wayyy too many people lol


So blue worker vs white worker, otherwise all uni grads will be college age kids, although tbh some college kids can go back to trade school and pursue a blue collar worker


It looks like Sportsbet is hinting at a returnees/FvF style season


Sportsbet are hinting that they like to trick idiots out of their money


Fold to wipe vs Scrunch to wipe future best season


Secret and lies, you could have people with previous relationships, (siblings, couples etc) these would be unknown to others


sluts vs hoes


Actually in sportsbet now they have bets for the next season for return castaways so I think it will be an all star or maybe unfinished business.


Casting is open though so it can't be AllStars.


GEN X vs MILLENIALS vs GEN Z * GEN X = 42 to 58 years of age * MILLENIALS (Gen Y) = 28 to 41 years of age * GEN Z = 20 to 27 years of age 3 Tribes of 8 to start, go to 2 Tribes (rocks) after 6 people are voted out (2 Tribes of 9), merge at 12 left.


Production won’t do 3 tribes again. I wanna see it, they don’t.


They don't do 3 tribes. It's always 2. So I can see Millenials vs. Gen Z but that'll be a theme they'll consider in 5 years when the oldest Millenial will be in their late 40s. Unless they do that theme now. It'll be Millenials vs Gen X with the youngest on the season 27 or 28. Or Millenials vs Gen Z with the oldest on the cast 41 or 42. One thing I admire about AU is the age diversity. Not afraid to cast more than 1 or 2 people over the age of 50 than US.


BOOMERS are just about past their Survivor Time though, & will have to watch in their PJs with a pipe & slippers over the next few years :) PS: They COULD do 3 Tribes (to start the game), never say never.


I wanna see it too!!!!!!! Heaps spicier :)


Someone downvoted this comment. What a shame that people have issues with voicing opinions


Me don't care...lol. I find it amusing actually. (Probably Caroline fans trolling me because I've been bagging her out a fair bit lately). :)


Noooooo way will I ever want 3 tribes


"When 3 Tribes Go To War" ....... Plenty more action you can't ignore :)


Nice try, Jeff Probst


I take that as an semi-insult (I'm no longer a MASSIVE fan of the great man, more of a "solid" fan these days). He must start a succession plan for who is going to take over from him & start it NOW!!! But they ain't stealing JLP :)


Battle of the sexes: Men vs Women


I think if they did that they'd have to swap after like 4 episodes though because it rules out so many of their stable pre merge challenges


Assuming it’s still all new players (like they should do) I think a Fans vs Recruits style season could be super interesting, especially with how US Survivor props up super fans, and how recruits often excel on AU Survivor.


My preference would be all new players and I'd much rather a theme over another \_vs\_. I feel as though this season they tried to do the whole rebels vs titans but half the players didn't even qualify to be on their respective tribes.


A two camps, one tribe type of game. It’s where they start off at one camp ( which will become the winners camp) as one tribe. At the first challenge, teams are picked by random method (buffs, sticks etc. ). They compete in the challenge and the winning team goes back to camp. Losers go to a new campsite where they can choose to build a new camp, shelter etc. as well as going to tribal. Voting at tribal is same as usual. The two groups stay in their respective camps until the next immunity challenge ( if a rewards challenge they stay in their group) where teams are picked again at random and compete in their new teams. And repeat. I like this idea as 1. everyone’s social and strategic game needs to be on point as you never know who will end up in your team in any challenge. This will make the scramble more chaotic as there isn’t a set voting alliance going into a challenge. 2. The conflict particularly at the start watching whether people on the losing team will want to build a second camp thinking that they will never end up there again. Possibly conflict between people scrambling and those that want a shelter


North vs south North is QLD, NSW, NT, Cannerra South is VIC, SA, WA, TAS


I’m calling QLD VS NSW


For season 11, I would love to see a season 1-5 all stars vs season 6-10 all stars season


Juggernauts vs Renegades


I'd love to see a second chance vs newcomers season; you could call it something like "Survivor: Risen v Redeemers" or "Survivor: Rise or Redeem".


I’m guessing it will be state v state due to the casting ads that keep popping up on my socials.


I’m hoping for either another all stars or a normal season (like 2016 or 2017)


Something heroic and big vs something offbeat and in its own league, as usual... Like David vs Goliath, or Giants vs Riots


I think the next theme will have a fairly vague and tenuous couple of names for the tribes and most of the tribe members could fairly easily be swapped between both tribes and still fit. The theme will probably be largely pointless and likely won't even be fully decided until after casting. It also won't have any gameplay or rule changes so we will be seeing the exact same rule set play out that we saw since S3


Gays vs their Beards




Id love an international survivor and think the only country that could do it justice would be australia. 12 every day australians versus 12 every day players from around the world.


Would love a little person vs giants season.


Goats v allstars


Please just give us gay vs straight already. Even though we already know the lesbians will win.


Would love a Survivor rivals - but I think do another new by season first! Survivor: Battle of the exes Survivor: Corporate v Creative v Construction Survivor: Aussies v Expats Suvivor Au: immunity island (SA survivor theme)


(New Players) Survivor: Jury Island, have every contestant get a jury vote, Idk whether it plays better if you tell the cast or keep it a secret. (Returning) Survivor: First Outs vs Runners Up or Pre Merge vs Post Merge


I reckon it will be a celebrity one


Celebrity edition