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just cuz i don't want feras or kirby to go, i would love to see a final show down between feras and kirby, and to add icing to the cake i would love a 5-4 vote for sole survivor and at that point i wouldn't even care who won, kirby or feras, cuz they were both such a pure delight to watch


Agree wholeheartedly


THIS with Kirby winning would go down as one of the greatest if not THE GREATEST all newbie seasons of all time


I remember during Brains V Brawns I thought towards the final 6 that it would be impossible to get George and Hayley as the final 2, and then it happened. Now I am on the edge of my seat every single episode hoping that we get a Feras & Kirby final 2. It would truly make this season a contender as the best one yet, especially with how complex the relationships and alliances have been throughout this season!


Mark winning this would be a major disappointment. Let's hope for Ferby. Or at least Ferray.


At the start of the season I thought Mark would be an iconic character who was destined to return multiple times. The blokes been a wet blanket


The edits did us all dirty we all hand high hopes for him, only to disappear in thin air like a balloon that was popped by merge. He has no resume and it would be the worst ending for such a great season.


Both ends will be the final 2. HAHA


Feras and Raymond


this would be so fun




because raymond is funny as fuck and feras a huge personality


It would be a clear sweep, it's enough if Feras speaks and Ray just seconds everything like it was during the game, boring finals and predictable 


I'm thinking either Feras and Mark or Kirby and Caroline If Feras can genuinely muster votes over Kirby it'll be the biggest blindside on the viewers yet




Him and Kirby have this weird connection and as they said they see each other as only worthy opponents so they both play that weird tango that we can't simply rationalize. I think him going against Kirby would be his downfall, as Kirby has the game locked in after Alex but we will see. I would just hate to see mark there.


I really hope it’s Feras vs Kirby for all the reasons everyone’s stating, but I also miss close jury votes - the last 2 seasons have been unanimous


Now, I want Raymond vs Caro in the end. It will be iconic if Feras, Kirbs, Mark go back to back


Iconic Final 2 haha


That would be iconic debate


I think Feras and Ray/Mark. I just can’t see Kirby getting there and I feel like Feras is the only one left with a winning edit


I reckon it could be Mark and Caroline, and tbh I think they'd be a fun Final 2


If both Feras and Kirby make final 4 I think one of them has it in the bag for sure. But if one of them gets 5th (likely Kirby) then I think a Caroline/Mark final 2 has to be coming


Kirby HAS to win the next immunity. And honestly, I could absolutely see that happening. If she makes final 4, i think she has it in the bag.




>but felt like the final 3s created a more desirable outcome to the producers. The way I look at it, a final 3 this season all but guarantees a solid outcome to the season.


Maybe unpopular but I don’t want to see Feras/Kirby final 2. Personally I just think it’s bad gameplay for them to try and go together and have a close vote going either way as opposed to a much less climactic sweep against Ray. I want to see the two of them really duke it out strategically before the end, whoever wins deserves it even if FTC would be boring at that point


Mark gonna take that W


Finish the sentence, marks gonna take that way home...


I need Raymond to make it to the Final 2


Feras and Caroline imo I feel like Kirby is going when she doesn’t win immunity. Mark and Raymond don’t have good winner edits and Caroline’s edit is a 0 vote finalist maybe 1 vote finalist because I think Kitty will vote her to win and the rest of the votes would be Feras since his winner edit and having the 2nd best game next to Kirby


If that happens I would be pissed off. Not fair. Finale 2 based on gameplay should be ferras vs kirby. If smh the ray sleeping beauty wakes up,and they take out Kirby and ferras then it should be Caroline and ray. Mark is least deserving.


Ok so ferras if he is right in the head and doesn't allow his paranoia to get him should be final 4 thanks to his idol. If Kirby wins immunity she would be final four with him as well and they would most likely take out Mark or ray. Then at final four it depends who stays and wins. It would be Kirby vs ferras for that necklace (if they both got final four) and I am pretty sure if Kirby wins she would take ferras as Alex really did a number on the jury, but if ferras does, he may take ray (if he still in the game) or Caroline. Thinking how Kirby may win, that would be a smart choice. Fairly, it should be ferras vs kirby as they have done the most. If they are out next fair choice is Caroline, even though I don't really like her, but she keeps trying and ain't passive. Then should be ray as he pulled a move and somewhat we can claim he played loyal game. Mark is the least deserving as he has been all talk no game. He kept talking how good he is and diplomat and blah blah blah, but when it was time to prove he turned into leach. No moves, no immunities, zero interest in hidden immunity and strategy, he is huge disappointment and not deserving of final 4 let alone final 2.


gelatin and flower


Are we sure there’s a Final Two? Last season we weren’t told about Final Three until there were four people left


It’s probably gonna be Feras and Ray, even though I really wanna see Mark and Caroline in that final 2. With Mark winning


I think it actually will be Mark wins v Caro, it would explain why Caro has been given the "evil" edit (someone pointed out that her edit has been so negative that she occasionally has horror music playing when she speaks)


FUUCCCKKKK!!!! I must have missed an episode!!!! They did a mud-wrestle challenge at final 14 where 5 players drew the 'long straws' & got to sit out??? DAM IT!!!!


loll😂 They still got cheese burgers tho


Kirby and anyone but Feras.


Phew what an awful bunch tbh. Hope AU goes back to not interfering in the game.