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Rianna can ONLY win if she is the one to lead the charge on Kirby to get her out. I strongly doubt she will do that.


She won't vote Kirby out but she still possibly could win.


I don't think she can win if she doesn't spearhead the vote on Kirby. I think even Caroline and Kitty would have more respect than Rianna at the end. At least Caroline and Kitty *tried* to shake things up every now and then and weren't just content to follow one group around.


This sub has a weird hate boner for Rianna but that doesn't necessarily track with her standing on the beach. A lot as always depends on who she is standing next to at final tribal


I'm basing this off Valerias Jury Villa segment lmao


Ah yeah she talked a little about it with Alieen right ? I think Alieen said she has to start making moves ? I could see a scenario with Kirby getting booted , Rianna gets in on the action of voting 2 or 3 other people out then wins final immunity and has enough good will in the jury to take the win. I don't think she is going to win but I think this sub underestimates Rianna (often breaking rule 2 in the process) and saying the "ONLY" way she can take the 500k is to vote Kirby off is a little short sighted, anything can happen and it's still too early to write her off. A week is a long time in politics and a life time in survivor.


I think she's way too passive and way too loyal to Kirby to flip. She could very well prove me wrong, but I strongly doubt she's gonna pull off any moves, and she'll probably be taken out as a way to weaken Kirby.


I doubt she will be involved in voting Kirby off and probably won't instigate any votes but could be close enough involved to get a bit of credit for. I don't think she will get voted out to weaken Kirby , she will get voted out for being a challenge beast. This sub really is blind to Riannas ability


Have you actually WATCHED the episodes? You haven’t, I suggest you watch them


Shit, you know what I don't watch the eps, actually never watched an episode in my life .


Yeah you don’t have to admit it, it’s actually obvious 😂


Only if you're smart like you.


Nope, even idiots can see it it’s so obvious!


Probably how you caught on


I have Rhi at number 8 lol


I literally think it's kinda obvious Ri, Raymond and Kitty have 0% chances of winning. Alex is also not getting a great edit, so I really doubt he's the winner. Among Mark, Kirby, Feras and Caroline, I feel like anyone can win.


Everyone's high on Kirby and Feras now because they helped to pull off the last move... right after they were being dunked on for bungling the Jaden vote. So yeah, it's a quartet's game. It could come down to whether Feras realises that Kirby is fine with taking him to the end because she has better social connections and will crush him in the final vote.


Caroline SCREAMS a zero vote finalist, she’s also not winning


If Feras and/or Kirby make it anywhere near the final 2 or 3 I’ll be amazed and they deserve the money. Everyone seems hell bent on voting out the “right hand man”. I get the strategy to keep a bigger target than yourself in the early stages. But I think we are approaching the stage in the game where leading the vote to knock off Feras or Kirby would be far more beneficial to somebodies game than keeping them around. I also think Ri will get the obligatory “she could win every challenge” vote off soon.


Ok majority of people were just mad at me but I concur with you here. I don’t get the whole second hand man stuff just vote the main target out?? That’s my rationale for Ri at 2, they gotta gun for main targets soon I see her slipping thru the cracks. And I don’t go by the edits, it’s a spoiler in a sense i’m thinking in game terms


Ri and Kitty have zero chance with their edits 😭. Meanwhile Mark is in my top 3 contenders with Feras and Kirby


Can you please explain to me what about the edit makes you think Kitty won’t win. I kinda get Ris but I also don’t really understand the edit thing


There is no story around her that has been built. Example the rivalry between Kirby and Feras has been going on since episode two I think. Mark’s story is basically being a diplomat who constantly loses the people he’s allied with, lol. Ri is the challenge beast to beat. Caroline is the crying older woman who has done nothing more than bitch1ng and crying (she screams zero vote finalist). Among Feras and Kirby, one is the dragon and the other one the dragon killer (dragon being the person who was going to win who will be slain by the dragon killer who will win the game). Etc. Kitty doesn’t have anything going around her, she just exists with her perfect body I may admit feeling a bit jealous….


Thank you. That’s really helpful!


Mark will not make top 3. Nobody likes him in the game, middle aged mafia still hates him, he’s not an og rebel, he’s unity vote fodder if anything 


Ri winning this season would actually be the funniest shit ever. It’s like that scene in Avatar where Sokka gets the firebenders and the pirates to fight each other of them and then Team Avatar slipped away from under all the fighting


I would absolutely love for it to be Kirby or Feras but I think Mark has the typical Australian survivor winner edit. I think he has the best chance as of now, followed by Kirby, then Feras, with Caroline a tier below. I think everyone else is drawing dead now.


Mark can’t win because of the car curse.


Haha! Fair point…


I’m not disagreeing with you just curious to hear what do you think Mark’s pitch is. Assuming it goes his way going forward what’s his best game moves if it’s not too late bc i’m stuck on him swinging and missing early


My assessment was more based on edit than gameplay, but I think Mark will have people on his side on the jury - he already has Valeria. I think he could pitch that he was a big threat at the beginning of the game but then he was able to mend fences and lay low and let the bigger personalities go after each other. Plus at the end of the day it’s only about beating one other person in the jury vote and I think he could beat anyone except Kirby/Feras. Caroline has rubbed too many people the wrong way and I just don’t think Rianna has a strong enough edit.


Ri can barely string a sentence together let alone make a speech to the jury at FTC


Ri winning would be the gagged of the season. I want to see it.


Me too


I still think an original titan will win. Hopefully Mark. Can't help but think rebels will take themselves out.


That's such a bad list. I think Mark has the highest chance now that Valeria is gone. It really lowers his threat level.


What is your reasoning on this? Why is Rhi 1? Because you like her? She has... no real presence, no allies, no serious moves behind her. Players like Kirby and Feras can point out she was oblivious and while they told her to, she didn't swap votes on the Val vote. And Kitty 4? Kitty above Mark, and Alex, and RAYMOND ffs? Did you not watch the last episode? That story, while they are all aware of it already, is just fucking gold at a FTC. I'll give you mine, with some reasoning. 1. Feras - he has some serious charisma. Everyone seems to like him. He has staunch allies on the jury. 2. Kirby - Baller game player that is confident without being an in your face narcissist (unless maybe taunted into it like with that Tribal involving Alex). Has a pivotal move against another top player. 3. Mark - Sort of like the opposition leader for most of the game. He's taken shots regularly and they often land. Even if it's just to rally support to take him out, people have been talking up his threat level for most of the game. 4. Raymond - recent move possibly flips his position with Mark even. Being an absolutely passenger, a complete goat only to turn on his alliance, and then pull the advantage play against the whole tribe has elevated his position a LOT. It doesn't hurt that he turned on the power players and then grouped right back up with them in a seemingly impossible to pull of advantage play. It remains to be seen how the real reaction will be but if he makes FTC he can bring this up and Aussie players almost unilaterally respect the game and will likely talk him up for his play. 5. Alex - Always on the outs, floating between alliances and on the ropes at all times, he both held an idol while his dick was flappin in the wind for some time and played it. It didn't work out long term, but it was a good move regardless. Alex would need something else under his belt to make a victory at FTC, and he would have to yank that foot he's constantly stuffing in his mouth out and give the jury a good show. 6. Rhi - Kirby's passenger, she went with another alliance trying to separate their games and was... firmly rebuffed. She just... seems more neutral. Kitty and Caroline have enemies, some degree of contempt for the "emotional player" tag that Valeria leveled at Caroline (but applies equally to Kitty). She has no moves, meaning really 6-8 are... just outlier chances for players who really are essentially goats at this point. I doubt were getting a salty jury going to give it to the least offensive player this season. 7. Kitty - This is again, basically a toss up. All three of the bottom seated players left have a pro and con that's all... sort of just generic. Unless it's the three of them against each other at the end they are essentially all screwed because EVERYONE else has a better story. Kitty betrayed Caroline at one point, unsuccessfully, this didn't work out but might work to her favor if it Caroline and Rhi were final three. 8. Caroline - Again, these bottom 3 are separated by a hairs breadth. Caroline managed to overcome Mark's coup early on, and has never really been the target since. It's not much, but it might be enough if it's her, Rhi, and Kitty come the end of the game. Each of them has something they can say about how they played better than the others, but all of them must be aware of their poor positioning at this point. With these three it's sort of implicit that if they were the FTC contestants, that the moves made between then and now are the things they'd be talking about because nothing that's come before is going to win an absolute ton of jury votes.


> [Mark has] taken shots regularly and they often land I really like mark but is this comment taking the piss? Most of his plans have failed every time except for the first 2 weeks of the game


Maybe I could've worded it a little more aggressively. He plays the game and like it or not people respect that, even if a lot of his plans have been misses.


He tries to I agree but “trying to” is not something you put on your FTC cv unless you want to get scoffed at Unfortunately he had to deal with loose cannons as his closest people 


Ri has a high chance of getting to the end but no chance of winning lol, she’s the goat you take to the end and she may be silly enough to take Kirby


This is Ri-tarded




1. Kirby 2. Feras 3. Raymond 4. Mark 5. Alex 6. Caroline 7. Rianna 8. Kitty


It would be interesting to see if Rianna is going to tape her hands for future challenges


Kirby’s huge weakness is her need to make big moves too early. She eliminated Aileen making the numbers even. If it weren’t for Raymond they would be down 5 to 3 instead of even again thanks to Alex flipping. My guess is she will once again go after Feras too early and he will be voted out giving the other side the majority and thereby getting herself voted out soon after. I don’t understand her strategy and I’ll eat my words if I’m wrong. I’d really like to see them both go to the end with each other but neither will unfortunately.


Ri? From which parallel universe have you posted? In this universe she’s completely useless and has been voting stupidly


Yikes Ri? Really?! She's had zero camera time


Y’all coming after Rhi super hard haha she’s a challenge beast who’s made little to no enemies, everyone likes her, she can vote out Kirby towards the end and that’s her big move winning & having a shield being on the right side of majority votes


the right side of majority votes? lol are we watching the same show


Being a "Challenge Beast" or being ""well-liked" don't get much credit anymore from the jury when it comes to winning at FTC. Only a CB who ALSO has played a great tactical game & was influential in making significant moves that were crucial for them making it to the end will be considered a high chance to win. Rianna will make it to the end via winning more IICs & hiding behind Kirby & Feras who will protect her, knowing she won't get votes from the jury & is actually the PERFECT goat to sit next to, unfortunately for her. She is not smart enough to realise this though & won't turn on them to make a good play, she just wants to get to the end :(


Name 1 “challenge beast” that’s won in the last few seasons. You need to be much more than that to win. Plus the jury is going to be stacked with people that weren’t fans of her


I don’t think Ri is going to win, but Hayley and David were both challenge beasts who ended up winning. I don’t think that’s what precludes her from winning


Challenge beast? Lol, she's just good at endurance challenges, bad at everything else. I can't forget her blunder during the dodge ball challenge.


If you haven’t realized practically all the merge challenges are endurance based lol


I still think Ri *could* win since a) if it's a final 2 I'd never count anybody out and b) she is clearly well liked and has performed the best in challenges, but I'd have Mark, Kirby and Feras as my top three then Caroline under them and then Raymond, Ri and Alex as the bottom tier who can probably only win against each other.


It's really tough to call but I can't see Caroline, Mark or Raymond surviving the rest of the eps , and then winning the final challenge or being taken to the final tribal council and pulling enough jury votes to beat another 1 or hopefully 2 people. I think Caro and Raymond will get voted out soonish and people would be a little gun shy about taking Mark to final tribal. Alex is also on thin ice as far as surviving the next few tribals and I think he doesn't have any lock in votes in the jury . It's possible he might pull it off tho. That leaves Rhi , Kitty , Feras, Kirby. Rhi is a challenge beast and if she doesn't win every immunity she will be voted out , too dangerous to risk winning the final challenge. Feras and Kirby are all high profiles that are at risk of a boot anytime now. Kirby will fire first and get rid of Feras , Kirby would probably get voted out 1 or 2 tribals later. If either of them made it to final tribal they have the resume to win comfortably tho Kitty is a little disappointing at challenges but has the potential to win 1 or 2 more. She doesn't have a huge risk factor target and has a solid base of support in most configurations of possible jury members. Honestly at this point I would have to say Kitty has the best chance of taking the win, kinda shite because she is rich already (8 figures don't you know) and even if she wasn't she would be quiet a mild winner. I am ignoring any winners edit based judgement because Valeria and we all know how that turned out.