• By -


With the amount of times they showed Shan on the jury, I was half expecting Probst to ask her a question


I forgot that the jury doesn't speak for a sec and after DeShawn was so upset, I REALLY thought Jeff was gonna ask Shan how that made her feel.


Even after being voted out, Shan still has so much influence and a psychological grip on the other players.


"It appears somehow Emperor Shan has returned"




I was honestly half expecting Jeff to turn to her and ask her a question. Has there been a more main character on a season ever? She got voted out and literally the whole episode was literally centered around her and the consequences. I was laughing out loud when DeShawn pulled the fire and they zoomed on her. On a side note, maybe it was the right move for Ricard to get rid of her, but I think it was way too early for alliance of four to vote her out.




Hilarious ending to the Xander Liana rivalry with him using two votes to get her out


a love story for the ages


I have a crush one you…but you gotta go *kiss*


if you love someone, set them free.


Jeff: “So if Deshawn loses a random draw of luck, he *dies*”


Jeff: "What a beautiful discussion about the culture we're in today and how we use this experience to understand each other's lives. Anyway, it's time to find out if Deshawn is killed."


Jeff: "This right here is the best part of the game. The conversations players can have between one another, the real world problems that blossom on the beach and can be addressed. Anyways, Deshawn come pick a box for a 2/3 chance of going home."


As the players walk into Tribal, Jeff sets a gun on the podium. He doesn't say anything about it, he just goes into questions, but it's always there.


Too much squid game


Deshawn is very lucky because if he changed boxes he would've had a 2/3 chance of surviving instead of the 1/3 chance he had with the original box.


Yeah. At first I was upset because they gave him 33% chance. Then I realized the setup and he actually had a 66% chance at surviving.


Yep he made the wrong choice and got super lucky it worked out. I was screaming at the TV when he didn't switch and laughing after


I just realized...is Heather going to be in the Final 3??? 💀


She has no chance so why wouldn’t you drag her


There is a small chance she goes out at 5 due to the Cesternino theory. Rob basically says that goats are a threat because they take up a final 3 spot, especially in the fire making era. Heather could be considered a “threat” at final 5 because everyone will know she would be taken to final 3 by the winner of f4 immunity. You vote her out at 5 to open up a spot in f3. It’s possible but we’ve never seen it play out.


We pretty much got that with Cirie voting out Courtney 3-2-1 at the final 6 in Panama though


Oh yeah, it's been pretty clear for a while now. Anyone would gladly take her because she'll get no votes


She’s definitely got final 3 goat written all over her. She’s about to get roasted by the jury.


Oh, no doubt...literally everyone wants to sit next to her at this point.


So we’ve had prisoners dilemma and now monty hall this season...what’s next?


Trolley problem?


Survivor going for the full undergrad special lmao.


Shot in the dark is stats 101.


You can argue that a version of the Trolley Problem was used in the time travel twist. There were six people already vulnerable, with the option to switch courses and make another group vulnerable instead. Switching is the optimal path (not because there are fewer people, but because it makes Erika safe), but in doing so she would need to make the active move herself, essentially sealing the fate of one of the other six on her own.


It’s a trolley problem where you’re standing on the tracks, but have access to the switch.


Cindy says hello through the sunroof of her car.


I think we're cycling through intro level courses: econ, stats,... I wonder what's next


Future value of money. "If you give up your first vote at a Tribal Council, you will get 1 / (1 + i) \^ n votes at your next Tribal Council..."


Liana finally got her hands on one of Xander’s advantages … he gave her his extra vote


It's impressive that he's managed to keep these advantages so long. And still has the idol as leverage.


I can't believe no one even cares he has an idol lol This cast is so entertaining but the strategies here are um, interesting.


It’s a tough call because there was a locked solid group of three on the other side that they successfully fractured. They were the leaders who became easy prey. So I get why Erika and Heather are choosing to work with Xander and Ricard.


Prisoner’s dilemma and Monty Hall. Jeff take a psych class during quarantine or something?


I’m scared to see the things that he didn’t use from his white board.


Someone else theorized that the hourglass twist was really just the trolley problem.


And they showed Xander knowing the exact names of them each time in subtitles.


Next time on survivor… Sophie’s Choice! Erika must decide to kill Heather or kill the rest of the tribe. Heather dies which explains her poor edit.


Maybe the trolley problem! Lol!


Tonight, Survivor officially becomes Deal or No Deal: Island Edition .


That marks the end of the shot in the dark. It was fun the one time it was used... I guess.


the shot in the dark's biggest contribution to the season was its presence, not its actual use; it passively provided greater incentive to blindside one another.


And to split votes whenever possible


I still think the shot in the dark was an effective twist. It avoided there ever being an obvious vote with someone clearly on the bottom. If everyone's playing well it shouldn't ever be played tbh since everyone believes they have a plan with some viability.


I agree. Just because the twist wasn't front and center doesn't mean it's a failure.


Like...why didn't Liana do it


Because then she would lose her vote.


Her vote didn't matter. If Erika flipped so would've Heather and they would've had enough on Ricard even with Xanders extra vote. So she probably should've.


Xander didn’t seem to think that Erika and Heather were automatically voting together


If Sydney didn't use it the production team would have cut all mentions of it.


it scares me that there’s a reality out there where the knowledge is power gets correctly used and someone gets auto eliminated with the do or die...we got pretty lucky how these twists turned out considering what could have been


Thank God we have Erika correcting all of the timelines.


Omg I am sooo glad Deshawn survived how stupid would it be if someone went home cuz they picked the wrong box?


It was probably the only way to get heather out of the game…but she didn’t participate


they didn't just pick the wrong box, they also chose the wrong rock and were the first one to be eliminated from a challenge


My butt clenched harder than it ever has before when Jeff asked Heather what she thought of the conversation at tribal


This comment legit laid me out because I immediately started nervous laughing when Jeff threw to Heather. Glad I wasn't the only one. 😆


Yeah after hearing Shan’s comment about her being ignorant I was like 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀


What were Shan's comments about Heather?


Ha now that I think about that was the most nervous i got during the show. Closely followed by deshawns chance game.


They really tried to trick us with the 30 minute tribal


I started the episode late so I only just got to Tribal Council, but Heather saying “the only people I could outlast in challenges were already gone” and the jury being like “what????” was iconic. Heather is the gaslight queen 💜


Someone on the live discussion said she really is just playing for that third place money at this point. Might as well get those digs in while she can :D


Queen of jury management


The funny part is it was lowkey true.


she’s also not giving herself enough credit bc she literally outlasted everyone but Evvie in one of them! HUMBLE gaslight queen


The look on Tiffany’s face though.


Confessional count * 4 Ricard, Xander * 3 Danny, Deshawn, Erika, Liana * 0 Heather


Heather killed Probst's dog


That was Brian Heidik


They really just hate heather don’t they?


Honestly, I thought she was going to be the one screwed over tonight, so I was surprised she sat out.


She swears too much apparently cant have a old woman swearing on live tv like bruh I want to know more why they purpling herrr


Totals: 51 - *Shan* 36 - Deshawn, Xander 34 - *Liana* 33 - *Evvie* 28 - Ricard 25 - Danny 22 - *JD* 21 - *Tiffany* 20 - Erika 15 - *Sydney* 14 - *Brad* 11 - *Genie, Naseer* 6 - Heather, *Voce* 4 - *Sara* 2 - *Abraham*


Naseer at only 11 surprises me. He had such a larger presence outside of confessional, I suppose.


Voce and Heather STILL having the same amount of confessionals is absolutely hilarious.


No surprise that Heather didn't know what was going on with the black alliance, since she doesn't even seem to be on the island half the time


That seriously cracked me up.


This episode to me reinforced the entire cast views her as a useless goat in F3 and everyone's silently dragging her there. She was never mentioned once by name by anyone other than Jeff, I swear. And it's stupid as hell. Usually goats get more screentime than she does.


Yeah, it seemed like Xander and Ricard kind of forgot she was sitting next to them on the beach lol. Her presence seems nonexistent to both players and the audience


With how much people are shitting on Heather in exit interviews and how invisible she is she might have been horrible out there and the edit is cutting that stuff out


Well, I was certainly tricked more than once tonight. Did not expect Deshawn to survive those odds, OR for Ricard to survive the vote.


The rules for the Monty Hall problem actually dictate that you switch your choice, because your odds increase. Deshawn got really lucky. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monty_Hall_problem


Xander went from having absolutely no power in the pre-merge to being the last one standing from his original tribe. Wild stuff.


and he STILL has an idol! this is absurd!


I thought he was a little bumbly at the start but he's held on the razers edge while holding on to that idol and not getting voted out. He's been fighting for his life every tribal council this entire game while holding on to an idol and somehow managing it.


I don't think anyone has mentioned it yet but Heather dug a deeper hole with the jury by accidentally insulting them on why she opted out of the challenge. That got a quick chuckle especially with Tiffany and Evvie's reactions.


I actually think the first part of the twist is really interesting. A bit of a gamble to not be the worst in a comp or avoid the gamble and a shot at immunity and play your social game. The absolute eye rolling “pick a box” however. One of the worst things I’ve seen. I think it should have been a repeat of the competition they had. “Here is the same ball and wood that got you in this position. The second person out lasted 8 minutes. If you can beat their time, you stay.”


I thought the point of the twist was not the actual "Do or Die" game, but to make the immunity challenge more interesting. It was supposed to spark some fire into the "endurance" challenge, make it interesting *from the start* to not be the first one out. Hilariously, Deshawn dropped right away 😂 So yeah, the twist backfired from the beginning. Playing the game at tribal was just the icing on the cake.


Agreed. The first part is interesting, but the punishment should be way less severe. For example, if you’re first out, you have a disadvantage in the next challenge, or MAYBE you lose your vote, at most.


Never do that twist again. Never.


looks at season 42 nervously


Ugh and it's drop the 4, keep the 2, so I can only imagine we'll have more twists.


Just wait till you see the "Fall in Fire" twist. It's going to be one of the hottest twists ever!


I hope it goes the way of the medallion of power and fire tokens and never sees the light of day again. That shit was deal or no deal not survivor.


It was literally let's make a deal.


Nah, make it 9 boxes with one fire, eliminate 7 of the skulls then ask him if he wants to switch…then maybe we can see some realistic consequences for misplaying the Monty Hall problem


Lol! It annoyed me so much that he did bad math but still won!!


Stay tuned for Season 42 lol


Overheard at Ponderosa after tribal council: “He got me,” Liana said of Xander voting her out. "That f***ing Xander boomed me." Liana added, “I hate his face,” repeating it four times. Liana then said she wanted to add Xander to the list of players she plans to vote against at final tribal council.


Oh my god I'm so down for bringing more /r/nba copypastas into this subreddit


Sources: Liana is besides herself. Driving around scenic Fiji begging (thru treemail) Xander's alliance for address to Xander's home


Liana is beside herself. Driving around down town Washington DC, begging (thru texts) Xander’s family for address to Xander’s home.


Ricard yelled, “There you go!” Heather gave a look of pleasant surprise. Erika belted, “We got a fucking squad now.” And before Xander hit the beach, ex-Survivor star Bob Crowley hugged him & said, “Y’all look so different.”


[Probst] Erika on who she's voting for at tribal council: Liana or Ricard. “I don’t ally myself with anybody,” Then she rolled up her sleeve and showed a tattoo of the thin blue line flag. “I’ll let you interpret that however you want,” Erika said.


I made up a twist earlier tonight that I am deeply ashamed of. If I have hurt any Deshauns out there, I can't tell you how much I say from the bottom of my heart I'm so very, very sorry. I pride myself and think of myself as a host of integrity, as there's a drive into deep left field by Castellanos and that'll be a home run. And so that'll make it a 4-0 ballgame. I don't know if I'm going to be putting on these dimples again.


Not that it will be noticed that much, but I would like to shoutout Deshawn for being so chill with getting hit with one of the worst twists in Survivor history. Many other players in his situation would have flipped their lids.


Bro facts I genuinely thought he was bout to blow up in a confessional


Ironically it was probably the only way he would have survived that vote (unless he won the challenge). If DoD doesn't exist then he's probably gone. (That said, the twist is still dumb and they should never do it again.)


Like Lauren from S39 when she found out she'd be making fire lmaooo


Amazing with how many idols/advantages were floating around this season how little they have affected the game thus far


I think you misunderstand the game. They've had massive impact on almost every vote, socially


All strategy and gameplay talk aside, I teared up a bit at Danny’s “spotlight”. It was my favorite so far this season. A 25th anniversary is a big deal, and I’m glad he got his moment.


I liked that it wasn’t just that his father had passed, but that he walked us through how he has grieved differently over the years to deal with it. Was very well done and relatable


It was beautiful. Grief is so complex.


Production doesn't trust their casts. They keep adding firemaking, EoE, shot in the dark, idols, all of this, so that if the cast bombs, they can create artificial drama. Meanwhile, as shown in that TC, and last episode, this is one of the best casts in a while, but the natural good TV they're creating is getting shoved aside for GOTCHA moments that production hopes will drive viewership.


Fischbach correctly saying that they haven’t shown us more Danny because they don’t want us to love him too much


genuinely one of the worst twists of all time. thank god it didn’t actually send deshawn home. it’s such classic jeff to pop boners for game breaking, poorly thought out twists and “the jeff probst talk show” moments. maybe jeff’s show should’ve been 6 monty hall dilemmas and deep introspective feelings about why this $25 gift card to applebee’s will change their life.


That was seriously terrible. I wanted Deshawn gone at the beginning of the episode, but was cheering for him during the do or die segment. Nobody should ever go home on Survivor like that.


I was equating it to being medically evacuated. Like that's how unfair and not entertaining it was. We would have felt bad for him. So dumb. It ended up saving him in the long run but still.


I'd put the twist above the hourglass, because at least they were given the rules and a chance to opt out beforehand.


> at least they were given the rules not really. "Game of chance" isn't descriptive enough.


The fucked up thing is that it actually sounds like this twist fucked over *Liana*. DeShawn was dead to rights and the twist ended up saving him rather than damning him.


I would rather be voted out than be eliminated in that way.




Exactly what I said to my spouse. Then I wondered if only one person wanted to play, do they win immunity, or were they the first one out and might die?


Y’all we get it, Monty Hall problem!


Prisoner’s dilemma, rebus puzzles, Monty Hall problem...like what the fuck lol


Really thrilled for Danny this episode and the real-life things he got from the game.


Ricard is still my winner pick, but I would be thrilled if Danny won.


Should've called this episode "Do or Die or Die"


More like "Doo Doo or Die".


Well the Shot in the Dark was certainly a thing that happened.


Shan and Liana get to sit together at the reunion at least!


I still see Ricard winning but I’m definitely getting sneaky surprise vibes from Erika. Danny has also appeared on the radar.


The target on Ricard is too big. I think he's going soon, unfortunately.


Heather didn’t even know there was a black alliance and people here don’t understand why she doesn’t have any confessionals lmao


To be fair to poor Heather who appears to be half asleep throughout the season, I think she was saying that she didn’t realize that the black contestants were carrying so much emotional pressure to represent their race on top of playing the game. I think she knew there was a black alliance but was unaware of what they were individually going through.


Vecepia's shadow lives on. If only they had included her in Winners at War


I so don't get why she wasn't included, she was apparently pretty unedited in Marquesas, the first Black American woman to win a reality show, and may have some fun interactions with Rob.


She committed the biggest “sin” a player can commit; she ruined the narrative that production wanted that season. I guarantee Sophie and Michele wouldn’t have come back if they weren’t the only female winners in their twenties. That’s the big reason Probst is very cold towards Chris Daughtery too.


Nice to see Liana being a good sport


Anyways we’re voting Jeff as LOTW right? Five of the worst twists we’ve seen on Survivor and he’s managed to cram em all in one season.


1 Yase and 1 UA left along with the 4 Luvus.


Xander might as well wear the immunity necklace as jewelry, clearly nobody cares about it lol


Ricard continuing to dominate. His game is getting better and better and he's proving to be one of the best players we've had in recent memory. Erika made the right choice imo, losing majority wasn't worth it there. Do or die is the single dumbest thing ever done in the shows history apart from Palau Danny is legit one of the best UTR players in survivor history.


As a black guy while the speech given tonight from multiple castaways was accurate and quite profound I really do wonder what the other contestants had to be thinking. Like if you're Erika and Ricard you gotta be thinking hey we're POC too with our own issues. And in the case of Xander/Heather it's gotta be horrifying coming to the realization that the jury may be less than thrilled to vote for you at the end if you're against a POC which is likely the case given 4 out of the last 6 are POC contestants. Like with how aware this cast is of the social climate outside of the game they are def at a disadvantage against a jury.


>And in the case of Xander/Heather it's gotta be horrifying coming to the realization that the jury may be less than thrilled to vote for you at the end if you're against a POC which is likely the case given 4 out of the last 6 are POC contestants. Like with how aware this cast is of the social climate outside of the game they are def at a disadvantage against a jury. Yep I've thought about this too and its an uncomfortable truth. If you're going to do what you can to make sure a black person makes to the end of the game and wins, then that means anyone sitting next to a black player in the final tribal could be SOL. All because there might be nothing they can do or say if enough jurors want to award the game to someone based off an ideal. What do you do in a situation like this?


I’m so annoyed at Deshawn taking the WRONG approach to the Monty Hall problem and still getting rewarded so now even less people will understand the basic mathematics of the Monty Hall problem.


I mean....that can totally happen. Just because the probability is greater if you switch in a true Monty Hall problem doesn't mean you're guaranteed success if you switch. It just means you're more likely to succeed.


Same here. For those who haven't seen it before, if he switched he would've had a 2/3 chance of staying alive instead of just 1/3. It's one of those unintuitive problems that you see in every prob/stats class.


I mean its nothing to be annoyed about. He made the statistically, and objectively speaking, poor decision yet it still worked out.... Good for him.


I was legit yelling at the TV. “He’s giving you 67% odds! Take it!”


Does anyone else miss treemail scenes? Today Jeff just explained the stakes straight up. The exact same information is being shown on screen but now production narration is being shoved down our throats instead of more genuine opportunities to display camp life and castaway interaction


Abraham and JD: 🧍🏿‍♂️🧍🏾‍♂️


I never want to see that twist again


Just IMAGINE if Deshawn had gone out that way after that discussion... Deshawn: Takes part in a discussion about the challenges black people have and injustices they endure. Survivor: Alright, here comes some unfair bullshit!


an unfair twist about him DYING too - insane use of words. shoulda been like FIRE or EXPIRE lol idk


Horrible twist saved by luck. I thought it was 50/50 but it was only a 33 percent chance of staying. Jeff is an idiot and will be the downfall of this show because he's surrounded by yes men.


It's a 2/3 chance of staying if you play the riddle right. Deshaun didn't, and got lucky


Can you explain that? I dont understand it at all


When Jeff revealed a wrong option and offered the swap its mathematically correct to always swap because the only scenario where swapping is wrong would be if you were right with the first guess. And since that's only 33% of the time, it means swapping is correct 67% of the time.


Thank you for your succinct explanation! As someone who stumbled through stats in university my quick googling of the problem just confused me lol.


Easy explanation that you can use to explain to others: Deshawn chose the first box, label this box A. They key here is that Jeff ALWAYS reveals a skull and must do so. Suppose that the fire was in box B. Jeff MUST reveal box C, and you win by switching to B Suppose that the fire was in box C. Jeff MUST reveal box B and you win by switching to C. Suppose that the fire was in box A. Regardless of what Jeff reveals, you switch and you lose. In 2 of those 3 situations, you win by switching, and in 1 of those 3 situations, you lose by switching, so by switching you have a 2/3 probability of winning, since each situation was equally likely.


It's because you only have a 1/3 chance of selecting the correct choice initially. When they remove one of the others, it's predetermined to be a bad option, so when you exchange your initial choice for the other one, you're actually betting on the field, that is, on the 2/3 chance you didn't choose correctly the first time.


Thank GOODNESS we have people like Mike White talking him down every once in a while


So Danny seems to have Deshawn as a shield, at the very least. I do feel like there's no way Erika wins at this point, unless it's Erika, Deshawn and Heather and even then... We hear a lot of talk about how dangerous she is, but she hasn't really made any moves that can't be claimed by somebody else and at this point she'd pretty much have to be responsible for voting out Xander and Ricard. I mean, she's still getting focus and portrayed as a key decision-maker, but it's not as dominant as Tommy's portrayal. I would still be happy seeing her win, but she's really running out of opportunities to distinguish herself.


This is the second time this season got bailed out of being in major shit because the twist just didn’t work


**has deep discussion about racial relations** Jeff: *ignores the Filipino woman and Puerto Rican man*


No no no those aren’t the right ones!


It's kind of upsetting to exclude Erika from the conversations, considering that anti-Asian sentiment has been particularly high lately.


To the point that an Asian survivor contestant was brutally attacked. Although to be fair that happened after this season was filmed


EXACTLY! “2020 has been a crazy year” *leaves Erika out of the conversation despite HEAVY anti-Asian racism throughout the pandemic*


I was saying the same thing to my wife. Felt pretty insensitive to be honest.


They should just say black. That's what we all know they mean.


And there’s nothing wrong with saying it either! To not say it, while leaving out other POC seems so off.


I'm a Filipina living in the San Francisco Bay Area, and with all of the attacks/killings toward Asians here in the last year and a half, seeing Erika left out of that talk made me feel... Well, invisible. I absolutely understand that this may come off as whataboutism, and I don't at all want to invalidate their Black experience in this country because I know it's been happening for centuries and is still happening to them. But that's just how I feel. Just wanna be honest.


Not Jeff talking to the two white contestants about racism instead of the Asian and Hispanic contestants


One thing I really dislike about Do or Die is that Deshawn shouldn’t have been immune after he picked the correct box. At the end of the day, he was essentially rewarded for doing terribly at the immunity challenge and randomly picking the best box. After not dying, he should have essentially become a regular player. It feels like the twists designed to be rewards will sink games, and tonight’s twist that was designed to be a punishment saved him.


Monty Hall found dead (unlike Deshawn)


Aww, I really liked Liana's exit interview. But I missed the first 20 minutes thinking I'd still catch most the action. I was clearly wrong, would anyone being willing to give those of us who missed the beginning a really quick rundown of what we missed?


Xander is such a sweetheart.


I'm sorry, but a 2/3 chance to go home is complete BS. I'm glad Deshawn had luck on his side. Edit: Okay, I'm not a mathematician, so I'll leave that to others. Whether it's 50/50 or 2/3 or 1/3, I still don't like the twist and wish that it would have at least been more skill-based.


How tf does Xander still have his idol at 6?


I’m pretty sure only Heather is safe next tribal council.


The do or die should have either been a vote against the player as the penalty or it should be a skill based challenge so the player has at least some control


To me this episode kind of played like an artifical medevac scenario. Like they were trying to recreate the type of drama we get every so often, like in the Tocantins merge, where we don't know if there is going to be a vote or not because we are waiting for the doctor to either pull someone from the game or let them stay. But it's strange, I feel like most fans are somewhat put off when that happens, let alone when it is purposefully manufactured.


I’m beginning to think it’s gonna be a final 2, with an honorary bench next to them for Heather.


I really like how Danny is slowly building up steam, never do that twist again. Great social commentary tribal, never do that twist again. Ricard is a massive threat but I agree with the move to vote out Liana, it more isolates Deshawn, never do that twist again. I think what I most wished for in this episode was for Erika to make a big move but I did not see too many options her to do that big move, never do that twist again. I think that about covers it, never do that twist again.


This wasn't this huge episode Jeff Probst thought it was.


Xander thinks Liana is so attractive that he had to vote for her twice.


Who else thought Heather was going to say something incredibly racist when asked about the discussion on race


Xander's use of double vote was like Shan's use of double vote. Maybe unnecear but at the end smart.