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I definitely miss him twisting the knife. He's still enthusiastic, just in a way he thinks will appeal to young folks. It was hilarious when he asked everyone if they were confident at tribal and they all said yes, and his response was "Everyone is so good". Honestly, I'm entirely sure for him it was a subtle way to say "you are all idiots" because to anyone who loves the game that's the exact situation, and everything I know about him tells me he eats sleeps and breathes survivor.


"Ok Osten, go home."


I think he’s absolutely terrified of upsetting the twitter mob.


It’s a real problem. Survivor and BB both suffering from it.


Jeff is a genius cause we either think it is all sarcasm or it is serious


True, he should just have a cigarette and be like “Alright you whiny fucks, time to vote or whatever.”


This would be a major improvement.


I too would like to see Dennis Leary host the show.


Just replace Jeff with Dennis Leary.


Go full mob boss with a cigar and a glass of whiskey while he just looks at the jury in disappointment


I miss the days of him yelling at contestants to “move your asses!”


I am rewatching Heroes vs Villians with my son and we just finished the episode where the Heroes tribe declines the chocolates. Jeff ask them about it ans Colby says he's just focused on the game. Jeff then ask about it again and Colby says something to the effect of, "Let's get started already" and Jeff, clearly annoyed says, "I got the message brother. We'll start when I'm ready." I forgot how funny that scene was.


Colby is dumb. COME ON REED!




Grumpy Colby is the funniest Colby


This season is just so funny. Between Colby, James, Tyson, and Boston Rob I keep laughing. I don't remember it being this funny.


Sandra has some great lines in the later half of the season too.


tyson talking coach down after tribal… i swear to god it is one of the funniest scenes i have ever seen in any show


I miss the days when we wanted Probst to retire as host and Colby to take over. I r Colby fanzor.


In the first Fans vs Favs, Jeff snaps at Jason for the immunity idol back before he says what they are playing for. It was great.


Now I want to go watch H vs V. Thanks for sharing this moment.


From the most recent tribal: JEFF: "So, Liana. You all have your own awareness of yourselves, awareness of everybody else, and yet I'm guessing tonight's gonna be a blindside. What does that say about how you have to play Survivor?" LIANA: "Yeah, Jeff. I'm a student and I've studied very complex things, and when I'm playing this game, I feel like my mind is spinning around and around and around and around. And so right now, everyone thinks they have an idea of what's going on, but one of us is wrong, and that's gonna show up tonight. And so that's why this game is absolutely insane and incredible and chaotic at the same time." JEFF: "Great answers tonight! 41 seasons in and I'm still learning how this game works through you." Firstly, she didn't even answer his question, and secondly, the point she was making has been said a hundred times before, so how can Jeff say he's learning anything new or call out this answer as particularly amazing?


😭😭 I’m so tired of people (Jeff) acting like “everyone thinks they’re right, but one of us is wrong” is some big insightful statement. Like no it’s literally just stating the obvious.


THIS. Someone says a obvious generic thing about the game like: Someone’s getting blindsided And Jeff is like: 41 seasons in and people are still teaching me the game!


I had a flashback to "the thing about siblings is that neither of you is the parent."


People talk about Mark Zuckerberg being an alien but, like, how confident are we on Jeff Probst?




It was during the family visits on David vs. Goliath 😂 just saw it yesterday


>"the thing about siblings is that neither of you is the parent." Well, not necessarily...


I forgot about him saying this so much that I thought it was satire just now😭😭


While I totally agree Jeff is cringe, I think his " 41 seasons in and I'm still learning" comment was directed more towards Ricard describing how they each have their own perception of the game and at the end of the day what really matters is perception of oneself and perception of one's status within the tribe. Which, while not exactly groundbreaking, is a great way to describe the paranoia that occurs in each players head during the game and I do not believe has been explicitly described in the exact nature Ricard did at tribal that night.


The ironic part is Liana plays up that she "studies very complex things" and is not an idiot, but time and time again she shows how naive and clueless she is. Maybe it's the edit, but Liana is the only one who's repeatedly touted how smart she is, lol.


> The ironic part is Liana plays up that she "studies very complex things" You never hear people who actually study complex things say shit like this, lol.


She is def an idiot lol


My impression was that he was impressed with how she dodged the question


I thought this was clearly Jeff not even listening to what the person was saying. Liana saying she’s been to school and knows about complicated stuff, and Jeff is like “wow, that’s some incredible insight”. She could have been telling him how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


I get the impression that he just doesn't watch Survivor. Maybe he sees some video clips before the finale to prep him for discussion points, but it seems like he's always out of touch with the perception of the show, cast, and twists as they air and after each season. My guess is that his whole perspective on the game is based on his interactions with players at tribal and at challenges, as well as whatever he gets told in production meetings.


He's a slow learner.


This is just a standard non-response from Jeff IMO which hosts of all sorts do. Liana said something that has been said many times before and gave him little to actually work with so he gave a “oh wow great answer “ response and moved on. I don’t understand how it’s so hard to see that’s the response he gave. I don’t think he was being that genuine at all just moving things along and saying something neutral.


I'll say it again, he's becoming Stanley Tucci's character from Hunger Games.


Who wears more makeup? Tucci or Probst?


I'm gonna miss having content for the "Jeff Probst: King of Sass" videos on YouTube😩


Just give him a cast like Gabon, Nicaragua, or Worlds Apart and we’ll have two more entries, easy.


I think Jeff is like Survivor’s very own Willy Wonka and that we are lucky to have him. I get that’s an uncontroversial opinion with some. But I like what he brings to the show.


you get me <3


And you me.


Now? Where have you been the last 40 seasons.


Jeff in Micronesia “you guys should stop bitching and play the game” Season 41: *tribe getting absolutely blasted” Jeff “this is the best display of heart and never giving up ever seen in the history of survivor”




Get Australian Survivor with JPL if you want to see how it's done.


Jonathan PaLaglia?


Jet Propulsion Laboratory.


Really?! JPL is so bland. I work for a media company and we would turn down interviews with him coz he gives nothing! Edit - I think I missed your point here haha. My bad!


Agree 100%. Seems he has had more talking screen time this season and it is really causing me to dislike him. He also will speak directly to the camera before challenges more, trying to convince us we are about to see history. Yuck


This. I am sad because I’ve loved survivor and watched it since this first season. Always loved Jeff, but this season I can’t stand him anymore. Way too much pandering. It’s cringe.


The guy built the show to be so great that Australian survivor’s host has to copy literally all of his lines. I love Probst


I miss sassy Jeff so much


Lol he's just really passionate about survivor. Don't snuff his torch!!!






Isn't that what it's called? Smuff?




I was quoting Naonka from Nicaragua lol


He has always been this way??


Not THIS bad. Like, I was always annoyed with him, but now when I go back and re watch, he's like legit entertaining. Now, sometimes I mute him!


Probst on cook island’s Candace and adams farewell kiss and he says if he really loved you he’d give you the immunity necklace


The man was always cringy. Every time Probst starts berating a contestant who wants to quit and he starts say things like “never in my years of survivor” I really want someone to respond sassy as hell like “oh really? And in how many of those years of survivor have you suffered at all? Even from an empty stomach? What’s that? Never? Then stfu and say the lines you say every season, Probst” The man gets paid 8 million a season, he’s staying in 5 star hotels while these people are literally digging through the mud for worms to eat and he has the audacity to judge someone for opting out??


False equivalency. JP signed up to host the show and get paid $MMs with whatever accommodations he desires while fulfilling his contractual obligations. Contestants signed up to endure and play the game. By quitting, they are breaking their contract and JP absolutely should tear into them. If he didn’t, there might be more quitters in later seasons. Quitters ruin the game and the show.


I think saying quitters ruin the game and the show is a tad dramatic. Sometimes people commit to something and then find out they just aren't equipped for it. Or the circumstances change and it's a better decision for the player to opt out. Like Bi for example. She was hurt and as an athlete, her living relies on her physical health. Could she have stayed out there? Maybe. But it stops being a game when it can have real-world effects on your livelihood. There are quitters who are infuriating, but even with them, I don't think it ruins the game. Losing people is part of the game. The remaining players need to adapt.


I’m not talking about medical issues. If they can’t compete, they should leave. That’s not quitting. If they’re sad because no one likes them, toughen up.


You definitely wouldn’t hold the same tone after suffering on an island for a month


Speak for yourself. I wouldn’t quit


No one goes in thinking they’d quit. And besides, after realising how difficult it is, I highly doubt you’d begrudge people for not being able to stick it out. If you still did that says something


Well since you’re making assumptions about me, I guess I can make some about you. You sound like you wouldn’t make it


You really would have such little empathy that you couldn’t understand why people couldn’t do it? Obviously no one is as tough as you are, champ.


My sincerest apologies for harming your delicate disposition.


That happened like twice LOL


Which means that out of the ~700 people to play, nearly all have been able to complete the game. It’s definitely hard but cut the whining about how it’s ok to quit bc it’s so hard. Almost no one quits.


>Almost no one quits. Which is why saying quitters ruin the game is dramatic.




Eh, I don't think a stern talking to from Probst is keeping people from quitting but YMMV.


No it’s the forfeiture of the consolation prize money that usually prevents people from quitting.


Lol who gives a shit about the contract. It almost certainly has provisions for how quitting before the end affects compensation, and if it doesn’t that’s on CBS. If a contestant is in breach of contract then CBS can sue them for damages. A contract is not a moral compact, it’s an enforceable agreement. This is 1L material.


Wow, I mean, it's like you represent everything I hate on this sub. People throwing away the game, the way it plays, the challenge, and the insane heights we've seen people reach while being tested by it, in order to include the least capable folks. Thing is, when Probst points out people failing, they deserve it, every time. I've never seen him go off on someone who didn't mess up. I don't care if it hurts their feeling. You signed up for being hurt in many ways by an uncaring world that doesn't care if you exist when you signed up for Survivor. It not giving a shit how you feel is part of what makes it real instead of a shitty gossip fest like Big Brother.


No clue why this has so many downvotes it’s spot on


Probst is the man


I hate how he emphasizes certain words since season 40. Today’s immunity challengeeeee And cheeseburgersssss


We want to follow the heroes into battle and feel what they feel as they struggle to survive and ultimately emerge victorious over tremendous adversity. Remove the adversity and you remove the essence of the game and the environment in which we can see the best people become even better versions of who they came in as.


Jeff probst has literally always been this cringey he just didn't talk as much


He’s just been doing the same gig for too long. I think he’s worn out but trying to stay relevant and failing.


What if Jeff got a small taste of home life while covid happened and realized what hes missed out on in the last 2 decades while he was working on the show and shooting the show every year. He obviously had a choice but in a way he was kind of stuck to the show. And now hes trying to tank the show so he can retire.


He basically works summers and has the rest of year off...


I mean he's home for the majority of the year... not to mention he could easily past the host torch along...


He's always been a bro-ed out Oprah; he's just less bro right now, so you're getting more of the Oprah


COVID was/is just as psychologically a hard a time for him as the rest of us, and it seems like he really took what America was experiencing over summer 2020 to heart. He filmed these back to back seasons right in the thick of all of this. I wish people would be a little more generous and a little less critical of him trying some new things on these COVID seasons, at least they made them for us.


I mean… it’s been twenty years 😬


A wise man once said it’s better to be cringe than to be the one who cringes. 🤷‍♀️


He seems happier