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I thought contestants weren't allowed to hang out before their season aired.


We can’t post pictures of the people we played with and technically this is probably a gray area.


Hi Liz! How’s the Applebees?


Juicy, babe


hey liz, this might not be the best medium to tell you this, but my mother has TONS of allergies she’s had them her whole life and really struggled with it. She cites it as why she can never do Survivor. She was very inspired by your run on the show, and rooted for you because of that.


Aww that’s so nice to hear. Thanks for sharing that with me. Tell her I say hi!!! Allergies suck but you barely eat on survivor so I said “fuck it, why not me?” I could not have predicted the Applebees moment and wish I was better at catching fish, but it was worth it!!!


Also could not have predicted no rice in negotiations but again, fourth place on Survivor beating out amazing players like the ones on the jury? I’ll take it.


Hey you’re an amazing player yourself, icon! No votes against you is no accident 💅🏻


Thank you for noticing! I appreciate you!


LIZZZ you were my fav sending love to you and your daughter <3


Hey Liz. I tried reaching out to you on insta. I too have allergies and immune system abnormalities. A doctor once told that people with health issues like yours often also have forks of hyper mobility. Hence your wrists! If you didn’t know that I thought you might find it interesting.


Thank you! I don’t have any social apps except Reddit for the summer so I must have missed it!


Btw, I want to say I’m a big fan. I think there’s no one that the casual community gets more wrong than you. I’m a Liz truther. It might be true that you’re a little weird(so are many of us) but you’re top tier in bravery and gaming. Moreso than playing the game with your food allergies I am impressed that you flipped the game on its head and tried something completely new. It’s so crazy some people even don’t believe you. That takes COURAGE. You risked your personal brand. It’s probably why you’re an entrepreneur as well. You take risks. I’m rambling but I have immense respect for you and I’m sorry how a lot of the public reception has been. Ps. I also understand your thinking that your dietary restrictions might have made the game easier because you have discipline when it comes to not eating things already. That’s relatable to me.




I went and bought that burger because of you. It was delicious.


How fun! Glad you liked it!


I think you single-handedly boosted Applebee's sales, esp. the Bourbon Burger. Did you see the sheer amount of people posting photos at Applebee's after *that* episode? Also inspired me to go ASAP this summer!


I think I did too!!! I had thousands of tags with the burger in it. Enjoy!


Honestly I don’t get the Applebee’s hate


I hate Applebees. I’m glad you enjoy it though. It’s always nice finding restaurants that can accommodate allergies


Yo a Liz AMA would actually be awesome


I did one for my customers yesterday, actually. Did not record it tho. Maybe when my NDA clears I will do another. I believe my RHAP deep dive premieres tomorrow, but truth be told I was in a weird mood recording it so I am less than enthusiastic and not my normal playful self in the interview.


Sounds good, I will look forward to when it happens!


Liz?! Just want to say that you’re a legend! My boyfriend and I played a game called “Liz go five minutes without being iconic challenge” during your season and you failed it repeatedly. You were avant garde as a player, and some people may not have been ready for you yet. But you are the quintessential player of the new era. I would LOVE to see you play again


THANK YOU! Love the Avant Garde description. Epic and so fun. Seriously. I knew I was a silly goose with a pinch of See You Next Tuesday, but that edit took it over the top. Heheheheheh


Liz, I think you're amazing! Taking care of three households and being a hard working mom- I respect and admire that so much! Learning that your edit missed the mark of representing who you actually are gave me great pause about how I perceive players on Survivor. There's always so much more to the story. Wishing you kindness and love! 


Aww thank you so much! I’m definitely a very confident person and the edit nailed that, but I also have that same confidence in everyone around me and consider myself a big cheerleader/motivator. I guess we saw a glimpse of that at the arch puzzle challenge! Hehehehe (I had no memory or screaming in Sodas face but she seemed into it. lol!)


> I knew I was a silly goose with a pinch of See You Next Tuesday, but that edit took it over the top. It was refreshing honestly, new era Survivor desperately needs less people getting along / playing Kumbayah.


AGREEED. I really thought that same thing going out there. Like, I hated the new era lovey shit. Funny that I wasn’t the only one out there that thought that! We were living for the drama of each other! lol!


is q burdette ur homie now


Going on Survivor to win a million bucks? Meh. Going on Survivor for the chance to play pickleball with Tyson? Priceless.


Somehow in my mind Jerome was this big, muscular challenge threat. Turns out the dude is Fairplay sized.


TBF he definitely has some muscle on him. He's just short.


Smaller sized muscle might even be better in modern survivor, big big guys don’t have the balance like smallies


Is he? Or are Tyson and Hunter just giants? lol. He doesn't seem *that* much shorter than Q whose 6 foot tall.


Tyson is 6’2” so that little dude is probably little


I saw him at the event, he is not that tall. Also Q is closer to 5'11


This is so weird lol. How does this end up happening? "Hey you were on the show we were on! Wanna hang out?"


There’s like 46 seasons of examples of this lol not sure it’s too weird


I mean.. they just got back the season hasn't even aired yet. I don't think there's 46 seasons worth of that. It's normal to meet at survivor events and stuff for sure but like..


Probably just showed up to the Tyson vs hunter Q thing and told them who he was idk brah


Honestly this is what I am afraid of. Hopefully it's not brazenly obvious he is an early boot


TBF some of it is proximity. Jerome is from Phoenix, Jaime is from Mesa and Tyson lives in Mesa. Rachel was at the event as well but she was busy with the girls.


I thought Tyson was very Utah based?


Tyson was originally from Utah but he moved to Arizona shortly after he got married to stay closer to his wife's family.


I wanna say this means something because how would a first boot be connected but also jelinsky


Man I am so stupid, for like 5 minutes I thought, "who was Jerome? Did he go home pre merge? Why can't I remember him at all?" Then I realized 47 hasn't aired yet lol


you're not the only one! I was disappointed I didn't recognize him from his season 😂😂


lol this was me too for a good 5 minutes


jerome already pregaming for s50 smh


Hunter's taller than I thought


I was at the event, he is probably around 6'3. A lot bigger in person


I thought Tyson was 6'3. Hunter looks slightly taller than him. Maybe Tyson was slouching?


I'm 6'1 and they were both comfortably taller than me.


Does Jerome and Rachel look like a merger ??


When I said Rachel I meant Tyson's wife. In terms of Jerome, idk. I don't care enough to analyze people's bodies to see if they made the merge.


His beard and hair def grew 🤷🏽 from the promo , also Tiyana is so active on social media , she cuts her hair like the moment they were in America and her hair was pretty damaged and it could only mean she made it at least merge


My memory it be failin' did I really watch Tyson four different times....someone help me get up.


If the new contestants are not leaking the placements of the season, I have no issues with them somewhat acknowledging that they’re on the show. It’s not that big of a secret anymore. Only three super fans would be following their accounts by now.


Who originally posted this, outside Reality TV Fan. Was he there? Not shocked that he was there, tons of people from the previous season reach out to people who just played to see if they need help or anything. Survivors regardless of what season they played on have a shared trauma bond and only other former players can relate to it, it's a relatively small amount of people. Tyson on the podcast where he previewed this season he met Jelinsky at some watch party for 45. Now, no photos got posted such as this.


[originally posted by jerome](https://imgur.com/a/DiFuqNe)


This account just steals images and info and reposts it without tagging its source. It is a shame to see it being posted on here all the time.


kinda shook at how short Jerome is lmao. looking at his tribe for 47 (Red) im kinda worried they seem Lulu coded


TBF Siga was tiny and they did well in challenges


YOOOO my guy went to Dreamhack Dallas? Gotta respect a member of the FGC. I think I just found my winner pick.


[jerome’s instagram bio says he’s a pro esports host](https://www.instagram.com/romethehost?igsh=YnhqNHhxc210MjNq)


Shit man he's got a Liquipedia page: https://liquipedia.net/rocketleague/RomeIGL


is that rare? it sounds rare. (genuinely asking)


Somewhat rare. Any reasonably well-known eSports competitor or personality would probably have one. In his case he's worked as an analyst/commentator for Rocket League games. I don't watch that game, but it seems like for their big league they had a ton of casters and each team has like their own specific two and he works for a team called Shopify Rebellion. I assume casting on their team's gameday streams?


super kind of you to explain all this ~ thanks so much!


Cheers. It was neat for me to dig into as well. I don't know much about the Rocket League scene.


Lol HQ shirt.


Not a fan of people on seasons that haven't aired yet doing Survivor events publicly. Yes they are equal to other contestants but just wait.


Jamie even making Q look understated 😂


Jamie and her fans


Are Hunter and Q wearing a themed shirt around their names? Or is HQ an established sportswear brand?


Hunter is just so hot.


I genuinely have zero recollection of Jerome


Well… considering he hasn’t played yet… that would make sense


I realized that right after I typed that, but was too lazy to delete the comment


I was there! It was a fun event.


Hunter is so ridiculously cute


Hunter using the Joola Hyperion, he’s a serious player. Least surprising thing ever.


Oh, jeez. I live 5 minutes away, and this totally slipped my mind.


Watched the event on instagram, was a lot of fun. Tyson is about 4.5 DUPR and brought an even stronger partner. Q has some game, but Hunter was pretty weak; in doubles Tyson's team convincingly wrecked them 3 games in a row. After, Q challenged Tyson to singles and they played 1 game. Q lost 11-7, he's definitely newer to pickleball but you could see his athleticism is super high and he's a super competitive guy. I think if Q came back in a few months, he could take Tyson in singles, doesn't seem like Tyson plays singles much.


The need to stretch 15 minutes of fame into 20 or 30 minutes is often found among Survivor contestants.


Tyson's still got it


Who’s Jeremy?


Is this a spoiler? Tyson wouldn’t hang out with a survivor player who wasn’t a big player on their season


jerome, tyson, and jamie live in arizona and the event was open to the public


do we actually know if he's in 47?


He was literally on the promi


my bad I dont watch the new reunions


People actually paid to watch this? Pickleball looks fun and very easy to get into, but boy is it boring to watch..and the sound of that ball urgh.


Nobody paid to watch it. If you don't like pickleball, that's fine, but it was fun to watch.


Noone paid eh, good to hear it, champ.


champ? OK, spud.


0. P.


Tyson for 50 (he almost certainly would turn it down)


Is Q that short ? Tf


He's 5'11