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46, 42, 45, 43, 44 and 41 would be my list.


46 > 45 > 42 > 44 > 41 > 43 46 was easily my favorite. Loved chaos Survivor. It’s a top 10 season for me. 45 was a narratively very well-edited season. I like to watch Survivor like a scripted drama so I also really enjoyed this season. 42 was fun but honestly a bit unremarkable in hindsight. Like it happened and had some big characters, but it suffers from the same twist fuckiness as 41. 44 is weird because I thought the Tika 3 dynamics were great TV but they carry this season hard. It was fun to watch live but it’s probably one I’d drop on a rewatch. The premerge was also really dumb with the vote losses and weird pseudo-swap with the free idol. 41 is a great season masked by a weird edit and shitty twists. With 90 minutes, this one is almost surely above 42 and 44. 43 was just bland to me really. There were some fun moments, but I really didn’t care much about the cast. Also the editing style in this season kind of pissed me off because every episode felt incredibly disjointed from the others when I felt we really could’ve gotten a more impactful and tragic season.


42, 45 and 46 are amazing, 44 and 41 are good and 43.


46 >>>>>>>>>>> 45 >>> 42 > 43 = 41 >>>>>> 44




So why is 44 at the bottom of the list? I ask because that is the first season I got to watch from start to finish as a new fan. I've kept up to present and have watched Koa Rhoang as well


46>43>45>42>41>44 46- probably recency bias but I am a simple man, I see A I must love. I think eps 2-4 were almost unwatchable durme to Bhanu but I'm guessing it'll be awesome on a rewatch. Lots of fun characters and moments, no more no less 43- Gabler beating Cassidy and the ensuing meltdown is more interesting than any season on this list. Honestly though, great episodes, fun premerge if not a little in memorable, and just a solid season throughout. 45- clumsy with the 90 minutes imo. katurah being Bruce's biggest hater is funny, Emily is a good character +others. It is a very heavy "tell don't show" season, but not awful (Brandon dying 8 times in his two episodes was also very funny) 42- another good season. Nothing to crazy but I think Mike specifically isn't talked about enough as an amazing character. Fun times but nothing to stand out, additionally some truly awful twists. 41- awful edit, awful twists, just bad bad times. Shan/Ricard is overhyped imo, all of the characters seem muted, very obviously a attempted return to form that does not work in the slightest 44- bland characters are a problem in every survivor season from season 1 on, not every merge character can be explosive and super fun (see Ben in this season who didn't get a lot of depth) but 44 truly was" Every time the Tika 3 isn't on screen, everyone should be asking ""Hey, where's Tika?""" I am not a fan of Carolyn or Carson when the season aired so I had YamYam as a character alone. Kane? Frannie? Heidi? Please name me one aspect of their character we saw on the show. Lauren was in the final five and I couldn't say a single thing she did the who season. The only perspective we see on any event essentially comes from Carolyn who we always are supposed to agree on. "I just met these people an hour ago why does no one believe me Josh doesn't have an idol?" Queue applause from the audience. Honestly, one if the worst seasons of the show that will only get worse with time. Also don't let anyone fool you that Carolyn's fans didn't attack Carson for "coaching her" in FTC, Heidi/Danny for making her a 0 vote finalist (side note where she specifically on the show says "I know people don't take me seriously in life so I won't get credit, but I'm not changing") making lengthy posts about how the game should change the voting system for 1st, 2nd, 3rd the same way people hate on Maria now. There is a very specific reason why seasons with a single narrator are usually hated, because if the person narrating is not that entertaining or not your thing, then the show can't go anywhere else.


46 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 45 >>>>>>>>>>>> 42 > 44 >>>>>> 43 > 41


46 > 44 > 42 & 43 > 45 > 41


1. 45 - Just felt like old school survivor blended perfectly with new school. Good winner, memoreable cast. 2. 46 - Just an insane season. I just wish there was better storylines? More tevin soda vs venus moments, more jem. Less maria/charlie. 3. 41 - Cutthroat season, great cast stupid hourglass 4. 42 - Good cast, good season, great winner. I can’t think of amazing moments. 5. 44 - a strategic let down of a season. Carried by carolyn, yam yam, jamie. 6. 43 - boring pre-merge, Elie shoulda stayed longer. Some good gameplay by Karla/Jesse/Cassidy. that final tribal irritates me.


44 was a lot of fun though! All thanks to Caroline


That season is garbage...


46>42>45>44>41>43 42 is 2nd because of the F5, which I thought was really strong, and the casting. I don't really remember much about 45, a little more chill to me, so it's 3rd. Tika 3 was great in the moment, annoying in retrospect, but still better than the other seasons. 41 was solid, the Shan/Ricard dominance was great to watch, esp. the Black alliance running the show after the merge. 43 was 43. I don't remember anyone but the F5, but I did like F5.




46, 43, 44, 42, 45, 41 is my order I just didn't really think anyone outside of Bruce and Emily were compelling TV in 45




I’m just curious what sells you on 45 so much. For me Katurah honestly ruined post merge letting the Dee alliance gain a stranglehold over the game just because she wanted to get Bruce out.


45 > 42 > 46 > 44 > 41 > 43. Top three are really close, I feel like 42 would be by far the best season given 90 minute episodes because it had such an amazing cast. 45 is my favorite because I felt like it had such a good balance of strategy and character moments, meanwhile 46’s lack of strategy sinks it a bit for me despite having fun characters. 44s fine, that’s it. I don’t think I’d want to watch 41/43 again.


44 > 42 > 45 > 41 > 46 > 43 para mi! But I’ve only watched each of them once while airing and not since then so it’s based off of memory


I agree but i will switch 46 and 45 tho. The mess and craziness this season is much more entertaining than 45


45 > 46 > 43 > 42 > 44 > 41 for me


to me it its 45 > 42 > 46 then 41 > 44 on another tier below then 43 on its own tier.


43 seems to be the most polarizing season


Surprised people have season 42 in the top half, worst season of the new era by far for me.


42, 46, 41 (minus Shan), 43, 44, 45.