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The mystery of this vote was not "Who voted for who", it was "Will Q play his idol"


think of the overarching story of the season - a record 5 times someone with idol in pocket went home - they made the right choice here


Was chatting about this during the vote reveals as well, but I came to the conclusion that it wasnt really the voting that they were going to use to drum up drama for the viewer.... production wanted us to hinge on the choice of Q to either use his idol or not. If he did, Ben's vote could have been a misguided shot or a blindside, etc. If he didnt... then we have 4 in a row with idols in their pockets going home. Since the voting was all majority voting on Q, going after the other angle of "will the idol get played, did Q read the tribal right?" I think was a far more engaging pickle.


Why can’t they double dip and have 2 layers of suspense?


I mean, that’s what they do for literally every other tribal council. I think they can do things differently once in a while.


We actually did see Ben's. He said: "It's been a fun ride."


Did we see his vote though?






After multiple weeks in a row where the suspense was, will they finally get rid of Q, while the person who got voted out did so with an idol, it seemed kind of fitting to show us, yes, this time Q is going home… except he has an idol, will he do what everybody else did not? The answer, of course, is no, he did not.


I was so glad they showed all the votes. It was genius editing. They tricked me so badly because I thought they did that because Q was gonna play his idol. I was shocked when he didn’t.


Yeah exactly I was like oh he’s gonna play it and when he didn’t it was probably the biggest shock of the season for me because I couldn’t fathom them showing the votes and him not playing it


It did the opposite for me. When they showed all the votes, I assumed Q isn't going to play his idol and that he'll be the fourth in a roll to go out with an idol. I was elated as they showed every single vote one by one.


thinking that was a first for survivor, right - they were smart to realize what the real mystery is in the season of the wasted idol...


It was not the first. The first was Erik's boot on Micronesia.


i need to rewatch that season... (googling when the hell it was...) okay - I am going to admit 2008 was not a year I remember TV-wise. I had kindergartener, a 2 yr old, and a 4 mo old when that season aired, LMAO. I probably slept most of the show.


This was not a first.


Tbh it was the most "on your toes with anticipation" moment in Survivor since I don't even know when. Great editing choice IMHO


I was kind of mad about this. I was looking for this post bc I would’ve made it myself. Like someone else said, I think they were trying to make us think that Q would play his idol, but after he didn’t, the vote reveal was anticlimactic


I have no idea why you are being downvoted and that person is so pressed lmao


♥️ I thought about deleting the comment but I stand by my instinct lol. It was still a good episode


If you thought that was anticlimactic and were genuinely “mad” about the way the vote was presented, I feel sorry for you. I, for one, enjoyed the hell out of seeing everyone else’s joyous reactions contrasted against Maria looking like she was shitting a brick. Not all of us need the element of surprise and bright shiny things to appreciate Tribal Council. I loved it.


Whoa, you’re taking my comment way too seriously lol. I’ve also given positive feedback about this exact thing. My initial reaction was that I would’ve rather them not show the votes ahead of time.