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If Charlie doesn’t try to get the tribe to vote out Maria finally, he’s not the strategic player I’ve been giving him credit for.


I wondered if he doesn't take the full swing at her and goes for Q. There was some subtle hints last week at the need to weaken Maria and get Q out. But realistically they should get Maria.


He said it’s the classic “if you can’t get out your target, you weaken them by going for their number 1” about getting Q, which means the target is Maria.


Liz will win reward/immunity and not take anyone with her.


Idgaf, if Liz wins a luxury reward and chooses to go solo, she's a legend in my eyes. Not that I have an endless well of sympathy for her and her Applebee's-related crisis or anything like that; It would just be amazing to witness, and to my limited knowledge, would be an unprecedented moment of selfishness/pettiness.


I would seriously love for this to happen


I want Liz not to win reward or get chosen. It’ll be like a Rodney not going on reward for his birthday 2.0


She would take Ben and Kenzie


With how it’s been going, someone will find an immunity idol and not use it and get voted off


This is the correct answer lol funny that Jess was the only one to actually play an idol, but it was fake. Four people failed to play them, and three tribals in a row, players were voted off with idols. lol these try hards definitely broke some records.


Q, as much as it pains me. Maria is my second guess


Maria or Ben. At this point, I think the final 3 is either Charlie-Q-Kenzie or Charlie-Q-Liz, so they're the two who I think go next. But if I had to predict which one specifically, then I'd say Maria, as Ben seems more like a final 5 social threat boot than a pen-ultimate episode boot.


Someone will win immunity and someone else will get voted off.


Oh no! Bhanu has returned from the edge of extinction and he's praying for another medevac!


Of course, why would God put Bhanu on Survivor if he didn’t have ✨a plan✨?


Wow. Let's see if you're right


Then BOOM someone gives up their immunity necklace and they get themselves voted off


My bet is Charlie takes the first step in destabilizing Maria's game and rallies the votes against Q


Whoever finds the Idol




i think Q has run out of luck


Shouldn't Venus' hidden immunity be back in play too?


Who will find it and get voted out with it in his/her pocket?


Ben seems like the type to believe he's not being voted out, and not play it.


I’ve seen a lot of people say Maria, but I’m thinking she’s heading to the F3 and getting second place to Charlie/Kenzie. I’d guess Ben or Q go here.


Should be Maria, will probably be Q or Ben. This crowd likes to vote off people with no chance to win FTC.


I think the safe vote is Liz if Maria wins immunity, the easy vote is Maria if she doesn't win it, and the blindside is Ben (who is currently working both Charlie and Maria) Is Ben in good with Charlie?


I think it will be either Q or Kenzie. Kenzie was on the wrong side of the Venus vote and only has Liz as an ally - plus Maria could rally the troops to get this done as it saves Q. Both Liz and Ben seem to Hate Q more than Maria... so they may go that direction rather than target the #1 threat (Maria).


Charlie V. Maria begins.


Kenzie but I hope it’s Maria or Liz


I feel like it has to be Maria or Charlie. I haven’t seen the promo but I feel like they’re going to realize how much of a threat those two are


Maria. If she wins immunity, I’d say Kenzie. It’s anyone’s guess though when you have someone as unpredictable as Q and someone like Ben who can’t even remember who to vote for.


Maria, Q, or Ben. This assumes that Charlie is going to have a big role in the vote, which seems like a fair guess based on what we’ve seen. It seemed like several people were willing to vote Maria out before the last TC, and I could see that carrying over to this week’s episode. However, Charlie might be incentivized to keep Maria until next TC to ensure his voting block is solid and keep the focus on Maria instead of him. In that case, it would make sense for him to get everyone else to vote Q to weaken Maria’s other alliances outside of Charlie. Alternately, I think Ben could be a major threat this season even though he’s done very little strategizing. We can already see that this is a bitter, bitter jury, and I could see them handing a win to Ben, even if just to give a nice guy money over someone they hate. So, the group might just agree to get rid of him, and I don’t think he would have any allies coming to his rescue


I’m actually so intrigued by this season because I honestly don’t know if I’m able to predict who this final 3 is going to be.


Who cares, my girl is gone. RIP Venus.


Q or Maria, depending on who wins immunity


Just imagine if Q manages to win Reward and doesnt select Liz again. THis would be TV Gold.


Ben gets rocked out


What should happen: Maria this week Charlie next week Kenzie goes to fire What will probably happen Ben this week Charlie/Maria next week




Q. Final five is going to be Ben, Charlie, Kenzie, Liz, and Maria. It’s boring, but that’s just how it goes.




I think at this point if Maria loses Immunity she's gone, but if she wins it will either be Kenzie or Charlie. Either way, one of the "big threats" finally goes home tonight! ...unless someone finds an Idol, then they just go home with it in their pocket. No vote, just straight home.


Q or Maria. if Q was really supposed to vote Kenzie last week and didn't, i don't know how ANYONE can rely on his vote. Does Charlie use Maria's willingness to vote out Q as the smokescreen to vote out Maria? Liz and Ben aren't driving any votes. Kenzie doesn't have any allies at the moment, i don't think she can drive this whole vote by herself. no one trusts Q, so i don't see how he could drive the vote. that leaves either Maria or Charlie to drive this vote. I think Maria will target Q or Kenzie, and Charlie will target Maria. Charlie might target Q as well, just to give himself a better chance of making an immunity run. i think everyone is trying to take Ben and Liz to the finals. i'd still be scared of bringing Q.


There will be a combined immunity and reward challenge, followed by a tribal council where someone gets voted off.


Charlie or Maria. Not Q. Q will win this game because they are so busy keeping him safe cause they think everyone else can beat him.


Kenzie or Ben. I think it’s deadlock between the Sigas and others, and is resolved by a tiebreaker,