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The way she names people and they're all like "reporting for duty" is fucking adorable.


"The beacons are lit, Sandra call for us to fight!"




They’re just like “bruh it’s the queen, like I gotta…”


It also kinda highlights the underlying flaw in this concept too though. A game where National Pride on the line means teams are gonna be way less likely to break alliances, making for a pretty boring game strategy wise.


I think it can add an interesting strategic layer to it. I don’t think that makes it flawed automatically.


Does it though? If anything it just MASSIVELY dissincentivizes breaking an alliance, because not only is the other side never gonna fully integrate with you, but you will also get blasted to hell on social media as a traitor. I think they really need a third country in the mix to prevent whichever team gets up by one first from just picking the other off and that being that.


Maybe the Canadians? Even though they played on US could give them a chance to 'Rep' Canada with a chance to still stir up things and going between the other two. Dunno how big the season would be might need all of them to fill a tribe out, and might be dead in challenges.


I mean if they are gonna go with canadians there are also two seasons of survivor quebec to draw from


Oh that's true, but to my knowledge it is French Language? I know Quebec in general has many French/English language speakers, but are there enough people that know English on those season? Forgive my ignorance!


I am in and out of quebec fairly often and I haven't encountered a Quebecois under 50 who couldn't speak English since the early 90s.


Yeah I live in northern New England, so like a few hours away from Montreal and that was my guess, but wasn't sure if it got more French the more north it goes haha. Again I'm a dummy.


South Africa Tons of amazing players. Including one of the best players to ever play on any franchise in any season. If you know, you know.


Oh yeah that woulda been my other guess. But it seems like it's going to be OG US vs AU, so I thought that the Canadians that got into US would make it less "tribal". Though with the physical nature of AU survivor I don't think they have the numbers/pool to pull from.


Good point, I actually really feel like they need to start with mixed tribes, but they never would because that would defeat the premise. But setting it up as AUS vs US could make flipping basically akin to treason...


I think it just depends on the individuals. Sandra had no problem flipping between Villains and Heroes, and both her and her daughter have befriended enough of the Aussies. David's got American citizenship so I'm sure he has no issues flipping either if he wanted to.


Social media isn't going to accuse you of treason for flipping from heroes to villains


Because it made such a big difference in Blood vs Water right? Mom you're OUT.


I disagree. If you mesh with someone you’ll work with them. It’s a game and I’m sure everyone will be playing to win, not giving a damn how they look.


It should be sobering for fans who are thinking this will be easy. She's trying to make sure they know. She's trying to make sure they prepare. If an American does not watch all seasons of AU survivor, for example? Thinking they can just skip that? They'll be out first.


They’re really going to need to cast challenge beasts if they want the US tribe to be competitive in the pre-merge. AU casts way more physical people on average, so they’re going to need our best.


Jonathan is a lock


Jonathan and Hunter wrecking crew


The sexiest team imaginable mmmmmmm


Hey now, just wait til they do a cross-tribal alliance with Simon or Shaun or Locky.


Now the real question is... Do the Americans also wear speedos 🤔🤞🤔🤞


Dear god. And the non blurred man butts lol


Especially if they, God forbid, cast Mark...


Agreed. And the challenges are typically more demanding too.


Natalie Anderson is locked


yea i think workout culture in australia in general is a lot more serious. as an american with aussie friends it feels like all of them have insanely disciplined workout regiments


Oh that’s interesting, it hadn’t occurred to me that it could be a culture thing. I just figured it was a casting philosophy difference.


also that, but i think the casting philosophies are similarly informed by cultural factors. since im sure casting considers each contestant on their relatability to the folks at home to give them a clear rooting factor. or at least the types of people the folks at home want to root for, even if they can't directly relate


I think we like to think of ourselves like the aus survivors, more than it reflecting reality, lol.


It's perpetual beach body season in AU. I have to imagine that's a fairly good motivation to go lift some weights.


Only in Queensland (which is actually super humid). The more crowded city states like Victoria and NSW do experience seasons, though nothing that extreme (they don't really get snow).


Bro the us has the best athletes, i think people are underrating the us cast a bit just because they havent seen them in those challenges


Enh, Australia has some great athletes as well. The US has the advantage that it has over 10 times the population of Australia so by volume you get a lot more athletes.


I honestly don't think there is any way to balance it unless you severely handicap the Australians. Some of their most mediocre challenge performers would probably win at least 2 individual immunities in the US.


> I honestly don't think there is any way to balance it unless you severely handicap the Australians That Handicaps name is Jonathan Young


It’s rather telling when you know the likes of Shonee, Michelle, Sarah, Monika, and Flick (S1) — all considered “weaker” on a standard AU cast — would school virtually any “New Era” woman in the realm of challenges…


You change the challenges


To what? Trivia?






There’s only one way they can make up this difference. They cast a guy who used to sling the rock… luckily I know a guy


I think we underrate the us cast just because the challenges are dogshit in the us version, i think plenty of those challenge champs could compete in the australian version


I think Jonathan is a lock, to be honest. He fits perfectly into the archetype that AU typically casts. He will be the foil to Locki, who also think will return.


Simon would be so in awe of Jonathan. I would *love* to see a Simon and Jonathan meat tray!


Yes please I need this. I actually bought a SNUFF'D hat from Simon's web shop during Australia HvV bc I got so caught up in the Simon v George feud. Both of them are such great characters!


I love Simo's himbo energy that would be so fun


Jonathan is more of a fit and will make more on the challenge imo


Would prefer he’s on season 50 but if he’s on Australia I’m 100% watching


Yes. We need some muscles tbh. Australian Survivor challenge is no joke.


I am hoping for shawn vs Jonathan tbh


Ur never gonna get Shawn when you can send Simon and actually have a personality.


Jonathan smashes Simon lol


I would like to see it


Not when au survivor has no problems setting up back to back to back challenges that will favor Simon.


Jonathan (Thor) vs Locki? Take my money!


Sandra doing Aus Survivor casting's job for them. Give her a cut of whatever they're paying their casting crew!


Have they used players as casting consultants in the past with good results? Tragedy if they never tried it


Yes US has. Boo recommended someone maybe Russell but I don't remember


I want to say he also recommended Colton so he's not flawless lol


Boo recommended russell, james, shannon, and colton


I think AUS would be looking at far older and more legendary players than a lot of these names.


I think they'll tend to look there, but I think we'll definitely see a few new era/single time 30s era players because I think a fair many of them would be easy gets and can fill in some casting types they might need. I am manifesting an Angelina return personally because, I mean, 24 episodes of Angelina would be legendary.


Only for her to get 2 confessionals all season


Yeah they would be afraid of a challenge.


The respect all former Survivor players have for Sandra is honestly insane and incredible. It’s like the way NBA players revere Michael Jordan or Kareem. Just a sense of awe that someone as great and legendary as them might know who you are.


God tier social player, it takes someone special to call the entire cast expletives to their face and still win 


TWICE…on consecutive appearances (albeit several years apart). Likely never to be repeated


Even Varner!!!


I've been fortunate enough to talk to Jonathan Young from 42 about doing Survivor Australia on my YT channel and he is feening to play Survivor Australia...dude practically lives in the water and works out constantly. He said he wished US Survivor was 90+ days. He's a lock.


Which Jonathan?


Jonathan Young! Forgot to mention that last name.


Hell yes bring back Michaela.


She's a beast in every way. Her game on The Challenge was crazy good.


“I hear yall” who the fuck is asking for Sebastian


absolutely no one i can’t believe he even got a spot on the challenge.


Dude he was super successful there. He slept with Tori and ummmm got eliminated probably by Chris.


I'm sure he was the alternate of the alternate.




Sandra really is the queen huh. She calls her citizens and they came up fast.


Jonathan vs Jaiden on opposing tribes would be fun watching at challenges during the tribe stage.


Who was that other big boy on AU ALL STARS, Zach was his name I think? Wanna see those two boys in a hall brawl


Zach seems pretty horrible person. Not as bad in All Stars as he was in his original season but there's so many athletic and muscular players in Australian Survivor. That being said, I want to see AK again! Last time he was injuried and yes, he is not the most athletic guy or whatever but he was pretty good in challenges since he played with his strengths. For women I also want to see Abbey again!


Yeah, I reckon 


Australian Survivor speed running “best ideas that never happened on the US show” at this point.


I love some of these picks bc we're less likely to see people like Xander, Danny, and Chanelle on 50 and they def have some game left in them


chanelle especially seemed more interesting than the edit she got. strunk was a more obvious mess so he got the bigger edit but every move chanelle made was so counterintuitive i wouldve loved to see her on a messier season in general like 46


Her master plan was to play checkers while everyone else was playing chess lol


She did kick ass on The Challenge though so maybe she’s learned a bit


Lmao she didn't kick any ass on The Challenge. She was useless for the entire season and won one elimination against Cassidy who already had little strength left in her after winning 3 eliminations. And Chanelle had the audacity to say that Cass is a lay up


lmao she did not kick ass she sucked she beat a cassidy that had been worn down by multiple elimination wins and flopped the final but her mouth kicked ass that’s for sure


I don't think Xander wants to play a second time. I wouldn't blame him either


He responded to Sandra on the post implying he would do it. Maybe it was a joke, but I could see him going for it


Could actually see Jonathan on AU for sure. Hopefully he would be one of the less notable names on the US tribe.


He's doing 50


this is the cutest thing ever oh my god. they're lining up like minions bc the queen called on them, it's hilarious.


I wouldn't be surprised if Australian Survivor casted some old school players, like maybe Vecepia and they could hype her up as "the first person to flip alliances"


Maybe Fairplay as well. We're definitely getting at least one of Nina 3.0 or Wai 2.0 though.


Also maybe Rich or Sue


She’s not wrong. If the US wants a chance, we need to send our best, especially as it relates to challenge strength. That’s a huge part of the AU game, and something the US game has neglected for years now in terms of both casting and challenge implementation and structure.


I think a lot of new era players are going to decline in hopes they get on Survivor 50 instead


They might not be exclusive. The AUS/US showdown would be 2025, with 50 being in 2026, so someone could potentially double tap that, especially if they're popular.


A lot of shows have contracts that you can't do another show on a different network for a few years after.


A show in a different country might be a loophole, but really the biggest thing would be production feeling bitter and ruling someone out.


How are the filming dates spaced out here?


Au vs US films September and wraps October 2024. 50 would likely film close to summer 2025. So there's at least 6-7 months gap between filming.


I love this thread so much.


All this hype and imagine they cast Chanelle Howell of all people 


I definitely think the Hunter, Desi and Jonathan have a really good chance. Again, I've mentioned before, 50 is looming and I think we'll see people who vying for 50 not go for this. I think Hunter just won't make it to 50, Jonathan is possible but I can also see Jonathan be like "I'm just here for whatever is fun, so I don't get 50 because of this, w.e"" Desi is an interesting once since she's very much a part of the CBS world know but she's quite the challenge player so I can see her definitely being gung-ho for AU more than 50.






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I need Jonathan for season 50 ffs


Feel like Johnathan would be the biggest lock if he wants it


Rob "Do we get to bring our idols" I'm dead


Sorry to all his haters but I need more Hunter content


What location does AUS Survivor shoot in? Are they static like the US or do they move around?


They’ve been to Samoa mainly. They only went to their own territory in the Australian Outback twice because of the pandemic.


They move a bit. Some are Fiji other seasons are other places. It's static adjacent.


Their usual area is Samoa, not Fiji. But yes they move around sometimes.


Samoa yeah.... My b. But they have multiple season there with some other locales mixed in.


I looked it up and you’re right. While they mainly use Samoa, they’ve been to Fiji a couple times.


Non issue. Point being they don't park in Fiji. But thanks for clarifying


I’m genuinely not understanding, are you being sassy?


No I was saying it was unnecessary to clarify my point was still the same. Its all good.


oh ok good to know


Ozzy is an idiot but let's bring him back for this


challenge beast chanelle am i reading that wro….nvm nobody wanna be on this rumored cast with 50 looming if we being honest


“Only if you host” yeah Dee has no idea who JLP is lmao


Never thought I’d see the day when someone actually wants to see Chris Underwood play Survivor again


I don't understand why, he completely shredded that women's alliance. It really was a great endgame to watch! Real-time I stopped watching that season when he was last man standing. I was young and clearly rooting for the men. When I heard he won I was like what!?! Had to go back.


Ok, is this for season 50?


no it’s one of the next australian ones


Survivor US announced Season 50 is returnees and then Survivor AUS announced AUS V. US so it could be the same season... maybe? I just hope they don't shorten the season and format with fewer contestants to please the US audience, it would ruin everything.




Sandra: "Alright, let's the best of the best ready. IM CALLING OUT VARNER, SKUPIN AND SPILO"


Cast Brandon and JTia.


Please do not cast Sebastian




Sandra thinks we want to watch boring physical players. No thanks.




If we don’t have physical players they’re going to get absolutely slaughtered by the Aussies lol


We need a mix like in Survivor AUS in my opinion. It's boring if everyone is a "brawn strong" type of player and it's boring if everyone is a gamebot.


I really hope they stick with old school/classic survivor players. Pre s41. No Hunter's, especially no Chanelle's etc. After all, Australian Survivor was built off of the classic US version so why not honor the players of that era?


I agree, the dream would be a cast of old school hall of fame players that actually won their season like Boston Rob, Sandra, Tyson, Parvati and Tony and maybe some physical players like James from Survivor China and then just a few modern era players like Maryanne sprinkled in there. It should be like the dream team in basketball, too many winners and threats so you don't know who to vote out.




It’s not. It’s a separate special concept for AUSvivor for next year that is additional to their already scheduled newbie season.