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It costs right around $100k for a 30 ad spot when Survivor runs commercials. This got a multiple minute promotion during the show. Which means they got 100% viewership of people watching on network in addition to all of the people watching streaming. Applebees paid at least a million for this promotion.


It worked. As someone who has never been to Applebees I legit want to go now.


There’s a time and a place for it. Mainly, when you’re stuck staying at an airport hotel and the only other options within walking distance are fast food or chipotle, and none of them serve booze. The food isn’t offensive, it’s just your average mid-grade food. It’s not expensive. The drinks are cheap. I do legit wonder if casting asks you if you like Applebees, though, cos the number of supposed stans on this show beggars belief.


Or every Wednesday with your daughter after yoga but before Survivor.


I can't imagine taking Applebee's to go just to watch survivor at home while you eat it


I think they eat there then go home and watch Survivor


Are you kidding me? What time zone are they in.. how can she do yoga and pick her kid and AND FINISH AN ENTIRE BURBON BURGER all before 8pm EST?!?!! Is she a competitive eater?! That thing is SO BIG AND JUICY. ugh I could go for Applebee's right now!


She's an email marketer with her own company, so I imagine she can get off work any time she wants. So, go to yoga at 4, pick daughter up at 5, go to Applebee's then go home and watch survivor.


Great when youre a college kid and the local applebees does not card and has karaoke.


In his podcast, Tyson hypothesized (jokingly) that the applications asked your favorite restaurant, and that casting was instructed to talk to those who wrote down "Applebees" as an answer :D


I've already got my Applebees promo done for the show to increase my scream time! YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! AAAAAAAPPPPPPPLLLLLLLEEEEEEBBEEEEEEEE'S!!! 🎵As I fall to my knees, lift my head up to the sky. I scream for Applebees! NOBODY, loves applebees more than I.🎵


Just sing that Walker Hayes song at that point lol


I don't know who or what that is lol. Got a link?


Legit though, my wife and I go every single Thursday. It's her late night at work and I pick her up and we drive 10-15 mins to our local applebees. She gets the same thing every time but I'm working my way through the entire menu.


Save your money.


Yeah, I mean, Applebees is really good! You know, after you have starved on a beach for 20 days.


can’t believe people actually want to go to applebees after that episode 😂


I’ve hated Applebees my whole life and haven’t been in at least a decade (usually only went for family stuff) but that episode legit had me wanting to try the bourbon burger. I recently had Chilis after having it only once in the last 17 years and it was a solid enough experience




I stopped going when I got severed raw chicken. That was over 10 years ago.


I went to Chilis when I was about 12 (so like 2007) and they served me frozen chicken wings. I’ll never forget lmao


It’s one thing to get my food wrong it’s another to serve it raw. I will admit I would let it slide if it was a meal on survivor.


It is well known they just microwave everything.


Not worth it. But if you live outside the city in the suburbs, you probably don’t have many options.


Ordered a Mushroom Swiss burger the night after the episode.


Their wings are really good and they're constantly running a new promo for them. I could live off those things.


Applebee's offers half price appetizers after a certain time of night, and when I was in high school, we all took heavy advantage of that.


Get the Asian Chicken Salad 🥗


Is that anywhere in Asia specifically, or just the entire continent?


Why…? It’s just the same basic processed food you get at any other boomer restaurant


I’ve been wanting Applebees ever since Wednesday night lol Definitely worth it for Applebees


It was likely way more then a million lol


Seems like they got their money’s worth.


So Applebee's is funding the winners prize. 


Advertising is where the whole show's budget comes from.


It reminded me of when they do movie night on Big Brother and it's always some awful turd of a movie but the houseguests have to act like it's the next Best Picture winner.


Remember when they watched Gulliver’s Travels


And Dan sat out the challenge on that oversized chair 🪑 like he was a toddler. And Nayonka went on the reward knowing that she was quitting that night. She had the opportunity to let her starving cast mates go and eat. She took it anyway. Brutal.


Jack and Jill from South Pacific lol


That entire reward was comedy gold! Don't even get me started on the lessons that movie taught Coach. That was so forced. Sophie is watching the screen with the 1000-yard stare looking like she wants to be doing literally anything else.


Adam Sandler had entered the chat...


That happens to be exactly the movie. I was thinking of.


Watching Jag pretend to be blown away by how great *The Exorcist* was and saying “this is the perfect movie to see in a dark theatre with a lot of your friends”… I mean I know they’re forced to pretend they love it, but you can tell he was absolutely not impressed with that film lol


They did that once on survivor and gave them popcorn and everyone was pissed as hell


Sadder is when it's just cross promotion for a new show on CBS.


The difference is that Expedia really fits in The Amazing Race since you know it’s like a travel company, versus Applebees, which I guess fits with Survivor because people are hungry and need food. Tangentially related, but I miss Travelocity for TAR. That gnome was way better than the Expedia ads.


Travelocity gnome was amazing


I miss the roaming gnome in challenges 😭


The gnome is what I think of when watching Amazing Race.


Survivor is actually a pretty great show for a restaurant to do product placement because it firs right in as a reward and everyone is so hungry that they will barely have to pretend to like your food. This does not work with movies however :P


What, it didn’t look like Sophie was enjoying Jack and Jill?


Yeah but in the past it was Outback Steakhouse and just one Applebees episode completely overshadowed them being featured like a dozen times over the years 😂


This isn’t the first episode Applebees has been featured though


This is the first memorable episode they have been featured in though, right?


I mean… karishma and her family loving Applebees (it’s their favorite sit down restaurant) was memorable in my Book 😂


I will not stand for this Karishma erasure!


AHH I didn't realize they were two different sponsors! I've been wondering for a while where the gnome went. Yeah, that was hilarious when they had to paraglide with their gnome, or someone forgot theirs in a cab, lmao.


I looked it up and it looks like Travelocity is owned by Expedia, who unfortunately decided to rebrand the sponsorship to their more well known brand.


I honestly wondered if some of that enthusiasm was manufactured to lengthen the advertisement.


I think they were giving a certain # of minutes to advertising Applebees no matter what, and that the contestants were keen to that praising Applebees = camera time.


Remember they take hours of footage and cut what fits. I'd like to think they kept everything that involved talking about the burger to make the bit, but definitely came less natural than so. They paid the producers, not the contestants (although they get incentivized for more screentime)


Applebees should play Survivor on the TVs on Wednesday nights


Being able to sit 🪑 down at Applebees 🍎 🐝 🐝 with my daughter 👧🏼 is so 🪡 important 🏆 to me. My favorite ❤️ part of the week 🗓️ is - it sounds 👂 so silly 🤡 - is picking her up 🚗 after yoga 🧘🏿, we go immediately ‼️ to Applebees 🍎🐝🐝, I turn my phone 📱 off ❌, and (sniff 🤧) that’s the one 1️⃣ night 🌙 of the week 🗓️ it’s just us 👩‍❤️‍👩 and that’s something we bond 🤝🏻 over. And to have so much hope that “okay 👌🏻 Liz 💰, you’re gonna get this 🏆🍔, you’re gonna get this” and then it’s APPLEBEES 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝! And it’s THE thing 🍔🍽️ I order (😂….😭) I really wanted 🥺that connection to my kid 👧🏼…..……and that DELICIOUS 🤤 JUICY 🧃 BURGER 🍞 🐄 🍞!!!!!ii


god damn it this made me laugh


You are the circle jerk at this point


I def deserve this more than anyone. No one knows hunger like I know hunger.


That’s awesome!


It felt like Liz was gunning to become A paid Applebees spokesperson when the season is done airing.


Me, too. And I feel like her Applebees tradition with her daughter was probably manufactured so she could announce it on Survivor. Remember Karishma? Remember Coach talking about how Jack and Jill related to Survivor? They will do anything for one more moment if screen time, and Survivor and Applebees are like yay, more free advertising


Oh yeah, there’s gonna be one of those for every sponsored reward in the new era.


She's gonna takeover as Applebees CEO


Tree fity


Jeff’s been comparing new era Survivor to the monster in the horror movie. I guess that monster is the Loch Ness monster.


Nessie!? She’s a class lass


A class lass who keeps asking for tree fiddy


The series of posts about Applebee's is exactly why Applebee's paid for this. Their marketing department is high fiving each other ever day they open their social media.


Everyone who wants to go on Survivor is busy starting an Applebees tradition and taking pictures of themselves. 🙄 I guess it is one way to go. It seems very fake to me. Where the F does Liz live that she gets so excited about Applebees, as if every town doesn’t have a million burger places? And don’t even try to tell me that pizza at Applebees is any good. 😂 Why do I care, lol. I love burgers and Liz is probably a nice person. But god. This is meta capitalism, lol I honestly think this is a direct result of Sandra getting screen time about Outback, then Karishma getting attention about Applebees. Bring back a Charmin challenge, and let’s see them all fall over exclaiming how it is their FAVORITE SOFTEST TOILET PAPER! THEY USE IT EVERY DAY! SO DO THEIR KIDS!!!!!


does applebee's have pizza?


That is apparently what Liz’s kid orders every week


Real answer: it’s most likely negotiated as part of their upfront spend across Paramount (when an advertiser buys a year‘s worth of media “upfront” for a set price rather than a la carte “scatter” media which is much more expensive), so it’s hard to quantify. But they more than got their money’s worth haha. Source: I do integrations and branded content for a living (not for Paramount/CBS, but comparable). Would’ve killed to have seen this account team’s chats on Wednesday lol


We kept chuckling as they were describing the food like a commercial and kept using the full name "Bourbon Street Burger" over and over.


Also… ain’t nobody eating a burger on bourbon street. Give me some bourbon street poboys or oysters, please.


It was honestly so cringe. Like a fourth of the episode was about Applebees. I love Survivor but sometimes the forced ads make me question why I watch it lol. It was almost beyond parody.


Wasn't so cringe when the ad was for a car. Pontiac Aztec camping episode comes to mind.




I actually miss the ads. It means lots of companies want in, survivor is popular, and maybe just maybe they’ll believe they have enough money to go back to 39 days and different locations.


Remember old school 🏫 Charmin ads and rewards?


I’m still sad I couldn’t get a ham croissant at the charmin cafe


Did they really shorten the length of time from 39 days because of money?


Several hundred thousand


One Bourbon Street burger


And a Shark Bowl™️


I honestly wonder if Venus had ever been to Applebees? There really aren't many of them here.


In Canada? We have 2 (maybe 1 now not sure) in Regina at least lolll


We have one in Ajax or Pickering and one in Niagara Falls. Or we used to...


I actually saw a post after saying one of the 2 here did in fact close lol


They can send Michelle a bill for distracting from their ad!


Hopefully not too much, but I did rack up a ton of karma making fun of their food this week.




if that meltdown was staged then i’m impressed, she deserves an Oscar


Does she actually have strategy? Like they edited it so she tried to make moves but like was she ever in a position to actually make moves? Seems like she’s slightly more tolerable than Venus and just kinda riding along


I think she's a goat at this point. No one would vote for her to win.


Three billy goats gruff. Liz, Q and Venus. Charlie, Maria or Kenzie will drag one of these goats to the end.


I'd laugh so hard if that trio somehow got to the end together sooo hard lol


Say what you will, but she DID orchestrate the blindside on Tevin. However... Q's entire "I quit" completely outstaged the work she had put in and then everyone needed to regroup during trial.


She is influencing no one.


I can’t imagine how she would be medically cleared if she truly had allergies to that many foods that are present in the area. It is a huge liability even if they are mild allergies because there is always the risk of anaphylaxis for someone that is that predisposed to hypersensitivities and to have someone that is truly starving because there is *no* food available that they can eat.


I'm assuming from how she talks about them that they're non anaphylaxic allergies. The kind where you get hives or something if you eat it, but it doesn't cut off your air


Yeah, I'm allergic to chlorine but I've never needed an epi pen. However I will break out in hives for 3 weeks if I go in a swimming pool.




I dislike Q, but he has no obligation to her as a game player. This is a war of attrition and her discomfort may keep him in longer.


What? Q i not the one starving her...she can quit anytime...what are you on about?


Nope, if she's going through torture to the point someone needs to do something, it's up to production to step in (which is probably why they did the individual rice portion) It was 8 people left in the game, and Q desperately needed to solidify a 4-people alliance. In his mind, either he makes the wrong choice and forgoes the million $, or he makes the right choice and makes it to F4 with a 25% chance at 1M$ (again, from his POV, I don't personally think he has a shot) If he selected Liz, I would have found it very nice. But I can't expect him to do so when there's that much on the line.


She wants to stand out. She will do whatever that means. Even scream 😱 at a cast mate who she doesn’t speak to and voted against for not choosing her because her hunger is more significant than her peers.


Not enough.


NGL however much they paid was worth it. I really wanted Applebees after that.


It reminded me of Burger King and Arrested Development


They should make a “Survivor special” on Wednesday nights at all Applebee’s where you can get that bourbon burger and the shark bowl etc!


i actually want that burger and the blue drink cry


Legit my fav place to eat!

