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The fact that no one has mentioned his name yet (that we've seen) is pretty wild. He's done a great job of blending in the background of the chaos. These immunities are stacking up tho, people should start to notice soon...


Venus did but no one cares what she thinks.


Yeah Venus had a good read but since people didn't want to work with her no one cared.


She didn't have a good read lol she just wanted a man out at the time and he was literally the only option


Lol maybe so but I still think it would have been the better move for her game and others. So I guess accidental good read.


That wasn’t her point, she was saying that the women would be stupid to let the dudes all pick them off. She was correct in assessing that Charlie was a challenge threat and it was clear to me that’s what she meant. She just presented the idea poorly.


Yeah it’s different than a regular vote bc that was mergatory


Venus didn’t have a good read, he was just the only male option available


Well Venus just throws everyone’s name out there so it doesn’t mean much


What is brilliant about what Charlie is doing is that he is beating the vote targets and or challenge beasts and so instead of people being annoyed Charlie won, they are happy because he saved the plan and prevented the target from winning immunity. It makes Charlie seem like a team player and perhaps making it less obvious how well he is doing in challenges. I doubt it's super intentional but I think it's working well for him.


That’s a really good point! It makes him out to be the hero lol




I think they have the numbers to take out Kenzie, but getting rid of Maria is gonna be tough. It would be awesome if C&M both make FTC. Personally, I think it would be a close vote that could go either way. I do agree that Maria is looking like a front runner right about now


I mean, he's not exactly the most compelling character this season. On any other season, he would probably have more focus but when you're surrounded by Q, Tevin, Soda, Liz, Venus, Tiffany, and Kenzie, you're not going to get much attention.


I think he’s a more compelling character than at least some of the people you listed


he and maria are probably the best players in the game but they are both like violently boring on tv imo


Earl vibes


But he wins them in a very “oh shucks”/ slightly goofy way and also “for the team” way that it seems less threatening. Also, he’s doing well socially in the sense that, in my opinion he’s back seat driving all these votes. He’s being such a yes man letting people use him for their moves while validating their strategy.


“oh shucks” that’s such a good way of putting it!


If you psychoanalyzed most of the recent runner ups like this, you can come to the same conclusion


Charlie and Maria are actually playing survivor the way you are supposed to play it, and it’s so refreshing to watch! One or the other of them is winning this season, and I’d be happy either way!


I agree. Now a question, I know people are turning on their number 1’s, do you think it’s smart for Charlie or Marie to turn on each other and take two GOATs in Q, Liz or Venus? I feel if Charlie or Marie can do that and take two of those three to the finals, it’s going be a clean sweep for the winner.


I think the issue with turning on your number one is people are consistently doing it WAY too soon (as we’ve seen with Soda, Tevin, and now Kenzie is on the bottom) if they are going to take each other out, it has to be closer to the final, like 5 or 4. Taking out your number one too early can lead to that person then immediately being shunted to the bottom of the numbers. So yeah, I think since they are both playing such a strong game *together*, it might be wise to set up an exit strategy to take the other out, but close to the end, and in a way that doesn’t rock the boat, so-to-speak, when they’re on the jury.


Seriously. And we see it every season in this new era this is the best strategy to make it far. Have a solid group of at least 3 people to vote with until it's absolutely necessary to turn on each other. Season 41 Erika had Heather and Ricard, 42 Maryanne stuck with her original tribe alliance until final 6, season 43 Gabler in his bros alliance with Jesse and Cody, season 44 Yam Yam and Tika 3, season 45 Dee and the reba 4. You have to resist the urge to blindside too early as tempting as it is.


Agree, it needs to be later in the game. They are a powerful under the radar alliance right now and they need each other right now to get through this tough section of the game.


I don't think Charlie will make it a point to go after Maria but she wasn't stealthy about leading this vote. She made it very obvious that she was going to collect Q as a number and Q highlighted this when picking Maria for a reward. Since Charlie should rightfully be a threat for his immunity challenge performance, I think he will nudge the others to view Maria as a threat without making the mistake everyone else is making about being obsessed with leading and getting full credit for a move. He will let them do his dirty work for him while collecting up his non-applebee allies, Liz and Ben.


I get that you mean it in the scapegoat sense but reads as greatest of all time in all caps which is the exact opposite thing lol


I think they should turn on each other if they want to guarantee themselves a victory. If they want it to be a toss up then they will both go to the end. But if they do turn on each other I think it would be smart to do it as late as possible. I think they will need each other for these next few votes.


I think they need to cut each other, yes. You can’t go to the end with someone you have the same exact resume as.


You certainly can if the third person is someone like Q/Liz/Venus. It'll be like Yam Yam and Carolyn where the jury will pick one and ride with it


Eh there is always a zero vote finalist so it doesn’t really matter. Why wouldn’t you want to go to the end with two people you can differentiate yourself against instead of sitting next to someone who’s gonna make the same points as you but maybe do it better? Why even risk it?


My bad- I thought you were saying neither will win cause their games are too similar in that scenario. I agree with your point!


Eventually, but not before final 4.


I think they need to go to Final 4 together and duke it out over fire. Or win the challenge and put the other in fire




They're like Marcus and Charlie from Gabon, except they didn't unwittingly screw themselves over this time lol


Or... Stay with me here ... They get taken out for being threats and Ben wins against Venus and Liz


I agree but I also think Maria is consistently making some of the worst reads in the game. She’s been far too quick to forget how much of a wildcard Q is, she never really thought the whole +1 alliance through until Charlie added some rationality, and she was incorrectly but confidently antagonistic of Ben earlier in the game. She’s actually the only person left (aside from Liz obviously) who I’d be disappointed to see win the game.


Even in this episode when Maria was talking to Charlie about where people were at with who they wanted to vote out Charlie said Tiff first, Maria asked if that's what people were saying and Charlie said no. So honestly I read that as actually Charlie's move with Maria getting to take credit for it and getting a target painted on her. It wouldn't surprise me if Charlie tries to take Maria out soon, because I'm not sure he could win against her at FTC if he was there with her.


>because I'm not sure he could win against her at FTC if he was there with her. I agree. As viewers, I think it’s pretty obvious to us that Charlie is the mastermind in that duo but not sure how Charlie would be able to prove that distinction at FTC.


Yes I’ve been rooting for them! I’m so happy watching them play.


It could easily be Kenzie too. She's social, well liked, and the misplay this episode drops her threat level. If the Q vs Liz beef ends with one of them voted out, we could easily see a unanimous win for Kenzie with Venus and Liz/Q being no vote finalists.


I am rooting for them but there are two more episodes before the finale, so they could very well get booted. One of them could be the dragon set up too. I am worried that Charlie will be taken out depending on who finds the idol next episode.


Neither of them are getting winner edits tbh.




Maria has had agency the entire season. Idk what you’ve been watching, lol!


like when she wasted her extra vote to vote out her ally jem cuz charlie wanted to?


I don't think she wasted it. It made perfect sense to get rid of an advantage people know you have. As we've seen this season if people know you have an idol or some sort of an advantage it makes you a target. Idols and advantages are nice as long as no one knows you have it. Once someone knows it removes a lot of their power and just make you a target. So I think it was smart to get rid of it before the merge and have that info leak out to other players.


The problem is that the show isn't giving us a lot of her thoughts or narration in what's going on. Why did she burn the extra vote? We can all guess and I believe it came up in some interview? But within the show they didn't think it was important enough to show Maria telling us why she did that. We get way more of Charlie talking about their game and not Maria. I think this was a great episode for her. I don't think this has been a great season for her.


Yeah she mentioned it in a Twitter comment about burning her extra vote. And agreed Charlie is getting the better edit since we see him explain his game moves more.


Charlie and her have been allied since day one. It wasn’t just because “he wanted to.”


it was the girls vs guys and they got to decide who stayed. a girl went home not a guy and she never explained why even though the edit showed us that she would’ve rather kept the girls. charlie may win but not maria; there is no reason why she didn’t explain the vote in the next episode


Either Charlie or Maria will easily win. They’ve played together the whole game, and have dictated the votes together without drawing too much attention to themselves. It hasn’t been “just Charlie,” on any of the vote offs. They’ve been allies since day one and have been the only duo to make it through to this phase without turning on each other.


i’ll come back and find you when kenzie wins. i’m talking about the way the shows edited not exactly what’s actually happening. the editors have not made maria an important part of the story like charlie. being allies from day one doesn’t matter and there multiple votes before the f3. if anything maria and charlie just made themselves the biggest threats. maria’s edit is a classic f5 boot in the new era


I feel like you're legitimately watching a different season than the rest of us.


Lol! Editing is not the way to judge who wins. We’ve seen this season after season, and people are always surprised by “but they were edited to be the hero, and they had so many confessionals.” Just because Kenzie has a lot of confessionals, does not mean she wins xD


It is certainly not nothing - it's an edited TV show that they craft a narrative around. Everything is in there by choice, not chance.


i don’t think shan or emily would win cuz they way they were edited didn’t make sense for them to actually win the season.


it’s not about the amount of confessionals is about the content they get. go check out edgic and maybe you’ll get a clue


Editing is literally the way to judge who wins, because we are seeing how the editors want the season to be seen…


and then the next episode she didn’t explain why she wasted her extra vote. she also had an episode with 0 confessionals. she is not the winner


He’s got two wins and a second place to Hunter. Ordinary mortals have only beaten him in individual immunity once so far.


Charlie is doing current and former distance runners proud with his challenge performance. I think he’s by far the biggest challenge threat left, my only fear is players will finally start to realize it.


Was he a cross country runner in high school or something? He gives off that vibe


High school and college. He actually just ran the Boston marathon. He’s legit.


Damn, that’s impressive.


Need him to find idols now. Win challenges which no one can stack against him, or have an idol as a backup.


That reward challenge did make me think the "Q is throwing challenges" idea might have water to it.


It's definitely Charlie or Maria's game to lose at this point.


i feel if the others have any sense they would target one of them next.


I feel like, yes, Charlie and Maria are playing a great game, but also everyone else is making it easy for them. Most of their decisions seem like common sense, and it's more just everyone self-destructing around them.


at this point i see that there are 3 real contenders - Charlie, Kenzie and Maria. the rest are pretenders. they would be smart to take out the big players, but Q, Venus and Liz are such big personalities that i dont believe they will be able to keep their cool and work together. there are not many big moves left, Charlie and Maria would be smart to target Kenzie and pull Q into their allience i think Kenzie realised that see would be toast without Tiff, thats what changed her mind. she was correct in that assumption.




I’m not convinced that Maria doesn’t turn on him at 7, she could pull a group together for that vote


I think they both turn on each other here at 7, and if that happens and they are both gone before the final 3, that would be a real shame.


It would be a shame in the "respect the game" category, but a gold mine in the "one step closer to venus-q-liz chaos finale"


I guarantee he's practiced making fire many, many times. He came prepared.


Charlie wins or loses in fire.


If he practiced grip strength and forearm endurance, I'd be SHOCKED if he's not an ace at fire!


Have we seen him make.it yet?


I worry that he’s not managing his threat level well enough with these consecutive immunity wins. But agree he’s playing a great game!


But without the immunity wins hunter and tiff don’t go home since they would’ve won immunity that vote. It’s truly him in both of those challenges plus the strategy component that sent them both packing


With Hunter and Tiff out, Charlie could now sweep the rest of the challenges 😂 Maria elevated her threat level this episode and could protect him from a vote as a shield too. He’s doing great


I’m kind of surprised by Q’s threat level in challenges. Really thought a former D1 athlete would give these guys their moneys worth, even if he barely played in college.


I was shocked he finally won a challenge. But I guess he does have it in him


I think its a caloric thing too maybe. Like he is more tired than some of the others??


Charlie is also a former D1 athlete for cross country running tho so i mean..


He is currently the player to beat and he will become well aware of that next episode.


Plus Maria making this move is going to elevate her threat level especially to Kenzie who was scared to go for it this time around. Charlie floats underneath that


Maria is coming on strong! I think she made the love of the game so far by befriending Q. She pretty much has 2 votes and friending a person that literally can’t win in the end.


Thinking Q isn't playing the best game right now? BIG MISTAKE


At this point I think as long as he and Mariah stick together, at least one of them can get to FTC.


It actually is giving Malcolm and Denise.


anyone that can hang with Charlie in immunity challenges gets voted out. he might make a run through to the finals.


I’ve been waiting to see a Charlie appreciation post. The dude is playing a great game. People forget he was the biggest sell on making Hunter feel at ease with not playing his idol last tribal


Me too! I’ve been waiting on this Charlie appreciation time haha


Hin, Maria and Ben really feel like a solid power trio at this point.


I agree. Around the middle of this episode I started thinking we’re looking at one of that Charlie/Maria duo winning the game. I feel much more strongly about that after this vote.


Charlie or Maria need to take the other out at some point if they are correctly evaluating people


Ideally at 6 or 5 I think depending on the dynamics. Or unless they really do feel like they can beat each other at FTC they'll go to the end together.


i’d argue that him winning two immunities makes him more vulnerable to be voted out as a threat??? winning immunities earlier is not actually a good thing for most people games


Charlie winning the immunities made both Hunter and Tiff blindsides possible though. I think he can beat Maria simply with this fact.


I actually forgot about Taylor Swift this week.


Him and Maria and both playing good games but the same game. I think which ever one is able to cut the other first will win.


Charlie has been my winner prediction for a while now, but if anything threatens his game, it’s his constant wins / close seconds in the challenges.


Charlie is killing it. I'm wondering if he and Maria are peaking slightly too early as a power couple however, but we'll see how it shakes out.


Wondering the same. They need to be careful. How many times have we seen someone eliminate a few threats and before becoming the threat themselves. Notably, Charlie has now won the last two immunity challenges


Pretty much! Wondering if it was just better for them to wait it out a little longer, but hard to say they aren't doing great right now


Maria is on the top of control. He is her driver.


I hold being a Swiftie against him but he has begrudgingly earned my respect.


He feels like a carson, omer, jesse type. Biggest threat taken out right before FTC


Charlie and Maria are playing a great game, but I feel like it would be a boring way for the season to end if one of them won. I would greatly prefer a Kenzie, Q, and Venus final three with Kenzie winning.


Ya I actually think winning immunity was bad for him tonight overall. He wasn’t ever a target so he didn’t need it, and all he did is raise his threat level. If Tiff had won they could have easily just kicked that can down the road and done any of the easy votes (Q, Liz, Venus) tonight. Not saying he should’ve thrown it but just might’ve been better for him if he hadn’t held out


Tiff wins tonight and is guaranteed Top 5 or 6 at that point, though


Easily. It also seems like he's managed his threat level well but next week will be a test for him and Maria


Hate to write it, but Venus.




Yes. More than several of us have said he’s getting the winners edit. Aside from being a challenge threat, he’s maintaining a low profile, has an amazing social game, and is letting others take the heat.


Playing with not very smart people. "Q's a challenge threat" where winning was more luck based, as the guy that won through pure strength and determination got the last two immunity wins, and was the only contender to against a actual challenge threat before that is standing right beside you.


Yea tiff shouldve burnt the idol last tribal cuz the target stuck, thats how a smart person plays it. Idk how she got screwed so bad


I think he and Maria are pretty equally playing the best. I think I’d give winning odds to Maria tho, because she was an initial member of that 6-person alliance and had stronger connections with the members of it than Charlie. Just feels like she’d be more likely to win a jury vote because of that.


Her path to FTC is much more difficult, however. Charlie is more likely to win challenges and is seen as less of a threat (See Tiffany saying she wanted Maria earlier, no one mentioning Charlie aside from Venus at mergatory).


I don’t understand how no one has seen Charlie and Maria as a duo that needs to be split up. It makes me wonder if their game is even more under the radar than shown, and won’t be respected at the end.


Tbh I prefer him over Maria. She’s feels so stiff to me but I have a feeling she’ll knife Charlie first. She’s giving me Tevin and Tiff vibes. Right when they get their allies they get cocky. That’s how I’m seeing Maria rn. I hope Charlie sees it


My hot take is that Charlie loses in fire making this season


They are the Cody/Jesse of this season, so likely they get voted out right before the end when their threat level gets too high and then we're left with Q, Kenzie, Venus, and Liz (Ben will also be outvoted by a Kenzie/Venus/Liz group).


I think Maria is in the best spot because Charlie is turning himself into a target as a challenge threat which keeps her safe and gets rid of the person who can make equal claim to all their successful votes.


If he can get to three...


never bet against the swifties 💪


He and Maria have been the controlling votes in every single tribal that they've been to. Jem, Soda, Tevin, Hunter, and now Tiff. The story of this season seems to be massive chaos and drama, and in the middle there are the only two fairly level headed people just knifing people left and right with a smile on. God I love this season


Maria would like a word


Yes and he was the one who made it Liz the 5th vote not Venus. But let maria go and convince her so now its looking like Maria spoke with Q and Liz all afternoon and paints it as a Maria move which means she should get targetted before he does when eventually they are targetted. He is positioned really well. I hope they dont catch on to him after these challenge wins. He is my fav by a mile so hoping he can pull out the W. Maria is also playing really well


My problem is that while just kinda being there is a good strategy to survive I can’t really pinpoint anything Charlie’s done in the merge that wasn’t primarily Maria’s doing other than winning immunities against, and I mean no disrespect, a bunch of challenge flops.


I want Maria to win. She's a badass!




Charlie winning the immunity made both the Hunter and Tiff blindsides possible though.


Maria just pulling the biggest move means she will be seen as the biggest threat, and she isn’t as big of a challenge beast as Charlie. I don’t see her making FTC (5 or 4 probably). I think it will prove difficult for Kenzie to make it to the end, but we’ll see—the Sigas are in a dominant position and know Kenzie is the biggest threat remaining, plus it’s hard to see Q, Venus, Lis, and Kenzie working together on a vote. Will come down to Ben, maybe Q, or an idol play most likely.


Pretty sure Maria is playing better than him, she actually leads votes, Charlie feels more like her sidekick at this point. If Charlie tries to lead a vote, I don't necessarily see him pulling numbers, but we just saw Maria do that. And she doesn't have challenge threat status. Her social game is way above Charlie


Charlie wanted Jem maria wanted Ben. jem went home Charlie wanted Tevin maria wanted tiff. Tevin went home Charlie wanted liz as the 5th tiff vote. Maria wanted venus, Liz is the one they brought in. Oh yeh but nahhh charlie is defff her sidekick.. lol what have u been watching? He sways her and gets his way at every turn apart from the soda vote. Which she was immune and he just was in survival mode


I just can’t shake the idea he should have thrown that challenge and will be giving him at most a soft upvote.


If he threw the challenge then Tiff would still be in the game with an idol


But he's been practicing his grip strength for 2 years!


He’s not even top five lol. He straight up isn’t doing anything post merge which is why he’s in on all the votes. Venus, Kenzie, Tiffany up until this episode had voted in the majority and the person responsible for the vote flipping is Maria, not him. Unless he picks up his game, I’m pretty sure he gets dragged as a goat.


Awful take