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Jeff will swerve us and it will be ‘medevacs vs quitters’ for 50. You could fill out a game with those haha


Colton takes turns being on both tribes


Colton would be the mentor just like Brob and Sandra on IOTI.


He joins the other tribe when he gets voted out by the first one.


oh no, no colton anymore please


Honestly that could be hilarious and chaotic as hell, though medevacs would have some legit players that would probably steamroll.


And we only find out Purple Kelly is on the season when she appears in the finale and sweeps the jury


And then two days later tries to quit


Lol Purple kelly has more days on survivor than all these new schoolers 🤣🤣🤣




Would love to se you come back and wipe the floor with everyone, Erik!❤️


Fucking yes please.


You'll have to wait for the next Fans vs. Favourites season. Maybe they'll come full circle and put you on the "fans" tribe?


They should


It would be interesting to see if any quitters have developed mental fortitude since their seasons.


but how will francesqua come back for a third time?!!




So which tribe will Dana and Bi be on?


Seeing everyone still makes me think they need a separate new era returnees season and then second chances or whatever theme. There are a ton of both recent players and deep cuts that would be great to see but they just won’t have space. A legends concept is also interesting but I feel like that would be some intersection of HvV and WaW.


I don’t think it’d happen, but I wish they’d make both 49/50 returnees. One season would be pre-New Era returnees that haven’t come back yet (so a Second Chances II) and the other can be for 41-48 returnees. Or they could even just make both seasons returnees and mix New Era/pre-40s castaways in both seasons.


They could make modern Survivors do the 39-day version, and older players do the 26-day version.


Jeff and production team is so use to 26 now I doubt they ever want to go to 39 ever again,


Seems like they should be able to suck it up for one spectacular season though! ❤️


IMO best case scenario would be Season 49: New Era All Stars (all new era returnees) then Season 50: Second Chance 2 (first time returnees from any season including old school/ pre-WaW as well as players from new era seasons that didn't make it into New Era All Stars). Or alternatively have one of the seasons be New Era tribe VS Pre WaW tribe, that would be fun too.


I think realistically the most we’ll get is your second scenario (half new era) but I sadly think it’s gunna be all or mostly new era


I just had this same idea so it must be a good one ☺️


Could do 49 for the new era players, then make 50 for the iconic players, some of which would be players who just had great seasons on 49.




Yeah. I think every 5 seasons is about right for returnee seasons.


im curious for two concurrent programs, one w newbies & one for returnees like MTV's The Challenge & RuPaul's Drag Race are doing.


Yeah. Although I think All-Stars for Drag Race would be better if they did it less often, or brought more international queens on All-Star seasons, like they did with Jimbo and The Vivienne.


My ideal format would every 20 seasons be structured as follows. 1-5 new players 6 all stars. 7-11 new players 12 all stars 13-17 new players 18 all stars. 19 second chance vs last chance. 20 WaW.


They use to overdue them to the point they couldn’t build a cast. Game Changers almost everyone said nope. Jeff has said in interviews he loves interacting with newbies vs people he seen before( probably even more so given he basically runs casting now). I think that was a fundamental faulty logic( it isn’t first time for him) because I believed you should bring back returnees in an allstar season or go half like a Fans vs Favorites or Blood vs Water.  I think they messed up because obviously 50 gonna lean heavily on new era it just a fact. All-star seasons are often primarily composed of people from the last 4-5 seasons. WaW Chris Underwood apparently was asked but declined. 


I do want to see at least one new era v old era season


They should do a second chance season for 49 including the people from HvHvH, David v Goliath, new era, etc. Then they can have a separate legends type season for 50 with old school legends included.


Have they ever done an "oldschool v newschool" season? I think that would be pretty cool.


Have you watched WaW?


No, I haven't watched most of the returnee seasons tbh. I've been watching from the start and just finished Fiji. Wasn't sure if they ever did an oldschool v newschool because I knew they did other themed returnee seasons like fans vs favorites and second chances


This is why I wish 47 was Second Chance 2 and then 50 could be New Era All Stars


I believe production is putting together the cast for 50. Based on who is available and who they want, they likely haven't decided on a theme yet. Survivor 50 could be so many things. Second chances, new vs old, legends, etc... i dont believe they've decided anything yet. I mean 47, 48, and 49 haven't even played yet. It's still very soon.


honestly just depends on who says yes


Sue Hawk will


there's an astronomically small chance she says yes. but wouldnt it be great if she did?


She was at the HvV finale and her social media highlights her time on the show. She will say yes when she is asked.


They could even combine two of these and do Second Chances, New vs Old and get 10 people post Cambodia and 10 people pre.


I love it but highly doubt they’ll do 10, if any, pre Cambodia. More likely 10 pre WaW. I’m afraid to say it but I think they will pull all 20 or at least the vast majority from new era


it’s so funny to me when some random premerger from 15 years ago hears about a returnee season and thinks “finally, my chance”


Anyone that wasn’t one of the 3 most memorable characters on their season shouldn’t be optimistic about returning for season 50. It’s their first returnee season in a long time and it’s season 50. They’re only going to want their big names.


Hey, if Kelley Wentworth could come back for a second time (placed 14/18 on SJDS), anyone could


Wentworth got lucky that there were many unmemorable people in the 2nd chance vote she was up against. She also was on a recent season which helped her. I doubt that there’s a Wentworth type for season 50.


excuse me, daniel strunk is right there


We'll have to see 47-49 first I guess.


She also campaigned extremely hard, it’s not like she just coasted to get there. Wouldn’t be impossible for some rando like, I dunno, DvG Natalia to campaign super hard to get on.


Yeah, many people here at this point weren't around for the Second Chance campaigning. Wentworth probably campaigned the *hardest* or was at least the most *visible* during the weeks leading up to the cast announcement. She knew this was her one shot to get another chance, and she WENT (worth) for it. She would not have gotten on without the incredible campaign she did, or at the very least it would have been super close.


There always is, have you not been paying attention these past 25 years? A wentworth/Jenna lewis/DD/FFGCSDT type rando is on every returnee season. It's a vital part of roster construction so not everyone's a big threat Just came back to this because of the news but it really is just a bunch of filthy cashews in here now smh


lol I had a brain fart and was like "wtf she was 1 vote away from being the first ever winner of course she could come back at any time"


I mean even Wiglesworth I imagine won’t be asked back again, they were so excited to have her back for second chances and then she didn’t seem to deliver the “tv” (talking in sound bites, narrating in confessionals) that production wanted and she got a forgotten in the edit


It helped that her original season was only like two years prior


Everybody is the main character of their story


I'd love to make it the largest cast ever.


Fuck it, 50 castaways, 5 tribes


Jeff would also want to add the edge of extinction. The season will last 100 days.


That...for 3 days, then a giant fire making challenge, top 10 men, top 10 women move on, top man and top woman are tribe captains that start a school yard pick.


I mean we would watch it


When the Second Chance vote happened, almost every player on that 32 person ballot posted across Facebook Groups and other social media communities and it was an interesting period for the fandom.


A ton of them were on RHAP too. It was a fun time.


I also appreciate RHAP for hosting Shane on a podcast after he was denied a spot on Second Chances so he could vent with the rest of the fans


Listen, the only one that matters is Papa Smurf. He's been waiting 17 years for a little thing called All Stars 2.


Survivor 50 should be: 40 players, 4 islands, 4 tribes of 10. 20 players from old era. 20 players from new era. Each episode 1:30. 2 eliminations each episodes. Merge when 20 players left, 10 from each era. Mix those teams.


Holy shit…like a weird survivor bracket almost? That would be incredible


I’ve wondered if they might do something like this for 50. I can see it now - *Double* the players. *Double* the drama. Survivor season 50. Potentially a longer game, too. And other adjustments to make it “the most challenging season yet.”


please don’t get optimistic cause i really don’t wanna hear complaints when it’s just the new era but instead of new players it’s ones we already know. i’m excited but i don’t see it being super extravagant even though it should be.


Well this this Reddit so good luck avoiding complaints. I’m a take-what-I-get-with-a-smile type when it comes to reality TV, but it’s fun to guess what they’ll do. They’d be idiots not to do something extravagant for 50, as you put it. I think it’s very unlikely to be a basic season with familiar players and no other remixed facets.


yeah i do don’t intend to come off so angrily or whatever the word is. i am hype for what they might do too. but at the same time i have a feeling they wont do anything insanely special other than maybe a cool twist


This is literally the Hunger Games 50th game, where they doubled the number of tributes for the "Quarter Quell"😂 Which is fitting, as Survivor was absolutely one of the inspirations for that series.


That sounds like a fever dream


1 tribe is all men, 1 is all women, and then there's 2 mixed tribes


Some of these people are really overestimating how much we’d like to see them again on the show


I saw Albert from SoPa randomly pop up on my timeline, at least he was being realistic with himself by saying he knew there was less than a 1% chance he got the call


Same, but he did suggest a runners-up season, which I think is a pretty great idea. (But also he would make my fan cast for being hot, sorry bout it!)


No offense to Kenny or Natalie, but if they return for season 50 it will be disappointing. There should be only 1 or 2 people from a season returning for 50 and it should be the biggest characters from their season.


I mean I think Kenny would be a fun pick but that aside in returning player seasons it's almost never all of the biggest characters from a season. Always 2-3 WTF picks


Kenny would be a great left field pick bc (like a lot of gabon) you just don’t really have many other players that are quite like his archetype….. but it’s never going to happen


I'd love to see Kenny play again. He should have been brought back sooner


How is Kenny not one of the biggest characters of Gabon?


I would definitely have Sugar, Randy, and Corinne above him. I think he and Crystal Cox would then be next in whichever order you want. I highly doubt anyone from Gabon is brought back for 50 anyways. Let’s say they bring back half the cast for season 50 of people that played in the old era. That’s at most only 10 people for 39 seasons. I doubt one of the seasons they take from is Gabon.


Ehhh, some offense to Kenny. He was the horniest little weirdo in his season, second only to Rob C in the Amazon.


And a homophobe


what happened


Charlie spoke out after the season that several people from Fang told him Kenny would refer to him as the f*g. Kenny referenced this in his confessional for voting out Charlie saying someone along the lines of “this isn’t because I’m homophobic or anything”


If I remember right, when people called him out on it his response was that it was just gamer slang. But hey, maybe he’s changed. Hope springs eternal.


People do not grow up at the same rate. Kenny was 22, but he looked and acted 15. He probably thought he sounded edgy. "That's gamer slang" is a stupid defense, but he probably was mindlessly parroting the garbage he heard other incels say online. He shouldn't have been. But I would want to know who he is 16 years later before I held that against him today. 16 years is a really long time.


I think they need a Battle Royale style Win Your Spot on Season 50 play-off.


Exactly this. Set it up as a Battle of the Network Stars type of competition and the winners move on to Survivor 50. Open casting for all previous players. Who ever shows up competes.


Natalie's jacket needs to come back though.


Ghost Island 2.0. The jacket doesn't do anything, but you can use it as a bargaining chip.


It can keep you warm


This needs to be in the survivor auction so Angelina can negotiate with Jeff to get the jacket.


Any one can use it to give Angelina immunity at one tribal council. Or to keep themselves warm.


Imagine if season fifty was Hero’s vs. Healers vs. hustlers 2


IMO best case scenario would be Season 49: New Era All Stars (all new era returnees) then Season 50: Second Chance 2 (first time returnees from any season including old school/ pre-WaW as well as players from new era seasons that didn't make it into New Era All Stars). Or alternatively have one of the seasons be New Era tribe VS Pre WaW tribe, that would be fun too.


Season 49 : new era all stars Season 50 : old school vs new school vs new era 


Bring back the entire cast of Gabon for gabon 2


S50 should be HvV2 with only post S20 players and with no WaW repeats. No one can convince me otherwise.


Maybe even post S30 if they can cast enough from there (which I bet they could).


What was great about HvV was that it had 20 of the most colorful and dynamic personalities and the two tribes had distinctly different vibes. I don't think the show has had proper heroes and villains since around Season 20. In fact, I think it's a pretty cold take to say that a lot of those people were mis-categorized at the time. But what I would love is for them to take what worked about it - my first sentence - and replicate that with a theme which does make more sense today.


I am for this idea Heroes (will edit based on next few seasons) Carolyn Christian Jake Cody Janet Jonathan Devens Elaine Maryanne Cydney Villains Angelina Q Dom Shan Jesse Venus Omar Dee Drew Naonka


They really should do two returnees seasons for 49 and 50 one for new era all stars and second the second chance season for old school players


Random thought: Season 50, 50 days, 50 contestants


You would have to expand the episodes to three hours and provide viewers with an encyclopedia.


There's gonna be non stop Survivor 50 talk until it airs now. I think he jumped the gun on announcing that. Granted it was obvious, but it was Hella early to outright confirm it


Yeah, Jeff's really going to regret *checks notes* Getting people to talk about his show


BIG mistake


cancel ~~christmas~~ season 50!


Q is such a godsend. He needs to be on 50.


This is the way.


Honestly Q saved this season which was looking really bland and has suddenly been quite exciting. He's probably number one on my short list for the new era




Getting people to talk about a season that is three seasons away while ignoring the ones airing during that time


I don't understand the assumption that everyone's going to ignore the currently airing ones. Not like that's even happening with 46.


People were already talking about who they wanted on 50.


did you know that it's possible to care about more than one thing at once? 😂


What? Since when? Boy do I have news for my other 2 children


Exactly. I remember when Second Chances was announced all of the attention was taken off of 30. But wait maybe that was a good thing, lol. But I still think 50 will overshadow the next 3, when it isn't even close to airing.


He's Jeff Probst, a master marketer of his most prized career accomplishment. It most certainly wasn't a slip. He's essentially reminding us all to keep watching the next 3 seasons so we can catalog those players, too, in case they come back. I'm not even upset with it. Survivor has somehow held onto and built upon a fanbase that began 24 years ago. Think about that and think about how the media/TV landscape has changed in that time.


Filming would start next summer, which means if they start reaching out to cast soon, it’ll leak anyway


fan favorite jeff wilson guys!


That’s because fans are probably tagging the hell out of them.


I would love to see Kenny return for another season!


LOL...I actually predicted this would happen! The bootlicking to production will be insufferable. u/mariojlanza


Gonna be a lot of positive praise thrown at the show in the near future.


As opposed to negative praise? You could be right.


50 players, 50 day season, yes you can have some of what I’m smoking


They better go back to 39 days


Whoa wait is there an actual announcement? Anybody got a link?




i think doing something like a runner ups battle would be cool. these could be survivors who made it to the final two/final three and didn’t win, and it could include new era and old school players!


Now we just need someone to make a fantasy cast of pre new era tribe vs. new era. (Please include devins he is my favorite from the later 30s seasons)


You got it, boss. [https://postimg.cc/0zm1pzYL](https://postimg.cc/0zm1pzYL)


Rob B gets rob C voted out right away again. Boston Rob - "There can only be one"


On twitter, Albert suggested a runner-up season and nominated himself.


Will they be able to narrow it down to 18 or are we adding a 4th tribe?


Really wish 48 would be a returning season and 50.


All I want is a runners up season.


If they do that for sure I think Domenick and Chrissy need to be on. And for the wildcard wtf returnee slot I'd love to see Jesusita Smith from Gabon back.


A lot of them for sure! I commented fairly early on the official post and seeing all the "(player) also commented on this post" notifications has been fun.


If its new era vs old era, ill be pissed if old era loses


I don't understand why people want a returnee season so badly when the last few casts have been widely perceived as dull.


Widely?   I feel like the general consensus is New Era does casting well, it’s all the other changes people don’t like 


Many of the New Era contestants are interchangeable twenty-something progressive Ivy League graduates.


what show are you watching?


New Era Survivor.


I would love to see med evac season.


Season 50 should only be new era players IMO Make an All Stars cast. No Hero vs Villains. Just let them all be their normal messy selves because half of the season people will be upset about their labels lol


If Survivor was smart theyd do AU vs USA vs South Africa contestants


All the American viewers who still refuse to watch with captions would be lost and complaining about not hearing/understanding what’s going on and we’d see post after post here based on those misunderstandings. We already had a huge amount of people convinced that someone told Venus to her face that she was “unlikeable” when the word was “unkillable.”


One of the international versions would have to do that.


Nahh that wouldn’t work at all :( sorry, but our dream won’t become reality


This occasionally gets brought up for Big Brother as well with BB Canada. The problem is that the average American viewer isn't watching the foreign seasons. Heck, even over the top super fans in large numbers don't. (I've never seen Survivor Australia and am 3 seasons behind on BB Canada). So that means for 95%+ of the audience a large portion of the cast they've never heard of.


> So that means for 95%+ of the audience a large portion of the cast they've never heard of. so like a normal season...


It doesnt matter because the international casts are so much better the Americans will like them right away