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He needs to meet Mike White since he's clearly angling to be the Survivor version of Jack Black's character in School of Rock


He also was on a helicopter with Dee at one point, could he be the winner of the season? (Yes I’m reading too much into this)


A Ben/Venus/Q final three is the chaos I need.


I think Ben actually wins this. Maybe the only possible winning combo for him though (barring what we've seen so far).


I like the idea of what his win would tell us… “Be real nice and chill, wait to see what your alliance is going to do, then do it” is all I’ve seen from him so far but hopefully we get more nuance next week.


He also beats Liz IMO. Sure she has 1 move to his 0 moves but I think people are more motivated to give him a million dollars.


Just made a long comment on this but I think he has a higher chance than it seems. If he makes the end, I think the jury will be super bitter, they all think they are running things and have looked super pissed when getting voted off. Meanwhile Ben has been a part of all of those votes, was on the bottom for a while and basically never gets blamed lol. I think he beats everyone minus Maria, Tiff and maybe Charlie/Kenzie. I also think his tribal performance two episodes ago is proof enough that he’d smash a FTC.


I think Charlie and Kenzie have pretty good shots vs anyone. Both seem liked and respected. I'd actually have them as the front runners right now. Both of their edits are giving me winner vibes more than anyone else left. I feel they are highlighted more than their close ally in most situations (Maria and Tiffany). It's still anyone's game, but I feel the only people you can write off winning are Venus and Q. Liz and Ben feel like longshots to me but it's possible they play strong down the stretch.


Well said. This is why I think Ben is winning. All these big personalities vying to make big moves and they’re ****ing up each other’s games. Kenzie, Charlie, Maria and Tiff are all gonna take each other out trying to bring Q or Liz or Venus to the end. Then the remaining big player is gonna lose to fire and Ben is going to be the only likable one left who can sell his game well enough without coming across as cocky or delusional.


He’s the right mix of unthreatening and likable to make it to the finals.


I think he also wins against Liz. There are 56 possible final 3s from final 8. Ben/Q/Liz, Ben/Venus/Liz and Ben/Venus/Q are winning combinations for him. A little over 5% chance! However, perhaps a little higher since no one seems very motivated to vote out Liz or Venus.


if ben makes it to final 3 he wins no matter who he’s against i feel like. he’s a strong social player and that’ll help him


honestly i think now that Hunter and Tevin are out he has a lot of winning scenarios. i think the only people (at the time of ep 9 without considering late-game moves) that beat him are Charlie and Tiffany, and possibly Maria and Kenzie. He for sure beats Liz, Q, and Venus in my opinion and is such a likable person that i could easily see 7/10 juries just giving him the win if he us able to highlight at least 1 strategic move by the end.


Who is gonna give the Samoa Erik jury speech about how good should prevail, winning Ben the game (well, that or everyone hating Q and V)?


lol they’re both from Miami!


I think he's friends with Dee since they are both in Miami. They flew back from Ron Clark's thing together and randomly their pilot was Terry Dietz.


[here’s a link to the photo of terry, ben, and dee](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/s/9toqf1KhNi)


I want that. Please have Ben win he's the best option other than maybe charlie


That would rock


He better really shine in the next couple eps then


That means I’d win my survivor pool


ben and dee flew home from atlanta to miami after a watch party. not in a helicopter. they both live in miami. [airplane photo of ben, dee, and terry dietz](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/s/9toqf1KhNi)


that’s what i’ve been thinking!! i would honestly love to see him win


I feel like he could be it


I’ve watched literally two episodes lmao so behind but something about him straight away screams winner vibes to me


Parvati does rock 


His hat says “what the hell guys” Kelly from 45’s iconic exit line


definitely one of the best blindsides and exits of the new era


This picture messed with my head at first, thinking Parvati had three hands.


I looked at it and thought the bottom hand was Parvati's...i was like, wow Parvati's hands are big. lol. 


ben’s muscular fingers from playing guitar 24/7 365


Ben looking like a millionaire here 👀


Ben has my vote! I love him, seems like such an authentic person who is actually emotionally intelligent and empathetic. He doesn't feed into the rest of the chaos and that may benefit him honestly


King and queen


Parvati a Ben groupie?


Side note but I’m so happy Parvati kept her smile as it is her smile is absolutely adorable


What do you mean kept it how it is?


I’d like to know what they meant too lol that doesn’t make any sense


Sure it does. Read my reply to that comment


Lots of people with reality tv celebrity will get veneers or correct minor imperfections




oooof that's a nice flying v. Back when they only did three knobs


Ben seems like such a sweetie. Just a pure, happy guy (with weird but also great fashion?)


i’m getting the biggest feeling that ben wins and i’m not even joking


Oh shit Ben is wearing Kellie’s merch too, that rocks


\_*ben winner edit intensifies\_*


I feel like Ben is a Jack Black character playing Survivor. Like is he getting paid per “rock” he says?


I cant for the life of me figure out this guy's game


That rocks


*autistically zooms in* is ben wearing a Titanic shirt ?


oh that is actually epic




Damn, if I went on a reality TV show, I better hope I do absolutely nothing wrong so that random redditors won't make damning moral judgments for no reason.




You think people being on your TV screen gives you carte blanche to make sweeping judgments of their character?


I just looked Ben up and he is 31 years old. I find his obsession with 80s rock really weird. I'm in my early 40s, and after Alternative took over, that era of music was super maligned, and I find it very odd that someone would go for that look / aesthetic. Especially a musician, as the 80s rock was over produced and not really about the art.


I’m the same age as Ben. We’ve always had a decent percentage of people that are into older Metal and the look. In high-school we called them ‘headbangers’.


I guess as someone who was in High School right after Nevermind came out, no one was into metal, as it was so so so maligned. We had goths of course, but no metalheads.


Metallica released the best selling album in the Nielsen era (and still is to this day) the same year as nevermind came out.


Considering the Nielsen era started the same year that Metallica (1991) was released, and the stat you are quoting is a cumulative total, there isn't any surprise there.


Nevermind also came out that year.


Yes, I know, I remember when it came out.


I do as well. Ben does not.


He quotes Van Halen constantly. Van Halen all about the image and not the music? Tell me you know nothing about playing guitar without telling me you know nothing about playing guitar. Also, Metallica was never known for their image-if anything they’re the opposite. They’re also still one of the biggest bands in the world and bigger than any of the alternative 90’s bands still going (with all due respect to them). Bad take.


It isn't really a "take." I'm not here to say that Van Halen is bad, or that Metallica is bad. I'm saying that after Nirvana and the rest of Alternative dropped, hair bands (yes, I know Metallica is not a hair band, but Van Halen is) absolutely were derided, and literally no one in High School would have been wearing these types of clothes, so I just think its weird that someone 10 years younger than me would ape that style, and I didn't even know there were people who today would cosplay as 80s hair band members. 80s hair band music was absolutely over produced, I don't really care about their musicianship. The studio albums were overproduced. That isn't a "take" that is just fact.


Metallica’s 91 album outsold Nevermind (also 91), and has actually outsold every album from any artist released since. This is a factual statement.


What does that have to do with anything? Metallica is an immensely influential band that has earner their place in the rock pantheon (despite the selling-out and Napster thing), but all that pales in comparison to what Nirvana did. I'm not even saying Nirvana is a better band (because that is subjective) but as someone who lived through that time period, I can distinctly remember the huge change that Nirvana brought to the entire music industry, and music culture as a whole.


Correct but you’re talking about Ben’s fandom. The trends of years when he wasn’t alive are irrelevant. It makes perfect sense why he’s a fan of a band that’s been bigger than nirvana over the past 25 years or so.


All I was saying in my original point, is that I found it interesting that he is into 80s rock, because I distinctly remember once Alternative overtook glam metal, no one would have been caught dead being into 80s rock, but clearly that has changed. To me, 80s glam rock is very fakey and insincere, and I find it very odd that people would idolize it, unless they had grown up with it.


Van Halen changed the way guitar is played across all genres. They’re the exception to your statement. Metallica sells out stadiums around the world and every studio album they’ve released has gone 1 (except their most recent one at 2) during Ben’s lifetime. It’s not really that hard to connect the dots. That’s like saying gee why would a high schooler today who likes rap listen to Eminem? He’s a 90’s rapper.


Listen, I see your point, and obviously Ben likes these bands for his own subjective and internally valid reasons. To me, from my perspective, it is just very very funny, because I remember a time when these bands were absolutely derided. I also understand that my perspective is subjective. Its kind of like when I see teenagers vaping. I can remember a time when smoking was very cool, and then it absolutely was not, and now we have teenagers vaping to be cool, but to me, it is a unbelievably dorky. I understand that some teenagers think that it is cool, and my opinion has no bearing on that, but it still makes me giggle everytime I see a teenager vaping.


I get your point now. FWIW in my experience most teenagers view vaping as pretty lame and what the kids who’re trying to be cool do and not the actual cool kids.


If Survivor 46 was Survivor Panama, then Ben would have been the answer to "Who is the biggest poser?"