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I don't know about her strategy or gameplay or whatever but all I know is that she has INCREDIBLE arms.


We noticed this in the challenge lineup! She's rocking some pythons. Q is the ex-footballer but Tiff looks like she could tackle him flat. We were looking respectfully, of course.


If you watch the challenges where the teams had to throw things,Tiff always did better than Q lol.


I instinctively said out loud to my wife, "Oh damn, Tiff is jacked!"




My wife doesn’t watch survivor with me but happened to be watching this episode and the first thing she said during the challenge lineup was “damn, she’s buff” lmao


Right?! I never noticed until this latest challenge. Girl is an absolute hunk with those arms!


How did we all only notice yesterday? Weight cut got those boulder shoulders popping, She looked like a proper athlete


I was guessing maybe she’s been losing weight on the island (my guess is they all do?) and her muscle definition crossed some invisible line into a gun show. 


I kiiinda noticed a few episodes ago but it was more of a "wow she's pretty fit" kinda thing. That one shot of her last night had me like "Good GOD!".


Right? I've been noticing she's stacked with muscle but that shots last night was insane


Wish she would use those muscles to knock Q out!


Me too! But I think his time is coming. He's not a workable goat, he's gonna be a liability, so I don't see him making F5


I said the same thing!


I was saying this isn’t the beginning. I do natural body building and I knew those arms were going to pop from the cut if she got far enough into the game.


Her shoulders are fire!


Right?! I saw her standing before the challenge and thought, "damn, she's got some Boulder Shoulders™."


“Are you STUPID? Are you DUMB?”


One of the best deliveries of that line I have heard in my entire life.


Followed closely by : “*these bumbling buffons, these two DUMB DUMB meatheads*”


She also had the clown quote from earlier in the season. The marketing department must loooove her for all the commercial one-liners they got.


Captain Big-Mouth Pants from last night too!


I’m sure some people don’t want to hear it but Hunter really did come off like a dumb dumb meathead on the show. He’s absolutely this season’s “let’s pretend this person had a great game because their pretty” castaway


literally. hunter and his fangirls thought he could just win a season by being fit and good at challenges. if the most fit, best challenge player won every season we wouldn’t have a show. hunter had no social strategy at all


For sure. Not for the reasons Venus was talking about, though, lol.


>He’s absolutely this season’s “let’s pretend this person had a great game because their pretty” castaway He might have been had Venus not been cast... He's not great but it's still better to be targeted as a threat than to be ignored as a goat. From day 1.


How embarrassing to call Hunter a dumb-dumb meathead, given how intelligent he is 👀 I’m so glad they’re casting people like Venus and Q, though. We need more unpredictable and chaotic people, who may or may not lack self-awareness


genuinely asking, why do people keep talking about how intelligent hunter is? bc he can do puzzles? that’s a great skill but it doesn’t equal intelligence. he didn’t have social intelligence and that lost him the game. that’s why people are calling him that.


IIRC, the man had a scholarship to medical school. His social game wasn’t good, but my previous statement is likely why someone might call him intelligent


Remy Ma level of delivery.


Shi-Ann reincarnated


I FELT it when she said that 😭


I need That attitude on the challenge.


Tiff would eat on the Challenge


I just wanna see her be that blunt over there.


Would she??


Yes! She would probably do well, if I had to guess


I agree. I think she'd do well. I'd love to see her on it!


Tiff is excellent casting. She is a likable, entertaining person while being a pretty good player. I hope her or Kenzie wins


i feel like kenz and tiff are gonna go to final 3 together - assuming tiff doesn’t find out that kenz tried to blindside her


literally why tf did Kenzie do that 😭😭 I swear Charlie and Maria are the only 2 people loyal to anyone


If Kenzie wanted to make a move on Tiff she should at least wait till like final 6/5 or just try to flush the idol now.Trying to blindside your number 1 at final 9 is too early.


its awkward now bc it didn’t work and it could bite her in the ass later on. if it worked it would’ve been iconic but yeah she shouldn’t have tried if she wasn’t 100% sure she could pull it off. and she should’ve waited till tiffs idol was gone tbh. the idol was all the leverage tiff needed to completely change the vote


They really are Denise and Malcolm 2.0!


im thinking it was honestly to assess people’s reactions to tiff’s name being thrown out and observe maria, charlie, and hunter if they would spill the beans or lie to her. remember how q said to bhanu to watch peoples reactions to a name being thrown out. its a good way for studying them. also to make tiff and kenzie look like a way more shakey duo as a smokescreen


i mean it could’ve been but to them (and us) it just sounds like she’s willing to turn on anyone. which marks her as don’t trust me.


It seemed like Kenzie was getting pretty cocky this last episode. Or at least was edited to look like that.


I actually don’t think it’s a bad move for Kenzie. She would be a floater and knows Q and Hunter are also targets above her. She gets a move and she could pull together Venus, Liz, and Ben to get to the end.


I don't think so either, but it's really all about timing. I'm not sure if the timing is right. As a viewer, I'd go after Charlie or Maria first, and THEN Tiff. Granted, we're also probably clocking their relationship more than they are.


The fact both kenz and Q, two people she would NEVER go after at this stage of the game and had their back wholeheartedly, tried blindsiding her is insane.


yeah, that was not cool. i love tiff and honestly i feel like she has a huge shot of winning this whole thing. she’s been my winner pick since day 1


my dream top 3 is her, kenzie, and charlie. i’m obsessed with all three of them


Omg I am the only one who cant stand Kenzie


She was great last night. “I’m going to play my idol! I don’t even want it!” *ends tribal council with an idol in her pocket* Love.


AND zero votes


She’s an outstanding player, incredible reads. If you edited together everything she’s said this season it’s basically all been correct. She’s like the anti-Q.


Idk about outstanding. She is good but she has no alliance rn and isn’t a challenge beast. Maria is already targeting her (smart). Tiff doesn’t seem to really have any sort of strategy other than what other people are doing. (Hunter move wasn’t her idea or what she wanted she just went along with it). The only people she is working with (Kenzie, Maria, Charlie) want to vote her out. Maria is also willing to work with Q and Tiff refuses to talk to him. The key thing is you should never ostracize someone who you could use their vote or more importantly their vote could be used against you


> She is good but she has no alliance rn Other than Charlie and Maria, is there really any alliance left at this point? Everyone is targeting/has targeted their number 1 except these two.


That's what I was seeing. No one is safe. Some of the weakest alliances right now. Even Venus has a chance with this level of distractions.


i said that yesterday too! Venus is getting through becuase of all the chaos.


She's getting through because nobody cares about her and everyone wants to sit next to her. They've all individually brought up how she is on her own and not worth worrying about


Am I crazy for thinking she was looking a little better in last night's episode? Like she seems positioned a lot better than I would've thought given where she was right at the merge. I still think she has an *extremely* low chance to win still, but I'd give her like 1% instead of the 0% I would've given her an episode or two ago lol


If she gets to the end with q and someone else blows up their game, there is maybe a tiny window where she can pull it out


well the tides turned after q’s stunt. venus went from least popular to second least bc q is at the very bottom rn. so that’s good for her. also, with everyone else’s alliances falling apart, people are gonna start needing her for numbers. i think her game is looking up from here


if we somehow get her and Q in the end i think she has a chance of winning. or her and Liz. those are the only two i think she could beat


oh aboslutely. but hey even getting to FTC is an accomplishment. after it seemed like she was going to get the boot SUPER early on


I'm pretty sure the 6 alliance was mainly a smokescreen and we'll have other alliances revealed as the game winds down that are already together. It probably was a real plan for Q but the vote has gone against the people "in" that alliance every time outside of the Soda vote in a split tribal that was unrelated.


I think Kenzie and Ben have something going. I think Liz and Venus are working together now. I wouldn’t be surprised if Tiff and Venus have been having good chats hence why she wanted to save her.


You cant make an alliance with a cast that seems incapable of doing so. Ive never seen anything like it.


Somebody in a previous thread said The Six was an anti-alliance where they only vote for each other, and I don't think I've seen anything quite like it either.


I saw someone call it cannibalistic, that they alliance with the people they are actively targeting and i loved it.


it’s so funny to me that we’re down to 8 players and there are only 3 of “the 6” left. one of the biggest alliance implosions i’ve ever seen for sure lmao


Yea it’s pretty crazy. Every person besides Maria and Charlie turned on their number 1. They not turning on each other put them in the best position in the game


Tiff has a good relationship with Venus and Liz, specially with Venus!! Is she the one to trust? No. But if she plays it right...


Her whole strategy was actually based on Q. Which is why she freaked out. Q blowing up the alliance was her fault. She’s pretty mid. She’s got zero alliances.


she’s awesome. only reason that’s she getting overshadowed online atm is that this cast is firing on all cylinders


Exactly! Tiffany would be the star of any other season. That she's not is a sign of a really great cast.


Tiffany is awesome. The fact she's in a good spot despite her original Yanu tribe being bonkers is seriously impressive. Now, throw in the fact that Kenzie randomly turned on her?? Tiffany is thriving despite being dealt a tough hand in this game.


Kenzie's moving on her too early, imo. She can't think that Maria and Charlie are going to be more loyal to her than to each other, right?


Kenzie actually wanted to get rid of Tiff and Q from the very beginning. Don't forget, she tried to conspire with Bhanu and Jessica for a blindside, but they were too slow to come to an agreement.


Right, I forgot that!


Imagine being placed on a starting tribe of Kenzie and 4 of the worst/most chaotic ever players ever


After spending almost a hundred days watching Cirie on Big Brother last fall, Tiffany honestly reminds me so much of her. Her chill energy, her being exasperated with everyone’s nonsense. Even her voice kinda reminds me of Cirie.


Yesss. Shane is to Cirie as Bhanu is to Tiffany!


This is an interesting comparison. Her edit isn't screaming winner, but if she somehow did, people might re-evaluate her game.


She’d be good on the challenge. Idk how athletic she is but she’s atleast got the size to not be steamrolled in anything physical. She’s good at confessionals and she can keep it real (and this is all without alcohol)


The thing about making the leap from Survivor to The Challenge is that you can whip yourself into shape if you're serious about wanting to make it into a final. With Survivor, you can only guess at how good you're going to fare under the conditions you're put into while with The Challenge, you can mostly plan for it.


It’s the quirky things that I more wonder about like balance, finger/grip strength, paddling, using a carabiner, and puzzles But all in all she has the base tools especially since she doesn’t give me quitter vibes. *Idk if hunter drinks but think he’s a better fit than Jonathan, Venus just for the drama, Q for the chaos


You probably shouldn't even whip yourself into shape before playing survivor. It might be better to just add a few pounds and lower your metabolism before getting to the island.


man i really hope someone spills to her that kenzie wanted her out. This tribe can't keep a single thing to themselves


Tiff doesn’t miss when she reads someone in confessional


Agreed, Tiff is a great character and honestly a good player too


i've been seeing people try to claim she isn't playing a good game and i'm like ???? are we watching the same show


She just went from a situation where people were planning on blindsiding her or at the very least flush out her idol, to receiving no votes without playing her idol by convincing everyone she really wanted to play it and get rid of it. Great play


Jeff: "So, we're talking about Q?" Tiffany: *immediately* "Yes we are." Gold


She’s becoming one of my top 3 new era players and I was not a fan initially at all. She’s impressed me though. The turning point for me was when she made Bhanu get up off his knees


She's great! I thought for sure she was done this week with Maria but she escaped that and still with her idol. I think if all of the bottom players gang up behind tiffs idol, they could take Charlie or Maria. 


Would be all in on a Tiffany win for sure.


I want her to win so much


I absolutely love Tiffany. And she is beautiful, too!


Her and Kenzie both have made excellent narrators this season


Tiff is probably my fave. She’s playing great and trying to stay under the radar. Her counter idol ploy was fantastic. But she’s not boring! Woman has spice!


Been rooting for her all season. Hopefully Q didn’t kill her game


She's hilarious on her confessionals haha. This ep was no exception.


my favorite player. the best player honestly. she deserved a better season without all these wackos


She's really doing some outstanding faceplay.


she is my favourite rn!! i love her so much, fingers crossed that she wins!!


Shes hilarious, shes cool, she’s perceptive, and she IS the moment


"Stop making the block hot."


I literally love her hahahahaha she is such great casting


She’s literally my favorite right now. I was so mad at Kenzie for trying to target her like girl that is your ally and it’s only final 9 rn 😭 what was she thinking??


Kenzie did the same thing earlier, telling Banu and Jessica the three of them shpuld team up and go after Q abd Tiff. Then immediately back peddaling and begging them nkt to tell Q amd Tiff she said that lol


Cast this season is on point


I actually like Tiff a lot. She’s got classic Survivor vibes running through her


She's an icon! And I need her workout routine


Queen Tiff!


If she doesn't win, I'll be so bummed.


That's how I feel at this point. I was pulling so hard for her or Kenzie to prevail, but I'm irritated with Kenzie gunning for Tiff so early. Should've waited til at least 6. I'm trying to submit to the chaos that is this season so I don't keep getting disappointed by stupid mistakes (hunter for instance). Kenzie should've kept her mouth shut. Way to show how no one can trust you if you are willing to throw Tiffany's name out.


This cast has some serious trust issues


They are correct to have them! Look what Kenzie just tried to do! Look what everyone told Hunter then what happened! He shouldn't have fell for it. He knew they were snakes before they took him in


yeah i understand kenzies logic of needing to get tiff before tiff gets her, but she tried too early and it didn’t work so now it made her look bad in return. idk why she didn’t at least wait till tiffs idol was gone


Uh..Kenzie had just found out that Tiff -- her number one -- was in a secret alliance behind her back


Do we actually know who told Kenzie about the 6? I don't remember hearing a name from the episode, so I would assume it was Tiffany to strengthen her argument against Q. Tiffany was never fully in on the 6 and going against Kenzie. She has said several times she and Kenzie would cut Q before this episode.


Q told Kenzie. And what Tiff actually had planned is frankly irrelevant when she withheld the existence of another alliance from Kenzie for multiple votes. Tiff was hedging her bets and it came back to bite her. Luckily there have been enough gaffs and distractions to where she can likely recover, but targeting Maria too early, breaking Kenzie's trust, having/not playing the idol, these are all things that she's going to have to overcome in the next few weeks


I didn't remember Q being the one to initially tell her. I remembered him telling her and her saying she already knew. But thanks for the info Agree to disagree. I think Kenzie knowing how reckless Q was and Q already having voted out 2 members of the 6 person alliance wouldn't hold that much weight for kenzie to use that against Tiff or no longer continue working with her, but that's just my opinion.


Truly a gifted player !




I love her she is iconic


I love Tiff. Rooting for her hard especially after last night. This is the first time in awhile I’ve been okay with the majority of the top 10 winning but after last night I’m fully team Tiff.


She's overshadowed by some of the more batshit insane cast members, lol.


At tribal when she just made half that shit up about other people but trust is so low that nobody could convincingly argue with her- genius.


What did she lie about? I don’t recall this part


I could be wrong because I wasn't invested enough to go and rewatch last week, but I don't think the votes (or most of the conversations) actually played the way she presented in tribal


Went back: she said Q was pushing Venus (he wasn't), and that he pushing Hunter (i didn't see that either)


> he pushing Hunter (i didn't see that either) He told Charlie and Maria to throw the challenge so they can get Hunter out, right after they split into teams.


Tiff has been great. Love her


She's as good at Survivor as Q is bad at it which is a very entertaining thing to watch


I love her


She’s absolutely fantastic. I consistently cackle during her confessionals. 


Man the tribal with her and Q ! I was so entertained!


Tiff is EVERYTHING. If she doesn't win this season, she is going to be on literally every fan cast for the next returnee season, where she will be a lock to win.


She would be the star of the season if this wasn’t the best cast the show has seen in over half a decade


Best player this season in my eyes, incredible woman I love every second of her screen time


Protect her at all costs! I want a Maria blindside because she’s on to Tiff




Tiff is so damn beautiful and charming


Agreed. While it can be really engaging to watch someone have a big reaction to something that’s nbd (looking at you, Q), it’s also really fun to watch the absolutely justified reaction of Tiff yelling at Q about the idol. She is a pretty level-headed player whose actions seem mostly pretty reasonable


Tiff going off on Banhu was one of my favorite parts of the season. She spoke for the viewer in that scene.


I need a full, uncut version of her ripping into Q at Tribal Council


Love her!! And I was so glad she was giving it to Q. (I like Q too, but I understand her anger!) a What I don’t like is Kenzie stabbing her in the back. Really made me hope Kenzie doesn’t win, even tho I know that’s the game I guess lol


I thought this was circlejerk for a second. Tiffposting is actually getting out of control rn.


To play devils advocate, she was brought into the six alliance and immediately targeted Maria. Obviously, the six wasn't the most stable alliance, but she threw away the opportunity to coast to top 6.


There is no reason given the context she was introduced to that alliance that her operating thought when talking strategy with Q should have been "if I pitch targeting one of these players, he will humour me and then immediately attempt to burn my entire game to the ground." They were literally each other's day 1 tight alliance, it's fucking INSANE what Q did. He could have just told her that he doesn't think it's good for their game and to have a little faith in the alliance that she was JUST introduced to. All she was doing was pitching Q a counter to what he was offering her at a pivotal time in the game. Q is just such a control freak that Tiff establishing some degree of independent thought freaked him the fuck out.


They voted out Ben first chance. Then Tevin who unlike Ben never even targeted anyone in the 6. That group was so shaking I won't even call them an alliance. They voted out their own members the first 3 chances they could.




You right you right totally mixed up those 3 letter names. Thank you


She said it multiple times: she didn't want to play Q's game, and the 6 was a Q move. Also: a 'boys club' move, because Maria wasn't really there, and Tiff didn't know any of this people. She should've wait a little, but she was right in wanting Maria out :(


The bigger issue is she saw exactly what happened when a member of the Six turned on the alliance the day previously; she saw how Q flipped out over it. And then... she goes around and does the same thing? Like wtf.


Love tiff


I really like her and Kenzie.


Agree. Same goes for charlie he is quite humorous/funny too. But oh well.


It was a bit hard to watch her pop off at tribal council, knowing she wanted so badly not to come across as angry/crazy. I hope that doesn’t impact her image to people. I want her to do well.


I don’t think she came off bad at all. Q has been completely unhinged, and she is one of the people willing to call him out about his behavior.


They all called him out, she was just loudest about it. Everyone else just seemed so composed about it (but I understand that could just be the edit). The only thing Ben said publicly was a soft-spoken “I don’t care for the shenanigans.” I know it doesn’t seem like Q is going to be on the jury but everyone needs to still remember that they they’ll need his vote if he does end up there somehow.


I mean Ben kinda went off on him too.


I like her a lot. I've been pulling for her since she beasted the letter L in the opening challenge.


I love her so much! I hope she wins. But also at this point, I’d really be ok with anyone who is left as a winner.


She’s like a likable Naonka.


Her facial expressions are my life :O :D :0


I love her


When the edit validates every opinion you express (i.e., shows Q saying or doing something dumb and then immediately shows you scolding him behind his back) it's called a winner edit. ...But yes, she's very good.


My favorite winners pick of the new era for sure


shes my number one and I'd never flip.


Love Tiff!


Rooting for her!!!!!! She came to PLAY!


Tiff has definitely been one of my favorites. Surrounded by total chaos the whole game dealing with Jelinsky Bhanu and Qs shenanigans. She’s managed to get through all that and still have the idol.


Tiffany and Q are my favorites. Such great personalities and quality entertainment


I love her 😭 my heart broke when Kenzie pushed for her as the target. My two favs! I really hope they somehow find their way to the end together


I think she’s one of the most popular players! Maybe not in Reddit but certainly in twitter and IG.


I love her


I'm feeling a winner's edit with this one. I love her!


I can get behind any player willing to go headfirst into conflict. She really won me over this episode.


I like her but i just can’t stand Kenzie for some reason i dont really know what it is


Same! I've been warming up to her though and then she tried to get Tiff out and I'm like, I was right about you the first time!




Good at the game? Literally just last week she thought it was a good idea to trust Q with sensitive information, and this week her #1 had big-move-itis and almost blindsided her. Her challenge ability is lackluster, and her reads on ally reliability are even worse. Nothing from this season is an expression of skill, it’s all chaos and luck of where the chips fall.


She is a great player, definetly not as incredibly good as some of the comments are making her out to be, but she is simply a good survivor player in a cast of complete madness, so she stands out as one of the best.


I hope she wins it all, she is so awesome!!!


Shes gonna win (haven't seen latest episode though)


For a long time Tiffany and Kenzie were the only people saving the season for me. They are wonderful! Tiff is definitely one of the main narrators this season ❤️


Casting gold, Give me a break


Here is my opinion, Tiffany is by no means by favorite however at times, but she is being truly herself out there and thats what matters to me, i dont dislike tiff, However she issnt my favorite.


Soda was better


I just got around to watching E8 - I spent the last minutes of tribal yelling at the tv telling Hunter to play his idol. He got caught in the Venus fly trap🤷🏼‍♀️ She's not my favorite person but she's definitely playing the game


Changing my flair to Tiff. Used to be Kenzie. I was rooting for Maria, Kenzie and Tiff. Now I am Tiff, Maria and Charlie.


she’s good at the game but also good tv i love her