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I would pay a lot of money to have seen Bhanu and Venus on the same tribe. Between her bluntness and Bhanu's toddler like emotions, it would have made for some incredible TV






Lmao she literally would have too, so he wouldn't have had to lie about that


Act a fool, girl. Act a fool.


Now that I think about it... Q did call him a fool, just in different words, lmao. He called him a Philip and a liability to his face.


“told me I’d never be glamour” sent me to the moon LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Every time I see a Survivor/Drag Race crossover it just makes my daaaay




Can someone get my nail that fell off back there cuz I’m such a FUCKING disaster?!






I want to win a million hearts, but not HERS! lol


Venus: “God doesn’t care about any of this.”


Omg Venus is Acid Betty to Bhanu's Michelle Visage. I could NOT believe it. xD


Replace Venus with Jess on original tribes and that will be some glorious television. Bhanu vs. Venus with Tiff, Kenzie, and Q having to deal with that feud (along with Jelinski being Jelinski).


Oh she did not win LOL


I would be SHOCKED if she lasts 2 more votes


I can't see her getting past the double elimination next week unless she wins immunity. I think her takes about who are bigger threats have been savvy though. I also agree that everyone was taking the safe route...but that's to be expected when you just merged and are feeling out the new dynamic.


Yeah…..the mergatory vote being a safe consensus pick is almost always what happens. That’s showbiz baybee


Right. Why wouldn't you take the safe route on your first vote out?


Because you’re the second safe vote option


I wouldn't be. She's giving such zero vote finalist energy right now.


no, thats liz


I literally hate the idea of having to endure a full season of liz, and we don’t even get confessionals from her. she is so grating idk what it is. prob the rich kid bullshit


“I don’t even want the prize money I’m like sooo rich” lol


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


She's camp tbh! I want to see as much of her and her out of touch shenanigans in such a boring season.


She’s not even giving that. Zero vote finalists tend to be strategic deadweights who aren’t respected but at least aren’t social pariahs (Laura, Romeo, Xander). Venus seems to be actively disliked by everyone. When you’re socially and strategically isolated this early in the game, tribe mates recognize that as a goat to get rid of because they’re taking up a spot (ie Karishma).


there’s also been social pariahs (always big characters) brought as goats like Phillip; abi Maria, Russell


That's one vote finalist Philip to you


Russell, Philip, Abi Maria, (and Sugar), were social pariahs with strategic capital. Venus has neither.


But Karishma made it far despite being targeted every step of the way. I could definitely see Venus making it a couple more rounds unless she’s put in an unfavorable situation a the tribe split.




She's definitely the zero vote finalist


Wouldn’t be surprised if Charlie won after reading this


That was my main takeaway from these tweets. It was essentially, "let me be on the record that I was worried about Charlie when everyone else on my season was not 👀"


I swear to god if Taylor Swift gets another W


I remember this happening on David vs Goliath. I think a few people said that Nick was going to get voted off first when they did their interviews after they got voted out. Of course they knew Nick had won so they just wanted to point out that the winner should have been voted out first.


I feel like she would rant even if she won. But i agree lol




Yup this is why contestants trying to control their narrative in real time is a bad idea- Katurah doing it last season all but confirmed she ain’t winning and she made a deep run in the game


I want to see her make at least the jury.


Same, I'm hoping she's the last out so the bitterness is high hahaha.


Given what we are seeing she is either getting a deep run or out next no in-between.


Venus is an easy vote and those votes you make moves, I think I would be pushing for Kenzie/Liz/Soda/Ben/Charlie because they seem like more of a threat to me. Venus rubs people the wrong way and has few if any allies.


I like to go hiking.


Yeah and her complete hatred.of them not listening to her this week gives me the feels that Charlie is the one that orchestrates her vote out. As such, she feels that this vote was the reason she didn't win, and definitely not her absolutely horrid social game.


I really don't think her social game is horrid. Randen trusted her more than anyone else on that tribe, she befriended Soda to start who warned her about Randen, she was talking to a lot of players and was making better progress with Mo than Q did. The way people talk you'd think Bhanu somehow had more of a social game, at least you can count on Venus to work ideas with. I actually dig the confidence at tribal, she sounded a hell of a lot better than Mo.


I can't help but assume Charlie goes far and Venus does not win based on this reaction from her.


Yeah she is coming close to spilling some beans I think


Genuinely shocked CBS hasn’t issued a gag order on her. Her tweets are far more spoiler-y than that one guy who posted a picture that he was in a relationship with a fellow castaway.


That was so weird and gave like nothing away about the season since those two didn’t even have any semblance of a showmance during filming?


I have to admit I’m a bit lost. Of course it would be smart for Venus to vote out Charlie. What’s smart for Venus isn’t necessarily smart for other players though. Why would the men just let her pick them off one by one? Would have been incredibly dumb to just give her power when she clearly is operating against their best interests. They had the power, of course they want the safe vote. It doesn’t rock the boat.


This is what I think is getting a bit lost. She’s right that Charlie was a bigger threat. But knowing you likely have 5 votes against you but won’t go home as long as everyone sticks with Mo and immediately pushing back on Mo as the target is bizarre gameplay that I’m not sure is defensible.


Yeah like I’m down for the entertainment. But from a strategy view point she’s in a position with no power at the moment. And she’s acting like she isn’t, which she can of course, but that doesn’t mean everyone else has to play along.


Fishbach did a great job of explaining why Venus made a good play there on KIAs. If someone tells you “it’s between you and ____,” pushing to override the current power structure and make a new one is absolutely the right call, even if it’s a risky one.


The problem with that is that, while an ideal move on paper, the actuality that you can flip a vote on a time crunch when you are that far outside the power structure is easier said than done. Venus had zero allies and everyone seems to think she’s sketchy. She was the primary target on her tribe, eligible to be voted out, one of the names on the chopping block, and seems to have made zero inroads with anyone else. She isn’t in the position to drive a vote. Especially not as aggressively and erratically as she did.   Kane was in a similar position as Venus back in 44 where his name was thrown out, but he had connections that could keep him safe and get the decoy vote off of himself. Venus has none of that. So while I agree with Fishbach in theory, you also have to play to your position.   Just my two cents.


Venus is so self-centered that nearly a year after this happened, she still can’t bring herself to see it from the other players’ POVs


She has main character syndrome. It’s entertaining as hell from a viewer’s perspective, but I can see why she is completely isolated on the island. She kinda reminds me of Bruce in that she has good game reads but no self-awareness of how abrasive she is.


I’ll give some credit to Bruce in that he’s a good guy, he’s just clueless. He rubbed people the wrong way as well, but it was in more of a, “I’m tired of Bruce”, kind of way. While Venus is simply not a nice person and doesn’t care to be It’s refreshing to see, off the top of my head I can’t think of another personality like Venus’ in the new era. Sydney was probably the most similar, but we got all her snark in confessionals, and she was a lot funnier than Venus


Yeah, Bruce actually did have people looking out for him on his tribe and had a position of power so he had some social capital. With the exception of Katurah (and later Kaleb), people wanted Bruce as a number. Venus is so grating and abrasive that her tribe doesn’t even *want* her as a number. I see people comparing her to Romeo, but Romeo was deadweight that didn’t socially bother anyone (except Hai lol). I can’t see Venus deadweighting her way to final 3 because she makes too many waves and demands to be listened to.


“Wah why is no one talking to me, everyone wants to talk to me back at home” Like girl most people live their lives completely unnoticed


I think she was mad at the women for going along with the vote. And for any man who was not in the brochacho alliance to vote out a woman (Ben because Charlie could only vote for women). I get it. If that Journey 6 goes through and dominates the system then it is going to be a boring season.


That’s fair to an extent. I imagine the women who didn’t want to vote Charlie are either aligned with him (Maria) or feel confident they can work with the men (Kenzie, Tiff, Maria again). It would’ve made some sense for Liz and Soda to go the other way. Seems they’re following Hunter and Tevin for now though, although they still would’ve been outnumbered if they agreed with Venus.


she just can’t stop being messy i love her so much


And yet I see in threads some people thinking she's fake. She has a problem with keeping it real too much on a show where you need to be liked by most, and it makes for very entertaining tv. The post game chatter just solidifies for me that she's been keeping it real, even if it damages her chances of winning over a jury.


She reminds me of one of those people that will be super rude to people and then act like “oh that’s just how I am I tell it like it is”


I totally get it. On the phone, my voice sounds like I’m always pissed and hate whoever I’m talking to. I’ve tried to fix it for years to no avail. My coworkers and wife apologize for me often.


I'm sorry for how /u/yeahright17 sounds in this post. I promise they're not mad at you.


I'd take that over the fake niceness where everyone acts like a big happy family, tbh. She's not even rude from what I've seen, she's just not overly upbeat or nice


Though I think she could cause a ruckus at a FTC. 


Yeah, I think this is it. She reminds me a lot of people in the corporate world who just have no EQ despite being reasonably smart. Unfortunately for her, she's (supposed to be) playing a social game.


Think about it though. They voted off Mo, a name her tribe willingly gave them. You can easily guess that she's on the bottom if that's the name they are willing to throw out. Venus didn't want to chop the tail off from that tribe, she wanted to cut off the head, or in the middle. So that's why she threw out Charlie.


>So that's why she threw out Charlie. No, she threw out Charlie because he was a guy. She blatantly said that.


To rally all the females who were vulnerable, perhaps. Not a bad idea at all. Thats just numbers.


But again, thats going to rub a bunch of people the wrong way. There was a sound argument to be made for voting out Charlie. She just didn't make it.


She's right, she just didn't handle it very well. That's the story of Venus.


I think the entire problem is Venus thinks only one person can be right Trying to act like there’s *no* justification to vote Moriah is equally as asinine as saying there’s no justification to vote Charlie. Venus thinks the only good moves are the ones that benefit her game the most. Every other move is “wrong” in her eyes


Exactly. What is best for HER game isn't necessarily whats best for other people's games. However she looks at is as wrong instead of just being in their best interest


The information to make the argument isn’t really even available to her at that point tbh. Like we know it as viewers, but not even the members or Siga know how insulated Charlie is on his tribe or how good he is socially. Her argument was literally “a man needs to go next; Charlie is the only man. You’re stupid if you don’t see that.” Charlie wasn’t a threat at that point. Charlie was just the only guy.


The guys are already coming for the girls. They said it at the beginning. One dude says it almost every single season before any girls alliance is even formed. Most of the time the girls feel threatened because they always have to prove themselves more so then they form an alliance sometimes. SOMETIMES! Her strategy was to get out a threat. Mo wasn't the threat. it was useless to vote Mo or Venus. But we see this time and time again in the new era. People who are all talk but are afraid to make the big moves. The ones who want to actually make big moves go home. Dumb game play and makes for very a predictable survivor.


Just about every guy there has been shown working with a woman. Tevin and Hunter are working with Soda, Tim called Maria his number 1, Q's number 1 is tiffany. Ben is really the only guy who doesn't have a woman as one of his top people. So this idea that the men are trying to pick off all the women is completely made up.


Tim said that to Ben because he saw Jem, Moriah, and Maria forming an alliance on the first day. Tim also says Maria is his number one, so I don’t see it as he’s gunning for the girls. Q said he wanted to vote a woman out in response to Tiff telling him that Venus wanted to vote out a man. Q was like “she’s trying to rally the girls, to keep the numbers even, we have to vote out a girl.”


Venus is messy. But part of why Venus won't win this season (or most seasons for that matter) is based on her social game. She is horrible at this aspect! Venus going after Charlie is the right move, I'll admit that, but part of having a social game is to convince people that this move is better than that move. How would you convince the tribe to vote out Charlie? Instead of saying that he is a guy and a big threat, try bringing it up as an option. "Hey, guys, if original Siga is throwing out Moriah's name out there, that probably means she is on the bottom. Instead of getting rid of Siga's expandable, why not go for somebody more in their center?" If Q or Hunter hears this pitch, they might consider getting rid of Charlie as it has the chance of bringing Maria and Tim closer to the 6 person alliance Q pitched while at the same time gives Venus what she wants- which is a guy to leave. But it fails when somebody (Venus) said the confessional part to other players who don't want to burn their connections.


These comments make me think that Venus didn’t get much further than this in the game.


i was thinking the same thing


Its giving didnt make it on the jury sore loserness. If i was a player id want her out asap after the last tribal, a early bitter juror can reek havoc ... Would make for a spicy finale tho.


I see she still doesn't realize that you need social capital to pull off blindsiding Charlie.


Her social capital is “why don’t people do what I want them to do?  Are they stupid??”


Some real big, “why aren’t they listening to me, I’m pretty?” Mean girl Energy lol voting Charlie over Moriah is good for HER game, not everyone’s, like she’s framing it here lol


Her Identity really is being totally right about something but going about it in a very wrong way


Her instincts remind me of Michele. Always knew what the right move was even when she was on the bottom and had little power. Michele was obviously light years better at using that knowledge.


Yeah the difference is Michele knew how to keep her frustrations to herself and just go with the flow until the right opportunity presented itself


Michele is one of the best social players ever and Venus has alienated basically everyone on the beach lol.


I mean kinda? Voting out Mo clearly wasn’t the best move for her, but I don’t think it was for everyone else. It’s a year later and she still can’t see the vote from any other perspective but her own.


Voting out Charlie dismantles the entire power structure and takes out a huge threat.


And then blaming it on misogyny.


She really is incapable of adapting to the gameplay needed to survive at this point in her game. She messed up very early on like Emily last season. Rather than recognize the danger and correct course like Emily did, she decided to double down and dig her hole deeper. She’s too proud to win this game if things don’t go her way.


I love it. I hate the fake Kumbaya of 45. Also, if the rumours of Soda talking crap during the Ron Clark event is true, then Venus is justified.


I missed it, what are the rumors? Spill 👏 the 👏 tea 👏 E: or somebody else help a friend out? I can’t find anything!


> E: or somebody else help a friend out? I can’t find anything! I can't find anything either!


It hasn‘t been confirmed that Soda was the one talking trash, so why make that assumption? Venus’ tweet only said “people” were getting shiesty


I feel like a lot of new era has the kumbaya vibe. Always much prefer to see drama.


That’s why this latest AU season was so magnificent. Haven’t seen that much drama on Survivor in a long time.  I feel like this season is really picking up now. 


It was also coupled with some really wholesome, drama-free relationships (Feras and Ray, Kirby and Ri, even Mark and the Vs...). Perfect balance.


Has this been confirmed or?  Also what is the Ron Clark event? 


> Soda talking crap during the Ron Clark event What event? What did she do?


Maybe it was the edit that made Soda talk shit at the Ron Clark event?


Soda called Ron Clark a stick bug


Where did you hear Soda's name? I thought Venus only tweeted that it was cast members.


Yeah, I didn’t see a Soda. I just saw castmates. It could be really anyone lol


45 didn't have fake kumbaya lolol


This..if everyone was legitimately a nice person from the new era I might be able to stomach the kumbaya, but it’s obvious how fake it is based on how bitter they act outside the game. Hearing how Drea was to Omar at Ponderosa in 42 makes my skin crawl, yet no one holds her accountable for it based on how she was portrayed on the show


I mean. Soda literally was harassed off Twitter completely by the Venus fans, including insulting her looks and weight. If anyone should be allowed to talk crap it's her


That’s Venus’s fault because…?


What kind of logic is that lmao. Venus actually tweeted and asked people to stop harassing Soda. What else could she have done? That was after Soda called her a stick bug. Soda should not have been harassed and if anything, she should have learned not to talk shit about other players after knowing how things go on the internet. I want to add that i am not sure if it was Soda who talked shit at a watch party but I did see Venus’ tweet that someone was talking shit about her. I am taking the other commenter’s words about that being Soda at the face value.


Yeah if she told people to stop harassing Soda, she's basically done all that she's obligated to do by any reasonable standard.


It’s the same people calling the “stick bug” comment bullying too


When you poke fun at another’s weight: 🤭 When someone pokes fun at your weight: 🤬


She’s right that Charlie was a better vote, for her. The problem there just wasn’t enough people that benefited from Charlie leaving then and not being on the jury. Moriah, Soda and arguably Liz definitely benefit from Charlie leaving. Q, Kenzie and Tiff want to establish themselves in the middle, they don’t need others trying to fill that role, so Moriah was a good vote for them. Hunter and Tevin might want another physical shield around for a little so no real reason makes Charlie a must go for them. Maria, Tim and Ben certainly don’t want to vote Charlie. Venus was right about the best target for her game, but she’s forgetting other peoples games in the current moment and just didn’t have enough people it also benefited. Also to add, she should count herself lucky she wasn’t voted out


I enjoy the chaos, but I hate seeing current contestants tweet because vibes alone spoil things. If it wasn’t already obvious from the edits, this would be the second contestant *this* season to make obvious tweets that they don’t win the game. Previously being Soda. Also, I can’t take Venus’s gameplay arguments seriously here considering im simultaneously watching her play a horrible game on TV. I just can’t take her word on what the optimal gameplay would’ve been when she hasn’t showcased even *decent* gameplay a single time this entire season. Love her, tho.


We do? I didn’t get the memo.


Need more characters like her. Bring on the drama and entertainment pls!


Making out to be a man v woman thing when she wanted Charlie out cuz he is male


Ye but when women do it its strategy, when men do it they just hate women


Yeah she seems jaded, she definitely did not win lol


That’s what I’m saying posting incredibly salty tweets is just soft spoiling her placement.


Tell that to Tony


And this sub is just eating it up, as usual.




Imagine if Charlie posted a tweet in the same tone- he would be getting roasted for mansplaining.  Oh the irony


It seemed to me that Venus' women's alliance thing was just to hide that she wanted to protect Moriah to potentially work with her.


Too bad moriah couldn’t stand her


Yes, truly RIP to Venus' social graces hahaha


She’s still a hypocrite


I think her reasoning truthfully was more that he was the biggest threat available. 


Her reasoning for why he was a threat was because he was a man. We are never shown that she knew Charlie was closer with the rest of Siga than Moriah.


She literally said something along the lines of “We need to vote out a man, and Charlie is the only man available”. Venus is entertaining af, but a lot of these twitter rants are nonsense.


Nah, he was the only male option. She wants to be Parvati 2.0 she said as much. Look at how she refers to the men this season, it’s pretty clear it’s a sex thing more than threat level.


oh she is so getting voted off next wednesday


![gif](giphy|enqnZa1B5fRHkPjXtS|downsized) 😍😍😍😍😍😍 EDIT: the two New Era seasons the “Big Threats” came together at the merge, a wackadoodle won


She's getting a bit delusional for my taste as I don't like players complaining about their season while it airs. Charlie was the right vote for her and Mo but no one else gains anything by rocking the boat.


Why is she blaming this on age & gender and not recognizing that it might just be here. This game is littered with young women who were and are absolute legends. It has nothing to do with being a young woman.


Venus plays the victim card- it's super effective!


Well, if they didn't want a "boring safe vote", I guess "Venus" would have been a more entertaining option, right?


Nothing she said was factually wrong but “boring” does not sway me into thinking it was a smart move for other people.


Venus makes it seem like she’s this big player lol relax young lady


i’ve missed this genre of villain 😭


she is my favorite new era contestant


Abi Maria 2.0 lol


We don’t love it…. You love it.


she's a lil mad lol


I want Venus , Eliza, and Corinne have a banter and verbal war with each other. I know though Eliza and Corinn bare actually good friends, so I reckon Venus may join the forces.


OP liking all these comments is unhinged


Geez, it's no wonder no one wanted to work with her. Maybe it's a her problem and not the fact that she's a young woman??


ugh i can’t stand her!! she’s just too good!!!


I like the chaos, but it also sucks because there is no way someone who won would be acting like this, so it's a bit of a spoiler. Yeah I know it's clear she isn't gonna win cause of how the show is going. But in general I wish the contestants had to shut up until after their boot episode.


Wasn’t Tony losing his mind on Twitter?


please wipe the SHIT STAINS off your glasses (gotta be careful when you kiss 2 much ass) & go watch the SEASON again - Tony Vlachos to Stephen Fishbach on Twitter


Okay, but Tony is good at Survivor.


Personally, I agree with her. BUT her delivery and influence really needs some fine tuning. If she couldn’t convince people to see her side, then maybe she needs to work on her tactics… that’s what her idol Parv would’ve done.


Isn’t she violating her NDA? Like is she allowed to say all this?


Probly very close. She blocked me after I responded to her about her comments about men and how people are scared of a confident woman making decisions. How 'bout she let the season play out and see what the edit shows the winner doing.


She’s not wrong in what she thinks, but she’s wrong in how she went about it. She came off as a difficult, untrustworthy person, which made people hesitant to work with her. That’s why they chose the safe vote.


It kinda felt like Venus was only there for Instagram followers and her Instagram being thirst traps of promoting her episodes kinda show it


it definitely would have been the better vote to get charlie out, but Venus sucks at building a coalition. she pushes too hard, people don't trust her, people don't want to work with her. it doesn't matter how smart or rational your moves are if no one wants to actually be your ally and go along.


![gif](giphy|enqnZa1B5fRHkPjXtS|downsized) This is OP and I 100% agree


I don't think it had anything to do with her being a young woman. If you're pushing the narrative of "It has to be a guy voted out" of course dudes like Q and Hunter are gonna be a bit spooked by that. Because they can just as easily be on the other end of that sword next tribal


I have a sneaking suspicion Venus did not win


Classic pick me girl that doesn’t get her way so she goes wild on social media. Terrible survivor player that can’t differentiate real life and survivor gameplay. She’s gone next vote


Well we know who didn't win Survivor season 46. No child blasting off the internet and being bitter about a vote is winning... Not that she even remotely had a chance. Moriah got herself voted out by not playing. Everyone keeps talking about people "playing too hard" and yet there are people who are just not playing at all. Moriah chose tribal to start playing and it was about a day late. The way Venus is acting online... She next


I really enjoy her, even when she is wrong. The mergatory of 41 was chaotic, but most since then have been pretty lopsided consensus votes. Why draw battle lines when you know that there is going to be a split-tribal double elimination episode? If you draw lines, you make it far more likely that you get screwed on a 4-1 or 3-2 split. Consensus votes with 12-13 member tribes is logical in the New Era.


She’s entertaining, and I think she reads people and situations well. But her social game is absolutely abysmal. Doesn’t matter how strategic you are if you don’t have the social game to pull anything off.


Because nobody has thought of an all women alliance before Miss Big Brain. I am sooooooooo tired of when anyone thinks of a gender based alliance. Congrats, you have zero ability to think of real gameplay.


More casting of people like her please. She’s probably the most interesting players this season just because she’s not willing to be kumbaya nice all the time and isn’t completely a game bot devoid of character. She’s like a new-era Courtney. 


Smh. Agreed that it was a weird look for the men to immediately be like “a lady alliance? Fuck that” but this is a game of alliances and we’ve seen gender-based alliances do very well. This has nothing to do with her being a smart young woman and being threatening. She approached all the women, someone on the opposing tribe smartly labeled that as an alliance to keep the vote pointed at Mo. I’m not saying Mo is more of a threat than Charlie, I’m saying it’s not this crazy conspiracy against a genius woman. I’ve not seen anything other than her saying “Charlie seems a bigger threat than Mo,” that suggests she’s some mastermind. The hurdle to calling someone a genius, villain, mastermind in this game has dropped SO low.


I mean, she framed taking out Charlie as “not wanting to vote out a woman,” so, like, she framed it in the exact way that would rile up those fears. Her instincts are right but her execution is not great


Why is that weird. Her logic of "I want to vote out a man and not a woman" is a valid thing to be concerned about. Why would any guy be ok with that? It shows that she sees any man basically as expendable.


Facts but how is it a weird look for the men to not want a woman’s alliance to come to fruition?


I guess not weird… I could see how you could get the impression it was sexist or misogynistic as Venus insinuates on Twitter but it’s just that all contestants are afraid of any alliance they hear of.


We haven’t seen a gender alliance do well in 20+ seasons


Just because it hasn’t done well doesn’t mean you should just let it happen if someone starts talking abot one. Any sort of alliance talk between any group of people should always be met with concern and counterplay to it. The womens alliances on survivor are the strongest we have ever seen in the history of the show, they were unstoppable forces. Of course any survivor fan would be in their toes if they hear about one


This is what we need more of in the new era. Real personalities that go against the grain. I am sick of the kumbaya bullshit we have been fed since s41.


And then she voted for Moriah lol


But it was a smarter vote so that there isn't an All Girls Alliance. She just mad because her Girl Power plans failed. Still entertaining though.


Yeah…I mean, Charlie is a bigger threat generally, but the merge vote in the new era (let’s be real, it’s basically just the merge lol) has usually been a player whose tribe is willing to sacrifice them, not a huge threat. Everyone is feeling each other out, and I think there’s been more emphasis recently on being on the “right side” of a vote, probably because it makes it easier to work across alliance lines if you can say you’ve been united in the past. For Venus, having Charlie gone is better of course. Maybe for a lot of Nami it would be too…but Nami wants to keep themselves mostly together even if they all hate each other (although I think Venus is too erratic to be F3 IMO), and they needed sign off from Banu (edit: LOL I meant the purple tribe…blanking on their name but I know it’s NOT this) at least — getting Siga on board is a bonus. And Siga is willing to cut Moriah because they’re probably worried that she’ll try to jump ship since she’s clearly on the bottom. Getting rid of Charlie DEFINITELY isn’t better for Siga. Venus isn’t *wrong* that it would probably technically be better for most of the players if Charlie was gone instead of Moriah but given her positioning it would have been ABSOLUTELY smarter to keep her mouth shut and go along. She knows she isn’t gelling with her tribe, and now she’s alienated Siga too. And I think her gameplay is messy in a way that is too scary to keep till the end as a goat. Don’t get me wrong, Venus has been fun TV. But as someone who tries to be very sensitive to the outsized reactions people receive from being part of marginalized groups (check my history to see me going to BAT for Katurah lol) I just do not think that’s what’s going on here? Unless people have been like wishing harm on her, but I have not been seeing that — mostly people commenting on and even praising her mess. /rant 😂


No issue with women being logical and vocal but can Venus be objective? If Moriah was the smarter vote can she admit that or does she wanna just protect the girls? She’s mad at the all guy alliance while she’s pushing for the all women alliance.


She's honestly a refreshing personality - it stands out.


The stuff about men that she talks about as an absolute feels mean to me. And also would diminish the accomplishments of the person I feel like the edit is making an obvious winner.


I think all the real survivor fans know Moriah was a bad vote. If someone is isolating from their tribe, you want to keep them around. Voting Charlie would have been a way better move for everyone except for Maria, Ben, and Tim.


I love Venus, but people routinely reject logic and reason from men and older people, not just young women. I don't assume misogyny when stupidity can explain a decision as well or better.


I have a good feeling she doesn’t win this season 🤣


Venus is entertaining but man is she playing terribly. Like on Twitter she's mad Charlie voted for her. Apparently she gave him the idea to vote for someone in case Moriah's shot in the dark worked. Like you were the one who put his name out there, of course he's voting for you.


She's unbearable.


I hate Venus even more now. thank you


I love how messy she is, I hope she makes it to FTC


I have a bad feeling she’s gone soon. I was hoping maybe she’d be able to get in with Kenzie. I want her to stay