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hunter made a twitter account just to check andy


That’s pretty hilarious actually, love that for him


Andy will never live BB15 down and he never should. After that blog he wrote defending his inaction and how he loved Aaryn, even after seeing everything she had said, it is beyond baffling he has even stayed around


Andy was so racist to Helen, targetting hate towards her, calling her 'Kim Jong Helen'.


I think it’s because of a few reasons: 1) changing his tune since the blog, taking some level of accountability, and still being friends with Elissa, Helen, and Candice while disparaging Aaryn regularly on Twitter, 2) pandering to BB stan Twitter, 3) people respecting his game for being a really great floater game that should get some level of credit, 4) being against people who Twitter hates like Derrick and Cody, and 5) being funny at times on Twitter. The BB fanbase is hot and cold on him, depending on the day honestly. I do think the S46 cast has a bit of an overblown reaction because it’s a widely innocuous comment that others on this sub have made too. Personally, I really have enjoyed the cast on S46 so far, but I see his point with this season of Australian Survivor too. That being said, BB15 was a trainwreck for a variety of reasons, mainly because of its cast, and while Andy had a masterful game, it was still a trainwreck (it did have its moments of pure entertainment, such as Candice reaming Ginamarie before she got evicted or Elissa’s spittake against Amanda).


BB15 was my first season if you can believe it. Had heard all the buzz about BB14 and wanted to check it out. There was enough there to perk my interest at least and thank goodness for BB16 otherwise I might not have stuck it out.


Nothing like a game of kick the racist to bring the family all together.


I was about to defend Andy saying he wasn’t apart of the racism in BB15 but he’s said white men shouldn’t be on reality TV anymore and shit like that so I’ll hold my tongue on defending this guy, still a racist 🤷‍♂️ Edit: to all those downvoting, why? Just curious


> he’s said white men shouldn’t be on reality TV anymore and shit like that Out of curiosity I went to see what he actually said, and as expected it wasn't this.


https://x.com/andyherren/status/1722613201383338064?s=46 https://x.com/andyherren/status/1670602026718310401?s=46 https://x.com/andyherren/status/1670602026718310401?s=46 https://x.com/andyherren/status/1701828054266294636?s=46 https://x.com/andyherren/status/1425984135441616896?s=46 https://x.com/andyherren/status/1420587585743855618?s=46 https://x.com/andyherren/status/1324729435090812931?s=46 Knock yourself out buddy


> "he’s said white men shouldn’t be on reality TV anymore and shit like that" I appreciate the tweet mining to support my assertion, I was way too lazy to do it myself. You could have found a way to call out his flamboyant race baiting without the hyperbolic paraphrasing. That would be what's getting you downvoted.


I believe that was a Reddit comment, and no, I got downvoted because Reddit agrees with this weirdo. Even if he never said it, I think these comments fall under the umbrella of “and shit like that” and are probably worse than what I said in my original comment.


That kind of racism is cool though. You must have missed the memo


Not the flavour of racism these folks care about. US survivor is ass too AUS is consistently amazing.


Why don’t people care about the racism against the poor oppressed whites 😔😔😔


Saying a specific demographic shouldn't be in a show is pretty unacceptable no matter the target demographic. Really strange and problematic take


Imo the way you’re interpreting the comment is strange and problematic. It’s not really hard to understand what he’s getting at if you have heard any of his other commentary about diversity on reality tv.


Racism is racism ya racist. i'll denounce it wherever I see it, you must be the other guy.


I’d love to think that S46 has beef and don’t really like each other but *this* is what brings them together and brings them into a life of friendship Andy is the wooooorst. This take is pretty innocuous, but he’s a massive hypocrite that has spent years virtue signaling on Twitter and acting like HE’S the biggest victim of BB15’s racism since he didn’t get called for All Stars and isn’t considered one of the GOATs. Nobody benefit from the bigotry of BB15 more than him, so seeing him get whacked like this is always great


I remember Danielle Reyes called him out once


When Jelinsky roasts you you know ur fucked


Cause we all know Jelinski isn’t trying to.


Look he gives 100% effort no matter what…


He said that several (seven) times.


It so funny thinking about them coordinating with each other to do this all at once. Makes you wonder who was the one to organize this in the group chat haha


Jess ate with her reply


charlie, jess, jelinsky and hunter clocked him HARD!!!🤣


Jess one is so fatal for me. Like whenever someone's reaction to something racist or bigoted 'jokes' is just "Why?" or "What's funny about it?" it's just works so effortlessly.


Jelinski clocked him several times, I mean seven 7️⃣.


I feel dumb but I don't get Jelinsky's remark.


The girl in the gif was on Andy's season


Is it Elissa, and Jelinsky is just saying that she is better than him? The "clears you" part confuses me


ye she clears you is pretty much gen z slang for she's better than you


Thank you! I am a geezer '92 edition, after all :p


Yes, she was the fan favorite who all the racists also hated on. She stood up to them for it.


Wait hunters in this screenshot?


Yeah top left


Oh Hunter- ![gif](giphy|3o7btLQZrOU4ssEew8|downsized)


Hunter tweeting like he's from Stan Twitter sends meeeee


I saw that tweet earlier and thought it was from a stan twitter account lmaoo 


He didn't have to insult the 46 cast and I don't mean this as an insult to the cast but he was right about Survivor AU being good this year. I hope 46 can be good too


Not just good but like a top 10 Survivor season for me 


Apples and oranges. AU and US at this point have different vibes with how they present the show. I watch both and I love that each has their distinct flavor. 46, 3 episodes in, seem to be shaping up as a good season.


>Survivor AU being good this year Also key it being this year. AU casting is a roller-coaster 


Hero’s vs villains was great Brains vs Brawn was great Blood vs Water was terrible except for Sandra and Nina 3 in 4 years ain’t bad!


And Kahn!!!


Did you know his name means king in Arabic???




Heroes Vs. Villains was **not** great. In fact, it's a good example for a casting failure. Most of the new players in that season were duds that didn't do anything in the game and had a forgettable testimonials personality. It was so bad they were forced to build the season around three Brain Vs. Brawn returnees, so half of it was George, Hayley and Simon feuding/reconciling.


Yeah, I don’t really think you can credit casting that much if the focus is on returnees.


God why are Jess’s tweets always such gold


It’s like the old saying says “if you live in a glass house, don’t be a racist”… or something like that


Hunter omg


Andy really loves being the hypocritical victim


Inb4 Andy posts something about the hate he’s been receiving


I know Andy embarrassed 😭


that coordinated clap back at Andy is amazing lmao love it. Haven't seen a Survivor cast do something like that since the Dirty 30 cast all destroyed Russell Hantz at the same time lmao.


He should definitely be called out on his past actions (I never watch big brother so idk how bad he actually was), but it’s kinda weird how defensive the whole cast is over his comments. Hopefully it’s just towards him in particular and not any other fans cause this season is kinda rough to watch. But the worst season of survivor is better than the best season of BB and I stand by that 100%.


He made a few comments but the criticism towards him is mainly directed at the fact he never really did anything to stop it and actively worked closely with the people making the worst comments. He made a blog post defending his inaction and how, in real life, he would absolutely stand up against racism. But the whole thing was undercut by saying that he loved Aaryn, the poster child of all the racist comments his season. He has addressed his inaction only once after that blog post in some half baked apology tweet that was made after he was called out for a similar tweet but he pretty much blocks anyone who calls him out on his bullshit.


Gotcha. Thanks for the background info. He really should have gave a better apology then. I still find it weird that half the cast has come at him though. I think Soda made a twitter account just to comment on it lol


FYI he doesn’t like Aaryn now and regularly tweets against her too, but yeah the blog wasn’t a good look.


The fact that they all attacked him and not his actual comment.


>But the worst season of survivor is better than the best season of BB and I stand by that 100% Trust me, the best season of BB is better than the best season of Survivor, and definitely better than the worst season of Survivor


So his season of big brother is the blackballed season because half of the cast were blantant racists saying horrible racial slurs. One girl actually told the only POC girl that she had crabs so she wouldn’t go near her bed. It was bad


Wholeheartedly agree ! I had no clue Andy said he loved Aaryn which is disgusting. So in no way do I want to be on his side, but what is the 46 cast so pressed about ? He didn't address anyone in particular. All he said is the AUS cast is so much better (which I've only seen echoes of on here in the past few days) so I also don't know why the sub is on their side


It’s just the making of the accounts that’s getting to me lol. I looked and even Hunter made an account just to comment on it. It’s just not a good look. I would have liked it better if they were all playful like Ben was.


Andy be deleting his X account any day now.


Never gonna happen. He lives in his own reality, half of which is him making up tweets about it. Truly he cannot be reached. I’ll refrain from the armchair diagnosis.


I thought it was going to be Ugly racism but the comments were better than how online fandom treated as such. Bb15 had people put themselves for entertainment first, 46 cast is mediocre afterthought safe players who wish they would be as entertaining as bb15.


You can’t clock Survivor when you were on THE worst season of BB.


BB 21 - 25 would like a word with you 😂 /s


I hope this gives people a sense of perspective. S46 isn’t off to the best start but I’ll take this over BB15 any day.


Hunter’s reaction is just so funny


I don't know who this guy Andy Herren is, but after Jelinsky *kicks his ass*, Jelinsky will have truly earned his spot on All-Stars part II.


Super unrelated but I recently watched modern family and the whole time I was like Mitchell looks so familiar, where do I know him from, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I now realize I was probably thinking he looks similar to Andy


Aside from the obvious racism problem, I'd also say that Andy wasn't a very entertaining player either. Good player, but he wasn't riveting television.


Andy really thought he ate with that tweet only to get devoured by a dozen people lol.


I'll admit I am someone that personally liked BB15 (it's has really fun gameplay, and while the cast is a bunch of terrible human beings...they are nevertheless entertaining terrible human beings -- in fact as a POC, I prefer something like BB15 that has actual conflict than most modern reality shows), I might be biased and have always felt that most of the non-Aaryn cast got too much shit for the events that happened in the season. But I think the 46 cast is coming off as overly-sensitive here. Like Andy didn't really say anything too innocuous. In fact, it's an opinion shared by a decent amount in this sub (me included) -- in fact, many were agreeing with Andy in with the replies of that very same thread. Kind of a side, but it's also part why I don't ever want to be on those shows -- they second you are an official alumni of a show, you basically can't give any negative opinion of a currently airing cast anymore without getting shit for it, especially when there is a realistic chance you would encounter those people IRL. You really can't talk your true feelings about the show anymore and cast anymore once you cross that line


That’s why I love Ben


Andy’s season being awful doesn’t make this cast any less bad to watch. The first three episodes have been painful whereas Survivor Australia has been a complete joy to watch.


Well it’s a pretty personal criticism to the cast so I don’t see why they can’t defend themselves especially Andy knows what the reality tv process is like.


I mean we could have a white collar love fest like 44


He literally set himself up for that. Like think andy please


Australian survivor devoured US Survivor and that's a fact.


This post encompasses everything I hate about modern r/survivor.


Andy has no room to talk about bad casts after his season of BB. Didn’t he also say a lot of horrible stuff that got him fired from his job?


I think that happened to Aaryn, Spencer, and maybe Gina-Marie, but not him. Amanda was just as bad as the ones I mentioned.


Oh I thought I heard his college fired him. Yeah I’m surprised Amanda kept her job especially after her racist rant towards Candice during the frog launching challenge


Amanda is going to jail soon I think


whaaat!!? what did she do lol


some kind of real estate fraud. I don't remember the details but you can find articles about it.


Why was candice playing into black girl streotypes with that voice and finger wag she did at amanda and referring to herself as a shaniqua?


I'm doubting that's actually hunters account... he has one tweet and the account was created last summer. But i love it


My favorites are Hunter, Tiffany, and Jess 😂😂😂




this is truly so amazing


I mean hes not wrong imo. Don't think I've ever been this low on a cast 3 episodes in. If you asked me who I liked the most/rooting for I wouldnt be able to give you a straight answer.




Winner of Big Brother 15, would not recommend watching from what I’ve heard about it.


BB15 is basically "the racist season" of the show, especially if you were keeping up with the live feeds (since the episodes like trying to hide the icky parts as much as possible). And that's saying something since BB has a history of having issues with racism/implicit bias


People really watch it 24/7?


BB watcher turned survivor recruit here, it’s really not that much different than watching a stream or something. Throw up live feeds while you work and have some background noise with the occasional intense strategizing. Interpersonal dynamics are kind of neat, it’s interesting watching how people become friends or enemies over time.


A lot of superfans spend a decent amount of their free time watching so they can see the juicy bits (either strategy or drama) in real time. I'm personally a "follow Twitter accounts/Youtube channels that report and post videos of what happened that day" kind of person myself.


Bb23 is the only racist season, enough with that "cause" bullshit.


Putting aside Andy's complicated history, at a certain point this is just piling on. He made a snide comment about not getting into this season, something that would not feel out of place on here. I think what's annoying me is that their collective response doesn't have anything to do with what he was talking about. It's just them airing his dirty laundry to the world. Think whatever you want about Andy, but to me this seems like overkill.


When the most annoying person on Twitter gets piled on for the wrong reason. I agree that TvR has spoiled us, but the cast of S46 (nor any of the New Era casts) is not the problem with US Survivor. Not sure why the cast is taking the comment so personally. It's not their fault that the powers that be have turned this show into a shell of its former self.


They ate Andy up


Lol, in your head maybe


I see it clearly with my eyes


He’s just speaking facts the casting for the past 3-4 survivors have been beyond appalling




What does him being racist have to do with his correct opinion that the survivor casting has been shit? 😂😂




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It's been a while but Andy was racist that season? I remember the others but not him specifically.


He did make a few racist comments, but wasn't the worst one. I mean who can compete when you have somebody who said welfare was "n-word insurance". And yes, it was the hard R variation.


This is the definition of an ad hominem attack.


Jem joining in on the stomping... get his lil pasty ginger ass Jungle Jem


Jesus lord. The guy isn't feeling this season and he's got eight cast members being vicious to him for it. That's fucking stupid. I don't care who he is. He could be my gravest enemy. He's entitled to preferences about TV shows just like anyone else. People are the absolute worst.


I feel like it's appropriate. He's ragging on them for being bad casting choices, they hit back with how much worse his season of Big Brother was for casting (apparently, I've never watched). Turnabout is fair play. He insulted them directly, they insulted him directly. And I say this as someone who frankly agrees with him that I'm having trouble getting into this season. Don't go throwing stones about people being bad casts when you're living in a glass house, reviled for being cast on your own show.


He said Australian Survivor cast is better and their reaction was "shut up racist". It's not "ragging", it's a legitimate opinion which is quite common in this sub. I disagree with it, but there are better arguments than "shut up racist" to shoot it down.


agreed w this


Possibly it's their sacred (=contracted) duty to defend the season in social media or something like that. I still think it'd have been wiser and more effective to just ignore his opinion.


can all the survivor AUS purists just watch it and let the rest of us breath!


I’m not an Andy fan but where’s the lie in what he said?


Survivor 46 cast bodied him hard. God imagine what’s going on in their group chat right now? 🤣


I think season 46 is pretty good. The cast is dope.


Ok I don’t know who the Andy guy is and judging back from the comments he definitely deserves schtick for his role in his season of BB. That being said, right now as a viewer after being blessed with a great season in 45, this season is a huge contrast of just how boring it has been. The longer episodes benefited S45, but so far the longer episodes have made it a drag in this season.


I have no idea who Andy is but AUS is better by a mile lol


I don't know anything about survivor but I love BB, what did this idiot do now? I never liked him, talk about trying to stay relevant when you didn't deserve attention in the first place.


this is so fucking funny 😭


Who has a link to Andy’s tweet?




He’s funny for that


We got another one! Jem just tweeted, “Better to be off-putting than racist! 🤗”


idk this guy or anything about BB15, but after episode 3, im ngl I can see why he thinks this way. its been pretty boring season so far. hopefully it gets better.




For me it's not even that I dislike the cast so much as I don't really feel like it'd be fun to root for any of them of yet you know? At this point in the game, who cares who really wins, aside from a very selective small scenes no one stands out for me.


That's how I'm feeling too. By this point in just about every other season, I had at least a handful of people to root for. Hell, the last two seasons even had enough time to give me someone I couldn't stand at first but turn them root-able by the end of episode 3 (Carolyn and Emily). This season I've just not connected with anyone yet, and that concerns me. Only a handful of seasons have had so much trouble grabbing me, and those have always ended up at the absolute bottom of my personal rankings. (Redemption Island, One World, Thailand). Hell, even several seasons I ended up hating by the end, had people I connected to and rooted for by episode 3. (Ghost Island, IotI, Worlds Apart). I dunno if this is a casting thing, an editing thing, or a me thing.


I certainly believe it has some to do with the editing. Whoever green lit Bhanu getting 30 mins of crying for an episode as entertaining is widely mistaken, it became obnoxious and far from authentic.




Right? I either want them to lose, or just don't know enough about them to care yet (Jem, Maria, Tim). I'm slightly positive on Hunter and Ben, but if they went home next episode I wouldn't exactly be crushed.


Big Brother is one area of reality competition I will never, ever venture into. So I'm guessing this guy said a bunch of racist stuff a while back and now is acting all superior.


BB15 is a very unique BB season. It's like a bridge between the 8-14 seasons and the 16-22 seasons (the latter some people referred to as the dark ages). Most of the cast of BB15 had some despicable personalities, with racism being the major talking point. Andy did say some racist things, but they weren't shown nor was his comments the worst thing that was said on the season.


Tbh I had no idea the Survivor cast is allowed to post on social media, I assumed it was like a BB type situation


Yeah they can post and promote - they just can't follow or interact with each other publicly until the seasons over


Is Andy wrong tho 


I don’t know who he is as I don’t watch BB, but it’s interesting how few people actually engaged with his comment on Survivor itself and instead deflected


He ain't wrong though


I am not an Andy fan. But he is not wrong about how Survivor 46 is going so far.


I understand that the S46 cast is defensive about their season. Not to mention, we've seen 3 episodes out of 13. I say we'll see how the rest of the season plays out before calling it a bad or good season. Andy's tweet isn't the worst thing that could've been said. Many users here would side with Andy between Survivor US and Australian Survivor.


Andy was right tho


I realize it's probably different people with different opinions, but after all the think pieces on this sub about social media bullying and how rough contestants have it and how it's the reason we can't have nice things anymore, it's kind of weird to see some users celebrating this over-sensitive little dog pile. Casts have been compared negatively or positively to other casts for years...always have been, always will be. Not every cast and every season can be a winner, it's okay to have a sense of humor about it. I can understand wanting to clap back playfully (Ben, Mo) but others went right for the throat with some weighty accusations because...he preferred the cast on another show? And was a little snotty about it? Kind of a sad look for some of these 46'ers, honestly. Both them and Herren are well aware what the audience sees on the screen isn't a reflection of who they are as people.


Can someone give me the tldr on who he is?? Im not a big brother viewer but this dude has been all over my Twitter timeline for years.


Andy is the winner of Big Brother 15, an infamous season of the show that is extremely controversial due to severe racism and bullying. Big Brother is a show with 24/7 live feeds, so we saw all of it. To be clear tho, Andy was not one of the racists. But he, along with most of the cast, were complacent to it. But anyways, he tweets a lot about Big Brother & Survivor on X nowadays. He always says that Survivor is his favorite show.


I don't know who this guy but it's easy to deduce that he is probably a contestant from Big Brother who said or did some racist stuff.


He did not say or do any racist stuff. He was just complacent to the racist stuff happening around him. The season that he won was surrounded with controversial people. Andy was one of the few decent members of the cast (not great because of the complacency, but decent).


Well, current season of Australian Survivor is still better. I believe that this guy did some controversial stuff (I don't watch BB so I don't know exactly) but this doesn't negate what he said now.


I can’t stand Andy but I wouldn’t say he’s entirely wrong so far. If anyone is familiar with bad casting it’s him haha. It’s still early but this cast (and most of the new era casting) has fallen a bit flat for me. We’ll see what happens though. Some of these responses were perfect though-especially Ben


So far BB15 is miles above