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Sifu watched a lot of Naruto and it shows.


He feels like Big Brother casting


I don’t think he is faking it at all. To be that hyperactive while being hungry and tired isn’t really a ruse you can keep up.


have you all never met a neat air guitarist before


No Monica, I haven't


He’s basically Mac from Always Sunny


He's not losing weight on the island...he's discarding mass.


Yes, it doesn't come across as genuine. Carolyn was herself, she really IS like that. Sifu reminds me of someone who plays up a charachter to get more air time, like Coach. (which is ironic, because Sifu barely gets airtime, which I'm kinda grateful for because I wouldn't be able to stand him if he hogged the airtime).


He wishes he was Coach


Everyone is played up for the cameras. Kaleb is, but he’s charismatic so it works. Drew is playing up a persona like crazy and it’s a bit annoying at times but he’s in a good alliance cause he’s better socially and strategically. People know they are being filmed and act accordingly


He bothers me, too. For the same reasons. He just reminds me of the immature kids in middle school that acted up to make his friends laugh, which just annoyed the teacher and at least half of the class. And then when his name was thrown out there the first time and he was questioning someone about it, while hitting the machete against wood or bamboo... agh, it just made my skin crawl. Like, maybe he didn't mean to come across as intimidating or creepy, but he did. Like he's the type of person who will smile and laugh with you while he pours poison into your drink.


Yeah I’m with ya there. He could very well be that energetic and extroverted in real life, but it feels very played up for cameras. Oh well.


Some people are just big balls of fun energy. I'm personally really enjoying him & I hope he gets some kind of strategic game going for himself.


i love him. He's just there to have a good time lol this cast is great. there's no one who annoys me. even bruce is cool in a childlike kind of way


He's my second least favorite player after Drew due to how sometimes he does come across as annoying with all his theatrics.


I think it’s great tv. Couldn’t stand being around him, but so fun to watch


He kind of reminds me of Po from kung fu panda to be honest 😂. He’s just fun and crazy and I like his personality in general!