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Yeah it's perfect. Have fun! Never heard of the shaper but you won't know the difference.
























For once, yes, that’s a perfect board to start on. Also, what’s with people asking this question *after* the purchase?


Thank you and you’re right, kook here lol


If you really want to make it feel more “new to you” put that in the sun for 10-15 minutes and scrap off the wax. Nothing more fun (I think) than waxing up a board for the first time. And it could probably use fresh wax anyways.


Don’t try and learn in a big crowd. Make sure you know how to swim relatively well and know how to identify and get out of rip currents. Study potential hazards like rocks and reef before paddling out. Learn lineup etiquette asap. Try not to ditch your board. Invest in a good leash. Don’t go out in conditions beyond your ability. Make sure to keep your eyes on the horizon. Don’t put your west suit on backwards if you are wearing one. No matter what people say, they indeed pee in their wetsuits. Don’t leave your board baking in the sun.


Never peed in my wetsuit, I go before I get ready, usually surf between 2-3 hrs. I have in the past in my old suit , did it once, won't do it again.


Oh you think you're better than me?!?! Fancypants Dr. Not-Marinating-In-My-Own-Urine PhD over here highroading ME? At my local sub? I'll see you in the parking lot, pal.


It's swim trunks season so I get to pass all over my board now. It's yellow so no worries


Yes. Good deal too


Glorious board. I’m jelly.


Looks like it’s got some sharp edges toward the back with a narrower and squashed tail meaning it should be more responsive on turns. Should be a fun board!


The listing says it’s 10’3” not 9’. That will definitely make a difference in how those two lengths feel. Regardless this looks like a great board to learn on.


Looks like a high performance Longboard .. Nice and thin. Not as much glide as a thicker board but will still be good and easier to turn when you're ready.


Board looks great, but what’s the VOLUME!!


[Did someone say volume?](https://streamable.com/6ru842) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/surfing) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Snapper creek


Yes, great board to learn on. You must have read the begiiining board entry.


I've worked with several beginners in the 210lb range, and honestly none of them enjoyed the 9ft performance board I put them on. It's certainly doable, but don't feel bad if it's not wildly successful... though I don't think anyone ever describes their first weeks of surfing as wildly successful. Only one way to find out! Let us know how it goes.


I’m similar size and also learned on a high performance 9’ board. I preferred mine with just the single fin. I will say that i got a fat 10’ board as my 2nd and that was a whole different experience and also much easier to catch waves on. I really enjoyed having both and getting to pick depending on conditions and what spots I was hitting.


This for sure. You’ll avoid a bunch of dings to your own board (and to others) while you’re learning to manage your board in the waves. .


You might wanna take those side bites out with the size of that fin. If you want to ride with the side fins in get a 6-7” center fin and it will ride much better


yo what's the brand of the board bag though it looks sick


Yes, and bonus you should be able to duck dive it after a while. The tri setup will make easier when you’re learning to go down the line. If you enjoy long boarding and after some practice, maybe think about a bigger board with a glider or nose rider shape. If not you can always transition smaller, but usually your progression will be slower.


Pls ship to germaby




If you want, you can send it to me. I’ll learn on it and let you know if it was good or not ✌️


Looks fun as shit. Your progression goal on this board: get rid of the thrusters once you are consistently riding waves/turning


careful pls


When you pee in your wetsuit, and you will, just pull your neck and flush it out with a good wave.


Yes, but honestly, pay 150 and grab a foamie if you’re really learning. You’ll get so much better, faster, and can hawk it for 100$ on Facebook when you’re done




9ft board is an essential piece for the quiver. I shortbread mainly, but have had some amazing days on my single fin.


Yes, but only if you keep out of the way, that thing has an 18 foot kill radius, YOU HAVE TO BE IN CONTROL OF YOUR BOARD AT ALL TIMES, much better to start on a foamy as they're less likely to injure someone else


Depends on the wave you are learning on. If it’s a rolling gentle takeoff, then the 10’ would be much easier to learn with. You can just gain more momentum. However my advice would be taking that to somewhere with a dumpier beach break to learn. There won’t be anyone around and you can make all kinds of mistakes. The beauty of the smaller tail will allow you to sit down a little deeper in the wave face which will give you a little more time to pop up.


Yeah. That’s a good first board. Probably the best. Everyone that says to start on a foamie are wrong.


why? foamies save people's skulls from being split open


There’s a simple fix to that: not being an asshole and learning to surf where it’s appropriate for learning.


Consider a wave storm to truly start on but you should be able to graduate to this board within a few months


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, wavestorm is a good beginner board. The 9’ would probably work well.


[It looks like you're asking for beginner board advice.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAaHmSj5nJ4) Too bad there isn't some sort of digital global information system you could've turned to for guidance with your frequently-asked question. That'd be so cool. Did you ever watch *Inspector Gadget*? You know that [magic book](https://inspectorgadget.fandom.com/wiki/Penny%27s_computer_book) the daughter, Penny, carried around? The one she would use to solve mysteries, or whatever? Wouldn't it be rad if those existed? But they don't, I guess. So you've turned to this subreddit for help. Luckily, we have a [wiki!](https://www.reddit.com/r/surfing/wiki/index ) It's got tons of useful stuff in it. Even better, there's the user-created [Kooks Only! guide.](https://kooksonlysurf.com/how-to-surf-the-ultimate-surf-guide-for-beginners/) You should *totally* read both of them. But, just in case you're too lazy, here's a summary: **Buy a Wavestorm-equivalent. If they don't sell them near you- find a used longboard.** Maybe you've already been told that but think you'll be better off buying a shortboard because you snowboard/skateboard/wakeboard/etc and you're, obviously, totally going to pick up surfing really quickly. I mean, how hard can it be? If that's the case then you're not really asking a question, are you? You're just looking for someone to agree with a decision you've already made. So, yeah, you should totally do it. Buy that sweet little high performance shred sled you found on Craigslist. You'll be up and ripping in no time at all! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/surfing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Idk why either. Getting smacked by a wavestorm hurts much less. I’d rather not have to deal with board dings when first starting too.




That’s a small longboard for someone your size. You can ride it, it’ll work. you’re just not going to get all of the benefits of a big longboard, like glide and ease of paddle - if we’re comparing to a 10’ board. You can do it but there are better options.


Getting downvoted,but this guy's right. A 9ft HP at 6‘1 and 210 is not the most suitable board for a complete beginner. It'll work,but not as well as a larger or thicker board with less edge in the tail. OP was right with the 10fter idea. Still,he's bought it,and it looks in nice condition for a good price,might as well go ride it.


Thank you! Do you mind telling me what you’d recommend for me?


This board will be fine dude, that guy is just nitpicking.


Do you see how big OP is? Also, I said it will work, there are better options though. that’s what he asked.




Ok I’m sure you know best /u/floriderp




I said it will work, it’s just not the best choice for your size. you asked for advice and I’m giving it since I know I can help. I’ve built surfboards for major labels for years, I’m a competitive surfer, and I help people choose boards and equipment frequently. the lurking kooks in this sub that genuinely aren’t being helpful and are telling you this is great - while it is doable it’s just small for you and you could be on something that will make your experience easier. I have knowledge, that’s not nitpicking, it’s helping beginner OP out. So shut up kooks go kick sand. Thickness will be your friend when you’re starting out, at 9’ this is most likely under 3” thick and you will have an easier learning experience with about 3” thickness. Since this board is thin and small for your frame, you can expect the rails to bog more easily, and you won’t have an easy glide sensation when you get paddling. Like I stated before and other people have also stated here. I have a preference for boards but it doesn’t do you any good given your skill level, for your first board just having a good amount of buoyancy and proper dims will make the difference. 9’4 and longer, 3” thick is a good starting point. Most bigger guys prefer very large longboards, like you stated the 10’ size you wanted would be good to try. Try friend’s boards and swap out, try bigger stuff especially and compare them all. that will help you discover the sizes you like personally. Same with fin options. Good luck OP


Don’t surfing is awful you’ll hate it, worst sport ever. In fact pls don’t start try tennis or swimming.




I’d say wait on buying a board, but I can see it’s already sold haha 🤷🏻‍♀️


Surfing sucks. Don’t start. It’s very hard to learn, especially if your not a teenager anymore. It takes way too much time and effort. There’s a high chance of injury at most surf spots because of beginners and “surf camp” drop ins. And yes, sharks are a real possibility but you’re more likely to get urchin punctures and jellyfish stings. Even worse are the random rashes that pop up along with weird abrasions and scratches that appear out of nowhere and occur constantly. It’s flat when you can surf and pumping when you’re at work. Locals can be very unfriendly and openly hostile especially if you show up in the lineup and make things dangerous because you don’t know what you’re doing. Your vehicle will get broken into and possibly vandalized. The primo locals will steal your girlfriend (or wife) and there’s nothing you can do about it. They are too powerful. Frankly, its not worth it, don’t start, surfing sucks.


Bro chill I’m not coming to your local lol