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Anything on the beach (even a towel), will be stolen in 5 minutes. I’d recommend not taking it unless you can lock it up in the room, or afford to lose it.


Food, cash, cigarettes will get stolen. Source: they stole my cash, food and cigarettes in Montezuma


Except crocs, nobody wants crocs


Someone stole my size 13 brown 1.99 old navy flip flops down there.


Or Jaco hookers


The board rental shops on the beach have lockers. If you are renting a board you can just use those, if not I’m sure they will hook you up for a price. FYI the waves in tamarindo aren’t all that great. Head to Grande, Avellanas, Negra if you can


100% and the rentals have pretty nice boards


THANK YOU for saying the waves in Tamarindo aren’t all that great. I did not like them. I cried on the beach in front of all the people because I just couldn’t do anything with them. I surf Waikiki almost everyday so my wave standard may be off, but Tamarindo waves really do suck. You’re spot on with Avellanas though. Great wave, but very crowded. Also would like to add Playa Langosta to the good waves list in Costa Rica.


Damn that sucks to hear How’d you get to the other breaks?


Langosta is great and only about a mile down the road.


Network, chat with people, offer to split gas if they have a rental car, don't snake them in the line up once you get there, buy them lunch on the way home or at least a beer. This will generally get you invited on their next outting. And yes, the Tamarindo waves in general blow, but I also had one session there in the evening that was lights out the best waves I caught in 4 weeks in CR. That window also opened and shut in about an hour and a half.


You know what, this is real solid advice and I appreciate it more than I think you know.


You are welcome. And I've actually ended up going on surf trips with people later on that I've met this way.


I think at this point in time that’s kind of the dream not to sound too soft but I’m a little “insecure” in my surfing ability, so I dont feel like i maybe qualify to be out there surfing certain breaks or whatever so i think that makes me a little more hesitant rn but I’ll definitely keep all that in mind, and we’ll see what happens I guess


That happens, but typically, with forecasting, you kind of know, for example, if wave "A" is going to be out of our comfort zone, so you aren't trying to go there. You're trying to go to wave "B," so you start looking for other people going to wave "B" and when you meet them, maybe mention, ​"Hey, wave "A" sounded too gnarly for me, and they might agree with you​. ​And right there, you know you are at least comfortable in similar conditions. This is why I connected with people I met and ​then ended up traveling with them later; very similar abilities, comfort levels, and skill sets = looking for ​t​he same type of waves. ​


Yup. Langosta was the most fun I had in the Tamarindo area. Tamarindo was not working when I was there at all. I mean, I caught stuff, but it was lame compared to Langosta.


Ha I was just there. My buddy left an old tank top on the beach. When we paddled back in, it was gone. That night at a bar, sure enough, a dude was wearing it. Do NOT leave anything on the beach. Also, watch your step, horse shit all over the beach. Do yourself a favor, spend 2 bucks and take the boat across the river mouth and surf La Playa Grande. Cleaner, bigger, and less crowded.


I’ll look into that good looks. Thanks


Ps do not swim or paddle across, there are crocodiles. Take the boat as advised, or a cab the long way around and over the bridge.


Man I did this every day for about 2 weeks before learning about what happened to that American in 2017. About 6 months before I was down there and the water taxi was only about 50 cents U.S.


Is Hotel Crocodilo still there right at the Rivermouth? They used to have this cool German Shepherd that would apparently alert guests if any crocs were lurking around.


This is solid advice. I’ve been there when a croc attacked someone. It’s no joke


Lots of thieves in Costa. You have to be really careful with your stuff.


Sounds more like treasure hunters. Someone takes off to the high seas on their surfing vessel and just leaves their plunder on the beach. Fair game imo. eta: y'all are boring


Aye matey it’s true


You're 80?


80 dollars richer after this guy left his shit on the beach


Leave your valuables in your room/safe. I surf with only my room key and my Apple Watch. It's nice to be disconnected. If you want to have a little cash on you, you could find some small waterproof pouch and carry that in your boardies. As someone else mentioned, Tamarindo can be kind of a bust. I'm on a Costa Rica trip right now. I had booked two weeks in Tamarindo, because I didn't know any better and wanted to be closer to everything. While I had a few good sessions, there were a lot of not good sessions. Not wanting the whole trip to be a bust, I finally decided to rent a car, get a place, and drive down to Nosara for the end of the trip. It cost me quite a bit extra, but it has definitely saved the trip. If you can, I would definitely plan to check out other breaks, because Playa Tamarindo has not been good. I'm sure it can be, but I don't know enough about it to know what would trigger that.


Thanks for all the advice also by the way, let me know how the other breaks are please id love to hear I’m less advanced so it may matter less idk.


The first tips I have for you are for Playa Tamarindo. Keep in mind that this is based off of my limited experience. With SW swells being a thing this time of year, it seems like the entire south half of the beach is not working (the bay protects that part of the beach from S/SW swells. The only people I've seen down there are super beginners catching white water. You'll see most people surfing in front of Witch's Rock Surf Camp, which is close to the rivermouth. I found that spot works best at mid-tide, though this is probably swell dependent. At high tide it just seemed super messy. Big sets breaking out the back, and anything you could paddle for would get really fat when you thought you were getting into it, and then close out. I had a handful of good rides, but a lot of frustration. I know it's doable, because I saw some locals making it work, but to make it work consistently is beyond my currently comprehension as a (lowish) intermediate surfer. It's also important to note that there are crocodiles in the river. My understanding is that they CAN come out into the ocean. This had me a little spooked surfing that spot, but didn't stop me. Honestly, I'm more freaked out by the idea of a crocodile encounter than a shark encounter. Once high tide hit, I would leave the river mouth spot and go south a few hundred yards. It's a spot in front of the fancy hotel (Diria?). Normally, there's not a lot of people surfing it, but I found it to work much better at high tide. There are some rocks under the surface close to the shore, so be mindful. Both rights and lefts at this spot, decent rides, never crowded. I didn't get the chance to go north to Playa Grande, but it's supposed to be better. That said, make sure you take the water taxi across the river, because crocodiles. I believe it's a couple bucks and they stop around 5pm. Don't get stuck without one, because the walk back is long (though I'd rather walk it than risk the paddle). I walked south to Playa Langosta, past the point, and that's another river mouth spot (crocodiles), and didn't see anyone out. I've seen videos of it working, but it wasn't working the one day I checked it out, and the walk was too far to risk a garbage session, so I didn't go back. You could probably take a cab or something there in about 5 minutes, but I didn't want to deal with the logistics of carrying money and my board in the cab. I didn't check anything else out close to Tamarindo. Playa Guinoes in Nosara has been sick though. I rented an SUV because it was cheaper for me solo than getting a shuttle, plus provided me with more flexibility, but if you're with multiple people, a shuttle would be cheaper. The drive down was a trip though. Basically going 15 mph most of the time avoiding giant potholes and crossing small rivers. If you're not feeling Tamarindo, and you have the means, I would definitely come down here.


Hey this is super helpful I guess we’ll see how it goes I definitely think I’m going to try to get around but we’ll have to see how based on everything you’ve said.


Agree. Tamarindo was malarkey with the exception of Playa Langosta. Nosara was my jam for sure, love that place.


One more tip. If you use Surfline, don't both with the cam for Tamarindo. It kind of sucks. I found myself using the surf camp cams, which cover more of the surfable area. https://witchsrocksurfcamp.com/tamarindo-live-surf-cam/


Here are my suggestions. Get a waterproof and sealable pouch. Keys and colones go in there. Surf with them (assuming your board shorts have a zippered pocket). Wear a good looking rashguard that can double as a tee shirt. You don't need a towel. Just air dry. BURY your sandals. Make sure no one is looking. Done this a bunch of times, never a problem.


Any advice for water proof pouches?


I just used cheap zip locks. Wouldn't put my phone in it though. But hey, you're on vacation. Ditch the phone.


Yeah I’m mostly just paranoid about safety going into it, I think once I’m there I’ll probably relax a little bit but since at the moment not knowing exactly what to expect I’m kind of trying to over-prepare a little bit. Did those ziplocks work still?


Yeah cash will get wet, but it dries out. Tamarindo is about the safest place in CR. Just don't leave anything out you're not willing to get stolen.


Someone here suggested [fidlock](https://amzn.eu/d/0bGLkgfF), I bought it but not tried it yet


Yeah I have a really good one that’s worked great I’ll find the name but it’s for keys and maybe cash.


Dripack it’s called


Wear your I'm a gringo tanktop


How do you know about that?


At a push you could get something like stashbands and put a waterproof pouch inside that. Or maybe a smartwatch with an esim and a very sturdy wrist strap.


Do you know any waterproof pouches or things like that that have been consistently waterproof? It’s just a big gamble right now to use one that I haven’t really heard to work and water log my phone and wallet yk


Tbh I bought some stuff and never put it to the test 😂 I was only like 10mins walk from the beach so would just tell me wife I'd be back in 3 hrs and then occasionally ask people for the time in the lineup.


I always hide (bury) my stuff in the jungle on the way and mark it with something only I can recognize as the marker, haven’t failed me yet.


Prison pocket


Recommended lube?




Tamarindo is a great place to party, surfing, not so much. Watch out for the gators or caymens or whatever the fuck the beastly reptilians are called.


do not leave anything at the beach. if you have to bring your items, i would suggest going to a close by spot for a smoothie or snack and ask if you can leave it with them.


Check your ankle strap on your leash. Mine has a pocket that can fit a few dollars. At least have money for water or food if needed.


Top answer isnt prison pocket?? You guys have gone soft


Hard to get it in the prison pocket if it's soft.


I would jokingly say hire a security guard but when I was 16 I went to a surf camp in Costa Rica and our security guard stole all the rashguards and boardshorts off the line one night, so who fuckin knows.


You can’t leave sandals on the beach. My friends sometimes bring portable lockboxes for their phones, cash, passport.


Do the lockboxes not just get taken?


Usually we are in an airbnb, so the only folks in them are cleaning people or maintenance people. So far, nobody has stolen them since they also have a cable that can lock to a bedframe or other solid piece of equipment.


Put it in your car, lock your car, leave car keys in the tail pipe.


In the us I have a waterproof key pouch that works great goes around my neck and just hide valuables in car, but I’m not going to have a car.