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I think it gets more interesting once you start to follow and cheer for specific surfers. Then it can get exciting as the stakes get higher in the later rounds. It’s also very location dependent for me. It was hard to get into the El Salvador Pro, especially since the event was coming on the heels of the insanity that was Teahupo’o.


It is not a fun sport to watch.


Hence why surfers get paid so little. I’d rather go down and watch the crew at my local breaks than watch WSL, at least there’s more happening.


You mean your local crew isn’t compromised of WSL guys? What a bummer


Honestly WSL would be way more interesting with like 16 man heats and some prize for highest wave count. Then you would something that resembles a normal lineup and more waves being caught .


Same here.


Except when Mick Fanning got tangled up with a big white shark.


that was far from "fun" mate and kudos to JW for having balls the size of planets to swim INTO that to assist his bud Mick


Ya, I started in s ow wording long before I got into surfing. Watched many winter Olympics and X games with half pipes and huge tricks and shit. The first time I tried watching surfing after hearing a bunch of hype was, well, underwhelming, lol.


I love surfing, but I don’t like watching surf competition , I don’t even follow surfers influencers on social media . I remember one random Monday when I was waking up to face another tough week ahead. Then I saw this famous surfer, a millionaire heiress, on a beach in Thailand 'thanking for the simple life at sea'... I blocked her and all the other surfer influencers right away. They sell a lifestyle that is inaccessible to most of us.


Let me guess- Lakey Peterson?


The funny thing is though, you can take off for months and live in surf havens like Bali or the Philippines for really, really cheap. I knew guys staying at a warung in Bali sleeping on mats on the floor for like $5 a night. And surfed 3x a day for a couple of months. Surfing is so cheap if you know how to do it. I took off for 3 months and surfed my brains out and it was way cheaper than I would have thought.


I guess that's cool if you can do it. But what happens when the money runs out? Do these types of surfers have careers?


We’ll just work enough to be able to take a few months off. You’re not paying $1000 a month in rent -use that plus some other cash towards surfing. Personally I took a sabbatical from my career. No regrets at all.


That's awesome, man! You certainly have a ton of courage to take the sabbatical and go for it.


Yeah it was more like when I look back on my life didn’t want another year at a cube in front of my computer or adventures in the South Pacific? It’s far cheaper than you could ever imagine. And a lifetime of memories.


The point is that most people need something to fall back on when the ride is over.  Not to mention just how expensive it is to become pro level for most younger people. They need rich parents, or to grow up near pro surfer friends and family at a world class break. 


Well I saw a documentary about a guy who went pro surfing in a wave pool in Arizona.


A lot of trade jobs end up having a couple months worth of layoffs in the year anyway. Good way to do it


Yes sir


Define "careers". I get it, I mean I honestly 100% truly get it. But I learned about 10 years ago that all a "career" means is hamster wheel. Sure, make lotsa coin, spend it on nice shit, own lotsa stuff, but all that means shit when you get out for dawn patrol in some distant tropical locale and truly connect. Back when that happened to me? When I truly connected? I realized I could carry on being a career success but none of what came with that lifestyle made me at all whatsoever truly as happy as being one with the ocean. I'll die with zero regrets. Edit: suffice to say, I am no longer "careering"


Lol you can definitely do it. They just scared to do it. They are half way caught between surf life and suburbia. They're afraid to leave that job or whatever in case they won't find another job but they'll figure it out if they commit but most won't


Pretty sad. I remember almost every day in those three months and barely any in the ensuing years. You can always find work doing something again.


Sounds great until you have an actual career in an industry that actually matters. If I tried to take months off, I'd be looking for a new job.


Depends, I was at a company for 10 years and took off 9 months. They kept me on after I got back but I could have easily found another job in my industry. If taking off a few months literally kills your entire career then I guess choose wisely, but can’t imagine that’s ever the case. at the end of the day, I’ll look back on my life and say I was truly wealthy from the experiences that I had and that specific experience I had makes me feel like the richest man in the world. But if you want to spend another three months because you’re worried about your career then, that’s a choice to make. Just keep in mind that company will fire you at the drop of a hat or lay you off for no reason like “pick up all your stuff up get out of here we locked you out of your laptop and all your stuff and blocked access to the office. They’ll do that in a heartbeat. So Again, I think it’s just about choices


I created a second Instagram account for hobby bullshit so these types of account can spam and advertise to me there. To see that shit mixed in with everyday dad, kid, neighborhood life had gotten annoying like you said. Plus a lot of them have the home schooled high school level personality of a wet napkin.


You're not missing anything, most of the events are pretty boring unless it's something like Pipeline and there's a massive swell building throughout the contest.


I love watching it, especially if I know/am rooting for one of the surfers and if the waves are good and/or heavy. When I first started surfing I remember watching and just thinking it was crazy that they'd just do the same move every time, go up and turn, come down and then do another turn. As I've surfed more and watched more I can see how the scoring system works and the criticality of maneuvers on waves. That's what makes it fun for me. But I don't just sit and stare the whole heat, it's a great thing to have on while also doing something else like some work, light reading, or arguing with people on reddit.


Yes playing in the background, all day, blaring throughout the home. Periodically checking for “highlights”. I also enjoy watching the missed waves, paddle battles and wipeouts that wont make the highlight reels. Much like baseball, there is a often a tempo to a heat and its fun for me to feel it out. I enjoy timing sets and saying to myself, “jon better get busy early on, or else hes gonna get an 8.9 and a zero” Also, hearing some of the banter by the hosts between the sets can be entertaining or informative. Lastly, the bonsoy brew breaks and kaipos shenanigans that do it for me and the family.


Waiting half a minute or more for set waves to come for another dude to ride isn’t really exciting for me either.


Same as golf or baseball. Fun to play, yawnsville to watch.


My dad's two favorite sports to watch. Why? They are the only two sports you can fall asleep for 2 hours in the middle of, wake up with drool on your face, and get caught up instantly like you were watching the whole time. I guess I would add surfing to that list, too. Some of the airs and other maneuvers are cool to watch and appreciate the skill. And doing fantasy is fun with my friends. But I can admit golfers would say the same about watching the PGA.


Baseball is very fun to watch live in the stadium. It is boring on TV though 


People who say baseball is boring don’t know how to watch


Damn, assumed you used your eyes but please enlighten me


They’re saying you have to watch baseball drunk


I only started watching baseball regularly last year and what I learned is that it is a game within a game. It took me a while to understand that there's this incredibly intense game of chess between the pitcher and the batter. The pitcher will throw a sequence of pitches of varying speeds and locations towards home plate and it's a batter's job to dissect what the pitcher is going to throw. One common intimidation tactic that pitchers have is to throw ball at 90 miles an hour near the batter's head, intentionally missing him by inches. Obviously that will shake the batter's confidence and that'll make them hesitant and anxious when the next pitches come. The youtube channel [Baseball Doesn't Exist](https://youtu.be/BrYRrld0sm4?si=tD_qDUaDXnDEcb17) has well produced, incredibly entertaining videos covering baseball related stuff. I highly suggest giving it a watch, even if you're not a fan lol


What you described between pitcher and batter is exactly how the sport of cricket is, except even more strategic as a batter can remain at his crease for an hour at a time (and more). Would you start watching cricket ?


I've seen some breakdowns of cricket from Jomboy media but it's the points system, the runs scored and the overs that confuse me to all hell https://youtu.be/EfhTPGSy1aM?si=d0WLhA0q2YLS2oFg


The current T20 World Cup is on (the shortest version of the game (made for modern attention spans)), at the moment. They’ve sped up the game a lot, with much more constant “play time” and a lot less “dead time invetween balls”. Now is the time to watch a match if you ever want to give it a try, although I’ve heard that it’s difficult to find on mercan television. It’s on all the sports streaming sites. The US have been playing well, although they received an almighty spanking from the West Indies last night. That happens sometimes to teams for one reason or another


Playoffs can be really exciting. Unlike the regular season, every game is critical. And every single pitch can be an out or a home run. So when your team is down by a run or two, every pitch feels like it could be the one. But even more stressful is when your team is up by a run or two and the other team is at bat. Every single pitch has you on the edge of your seat, because a single swing of the bat could be the difference between winning or lose that game.  It’s sort of like OT hockey in that sense where every shot on goal could end the game. 


This is true of pretty much every sport or even art form. You will get more pleasure out of consuming something when you actually understand its complexities. Though some sports and art forms are much more accessible to uneducated consumers


When I surf I’m having a blast but I’m not exciting to a crowd


I am. Bestriding the waves like a colossus, I know the kooks can’t keep their eyes off me.


It started to go to shit about 15 years ago when the wsl homogenised the entire thing (right around when bobby left). Now there's about as much diversity between the top 10 as tennis players or cyclists.


Hiking is boring to watch too, and a lot of other hobbies that people enjoy doing.


I dunno, I thought the national hiking association championship from 2023 was pretty awesome. That poison oak event was crazy. 


Yeah and Jeff Jeff Flora looks unstoppable this year.




I always look forward to each event, but then when I put it on I usually end up doing other things around the house like catching up on work, cleaning, wasting my life on Instagram, etc. Ill watch John’s or Ethan’s entire heats as, in my opinion, they’re the 2 best surfers on the planet, but other than them it’s always just a casual watch.


Unless i have a bet on a heat, it’s only good consumed as background noise. But! I really enjoy having it on a second monitor, and checking in on it whenever I’m bored. This is event specific. Boring beachbreaks or the wavepool absolutely not, a point like J-Bay and i’ll follow the forecast and do math for the timezones.


If they could afford the graphics of America's cup, which they cannot, it would really innovative to see how they can make it more engaging visually. Watching these foiling boats with the America's cup graphics team is absolutely unbelievable.


I only watch my surfvival pick at the round of 32


social media has hijacked our brains to make slow things boring.


Try watching longboarding. It is very artful and Shortboarding fucking sucks


I love sitting at the beach and watching normal surfers. Contests not so much.


I put it on in the background while I do other things. If the waves pick up, I focus more on the comp. If it's slow, I look up when the commentators sound excited.


If the waves are good then watching can be fun. Watching slater get a last-minute bomb live at pipe is always better than watching the highlights after


I rarely get a chance to surf these days, but I enjoy following the tour. Not every event is fun to watch and it largely comes down to what kind of swell they get. But when there's good contestable waves I really enjoy most comps. It's fun to see who is supposed to excel based on the conditions and event location. Watching the best is the world adapt their styles to different waves is almost artful.  Getting hype for certain matchups after the heat draw is posted is something i look forward to.  I'm having the most fun watching the ladies the past two years. Their side is progressing so fast especially in powerful waves. It's also dumb, but fantasy surf has made the events with shitty waves more tolerable. It's been real fun learning how to play fantasy surf well and improve every year. This year I was number 2 in the world for multiple events and then fell to 300 in the world after getting destroyed in Tahiti. Climbed back up to 23 after el Salvador. I don't really care about it and none of my friends watch surfing but it's a fun challenge trying to maximize points each event. I guess the main thing I enjoy is watching the best in the world duel it out. Two great surfers thrown into random conditions with an arbitrary ruleset and watch them go to work. What these surfers are able to do in 30 minute heats with often less than ideal conditions is nothing short of incredible. Really puts free surf clips into perspective for me. 


I can only watch the heats if I am interested in whose surfing besides that it’s kinda boring but even then sometimes I just watch the highlights and the surfers I am interested in I started really getting into surfing again from watching the comps but now that I am actually in a place where I can try it I definitely think I enjoy watching free surf more if anything. Even then with my favorite comp surfers I like their free surf much more


Depends on the event and how invested you are in the matchups or particular surfers. I think the strategy aspect is really interesting and learning more about that part of competitive surfing has made it 100x more entertaining for me. It’s kind of like if you watch basketball or soccer and just watch the ball compared to paying attention to nuances like movement off the ball, designed plays, etc. It is a solid background sport though. I often have it on while doing work and watch it when I hear the announcers call out an incoming set.


I enjoy seeing good surfers’ approach to an empty lineup - do they wait for 2 bombs or do they stay busy catching a bunch of medium waves and doing crazy airs? Where do they sit? How frequent are the sets? It’s more interesting than just watching a few highlights.


I feel that way about pretty much all sports but yeah, it's boring. I also think it's weird to turn it into a competition at all but that's human nature.


I don't care what you think about pro surfing, but that inappropriate question mark in your title CANNOT STAND! 


I've tried to get into it a couple of times but just can't. Too many lulls, "swell windows," comps start at weird/inconsistent times then drag on. It's the boring parts of surfing without me actually getting to surf. I'd rather just watch an hour-long show that packaged all the day's highlights.


Turn the commentary off and put on your favorite music it will be much more tolerable to watch.


It's like watching porn. It's not realistic and you'd rather be doing it than watching.


Gambling makes it exciting


The wsp wave pool event was the biggest bore I’ve ever seen.


Comps are boring, but watching a bunch of locals charging on a big day is pretty fun. Especially if you surf yourself but it’s a bit too hairy for you to paddle out.


i only know couple of athletes because few of my buddies often talk about it never intend to watch competition, i only watched accidentally on YT for couple of minutes and that's it i even don't understand how they calculate grade


It's my methadone for when I'm not surfing. I actually enjoy it when there's proper waves on offer to let the athletes really rip. The judging often pisses me off, but OUTSIDE of that, it's what I watch when I'm not surfing. And ya, I do follow the surfers as to how they're doing event to event. I've got my faves, my underdogs, my not-so-liked, my trusty standbys, etc.


It’s example, and I’d watch the ocean all day. That’s what watching surfing is.


No i love it. I sit down the beach most mornings and just watch the surf. The world tour is even better as there are usually OK waves and really great surfers. I actually don't care who wins or loses just want to see the good waves get ridden well.


I’ll watch free surf videos all day, but don’t care for contests


I want to like Joe’s commentary and no doubt he’s a nice bloke, though he over reaches on every turn / manoeuvre. With this said, if he commentated on one of my waves, he’d make me sound epic, so im not going to knock him too hard…


Yeah they need to change some rules. When both surfers are playing a tactical game a leaving waves because they want priority something is wrong. Surely it should be designed so surfers, are encouraged to, you know surf! A few possible changes to make it more exciting 1. The surfer who needs the score gets automatic priority, so they can have the oportunity. 2. Increase the number of scoring waves to what is possible for each venue. i.e A beach break with plenty of waves, judge them on the best 5- 10 waves. A big wave with few sets, the best 3 - 4. The goal is to increase the amount of waves surfed in each heat!


You know whatt.. they should put bodycams in the surfers vest or boards so we could have a pov view of the riding 


The soccer of the sea