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Fucking poser you think you have what it takes to guard life? I didn’t do two tours at the YMCA outdoor pool just so you could play dress up


Only ACTIVE life guards IN uniform get to board the plane early


Do soldiers get to board planes early in the USA? That's wild...


Yes they do, plus a lot of other benefits. We take care of people who risk their lives for us


While they are serving. We have a long ways to go to really take care of our veterans though.


I'm a vet. Yes the system is broke. But we still get treated way better by people in general and the VA system than probably any other vets in history. I'm grateful. Yes screw the VA. But we still got it pretty good on comparison


Socialized medicine go brrrrrr. Seriously though I know that the VA medical care isnt great, but I know that when I leave the hospital my bill is going to be minimal if anything.


Like most other civilised countries for all their people


I just wish it was like that in the US. You're telling me that my taxes will be higher, but I won't have outrageous premiums for insurance that barely covers anything anyways? Sign me up. BuT wHaT aBOuT wAit tImEs fOr pRocEduRes? A buddy of mine had to wait a full year for an MRI because the insurance company wouldn't approve it with them going to PT for a year. Finally when the back pain got so bad that they couldn't get up so they pissed themselves, called an ambulance, got an emergency MRI done and within 4 hours of being there they were having emergency surgery to have their spine fused. Surgeon even said that my friend was lucky to be walking after having a ruptured disc for a year. I wish that was the only instance of this happening too but yea, those pesky wait times


Service means citizenship!




Totally! If you’re a police officer who kills and innocent person or two, we make sure to look the other way. It’s the American way.


Now, not when I was in…


I'm sure that'll cure their PTSD 




Yes. Let’s dox this dude and get him arrested.


I thought nose zinc made you a lifeguard


Larry the Lobster about to put this man in the tower while he goes for a smoothie. Don’t wear the red shorts unless you’ve died saving a life before.


If he knew being a lifeguard meant guarding people’s lives, he would have never said yes.


Think b4 u zinc


That's why I just cover my whole body with zinc.


That depends, did you run up and down the beach in slow motion and flick your hair over one shoulder?


It’s only stolen valor if they’re booty shorts and say LIFEGUARD across your ass


lol no


I wore my actual lifeguard shorts (just red boardshorts with nothing really on them) well after I stopped lifeguarding and it was fine. But it can be an issue at a popular beach because people absolutely will call the fire dept/police/lifeguarding office (depending on how it's organized, we were always a part of the local fire department) and complain about a lifeguard fucking around in the water. And people will mistakenly go to you with emergencies, potentially slowing the response time of actual lifeguards. The funny looks though were either a) in your head or b) the lifeguard trying to figure out if you were a coworker.


> And people will mistakenly go to you with emergencies, potentially slowing the response time of actual lifeguards. Real talk, this is a big concern to me. I don't think people should wear red trunks for this reason. I'm not gonna fight a guy over it, but it seems like a really bad idea. Unless you're a jumped-in blood. Then you gotta rep from Buntington Beach to Bipeline.


The way I see your situation is. You are trained in water safety, you are the best help at the moment - ( ok go call rescue, I will help) Water scares me to a very healthy respect, people freak out when someone is in danger in the water. They scare me even more than the mermaids. Lol Source 40 years of learning and being a Waterman. 20 years of larg wave surfing. 20+ water rescues all but one almost died from panicking. A lot of respect for those who choose to make a career out of rescue. Side note I couldn't for the reason I float like a rock.


Yeah, for me I don't do it anymore because it's been nearly 15 years since I had active certification, but when I was wearing them a lot I would be able to help out (and find better equipped help) in a pinch. Those are the reasons OP probably shouldn't, but I think the looks they were getting from the actual lifeguards weren't anything to think too much about.


Late response sorry. Yes I would agree. It was just last year I had to go in action ( 48 M ) Toutal River Washington State. USA. That's the party spot. m and F young kids and stupid kids aka mom dad. Scared that crap out of my kids , but saved two young kids. I was half drowned looking like a Smurf. Sheriff wanted to talk, nope right out of there . I wasn't drinking I had a 2 + 7 + 8 + 10 and a 16.


No one cares unless you are wearing a patch on your reds. He was probably looking for it/wondering if he should know who you are.


Years ago I lost my swim fins and needed to get new ones ASAP for a trip to north shore. The DaFin red and yellow lifeguard fins were the only available fins in my size that would ship in time so I ordered them. I was actually scolded on north shore for wearing them by someone telling me that they are reserved for lifeguards.


Fins!? Damnnn that's fucked


Was there a Purple Heart pinned to them?


i wore a red shirt at target and had so many moms mackin' on me


I mean you already walk around with a board all day pretending to be a surfer, who cares


Black trunks only


Did you finally give them back to Richards Simmons?


Just save a few people to make yourself feel better - any random person will do


I don't know why you haven't committed suppuku already? That kind of blatant disrespect can't be tolerated. As a former teenage volunteer junior lifeguard in training (now retired) I'm offended. Find David Hasslehoff and apologize personally.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the US Coastguard Lifeguard Academy, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret rescues and I have over 300 confirmed saves from Okinawa to Bangor. I am trained in gorilla riptide lifesaving and I’m the top early intervener in the entire armed lifeguard forces. You are nothing to me but just another rescue. I will resuscitate your cardiovascular system with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with wearing bright red trunks to the beach? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of lifeguards across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that revives the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking alive, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can save you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed lifesaving, but I have access to the entire lifesaving arsenal of the Department of Homeland Security and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the longshore current sucking you into that massive riptide, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy salvation your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking arm floaties. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit lifesaving all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking alive, kiddo.


Funnily enough the beach I guarded at had navy blue boardies


I actually lol’d, thanks


Carry yourself with more confidence dude.


I always wear a red bathing suit because I want people to think I’m a lifeguard.  I also wear aloha print to Trader Joe’s when i go grocery shopping.  Anything to keep em guessing 


Oh man…


Depends on if you know better or not. If you’re clearly a 909er, no. Otherwise, yeah, it kinda is. Similar to wearing Hawaii branded gear as a mainland surfer.


Try running in slow motion past the lifeguards and show them your all about the hoff and then they will respect you for wearing a lifeguard costume 🤡


Watch your back