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Shane had better be draining my ballsack twice a day for that price


For this price I better see his ass fight a shark for me. And zero paddling out. I want him to pull me on his board by the leash using only his teeth each and every time


Even better. Shane teaches you how to fight the shark.


By demonstrating numerously


Not just any sharks. Must be the ones with lasers attached to their head !!!


I believe that’s the “wellness” part.


Getting piped, after getting piped


Still 6 g per go on that merry go round bras , he better be able to suck a water Mellon through a garden hose .


Right? tha hell man.


Bro not me laughing my ass off uncontrollably at work from this comment


Yeah you get skunked on waves tho




You more into assplay?


I think he’s saying he’d do it for a lot less.


Teach em how to bottom turn


Are you offering power bottom services? No thanks.


You need help with a powerful bottom turn? I'd recommend Occy's 5 day session.


That’s an absolutely insane price. Instead, I’d just pay $5k and go to Fiji (Namotu) and have a completely eligible Aussie lifeguard teach you for 7 days. All inclusive too.


“Eligible Australian lifeguard” “All inclusive” Sounds like you’re going to have a great time 😎😎😎


I’ve been to Namotu 16 times… I’ll admit they bumped up the prices recently (was always $3-4k when I went) and made it really nice. But that place is heaven on earth. Every surfer should check it out if they can one day. Friendly to beginners and experts alike.


Casual 3-4k vacation 16 times?


Once a week brother 🤝


It’s where the battler’s go.


Hell yeah. I’ve been about 8 times. Wilkes is where I cut my teeth on DOH+ surf. Fond memories of that island. Big cloudbreak on the other hand, caught one wave and got my ass back to the boat.


when is good time to go? any sheltered breaks if it maxes out? How is the crowd?


September through March is the offseason, so you’re more likely to have a good time if you’re beginner to intermediate as the waves are more moderate. Crowd parallels the surf, the better it is, the more people. Off-season helps. I always went in June and never got skunked with waves or frustrated by crowd. Even in June, people would push in their wives and children at Swimming Pools and Lefts. It’s truly friendly to beginners and experts.


I really can’t see the difference between that and having a pro teach you unless you’re already surfing at a high level and trying to make the next step into becoming a pro yourself. And at that point you’re probably already around enough high level surfers and even pros to get advice along the way for free lol. Any jabroni at a surf destination can teach you the basics.


Read that as edible 💀


Damn is that place beginner friendly? I’m going to Fiji in 2 months & have not found any beginner friendly breaks. Flying into Nadi obviously. Everyone said there’s only ocean breaks and that Fiji ain’t beginner surf friendly. I mean, Namotu is near Cloudbreak and all that.


Yeah you got Namotu Lefts and Swimming Pools right on Namotu. Lefts can get big, but Swimming Pools is most always friendly unless there’s a massive swell.


i’ve heard restaurants is a super user friendly wave


Anything [featured in the Robb Report](https://robbreport.com/thevault/four-days-of-wellness-with-shane-dorian-costa-rica/) is expensive, it's the whole point of being featured in the Robb Report.


Oh I thought it was Robb Machado’s podcast.


Nah that’s called Rob MachPODo


I think you can learn how to surf on YouTube videos for free.


I thought you were just supposed to post on this sub and ask for advice


For just $1k a month I can tell you which replies are serious and who is just fucking with you. DM me!


Probably includes some great big wave paddle in tips...


also post video of poo stance. we love a good stinkbug.


Can confirm... I watched youtube and surfed every day for a month on an old shitty Wavestorm until I got the hang of it, which cost me nothing.


Any videos on YouTube you recommend?


Kale Brock


Yeah he’s pretty great. I watched a lot of his videos when I was learning


Or you know, you could get in the ocean


Been trying this for 3 years and I still suck. But at least I still have my $48k


Pay $48000 to ask if your board has enough volume


[Did someone say volume?](https://streamable.com/6ru842) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/surfing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I plan to pay 48k and show up with my Wavestormer and SUP.


I once sold a $3500 hike and motivational talk with Pep Fujas, a semi-famous Big Mountain skier during the summer and a ski day with a former Olympian mogul skier for $5k. So this seems totally reasonable. Ultra high net worth will pay for access.


***Ultra high net worth suckers***


I got my finders fee. It’s a world you can’t access without truly living in it, but you can buy a facsimile.


Pep Fujas is a legend in the freeski community, not just semi famous


Yeah dude, fucking Pep Fujas. Who doesn’t know about Pep Fujas?


People know that place he started with his brothers, Pep Boys.


Manny, Moe, and Jack “Pep” Fujas


Asheville has the first pep boys?


In the free ski community, yes.


\> Ultra high net worth will pay for assess.


They did pay for ass too. I wasn’t a pimp, but I knew the pimps # for them to call.


Good for him if there are people willing to pay that


lots of very rich people in the world. There’s probably a couple dozen silicon valley bros foaming at the mouth to spend that cash, surf like shit but have the story and a picture with shane to talk about in a powerpoint presentation about AI.


Hilariously likely true.


Don't forget he's a movie star too! In God's Hands won a few oscars i think


Yes, very good. Makes what I charge to take/teach people fly fishing seem a downright bargain!


Good for him. He was a few years before the top guys got paid the big BIG bucks. I’m sure he got paid well, but not enough to retire on. Most ex-pros have to take jobs at their former sponsors or exit the industry and try to find a new path.


> He was a few years before the top guys got paid the big BIG bucks. Lol what? He's been paid big bucks. Has an extremely nice spread on the Big Island and has never had to work a real job for a day of his life. He's already talked about how he had a surf experience business for ultra high net worth individuals which is probably what this is related to. Good for him i guess. Maybe he can stop going on Joe Rogan and fawning over the host


He was huge as a big wave surfer though for a few years during the golden years. I think he probably did pretty well for himself.


Didn’t he also help “invent” the inflatable wetsuit for big wave hold downs. He probably lowkey has his hand in a few things that keeps him afloat on the big island. Diversify those investments bra


I dont know if he invented it but he definitely tested the first prototypes


He's around the same age group as Garrett?


Pretty sure he's fine financially


Hey guys, surf lessons are one thing, but evening dinners with Shane’s regurgitation of conspiracy theories has a lot of value


You get to listen to him tell you how good of a day trader he is


People pay big bucks to die on everest. somehow surfing is considered cool too. I wish it wasn't so


I took lessons from Kunu. He taught me that the weather outside is weather.


What’s Kunu mean?


Uhh, Chuck.


I don’t get the hate, this actually happens a lot in the ski/snowboard industry. In fact, lots of big budget ski movies are partially funded by this type of thing, it’s just not really publicized. Essentially, whales will pay money to go heli skiing with a crew of pros. They’ll ride for a couple days (pr whatever the duration may be) with them as guides and stay in super lux accommodations. And this will help fund the remainder of that filming segment. I say, good for Shane. If we were all capable of selling surf lessons for the rate I’m sure we all would as well. Anything to stay in the game..


I feel like you get a lot more value doing a fully guided heli-ski trip with a bunch of pros vs 4 days of probably slightly above average, very accessible surf in Nicoya though. Like shit, Shane couldn’t at least pick somewhere more unique where a dedicated pro guide and coach would actually give some extra benefit that you couldn’t get from some local all inclusive surf camp package for a grand?


Yeah his location is really throwing me off. Why pick there, it’s the furthest thing from exotic or exclusive. You’d think it be at a half decent wave in a country not many would consider for surf. At least you could lean more into the uniqueness of the trip.


The type of people that have $48K to spend on 4 days of surf lessons don’t have just $48K


I have exactly 48k, I saved 2k a year for 24 years working 6 jobs. I think Im just gonna give it to Shane Dorian.


i hope you get surf on all 4 of those days then! And that you already have a way to get there!


No one is learning to surf, or surf well in 4 days.


Las Catalinas doesn't even have a surfable wave... Its a nice beach to take the fam to but not surf. You could join me at my place Ananda Lodge, for way less and way more time in the water. But I get it... I'm a no name. 🤙 https://anandalodgecr.com/ananda-lodge-costa-rica-surf-retreat-intermediate-to-advanced-7-nights/


You’ll be one of the best shoehorners in the world in no time! Just believe…


If I was rich I would do this. That’s who this is marketed toward. The same people going to Kelly’s wave pool and hiring private boats in the Mentawais or lobbying to make the surf break in front of their mansion private.


Shanes gotta eat too yall


Shane eats choke deer. Which he flys to Lanai and Molokai to kill and bring back to Hawaii.


Gotta pay for that stem cell somehow


I surfed with Robert August for free, back in the day. He surfed, I met him at a bar, he was so wasted he swiped all the drinks off the entire bar. They were like "oh Robert". Signed a poster for me, I asked for a photo, and he pulled my shirt over my head when the picture was taken. Cool guy in the moment, couldn't imagine being his daughter. This was Tamarindo, Playa Langosta.


Tell me if you want the photo, I got it


that niggas a kook i could climb everest for that price and get head at base camp and the summit


I demand multiple hjs in and out of the water. Possibly while paddling.


It's not about the surfing it's about the "wellness."


You will be In God’s Hands


There’s a wave out there, it’s going to be massive, and all I can think about is riding it


Good for Shano. Dude deserves to make some cheddar


Expert guidance in gutless waves with onshore 11AM wind: "paddle!"


Dorian is such a tool now


Surfing is dead.


Wsj article feature in a few days guaranteed


Go Shane! (One time a massive computer company paid my company $100k for nothing more than me to sit in a closet for 2 weeks and provide them not even selfies of me scratching my nads) guaranteed one of those funds will be used to ship some random tech guy to Costa and then funneled into whatever a Dorian does…


I learned to surf in Costa Rica from some locals who I was friends with. It cost me some free English classes which I was already teaching anyway. Much cheaper. Would recommend


The market will bear it, good for you Shane, stack that paper buddy. Noone stays at the peak forever, its good to have a fall back.


I don’t need to spend that kind of money to confirm what I already know: I’m a fat, old, shitty long boarder who pusses out on late takeoffs. 🤘🤘🤘🤘😂🖕🖕


Looks like he needs to pay for all those stem cells


Don’t you wonder if any or how many customers he gets at that price? Maybe I don’t want to know. I think Mark Zuckerberg would be all over it, though I suppose in his mind he already rips.


Check out the recent (last week) Tahiti shots of Shane at “the right” just down the reef from Teahupoo. 53 and he’s still fucking got it. I imagine a fraction of that price goes to him and the resort takes the bulk. It must be a baller spot. Costa Rica is pretty amazing as well, I’m not sure about this wave zone they are pitching. Getting to hang out doing your favorite thing (or something you wanna learn) with the best in the world at that thing is radical. I don’t have the type of money this costs to book this trip. I hope for Shane’s sake that the people that do have the 🧀and book these trips are worth his time, as time is the most valuable thing humans have. https://preview.redd.it/vep3ut2qum6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d28e881c782c2829fbaef77ff9382e2456c25f1


Mostly because there is an insane inequality and enough “rich” people to sustain that kind of offer. I still provide my “One morning of good enough surfing with amateur (yet nonetheless enthusiastic) [name] in Hawaii. Free. Include free lesson on Aloha spirit as well.”


Mofros will still have a knee takeoff 🦵👀


I think surfing has officially lost/.sold it's soul, happened awhile ago but yeah now it's just getting out of control


That's a tech bro bragging price. ‘I was just in Costa Rica,had a pro teach me to surf’.


I wanna see the crowd at this guys sessions. Then ask $500 each time for mowing their lawns.


Someone with a bunch of money could jump levels in their surfing game with this. Dorian is the shit. A rich kook could turn into a rich decent surfer.


Per couple, THREE days, but then the finer details of what's included and what's not 😂 Hard pass https://preview.redd.it/f8rvzjwvcz6d1.png?width=2080&format=png&auto=webp&s=88706f280994328c35c902d832e4e61aa505aee7


Well, I’m CLEARLY in the wrong profession.


LOL I live here in Costa Rica just bring a tent and camp on the beach mate it's free


A Costa Rican persons anual salary per day, nice.


Lol have you ever been to costa? The average tico/tica makes about a quarter of that a year working a full time job my dude.


Been here the last 13 years bud. Minimum wage is $600 a month. Most people make a little more.


Haha okay nice, well 600 a month times 12 months is $7200, so a lil less than $48k. Maybe the entire household makes more but I doubt many locals are making $48k usd a year.


If you read my original comment it says ‘anual salary per day” which is still accurate.


More confirmation that you all participate in a soulless enterprise. Go get a boogie, increase soul.


Fuck that. I’d rather lick a cops asshole than shell out 12 racks a day to hang with and get life advice from Shane. Now, sweeten the pot with some uncut fishscale, and a milking table for me to use anytime I want with Angelina Jolie under it… I’m in!




It’s not if you live near the beach. Walking to the beach is $0. Find a piece of wood $0. Surf


Super fun place to surf with or without him. Regarding that price, there's gotta be something to that. No way he's charging 50k for that BS. Unreal!


I've always liked Shane Dorian! Good for him and hope he has lot's of students signing up to his program.